110Y' Sp Ee Ne 15 IA LEE AR nA > 23 a Ae ¥ Lath Nal ITA BEX N PLATT SA Tre be ~ [ A A = A . Yel oh EE i Sh 3 Se Cor F3 S HLURB BL S00 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1066 BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J., ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, Q.C. - in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointmeant. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 256 Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced, OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE - SHOP Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly .for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto EM 38-8686. Gordon Young Lid. Dec, 81, 1966 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or r hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92-r-14, Lindsay 5282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. _ ED. PECON], ) Ontario - july 80, 66 HILLTOP BODY & FENDER COMPLETE REFINISHING COLLISION REPAIRS Wheel Alignment and Steering Service Auto Safety Glass- Installed Towing Phone 394W |, dec 29, 1966 Argyle Uxbridge ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE S8URE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R_ June, 16/66 Dead Farm Stock | Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont, Aug. 16. 1960 0 Are your policies up-to-date? INSURANCE - + INF YER An SE wr ER en AR ol iy she bh i SEARS 2p Bt a Se RN mates th Sts Sasi nto ree. EER ES His Fp -- HIE ES Fas a ------ Whatever your insurance needs * 'may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry Stock, Implements, Household Fura - - ture, 86 Head of Hereford & Short- H Hoi Stockers, 16 Milk Cows, Cock- Auction Sales TUES, APRIL 24--Farm Sold Aue- tion Sale of 100 Head of Cattle, Farm. FOR BALE--13 ft, boat, cedar strip, and. trailer, Phone 102-r-22, WANTED ) Ladicasio sell large Rawleigh Line of Home necessities from beautifully illustrated' Display Book, Big profit, EE Phone Frank Kendall, 130-r-12 Port Perry, R.R. 4, Uxbridge, : 4 £ J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario For Dressed Poultry OF ALL KINDS VISIT COUNTRY VIEW POULTRY FARM Phone 488, Port Perry Wm. Heayn, Prop. "You'll be surprised how much you save." tf. ACE REFRIGERATION Sales and Service Free Estimates Guaranteed repairs to all Commer- cial Refrigeration and Domestic Re- frigerators, Al. Thackeray. RA 3.2452 (collect) Oshawa, 2 May 31. WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD' and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY ra will' be pleased to serve 'you. Phone 322W Fort Perry for information, Nov. 27/56 LISTINGS WANTED-- . WANTED AT ONCE F 8, houses and vacant land. Buyers waiting. Contact Chas. Reesor, Bigelow St. Port Perry. P.O. Box 4s. Agent for Donald Scott Real Estate, 2b Prince Street, Oshawa. i: 2 of all kinds. Heayn, Prop. We also custom kill and Cryovac wrap turkeys at reason- able prices, tf. Wanted to Buy Timber land and logs, Elm, Beech, hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak, H. M. Kyte, Blackstock t.f. DR. R. G. McNAB Dental Surgeon Port Perry Medical Centre "CHANGE OF OFFICE HOURS: Daily 9 a.m, to 6 p.m, except Wed. and Sat. 9 a.m, to 1 p.m, Phone 566, 4 April 26. Paint 49c. Quart Our entire stock of Durolave iil bound washable water paint for sale. Hoskin's Carload Store, Blackstock. Cement Blocks Plain or Rock Faced. Well and Culvert Tile Septic Tanks. Uxbridge Concrete Products Phone 204W, July12 "BULLDOZING - ROOT and ROCK RAKE EXCAVATING TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION / ? Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 392W and Joe Tripp 892) ot {0} 4 HIGHEST PRICES paid for. Poultry | Call Country View Poul- A try Farm, Phone 488, Port Perry. Wm. shutt Tractor, Etc., the property of Arthur Eggleston, Lot 1, Con. 9, North Monoghan Twp, Five miles South West of Peterboro at Springville, Terms Cash, No Reserve, Sale at 1.00 pam. Kddy Johnson, Clerk, REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, SAT,, APRIL 21st--Auction Sale of Furniture, Real Estate, the property of Susdnna Moase Estate, Bigelow St., Port Perry. [Real Estate consists of a double frame house, consisting of 7 rooms in each dwelling; frane barn. Property has frontage of 127 feet, and includes a desirable building lot. Pos- session May 1,.1966. ditions of real estate made known day of sale. Tétms cash on furniture, Harris Harris & Wallace, Sol., for the Estate, Port Perry, Cecil Heayn Clerk, Sale at 1.30 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., APRIL 26th--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Ford Tractor, Hay & Grain, the property of Peter Kostur, Lot 16, Con, 8, Brock Twp., 2% miles North, 1 mile East of Sunderland, on Ridge Rd. Terms Cash, no reserye, sale at LOO p.m. James Smith; Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, BAT., APRIL 28th -- Farm Sold, -Avetion Sale of 66 Head of Holstein Cattle, -IF'arm Stock, Implements, Wa- terloo Z 22.36 Tractor, Pigs, Hay, De- Laval Milking Machine, Furniture ete, the property of Cliff Brethour, Lot 7, Con, 7, Brock: Twp., 2 miles West, 1 mile North of Sunderland, Terms Cash, no reserve, sale at 12,30 p.m. Vroomonton W.A. will provide'lunch, Geo. Edwards and Earl Innis, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, SAT; APR: 28th==AuctionrSaleof: Dairy Herd Stockers, Pigs, 2" Trucks, Tractor and Implements, the property of Ray Gimblett, Lot '17, Con. 8, Kast Whitby Twp., 6' miles North of Osh- awa. Terms Cash. Sale at 1,30 p.m, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT, APRIL 21st--Auction Sale of Household Furniture and other éffects on lot 21, con, 4, Vaughan Township. at Teston, the property of Lewis Had- win. Sale at 2 p.m. . Terms cash, No reserve. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, FOR RENT 9 Prince Albert--Large room and kitchen with built-in cup- boards, hot water and all conveniences, Suit young couple with child. Phone 195-r-14, Apr, 12, Willoughby's i SPRING Catalogue JUST out. gue FREE! Full 0; bargains! Hundreds of farms, large and small, suburban properties and businesses for sale, Easy terms. Write Canada's largest farm agency. : Realtors J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Limited "46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto, . April 19. FOR SALE--In Prince Albert, six large roomed brick with all conveni- ences, hardwood down, 4 piece bath, 3 acres of land, fruit trees, barn. House has forced air heating. Apply Box 9, Port Perry Star. tf. FOR SALE--Power Lawn Mower, 18" reel type, reasonable. Phone 462-r-18. 1960 Dodge Sedan, fully equipped, good condition, 1953 Cadillac Sedan, excellent con- dition, 5000 mile guarantee, 1960 Dodge, cab and chassis, 1953 Oldsmobile, hydromatic drive, 4000. mile guarantee, Howard Motors, Phone 74. FOR RENT---2 room bachelor apart- 'ment, all conveniences, fully furnish- ed. Opposite High School. Phone 421 Port Perry, April 26 Waitress Wanted Full time, Apply at "Del" "Reste aurant, » FOR BALE -- B1 Pontiac Coach, Black, built-in radio, clock, heater, signal lights, Want $760, Phone 600-r-29, a ph Apply Rawleigh' 8 Dept. D-343- 20s, Limited Realtors wontreal, Pp, Q 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto ! PORT PERRY FOR condition, reasonable, Blue. SALE -- Chesterfield in good Phone 187, Port Perry. upholstered in '| furnace new. WANTED--One ton of baled Straw, Phone 196-r-8; Port Perry, Red brick 2 storey house: on-lot 66 X 100. "Five bedrooms, bathroom, oil Hardwood floors down- stairs and inlaid linoleum upstairs, Spring running water; also town wa- - ter. Cash $6,600,00, balance 6% %. CUSTOM SHEEP CLIPPING Taxes $168.00. Could be made into Fred Cookson, Seagrave, a Duplex. Total price $13,000.00. Phone Port Perry 201-r-6. May 3 FOR SALE--AIl-purpose Television Antenn a, Phone 3068-J, FOR SALE -- 22 young pigs; also clover seed, cleaned. Terms and Con- |, Phone 469-r-12. April 26 FOR SALE -- Insul Brick Cabin, 10' x 14', insulated, to be removed. $126.00, Greenbank, LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? The following new Case machines 9 ir t d- must be sold and are being offered at | 30 days. Spinel upstairs rente much below dealer's cost. the Titan enant, "sn + Contac oe Sa die) vp Tesi HOWARD McMILLAN Forage Harvester, with hay pick- -up and cutter po units, Trailer type Mower, 8-ft. Mulcher Packer, 2 furrow Tractor Plow. . 2 furrow Hydraulic Plow. Hydr aulic Double Disc... Graham Hoeme Plow. For further particulars contact-- ¥. Bryden, Phone 74, Port Perry. _ New ers! comfort for false Teeth wear- Dentur-Eze prevents slipping, irritated gums, Easily applied. Lasts for weeks. $1.60 a Stores. Tastless. Odorless, Only t Bruton's & Lawrence » Urig FOR RENT--Apartment, 4 rooms and all conveniences, private entrance, heated. Call 3861, Port Perry, FOR Baby Tenda. SALE -- Baby carriage and Phone 285{R.™ FOR SALE--48" mattress, like new, Phone Port Perry, 8-J. FOR months. SALE--Rangette, used only 4 Half price. Phone 452-J, FOR SALE -- 200 bales of wheat straw, threshed; also young shorthorn cow to -| Laughlin, freshen in April. Nestleton Sta. "Harry Me- Phone Blackstock, 57-r-4. i "FOR SALE -- Sump Pump, almost new, $456.00, Phone 163-r-12 Mrs, ttouse and 2 3/7 Acres with modern two baths, Living-room 16 x 13, cel- lar, oil furnace, garage. Close to church and school, 1 block from pave- ment, Barn 20 x 40'. Taxes $100.00, Total price $12,600.00 with cash $6,000.00. Land suitable for building lots. Could be made into a Duplex. PRINCE ALBERT $6,500. 00--House, frame with mod: Apply Franklin Phoemx, | ern kitchen, 4 bedrooms, bath, space heater. Half mile to pavement, school close by, Taxes $71,00. Cash $1,600.00 with balance at 5% %. Possession in Greenbank - . Phone Port Perry 247-r-2 Epsom Mr. Ken Brown has returned to Western Canada following a visit with his sisters Mrs, Robt. Beacock and Mrs, Art Reeves, \ Mr. and"Mrs. Hugh Rogers and fam- iily of Bowmanville, spent Saturday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers. h Miss Jean Taylor, of Oshawa, spent the week- end at her home here, Road Superintendent = : Applications will be'received by the undersigned up to ; April 21st for the posifion of Road Superintendent for the s Township of Scugog.. Duties to commence May '1st. RALPH MILNER, Clerk, aprill9 1 / iF - - + vi A. ; TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT Requests Sealed Applications Addressed to the Undersigned for 'Treasurer and Tax Collector Applicant to state Age, Qualifications, Experience, if any, and Salary Expected. a | TP Office in Community Hall, ' Office Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 6 p. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. W, Applications to close Saturday, May 5th, 1956. Lowest or any Application not necessarily accepted. ; april19 HENRY THOMPSON, Clerk. { OUR OILTO BURN, . A THERMOSTAT, : abs 1 F & cozy HOME 'YOU'LL PAT YOURSELF on ; RE SHYING PAT the back, when you order fine quality fuel oil from us. Prompt service from metered trucks. . SRE el Tal SY & | - t { "The sympathy of the community is offered to the Bailey family in their sad loss of a mother and grandmother, Mrs. A. Bailey, who passed away last week at Port Perry Hospital, 3 "SY CIEE TILE PES: sen Mr. and Mrs, Herman Kerry and Arnold visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ashenhurét of Uxbridge visited Sunday with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey and Allan. : = Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ward, Mr, and Aylmer Ward and- Cathie, of Oshawa, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and Doris, Sorry to hear that Mr. Howard Ash- PETERBOROUGH : AD aL Sar. ; ton is not feeling quite as 'well, BOATS " Thanks goes to Mr, W. Rogers for Special long deck ..... «$209 his assistance and donation of mater- Canoes, Trailcar Trailers, rude Motors. Used motors and church. boats, life preservers, marine The W.A, are placing the carpets in accessories, '| the church and would appreciate any |. tvin- Factory - approved service on motors. OPEN WEEKENDS and EVENINGS Marine Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin - Phone 87 June 14 dals to fix the lighting system at the donation which anyone would care to give. If you are interested in helping you may contact either Mrs. G. Pren- tice or Mrs, D, Ashling,' Don't forget the euchre and-dance which is to be held in the school this Friday, April 20th, 4 AY FOR YOUR FEED ~ when you SELL YOUR Hoes! SEE US FOR THE MASTER HOG CONTRACT ' PLAN, The following plan is highly recommended for Best Results: MASTER PIG-PERK PELLETS, 26 lbs. PER PIG. Start them when they are approximately 1 week old. MASTER PIG STARTER PELLETS, 75 Ibs. PER PIG. 3: followed by MASTER PIG GROWER PELLETS }] MASTER FEEDS FAST, FAIR and FRIENDLY SERVICE PORT PERRY PHONE 1 'Phone 289. PIRTPLRRY I : Fi TIA d GENS L Sn CT seam ANRRN Vigor oil Co. Ltd. Fuel Oil 16% cents per ol: & Stove 0il 20 io cents per gal. . For Delivery Phone / Oshawa RA. 5-110 lesa Up and Paint ~ For' Spring ' - We carry a complete line of Glidden Paint Come in and see our Color Charts for decorating the home. -_-- mnwzar Lake Scugog Lumber Company Ltd. PHONE 240 w ; PORT PERRY PLYWOOD WALL BOARDS £ MEED>HT rmNoOoo / Heap -