yu 0%: 3 ii 8 3 hh se 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1956 / cal in stw LAKEVIEW he Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SA. MA AND PA K » MARCH 29-30-31 ETTLE in Their Most Beloved Comedy Drama "MA AND _PA AY HOME" COMEDY AND S HORTS _' MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED.,, APRIL 2-3-4 Edmund Gwenn, Maureen O "Sullivan and Bonzo In The Sensational Laugh Hit "BONZO GOES TO COLLEGE" SHORT PICTURES or a a-- a) SU OOO A a : a » EASTER WEEK-END SPECIALS : "FRUIT SALAD LAYER CAKE" decorated for Easter [* "CHOCOLATE ECLAIRES" a. "CHOP SUEY LOAF" o GERROW'S BAKERY - 8 Phone 32W G. M. GERROW § # I 1 tinier mY A AN ENT oo 3 . i The Port Perry Choral Society i i PATA 82 10 A MM MAM APIO PRA AR ALAA 9 Btn Pate ACO CR AACA . eC noises ate afte will sing the ST. LUKE PASSION, by 'Bach, on Good Friday, M at 8:00 p.m. in CHURCH OF 'THE. A MARION HEAVER JOHN KILEEG, ALAN JACKSON, ® The public is cordially invited. © arch 30th the SCENSION , Soprano Tenor . Organist LIE UI I ares rh hrs > -- 0 SOPOBIB SW! ASCO BBC - S030 te PATA AFA MSR ATAPI ALI 2 MRE SAS RAT r Tota ho bata hatabototy . Nd "This can be e Cheerful . .. Colorfull ® Easy to clean = and keep cleanl e Fast and easy to installl ® Never needs refinishingl Come in. Inspect new samples. As low as 00¢ sq. fr. Plastic-Finished WALL AND CEILING PANELS REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PHONE 73 PORT PERRY . 0.00090 CRORE RE NE AE BERT AE 20 2 2 Ie BIG STAGE °w? Grand O1' Op' with ® FLOYD CRAMER ' eo JIMMY SMITH - STARS OF RADIO - TV. - W.S.M. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE SHOW Featuring in Person JIM-REEVES ry Show e JOE HAYES @ JIM DAY RECORDS SHOW AT 8.00 P.M. SHARP » DANCING AFTER SHOW, RED BARN, OSHAWA Good Friday ites "8 : " < ee 0 0.0 RAR AARRRARAAARAAAAAUIL AFR 5 oe a se ei eso a a ee np swe wm a AUCTION SALES FRIDAY, APRIL 13th, 19566--Auc- tion sale of practically all new imple- ments, self prop. Combine M.H,, Mas- sey Harris No. 44 Deisel Tractor, New Holland Hay Baler, Threshing Ma- chine, Beef Cattle, Farm Stock, imple- ments, Hay, grain, etc., on 2nd Cone, 1% mile north of Elgin Mills Side Rd. Property of I. Powell, Sale at 1 p.m, sharp. Terms cash, no reserve, Lease expired and proprietor quitting entire- ly. D. Goulding, Clerk: : KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, . Auctioneers. © IMPORTANT EXTENSIVE "AUCTION SALE OF Modern Farm Machinery, Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, ete, on FRIDAY, APRIL 13th, 1956 Ie. POWELL Lot 57, Con. 1, Vaughan Township, on Bathurst Street, 114 miles north of Elgin Mills Side Road, on J ARM MACHINERY M-H 44 Special Deisel Tractor on rub- ber, lights, starter, P.T.0., Pulley, ete. This trailer is in perfect con- dition and near new, [TIC Super C Tractor complete with rubber tires lights, starter. 1 year old, in perfect condition, M-H No. 26 Combine, 10 ft,, self pro- pelled, complete with motor, reclean- ers, ete, This machine is good, near new, Pick-up Attachment for above com- bine. No. 77 New Holland Automatic Pick- up Hay and Straw baler, complete with Wisconsin Motor, in exceptional ~condition, THC Hammer Mill complete with bag- ger, etc, new. Endless Rubber Drive Belt, 7 inch. Bale and Grain Elevator, Case, 32 ft. Electric Motor, 1 h.p. : Grain Auger on rubber complete with gasoline motor, Cockshutt Chisel Plow Tandem Dise Harrow, M-H, new. IHC Manure Spreader on rubber, Tractor type, 200 bushel. M-H No, 20A Grain and Fertilizer Drill, 15 dise, power lift, tractor [~ - hitch, near new, ) THC P.T.0. Mower, 7 ft. cut, near new. |- M.-H 4 Bar Side Rake, modern style, low wheels, rubber tires, near new, John Deere Rubber Tired Wagon, roller bearings g- of Vaughan Township, Bathurst Street | Bueler rubber Tired Wagon, roller bearings Set Section Drag Harrows, new ° THC Tractor, 20 tooth, spring tooth Cultivator, Case Cultipacker, 8 feet. IHC 3-furrow Ace Bottom Tractor Plow, new. 2 New Flat Racks with standards 16 and 18 feet, ; ; Electric Milk Cooler, 8 can cap. Hinman Milking Machine complete with piping' for 13 cows, 2 single units Electric Motor, % h.p, Good Flat Hay Rack Brooder House 9 x 12 on skids Steél Blacksmith: bench vice M-H Hydraulic. Manure Loader, com- plete with pump and snow plow - blade. ve Set Platform Scales, 2,000. lbs, 32 foot extension ladder Steel Qil Tank with pum Waterloo Threshing + is 48x32" Hay Loader, good IHC Power Mower for model A THC Tractor, Several Rolls of Snow Fence, Number of Steel and Cedar Posts Steel Water Tank, and galvanized water trough, Grain Conveyer IForks, Shovels, Hees, Tools and other useful articles usual to a farm, not mentioned, CATTLE 15 Head of Stockers and Beef Cattle. POULTRY Approximately 3560 New Hampshire and Rock Hens, laying good, 40 Steel Jamesway Nests STRAW, HAY and GRAIN . Approx. 200 bus. Mixed Grain, 100 bales of Mixed Hay, Clover, ete. SALE at 1 PM, TERMS CASH NO RESERVE LEASE EXPIRED and proprietor is quitting farming. entirely, D, GOULDING, Clerk, _ KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctinneers, Markham, Ont,, Phone 346 Agincourt, AX. 3-6987 pa AUCTION SALE OF Equipment WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, The property of 'HARVEY MASHINTER Lot 66, Con. 1, King Twp., ¥» mile W. of Oakridges, King Side Road, Allis-Chalmers G, 10 hp, Garden Tractor on rubber, complete with 3 and 4 row Cultivator, 4 row Seeder, Market Garden Cultivator, Extra teeth and Shields, Bankers, Discs, ete. This tractor is real good, in perfect condition, used very little, The Following Hope's L.G.A, Cawker's Butcher Shop MacGregor & Son, Butcher Shop Mrs. Hope's Tobacco and Magazine Shop "Del" Restaurant Howard Motors A. W. Brock Dept. Store Kay Van's Ladies' Wear Van's Men's & Boys' Wear Sandilgnd Jewellery ~ Dowson's Food Market Archer Motors - Chest will contain $391.65. Watch for the name of WEEK" when you shop. Next Tuesday, April 3rd, v Western Tire Store, on Queen St., at 3.30 p.m. The Treasure is a List of the "APPRECIATION DAY" Merchants Western Tire Carnegie Hardware John Ballard Lumber, + (Co-Supporter) Beare Motors Ltd. Sweetman's Garage Phoenix Appliances Taylor's Restaurant 'Master Feeds Elizabeth Shoppe Levinson' Drygoods Jackson's Farm Equipment Taylor's Ge. to $1.00 Store the draw will be in front of the "MERCHANT OF THE ons Ls HEY 7 | Ct uy FUEL (IDS YOUR COAL ORDER will be well handled by this friendly _ coal headquarters. Let us keep that bin filled with the kind of fuel that will give you a steady comfortable heat. PORT PERRY Coal. ~ Ll.» loo Shore, RRP +++ PORT PERRY Phone 289. F 4 \ 2 Ford Tractors, Garden Tractor, |. Allis-Chalmers Tool Bar for cultivator Ford Tractor, real good, on rubber, late model, in perfect shape. Ford Tractor, on rubber, 1951 model real good, like new. Set Ford Tractor Chains. Sedore Rear End Manure Loader. Ford Spring-Tooth Cultivator, real good. Ford Disc Harrow, tandem. Ferguson 2-Furrow Tractor, Plow. Special Hitch for Ford Tractor, Boom Sprayer for Ford Tractor, complete with hoom P.T.0.- George White Grand Haven 8 h.p.' "Garden Tractor on rubbér, complete with Cultivator attachments, éte, Planet Junior. This is a real good tractor. dts McC-Peering 'Manure Spreader, good. Steel Wheel Farm Wagon Gear and Rack. Steel Dump Rake ) Qu. of Fencing, No. of Steel Drums. Land Smoothing Plank. 2 Sets Drag Harrows. ILH.C. Mower, 6 ft. cut. } 2-Wheel Tractor Trailer, on rubber. G.M.C. 1949 2-ton Truck, stake, dual 'wheels, high rack, suitable for grain, complete with new hydraulic hoist. This truck is real good, Vegetable Washer, complete with electric motor, good. Number of Hampers. Large number of Hand Weed Hooks. Rubber Tired Lawn Mower, good Set Duel Wheel Truck Chains Set New 240 1b, Scales Gardener's Leather Knee Pads Carrot Plow for Allis-Chalmers Number of Cultivator Teeth Carrot Digger for Ford Tractor. Wheel Hoe. Number of Baskets. Vegetable Roller for Loading egetables, Qu. Snow Fence. M-H 13-Dise Drill, good condition. Good Well Pump. Tractor Hitch, Frost & Wood 17- Tooth Spring-Tooth ~ Cultivator, tractor hitch, Steel Land Roller 12-Foot Steel Horse Rake -- Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Susanna Moase, late of the Village of Port Perry, in i the County of Ontario. All persons 'having claims against died March 7th, 1856, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before April 16th, 1956, full particu- lars of their claims. Immediately af- April 16th, 1956, the assets of the (eave will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. . Dated at Port Perry, this 13th day of March, 1966. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, "Ontario, Solicitors for the: Execitors. March 29 3 TERMS CASH. the estate of the above-named whol oa Woods Electric Grain Grinder, plete with motor, good. Electric Vegetable Cooker Frost & Wood Hay Tedder Set 3-section Harrows, like new, Front-End Buéket for Front end Ford Tractor. Pile Firewood. Ramp for Loading. Real Good Out-Door Toilet. Forks, Shovels, Hoes, and completé line Ad gardener's tools dnd, equip- ment, ' k com- Pile Scrap Iron, NO RESERVE. SALE AT 1.30 SHARP. PROPERTY TO BE.SUB.DIVIDED AND: PROPRIETOR QUITTING GARDENING. ; KEN & CLARKEsPRENTICE, . Auctioneers, Markham, Ont., Phone 346, Milliken P.O., Phone AX. 3.5987 Re-Elect President COLONEL JOHN A. McCAMUS Colonel John A, McCamus, re-elect: ed President, Ontario Division, The Canadian Red Cross Society, on Mar. . § 2 TEN Fea En TR Us as Rie Be CREAR EE sR ialatid nn AL Red 28rd, recently retired as Assistant General Manager in charge of agen- cies, North American Life. During World War I, he served in the Cana- dian Machine Gun Corps and was a- warded the Military Cross. Between the First and Second Wars he com- 'manded the 1st Brigade Canadian Ma- chine Gun Corps. During the Second World War he held the, rank of Colonel and commanded the Armoured Train- ing Establishment at Camp Borden. Some 80,000 men passed through. this unit during the war. He is past presi- dent of the Canadian Corps Associa- tion {Dominion Command). Colonel McCamus became chairman of the Veterans Seryices Committee, Toronto Branch. The Canadian Red Cross Society in 1946 and held this ° position until July 1950. He became Chairman of the Welfare Committee, -- Ontario Division Red Cross in 1962 and was elected President of Ontario Division Red Cross in March, 1956. "Dollars and Sense' How can YOU benefit from . ~ having a Current Account? ln le mtn tn You'll find it much easier to keep-an accurate record of your current expenses when you have a Current Account, When you pay all bills by cheque on your Current Account, you receive back, at the end of each month, all your cancelled cheques as well as a bank statement , showing every withdrawal and every deposit you have made. The cancelled chetjues serve as receipts--and are accepted in court as evidence of payment amount shown. Furthermore, they are much easier to file away than receipts and take less room to store. With * them and your bank statements, you'll find it\far easier to get an exact picture of how you spénd your money. So it's a good move to use a Current Account for paying all current bills--and keep your Savings Actount for actual savings. "THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a NW-216 [ READY TO USE eg > -- ONLY - 7 $7.65 per gallon Niper Washable: Su pet. + EASY 10 A. R. Helm, Manager HARRY PEEL HARDWARE - : Ra / 3 Phone55 Port Perry y KEM-TONE Even if you've never painted a ~ room before, it's easy to get a professional looking job when : you use Super Kem-Tone. You can apply this wonderful latex base wall paint with either brush or roller -- and one "coat covers most surfaces. Super Kem-Tone dries in a matter of minutes without laps or streaks and it's completely washable, ~ too. Novice or expert, you're sure of complete satisfaction when you paint with Super Kem-Tone. : ». i