Pr eau at a NAA 4- ----, at Ey FIPS Teas & 'THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1956 LOCAL Announcement Oh March 31st, 1956 in Reigate Sur- rey, England, the marriage took place of<Gordon R. Annison of Warlingham, JSurrey, England to Florence E. daugh- ter of Mrs. Nasmith and the late H, L Nasmith of 'Port Perry, Ontario." Cards of Thanks Mrs, William F. Nott and family wish to convey their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who have been so kind during their recent bereave- _ ment of a loving husband and father. We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kind thoughts and help during our recent sickness, with special thanks to Stewart Rodman, Joe Dowson and Percy Brown for doing our chores for us for over a week. Anson, Don and Bonnie Gerrow. We wish to sincerely express our thanks to the many friends and neigh- bours for their floral tributes and cards of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement. Murray Wilson and Melody Ann, My sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their floral tributes, messages of sympathy and many acts of kindness druing my recent bercavement, with special thanks to the Port Perry Hos- pital, Rev. Mr. Wylie and the Woman's Association of Prince Albert United Church. Holman. Flora I, My grateful thanks to relatives, neighbpurs and friends for Candy, fruit and cards, sent during my stay in the Port Perry Community Hospi- tal. Also many thanks to Dr. Rennie and the nurses. Deaths WILKIN -- At the Oshawa General Hospital, on Wednesday, April 4, 1956, James Ray Wilkin, beloved husband of the late Norma Miller, and dear father of Lorne and Donald, of Port Perry. Funeral service at Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, on Saturday, April 7. Interment Burns' Church Ceme- tery, Ashburn. George W. Schell. ENDICOTT, Mabel -- At the Port Perry Hospital, on Thursday, April 5, 1956, Mabel Endicott in her 70th year, beloved wife of the late George Endicott and dear mother (Mrs. Fred Crawford) of Port Perry, and George predeceased, and grand- mother of Mary Lou Crawford. Rest- ing at Mackey Funeral Home Lind- say for service in the Chapel on Sat,, April Tth at 3 p.m. Interment at Riverside Cemetery. Birth SHORT---Born to Lloyd and Ruth Short (nee Duff) on April 9th at Community Memorial Hospital, Povt Perry, a daughter (stillborn), ~ oe 0,0,0.0.0 0.0.0 0.00 0 0000 SAAR ANOS AANA NI LILA Oshawa Memorial Service. On No 2 Hwy. ast of Oshawa : City Limits. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, CORNER STONES, and STATUARY, also Markers and Works of Bronze. Manufacturing Memorials to in- dividual requirements from the finest Granites, and Marbles Available. For Information without Obligation of Hazel NEWS THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) COMING EVENTS . Minstrel Show Will be presented by the Brooklin® 1.O.O.F.,, in the auditorium of Port Perry. High Schoo) on Wed., April 25, at 8.30 p.m. fellows and Rebekah Lodges of Port Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th,, Sunday, April 15th-- 9.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.--Sunday 'School 4.00 p.m.--Boys Bible Class 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer "Rector PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, April 15th-- 11 a.m.-- "The Young Man Who Turned Back". 7 p.m.--"Workers Together with " God"--a first lcass 33 minute film for the rededication of Church members. A PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, April 15th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service, CHRIST IS THE LIFE Everyone Welcome K. Sprackett, Pastor, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4 Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Sunday, April 15th-- 11 a.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship. 5) PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, April 15th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Evening service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. | Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, 1350 on your Dial Oshawa Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." dec.16-66 In Memoriam In fond and loving memory of a dear brother and uncle, Thos. Smith, who left us so suddenly, April '15th, 1955. He has gone but his voice re-echoes, His face that is now unseen; His smile that was all sunshine Is now but a lovely dream. Often we look across and see Him sitting there in vision Just like reality, Fond Remembrance--Brother Jack, Sister Mary, neices Mabel, Helen, | Wilma and Jessie." In loving Memory of a dear hu:- band, Thomas Smith ('Fom)- who pass- ed away so suddenly April 15, 1955, Deep: in my heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest. In memory's frame I shall keep it Because he was one of the best. Sadly missed by wife, Mabel. & McLEAN--In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather, John A. McLean who passed away April 10, 1955. He is gone but not forgotten And, as dawns another year, _In our lonely hours of thinking, " Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us. Many think the wound is healed; - But they little know the sorrow That lies in the heart concealed, write Box 213 or call RA, 5-6611. Ever remembered by Ross, EER a tet "Dorothy and Brian. Week Ew SPECIALS, April 13-14 MARGENE, 11h. .ooooevvneenin, PV EOE ELE HT RIRPIRMEIG: | 1 8 YORK PEAS and CARROTS, 20 0Z .........coooiive ivi nnnnnns wo 20c. - CATELLI SPAGHETTI, 28 0z. .ccocvvuunn... TTR PRO een 230. HARRY HORNE'S APPLE PIE FILLING, 20 0z. uuu 36¢. OX YDOL, LAKe BIB vw imiimmininiiimmeomsissrispis ..39c. ® ' ; DOUPE'S STORE PHONE 485W, PRINCE ALBERT Free delivery on all orders of $2.00 or over. Perry. Proceeds in aid of the Cancer, Polio and T.B, Fund. Adults 60c., Children 2bc. Hot Meat Pie Sup per np Pol -- "Mr. Beane from Wi. will be presented by Wilfrid |W. A., under the auspices of Utica W. A,, in Utica Church on Saturday, April 14 at 7 p.m. Adults $1.25, Child- ren over 6 years b0c. Apr.12 Rummage Sale On Saturday afternoon, May 5th at "the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascen- | sion. Good used clothing, home bak- ing and afternoon tea, Aprill2, Dance 0. N. 0. Club Hard Tyme Dance, Music by the Ambassadors Orchestra, Lindsay, in (Recreation Centre, Black- "stock, on Friday, April 20, Prizes and {ot $1.00 per person, Apr, 19 Mothers' Auxiliary 1 Scout and Cub Mothers Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hunter on April 16th. Lunch com- mittee being Mrs. Bell, Mrs. McDonald and Mrs, King.- PLAIA THEATRE Oshawa Last 3 Days NOW PLAYING DAILY FROM 1 p. m. FEATURE 1.10-3.50. 1 6.30-9.15 i SAMUEL GOLDWYN Presents America's Own" Musical! The Picture of the Year! In CINEMASCOPE® and Color ADULT sharing MARLON BRANDO JEAN SIMMONS FRANK SINATRA VIVIAN BLAINE Minstrel Show Saturday, April 21 at 8.15 p.m, In Greenbank United Church, sponsored by the Greenbank Pilot Minstiels. Sponsored by the Odd-' "1 council is very sorry: to have Mr. Canadian C] Club Canadian Club" Annual Meeting, April 19 in Northminster Church." R. A. J, Philips of Carleton College, Ot- Admission He will speak on "The Canadian April 19 - retic." Deaths FORMER RESIDENT OF PORT PERRY DIED IN WINNIPEG Word has been received here of the death in Winnipeg of William Mother- call, a- former resident of Port Perry. | The body will arrive in Port Perry for burial on Monday, April 167 DIAMOND, Ewart S. P.--Suddenly at Oshawa General Hospital, on Wed- neday, April 11, 1956, S. P. Ewart Diamond, beloved huband of Isabella M. Lee and dear father of Alex., Beth (Mrs. Stanley Grills), Ruth (Mrs. Earl Follest), Frank and Barbara. I Resting at Chapel of McBermott- Panabaker, Port Perryy, for service on Friday, at 2 p.m, Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, ROSE, Frances--At Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ont.,, on Sunday, April 8th, 1956, Frances Moore, beloved wife of the late Arthur Henry Rose. Funeral Service was held from the Chapel of MecDermott-Panamaker, at Port Perry, on Wednesday, April 11th, at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Ceme- term, VANCE, Alex.--At Whitby, on Wed- nesday, April 11, 1956, Alexander Vance, late of Port Perry. N Funeral service at the MecDermott- Panabaker Chapel, on Friday, 3 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. ~ Annual Film Festival Last Wednesday evening, the Ont. and York Counties' Film Council held its Annual -Film Festival. This year it took the form of a film cavalade. The showing was held in the Commun- ity Hall, Myrtle, and a good crowd was on hand to enjoy the films which were shown - as - follows: "Sailors of the Queen", "Bow Bells", '"Communica- tions" for Civil Defence", "The Magic Fiddle", "Tempest in Town", "Chimp the Cowboy", "Wakatipu". . The audience were given an oppor- tunity to choose the films which they would like to see, and the above were ' \ hose which received the greatest STE of requests. During the evening, Mrs. Alan Mite tyn, Scugog Island, presented Mr. T. G. Rimmer, R.R.1, Markham, who is --{ttiring $hortly as secretary-tr easurer, with a heautiful and modern clock. The Rim- mer retire, but he expects to be mov- ing out of the district shortly with his company. - tive of the Natjor? Film Board gave Mr. Stan Wootton; field representa- a short talk on the successes attained during the past year by this film coun- cil in successfully winning the award as the most outstanding film council in astern Ontario. This award was a film wntitled "One Little Indian' which is now available through any of the film libraries in the district for show- ings. It is a puppet film, animated and in colour and is an exceptionally fine film for teaching safety to chil- dren -- although adults seem to get even a greater kick out of the film as they can understand how well the film is made. : ' Mr. Clare Keevil was master of ceremonies, and welcomed those at- tending, many of the audience coming "from districts as far away as Whitby, | French- | "Beaverton, Scugog Island, man's' Bay, Markham, Peterborough, 'and other district points, News of the Blind CAMPAIGN TO TAKE PLACE APRIL 16th to MAY 5th Thelma and Walter Harrison seem- ad tired and hopeless when they visit- ed my office last month", observer E. G. Brown, District Field Secretary of this area. "They thought as many think, that the opportunities for the blind in industry and commerce were rare, They were personally concerned because their eighteen year old son Harry would soon be finishing school and ready to meet the world. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison just couldn't believe that employers would 'take a chance', as they called it, on a blind boy. When i they learned that about 1800 blind per- sons are employed in hundreds of dif- ferent jobs throughout the country, they were candidly sceptical, We talked about men and woinen in photo- graphic darkroooms, and highly skill- ed assembly line workeys in factories, and the dictaphone typists in dozens of offices, but I could sense that I hadn't struct a responsive chord." "What about the professionals--Ilike cd softly. "Harry has a good mind . . but, of course, without sight . . " she faltered. These worried parents quickly responded when they learned that several boys like-Harry have be- come successful lawyers through the C.N.L.B.'s higher education assistance nrogram, We talked about the re- cerded text books, Braille writers, and for blind .students. They were at least convinced that the future held much hope for their ry in General Arts at a University as preparation for legal training. Career counselling and job place- ment services combine with teaching, library, residence accommodation and home crafts to make the Institutes program for 'ithe rehabilitation and are of the blind the most modern and up-to-date in the world. The success of the district's once-a-year campaign 'or funds will assure the thousands' of sightless - Canadians, including those in this district, of continued and im- oroved services. Help take the blight of blindness by supporting the drive Srom April 16th to May 5. The Canadian National Institute for the Blind, 929 Bayview Avenue, Toronto 17, Sails A ~ L&wrence's REXALL ONE CENT SALE NEXT WE FRIDAY and Apr) 18- price of one plus one cent. THE PHONE 49 EK -- WEDNES DAY, THURSDAY, Plan now to take full advantage of this opportunity to save real money on drags store eprint ONE CENT SALE WEEK K Wis CLOSE TUESDAY at 12.30, OPEN WEDNESDAY TILL 6,00 A. M. LAWRENCE REXALL SATURDAY 13- 20 - a1 Lr Wem X EN. the STORE fo PORT PERRY aprill19 Road Superintendent Applications will be received by the undersigned up to April 21st for the position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Seugog. Duties to commence May 1st. : lr RALPH MILNER, Fe lerk! law, for instance", Mrs. Harrison ask- | hew the Institute finds sighted readers: only son,, and they plan to enroll Har- |. PICKARD HARDWARE Formerly PALMER HARDWARE, on « 'SATURDAY, APRIL 14th General Line of Hardware, Paint, Fishing Supplies ~ Floor Sanding and Finishing BY SQUARE FOOT | SANDING EQUIPMEN HARDWOOD FLOOR Lu NAILER FOR RENT BY THE DAY PHONES: STORE 592. HOUSE 281W QUEEN STREET . PORT PERRY ----- os DANCE wesw TO YOUR FAVORITE Radio - Records - T.V. Stars Abbie Andrews i AND HIS CANADIAN RANCH BOYS This is Abbi's First Appearance since his' big aljtomobile wreck in which he was so badly 'hurt. Friday, April 13th a 9 p.m. till 12.30. Admission $1.00 ~ RED BARN - - OSHAWA A ---- . TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT Requests Sealed Applications Addressed to the i for Treasurer and Tax Collector Applicant to state Age, Qualifications, Experience, if any, and Salary Expected. . Office in Community Hall. 'Office Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. - Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Applications to'tlose Saturday, May 5th, 1956. Lowest or any Application not necessarily accepted. aprill9 - HENRY THOMPSON, Clerk. : Dollars and Sense" How can YOU henefi t from "having a Current Account? | . You'll find it much easier to keep an accurate record of 1 your current expenses when you have a Current + Account. bo 'When you pay all bills by cheque on your Current . Account, you receive back, at the end of each month, all , - your cancelled cheques as well as a bank statement showing every withdrawal and every deposit you have made. The cancelled cheques serve as receipts--and are accepted in court as evidence of payment of the amount - shown. Furthermore, they are much easier to file away than receipts and take less room to store, With them and your bank statements, you'll find it far easier to get an exact picture of how you spend your money. Sait's a good move to use a Current Account for paying all current bills--and keep your Savings Account for actudl savings. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE NW-216 J. R. Helm, Manager / PORT PERRY BRANCH Bs ©. iT 5 :