Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Apr 1956, p. 6

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Sa AL { 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1956 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs RES mS YLT Phone 50 | paretitsfr. and Mrs, Austin Beacock. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Toms, Ennis- killen, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. S. Dorrell. Mr. and Mrs. John Venning spent . rr | CLASSIEIED 4 FOR Quick Quick Auction Sales wa agi Many women already earning good SAT. APRIL 14th -- Farm Sold, money selling our Products from nice- Auction Sale of Live Stock, Imple- DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m may be, consult Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68) : H; Ww. EMMERSON - + | Phone 41 Port Perry Fred Willan, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs, Walter Wiseman and. Rickey Green, Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, R, Spinks, 'Oshawa, were visitors with Mrs, Ed. Darcy, during the holidays. nniversary at which a review was giv- en of the forty years' activities and among other things a birthday cake complete with candles was enjoyed. In August there was a picnic for the ly illustrdted isplay Book, "Wy not you? Write us promptly. Rawleigh's Pe ARTHUR VW. §. GREER, Q.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Electrical and to ALL CLASSES OF MAC ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC . WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly Telephone for sanitary disposal. Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto EM 38-3636. Gordon Young Lid. Dec, 81, 1866 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92-r-14, Lindsay 65282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. od>{0)4\| ments, Hay and Strawy the property of Mrs. A. Stonehouse, Lot 13, Con. 8, E. Whitby, on Rossland Rd, East of Oshawa Airport. Terms Cash, Sale at '1.00 p.m. Harvey Pascoe & Thos. Harper, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Audits, Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Mechanical Repairs INERY, MOWERS, Machine Ground SAT., APRIL 14 -- Property Sold Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of Mrs, FF. F, Lonergan, in the Village of Sutton, Terms Cash, No Reserve, Sale at 1.00 p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, " MON., APRIL 16--Farm Sold, Auc- Se tion Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Ont Household Furniture, Ford Tractor, For Dressed Poultry the property of Mrs. George Metcalf, OF ALL KINDS VISIT Lot 15, Con. 9, North Gwillibury Twp., 2 miles West of Sutton on Base COUNTRY VIEW POULTRY FARM Line. Terms Cash, No Reserve, Sale Phone 488, Port Perry Wm. Heayn, Prop. "You'll be surprised how much you save," tf, [SS SSE a Pe SE Sa ACE REFRIGERATION Sales and Service LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - TUES., APRIL 24--Farm Sold Auc- tion Sale of 100 Head of Cattle, Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furni- turf, 85 Head 'of Hereford & Short- horh Stockers, 16 Milk Cows, Cock- shutt Tractor, Ete., the property of Arthur Eggleston, Lot 1, Con. 9, North Monoghan Twp., Five miles South- West of Peterboro .at Springville. Terms Cash, No Reserve, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Eddy Johnson, Clerk, REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, FRIDAY, APRIL 13--Auction Sale of Real Estate and Furniture, the property of Gladys McKee Estate, Hwy 7A, Nestleton. The real estate consists of a six room house with new oil furnace and bath, 1% acre lot and Free Estimates Guaranteed repairs to all Commer- cial Refrigeration and Domestic Re- frigerators. Al. Thackeray, ka 3-2452 (c ollect) Oshawa, i May 31. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, is subject to a reserve bid. Terms on furniture, cash. Terms on Real Es- Dept, D-343- 307, Montreal, PQ FOR SALE--Combination Coal and Electric (Westinghouse) Stove. Price $60.00, Phone 316-R, FOR SALE--Cookstove with pipes, $20.00; tricycle $8.00 and kiddy car $4.00, both good as new. Phone 494-W. FOR SALE--Registered Yorkshire Boar, serviceable age. Phone Glenn Larmer, Blackstock 6-r-22, FOR SALE--Power Lawn Mower, 18" reel type, reasonable. Phone 462-r-18, FOR SALE--Baby Carriage, fold away, storm cover, lined, in good con dition. Apply Box 16, Port Perry Star, FOR SALE -- Baled Hay, several tons. Phone 4569-r-13, Aldred Bros, 4&5 1960 Dodge Sedan, fully equipped, "good condition. 1963 Cadillac Sedan, excellent, con- dition, 6000 mile guarantee, 1960 Dodge, cab and chassis. Howard Motors, Phone 74. FOR SALE--Baby's Crib Bassinette with mattress $6.00; % size mattress like new, ribbon springs and set of metal legs for same, $26.00, Phone 3-d. WANTED--A stuffed owl, any con- dition. Phone 329, Port Perry, PASTURE FOR RENT I. Phone 470-r-24 WANTED T0 RENT -- House or children, Donations were made to the Mental Health and the Fair Board. The W.l. assumed responsibility for cutting grass, planting and care of flowers in the Memorial Park and paid hydro for the perpetual light at the park. A decorated float was entered at the fall fair, The stage drapes at Community Hall were cleaned and re- paired and fifty new stacking chairs were purchased for the hall. Awards were presented to the High School pupils. A doll given to Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary for their sale; Christmas cheer boxes sent to shut-in members; flowers sent in memory of two members who "passed on" during the year; baby gifts given to all new babies; fruit to sick members, . A do- nation was also made to a gift for Miss Lewis, retiring president of home economics of Ontario, Mrs. Richard Bowles and Mrs. s. Dorrell will have charge of the girls club work for the coming year, Mrs. H. Kyte gave an interesting reading which was followed by a "hat making contest" and a parade of the finished "Easter Bonnets" which was very amusing, Lunch was served by the group and a social time enjoyed. There were seven tables of euchre played at the men's club in the Parish Hall Thursday night, the winners be- ing--1st lady Mrs. Mildred Colley; 2nd lady Mrs, Harry McLaughlin; 1st gent Mr. Langfelt, 2nd gent Mr, Charles Smith, Door prize -- Mrs, Mairs. There is to be another party April 26, Welcome home to Mr, and Mrs. Art "| Bailey who arrived Thursday from Tampa; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow who arrived from Datona Beach and Mrs. Fred Bailey from Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Dawson and Mrs. John Mew and baby Jane, of ilton, Toronto, 'spent a few days with her Commerce | oa BT i A A DINNER MEETING will be held on i hursday, April 19th at 6:00 p.m. at the Delicateria Restaurant. MR. DON KINGDON, of PETERBOROUGH will speak on Lakefront Development and Chamber of Affairs, attend this important meeting. we All members are cordially invited to GREA TADS A FOR US! ons Tot Fev [FUEL (IDS HE GETS UP SOME , Our best advertisements are our satisfied customers. . anyone who has bought coal \' from this friendly coal head- Ask Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ham- . Chamber of Conitiierce Gen. Meeting eo -------- 2 \ Atak i tate knpwn day of sale. nf ith option to buy. Must|Sandra and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth t 0 mber is 289. WILL ERS small farm with option to buy. Mus quarters. ur nu ED. PECONI, . TALE ORD. kOR TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | have hydro. . Box No. 17, Port Perry | Swan, of Windsor, spent the week-end a : : Argyle Ontario [SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM| a star ; 2 | with the Baileys. by 3,66] ELLSWORTH KENNEDY | SAT. APRIL 2lst--Auction Sale of| 722 lanali) © and Mrs. Neil Bailey and Mrs, Phone 289. 6. HILLTOP BODY & FENDER * COMPLETE REFINISHING |--- ----will-be-pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information, LISTINGS WANTED-- Nov. 27/66 ----|-Furniture;-Real-Estate, the property of Susanna Moase Estate, Bigelow St., Port Perry. - IReal Estate consists of a double frame house, consisting of 7 rooms in-each dwelling; frame barn. Property has frontage of 127 feet, and includes a desirable building lot. Pos- FOR RENT--2 room bachelor apart- ment, all conveniences, fully furnish- ed. Opposite High School. Phone 421 Port Perry, April 26 WANTED--Girl desires house work three days a week. 9 a.m. to b p.m. Velva and Miss Catharine spent Wed- nesday with Mrs, Pritchard, Toronto, Catharine remained until .-Saturday. Mrs. Neil Bailey and Mrs, Jim Marlow spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Pearl Wright. Mr. Neil Bailey and Mrs. Velva Bailey and Mr. Jim Marlow sz, PORT PERRY = . 3 session May 1, 1956. Terms and Con. | Phone Manilla 1-121 or write M. Ben- nt- Saturday evening in -the_ city GERD] ( on J. ~ 4/55 J ~ ood h COLLISION REPAIRS . WANTED AT ONCE ditions of real estate made known [schop, R.R. 3, Little Britain, x brought oe rest he i F ee 4 ® oh Whee Aligament, and Steering | parms, houses and vacant land. |day of sale. Terms cash on furniture. PART-TIME and SUPPLY Mrs, Velva Bailey and Mrs. J. Parr ON Auto Safet. Glass Installed Buyers waiting. Contact Chas. Reesop, | Harris Harris & Wallace, Sol., for the TEACHER WANTED spent Thursday with Mrs, Levi McGill i ' Towing Bigelow St. Port Perry. P.0. Box 43. Estate, Port Perry. Cecil Heayn Clerk, | pynorienced teacher wanted, to|in Peterboro. . X Uxbridge Phone 394W Agent for Donald Scott Real Estate, [ Sale at "1.30 p.m. J teach part time for two half days per| Mr. and Mrs, Roy Avery and family, 5 3 25 Prince Street, Oshawa. CH TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. week in Grade VIII in The Port Perry | Tilbury, visited i 2 i? JA ; ¢ tr dec 29, 1960 - MON. APRIL 16t} : Public School. Applicant will b- | Johnston, on Sunday, and attended the | = xt Bod SIAR a 5 ? : \--Auction Sale| Public School. Applicant will pro ) ) re da Le -- HIGHEST PRICES paid for Poultry : ably teach such subjects as Health, | funeral of Roy's brother-in-law Mr. SAN, a ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of all kinds. Call Country View Poul- try I'arm, Phone 488, Port Perry. Wm. lieayn, Prop. We also custom kill and Cryovac wrap turkeys at reason- able prices, Fi Wanted to Buy DR. R, G. McNAB of Furniture, the property of William Iu. Brooks Estate, at his late residence, Lot 10, Con. 3, Reach, 2 miles South- West of Manchester, Terms Cash, sale at one o'clock, Cecil Heayn, Clerk. TED. JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., APRIL 26th--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- Spelling, Literature and Composition and supervise tests. The part-time teacher will also receive the first op- portunities for any supply teaching in the school. Liberal salary, accord- ing to schedule. Duties to commence Sept, 4th, 1956. Apply stating ex- perience, etc, to Norman Heayn Sec'y. Lutes, in Toronto on Monday. Myr. and Mrs, Millard Fallis, Baden, Ont,, visited Mr, and Mrs, Norman Mountjoy and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dor- rell, Wednesday evening and Thursday. Mr. John Edwards, Kenora, catled on friends in the village Friday before returning home from attending his ments, Ford Tractor, Hay & Grain,| Public School Beoard, Port Perry, f 1 F 1 Oil 16Y4 ta ] . of work. 'Timber land and logs, Elm, Beech, the property of Peter Kostur, Lot 1€,| Ontario. ' April 12 Te tind to Mrs, Oscar ue 1 2 cents per ga . EARL WALLACE hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. Con, 8, Brock .Twp., 2% miles , North - h : : Port Perry H. M. Kyte, Blackstock ~ t.£.] 1 mile East of Sunderland, on Ridge FOR SALE -- (Special) Gy EL a rn, Vi j Stove 0il 2 2 cents per gal Rd. Terms Cash, no reserve, salo at | ribbed implement tires, 2 for $27.00. vice was held at the McDermott-Pana- : . . Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R = June 16/66 Dead Farm Stock Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM vy Dental Surgeon Port Perry Medical Centre CHANGE OF OFFICE HOURS: Daily 9 a.m, to 6 p.m, except Wed. and Sat. 9 aan, to 1 p.m. Phone 666. April 26. FOR SALE--two Jersey Bulls, one of serviceable age, pure bred stock-- Cheap. Mr. Art Palk, Phone Black- stock 8-r-12, CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION is first in Ontario to offer Extended Medical Payments. At no extra cost this coverage is included to any policy holder who carries re- gular medical payments and provides $200, for treatment of injuries for any member of the policyholder's household from Grandma to the baby, should they be hurt by auto or bicycle 1.00 p.m. James Smith, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, SAT., APRIL 28th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 66 Head of Holstein Cattle, Farm Stock, Implements, Wa- terloo Z 22-36 Tractor, Pigs, Hay, De- Laval Milking Machine, Furniture ete, the property of Cliff Brethour, Lot 7, Con, 7, Brock Twp., 2 miles West, 1 mile North 'of Sunderland. Terms Cash, no reserve, sale at 12,30 p.m. Vroomonton W.A. will provide lunch. Geo, Edwards and Earl Innis, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, Waitress Wanted Full time, all days, Apply in per- son or phone Flamingo Restaurant, Phone 376, Port Perry. _ FOR RENT in Prince Albert--Large room and kitchen with built-in cup- Frank Hoskin, Phone Blackstock 2. - FOR SALE -- Kelly-Ryan P.T.O. Spreaders, $626.00. Otaco Boat Trailers, $99.00 up. Flexible, non-clogging Harrows, $45.00 per set and up, Otaco 2, 3 & 4 ton wagons, Wheelbarrows, large steel tray, $32.60; also rubber Hie) | wheels $9.96 each, Frank Hoskin, Blackstock p Dickens 2 FOR SALE--Farmall "H" Tractor. Please ask for demonstration on Flex- ible Harrows. Frank Hoskins, Black- stock, phone 2. i. FOR SALE--Baled Hay and Straw, bieng baled now. Phone 88 Port Perry. Blackstock baker chapel Thursday, with interment in Nestleton, The Edwards were form- er residents of Nestleton. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Fred Crawford, Port Perry, in the passing of her mother, Mrs. Endicott, in Port Perry Hospital, Thursday; also to Mrs. McLeod and family, Cartwright, on Mr. McLeod's passing last Monday. Sorry to report Mr. Tom Stewart's car slipped into a tree Saturday night on his way home from taking his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs, David King, of Kegaska, Laborador, to Perth, Mr. Stewart is in Peterboro hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McBrien, Miss Pauline Jemison, Mrs. Lee Polgrain and Ruby Ramsy Rouse were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Taylor over the week-end. A Rev. CW. Hutton was guest speak- eat a special service in St, Stephen's Church, Oshawa, Sunday morning. For Delivery Phone Oshawa RA. 5-110 Vigor 0il Co. Ltd. PAINT Clean Up and Paint i Owing to the very-bad roads there was Tyrone, Ont. While2 Pelesyjen i Maz 22 tf. boards, hot water and all conveniences. | Women's 'Ingtitute met in the Com-| 6 gervice at Cadmus where it was - - Aug, 16. 1908 a 5 out 41 ON ea co Suit young couple with child. Phone } munity Hall on. Wednesday afternoon planned for Mr. Stephen Saywell to For pring . oO Se Brooklin 603-r-21 196-r-14. Apr. 12. | with Mrs. Ivan Thompson hostess and| gpeqk, . ' 3 ww. , 603-r- Phone 392W (Office) Willoughby' 5 large roomed brick with al) conveni- ences, hardwood down, 4 piece bath, 34 ladies and b children were present, The president, Mrs, Lorne Thompson, presided. Mrs, Russell Mountjoy act- banquet, card parties and a bazaar. Other 'activities of the year included Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kyte spént the week-end at Tilsonburg and brought home their children who have spent the estomy operations last week, Mrs, Will Laurenceson, Toronto, -- Mmm Ec We carry a complete line of Glidden Paint ar E> mm nEoow SPRING ed as secretary in the absence of Mrs. |holidays with their grandparents there. £ - '| Murray Byers, who could not get out| Mrs, Osmond Wright spent a couple : : BULLDOZING EXCAVATING Catalog ue owing to a culvert washout. One| of days last week in Bowmanville with Come in and see our Color Charts for 34 JUST out, gue FREE! Full of | minute silence was held in memory of | Frank's children while the parents decorating the home. ® a pid bargains! Hundreds of farms, large ]® late member; Mrs, Virginia Archer, | went away. i . TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, and small, suburban properties and [Who passed away one year ago and| Owing to bad roads there was a V - a -------- ee \ businesses for sale. Easy terms. |Prayer was offered by the president.|small attendance at the Farmers Union 7% ROOT and ROCK-RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING Write Canada' s largest farm agency. | This being the last meeting of the|meeting on Friday night. Mrs, Pros- S RE 1m er 7a " Realtors year, reports were given by thé dif-|ser gave a talk on her recent trip to L k S L b . ic SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS = |ferent leaders. . The report of the Ottawa. A discussion was held and Lake »cugog 4 FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. Limited { |nominating committee was given but|yesolutions from other Unions read and A Lid 4 i" ; ; : 46 Eglinton Ave, E., Toronto, |Mot complete. It was:decided to leave | adopted Date of meeting was changed Company . 7% April 19. it open until next meeting, The In-| to gecond Friday in month, S PHONE 240 w -- , TRIPP CONSTRUCTION stitute has had a very active year.| Miss Jean Thompson, David Balin- PERRY ONT. i FOR SALE---In Prince Albert, six {Money was raised by catering to a|gal and Gordie Malcolm had tonsil-|}| . « H PORT ; Ein Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892) 3 acres of land, fruit trees, barn. House has forced air heating. Apply Box 9, Port Perry Star, 4 _tL demonstrations of supper dishes, and sandwich making. A special day was held on the occasion of the 40th ane spent Saturday with Mr, and Mra, Al- bert Wright and the Fred Trewins, Mc, Lowis Horn, Thessalon, and Mr,

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