Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Mar 1956, p. 6

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6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1966 BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68) ARTHUR W. S. GREER, Q.C. in attendance 'at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday 'afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 26 Electrical and ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP DEAD STOCK for sanitary disposal. EM 8-8686. Gordon Young Lid. Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, MOWERS, Macliine Ground and ELECTRIC removed from your farm promptly Telephone Collect, Port Perry 80-r-4, or Toronto Dec. 81, 1966 INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs -may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ON INSURANCE COMPANY] Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING Port Perry Ontario For Dressed Pouliry OI" ALL KINDS VISIT COUNTRY VIEW POULTRY : FARM Phone 488, Port Perry Wm. Heayn, Prop. "You'll be surprised how much you save." - t.f. [SSE SSE ai ae EN 92-r-14, Lindsay 5282. Woodville 82 r 11. ED. PECONI, Ontario T Argyle HILLTOP BODY & FENDER { COMPLETE REFINISHING FA COLLISION REPAIRS _ Service Auto Safety Glass Installed Towing Es Uxbridge ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE ' Port Perry Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R June 16/66 Dead Farm Stock Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILI, FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 16. 1956 Dead Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge Head Office, july 80, G6 Wheel Alignment and Steering Phone 394W dec 29, 1965 Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, ACE REFRIGERATION Sales and Service IF'ree Estimates Guaranteed repairs to all Commer- cinl Refrigeration and Domestic Re- frigerators. Al. Thackeray, RA 3.2452 (collect) Oshawa, 'May 31. WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. | | Phone 322W Port Perry : for information. : Nov. 27/56 LISTINGS WANTED-- WANTED AT ONCE. Farms, houses and vacant land. Buyers waiting. Contact Chas. Reesor, Bigelow St. Port Perry. P.O. Box 43. Agent for Donald- Scott Real Estate, 20 Prince Street, Oshawa, te. HIGHEST PRICES paid for Poultry of all kinds. Call Country View Poul- try Farm, Phone 488, Port Perry. Wm. Heayn, Prop. We also custom kill und Cryovac wrap turkeys at reason- able prices. tf. Wanted fo Buy Timber land and logs, Elm, Beech, hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock t.f. ' ~ CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION is first in Ontario to offer Extended Medical Payments. At no extra cost this coverage is included to aly policy holder who carries re- gulait medical payments and provides $200, for treatment of injuries for any member of the policyholders household from Grandma to the baby, should they be hurt by auto or bicycle while a pedestrian, Mar. 22 tf. Ask about Co-op Insurance MRS. JOHN HAMER Brooklin, 603-r-21 "KARN $50. to $75. weekly. We will start you in business wherever you may live. | gnsaty, Free catalogue and details supplied. FAMILEX, Dept. C. Box F, Station C. Montreal, ! | FOR SALE--Purebred English York- shire Hogs, serviceable age and youn- I ger; also good male black Collie pup, Fred Milne, Blackwater, Apr, b. 6 months. phone Sunderland 3-r-3. TRENCHING, LOADING, ROOT dnd ROCK RAKE " SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSH FREE ESTIMATES- BULLDOZING - B- .. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION i Phone 392W (Office) Reaidence--Wm. Tripp 392W and Joe Tripp 394 EXCAVATING DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, FOR LAND CLEARING ED STONE, LOAM, FILL. -by Hour or Contract. | m= . . ' No special expg¢rience ne- a : USE THE d CLASS 1F/Ep, FOR Quick 4 ; Resoers Phone 50 AE a] Auction Sales WED, APRIL 4--Auction Sale of Live Stock, Tractor; Implements, Fur- niture, the property of Gerald Wilson, Lot 22, Con. 8, Mariposa, b miles west of Lindsay, on Highway No. 7. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Bill Weldon, Clerk. : > TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., APRIL Tth---Auction Sale of Live Stock, Implements and Hay, the property of Fred H. Wilkinson, Lot 2, Con, 5, Reach, 1% miles West of Utica. Terms Cash, sale at 1,00 p.n. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., APRIL Tth--Auction Sale of Cabins, Boats, lishing Equipment, Cabin Furniture, ete., the property of Ilarnest kK. Butler, will be held on Lot I, Con, 14, Brock Twp, at Port Bol- ster. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30 p.m. Bob Weir, Clerk. RIEEG., JOHNSON, Auctioneer. TUES., APRIL 10--Farm Sold Auc- tion Sale of Farm Stock, Pure Bred Ayrshire Cattle, Implements, M.-H. Tractor No, 22, front end loader, good, Grain, Baled Straw, etc., the property of C. 11, Sutcliffe, Lot 7, Con. 7, Geor- gina Twp, 1% miles east, % mile north.of Sutton on County Park Road. Terms Cash, No Reserve, Sale at 1.00 p.m. George Edwards, Clerk, . REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. THURS., APRIL 12th--Farm Sold Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- -| ments, Oliver 70 Tractor, DeLaval Mil- ker, ete. the property of Wm, Butter- worth, Lot 16, Con. 10, Brock Twp., 1% miles east, 1 mile south of Derry- ville, on Ridge Road. Terms Cash, No Reserve, Sale at '1.00 p.m, Geo. Ldwards, Clerk. ' | REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. THURS., APRIL 19 -- Farm Sold Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Household Purniturhgin pro- perty of Witald Zajaczkowski, Lot 20, Con. 3, North Gwillmbury, 2 miles north of Keswick on Boyr's Road, No Reserve, terms cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Murv. Connell, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer.. WED., APRIL 4, 1966 -- Auction Sale of 2 late Model Ford Tractors on rubber, complete line of Ford Equip- ment, Allis Chalmers Garden Tractor, complete with all tractor garden equipment, Geo. White garden tractor, complete, farm implements, large lot of garden tools, large and small. (see posters). On Let 66, Con. 1, King Township on King Side Road Highway % mile west of Yonge Street. Pro- perty of Harvey Mashinter. Terms Cash. No reserve. Sale at 1.00 pan. sharp. . KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, FRI, APRIL 6, 1956--Auction Sale of 60 head of reg'd Guernsey Cattle, LH.C, tractor, L.H.C. baler, Ford Trac- tor and equipnient, farm stock, imple- ments, ete, on lot. 85, con. 1, Whit- church Twp. 1% miles north of Aurora and % mile east of Yonge St., the property of John M. Holton. Sale at 12. noon sharp. Cattle sale at 2.00 p.m. Terms Cash, No-reserve, as farm sold. EAT Si KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. WED. APRIL 11, 1966 -- Large auction sale of 3 tractors, Forage har- vester, herd of Holstein cattle, com- bine, farm stock, implemehts, hay & grain, furniture, ete., on Con, 4, Vau- han Twp. just south of Maple. Pro- perty of Mr, Lyons. Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp. Terms Cash, no reserve, farm sold, . KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, ' Auctioneers. THURS.,- APRIL 12, 1966--Auction sale of herd of dairy cattle, tractor, farm machinery, farm stock, imple~ ments, hay, grain, furniture, ete, on Lot 12, Con. 6, Whitchurch Twp., pro- perty of Less G. Rowe. Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp. Terms Cash, No reserve, farm sold. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 14, 1066 -- Auction aale of herd of Holstein cattle, Ford major tractor and plow, Téam of 'hor. ses, farm- stock, implements, hay & grain, furniture, etc., on Lot 11, Con, 7, Markham Twp., on No. 7 Highway, West of Markham village, Property of Elmo Middleton, Sale at 1.00 p.m, sharp, Termg Cash, No reserve, farm sold. : KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 21, 1956 -- Auction sale of Household furniture and other effects on lot 21,.Con. 4 Vaughan Twp, at Teston., Property of Lewis Hadwin., Sale at 2,00 pm, Terms, Cath, No Reserve, KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctionears. AUCTION SALES + SAT., APRIL 14th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Live Stock, Imple- ments, Hay and Straw, the property of Mrs. A, Stonehouse, Lot 13, Con. 3, I. Whitby, on Rossland Rd. East of Osliawa Airport, Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m, Harvey Pascoe & Thos. Harper, Clerks, : ' . TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, THURS., APRIL 12--Auction Sale of 60 Cattle, Implements, Pigs and Straw, the property of Francis Lambe Concession 13, Mara Township, Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WED., APRIL 11th -- 2nd Annual Sale, 19566 -- 956 Cattle, 3 Tractors, Impleménts, Horses, Hogs, Sheep, the property of Emery Windrem and Sons, Lot 4, Con. 6, Emily Twp, 2 miles north of Omemee and turn West, Terms Cash, no reserve, Sale at 12.00 p.m. Wm. Weldon and Paul McGuire, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. TUES., APRIL 17th -- Farm Sold Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Pure Bred and Grade Holsteins, Implements W.D. 46 Allis Chalmers Tractor, V.A. Case Tractor, McKee Harvester, Geo. White No. 6 Threshing Machine, the ! property of Edwin (Ted) Breen, Lot 130, Con. 4, East Gwillimbury 'T'wp., 2% miles North and 1% miles East of Queensville. Terms Cash, No Re- serve, sale at 12,00 p.m, Rex, Smith, ! Clerk. REG, JOHNSON, Auctioneer. ROOM AND BOARD--Downtown. Phone 367-R. April b TWANTED--Woman for housework. Phone 464-W. March 29 APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Four 'rooms, all conveniences. Apply 462J, Seed Grain Commercial, certified and registered Rodney Oats and commercial Garry Oats. Other varieties upon order, L, R. Swain, Phone Blackstock 89-r-11, . April b. Waitress Wanted Full time, all days. Apply in per- son or phone Flamingo Restaurant, Phone 376, Port Pérry. FOR SALE--2 Lots on Scugog St., Port Perry. For further information contact Arthur W, S. Greer, Q.C. Telephone 25, Port Perry. Apr. b WANTED TO BUY in Port Perry, a house with two or more bedrooms. $900.00 down payment. Apply Box 10, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE--Mixed Baled Hay and Straw, Ralph Veitch, Phone Uxbridge, 1560-r-11, : . WANTED--Watch dog, Collie, 1 yr, or older. -Phone Mrs, Chinn, RA, b6- 6308, 303 Oshawa Blvd.,, Oshawa. FOR SALE -- 200 chick capacity Electric -Brooder. Phone 486-r-8, FOR SALE -- In Prince Albert, $9000.00 for 6 large roomed brick house with all conveniences, Hard- wood down, 4 piece bath, 3 acres of land, fruit trees, barn, House has forced ail heating. Apply Box 9, Port Perry Star. mar2otf, ss FOR SALE -- Upright piano and large Console Radio. ¢Reasonable. Will sell separately. - Phone 348. FOR SALE qr RENT--7 room frame house on Bigelow St. Furnace, hard and soft water in 'house, electricity. Phone 102-r-12. Apr. 12, FOR SALE--Red Clover Seed, 3c. per 1b.; also Manure Spreader, Mower, Binder, Seed Drill, Harrows. Apply Charles Parm, R.R, 2, Port Perry, FOR RENT in Prince Albert--Large room .and kitchen with built-in cup- boards, hot water and all conveniences, Suit young couple with child. Phone 106-r-14. Apr. 12, FOR BALE--Combhination Coal and Electric (Westinghonse) Stove, Price $60.00. Phone 816-R. FOR SALE -- Boys Bports Jacket, Brown Tweed, size 14. Worn only twice, $8.00. Phone 142, FOR SALE -- 6 room insul-brick house with new oil furnace, forced nir heating; good dry basement on large lot. Phone 349-.J. Ernest White, | LOST -- Female Fox Hound, white and black with tan head, tatoo in both ears, Phone Brooklin 627-r-2, Re- ward, Roy Brown, Raglan, Apr.b FOR RENT---Cement block garage, «30 x 60 with gas pumps, good location for mechanic or welder. Roy Brown, Raglan, phone Brooklin 627-r-2, Apb FOR SALE--'64 Dodge Mayfair in Al condition; radio, heater, undercoat ing, window washers. Phone 279, Cee, King, Port Perry, Apr.' b 'WANTED--Bench Saw in good con- dition." Phone 91, Port Perry, FOR SALE--Great Dane, male, 3 years old, vaccinated for [Rabbies; also Girls Spring Coat'and Hat, light blue with brown trim, size 6, Phone 470-r-b. FOR SALE -- Allis Chalmers C.A. Tractor and Equipment, two-furrow plough, cultivator, power mower, Geo, Judd, R.R. 1, Ashburn. Apr. b. WANTED -- Woman to manage a highway lunch room, live-in, 26 to 50 years of age. Lynn Valley Lunch, Phone Sunderland 65-r-10, Jack Me- Kinnon, z Pasture for Rent 36 acres of good pasture, good water -and -shade, Geo. Judd, R.R. 1, Ash- burn. Apr, b. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Joseph Robert Johnston, Deceased; All persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph Robert Johnston, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 10th day of Mar, A.D., 1956, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April, 1956, full particu- lars of their claims. Immediately af- ter the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. : j on DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 27th day of March, A.D,; 1956. ARTHUR W, 8S. GREER, Q.C, Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix. April 12, Auction Sale REGISTERED GUERNSEY 'CATTLE McC.-D. and Ford Tractors, Case Combine, Hay Baler, Machinery, JOHN M. HOLTON Lot 85, Con. 1, Whitchurch Township, 1Y; miles north of Aurora, ¥% mile E. of Yonge Street, on FRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 1956 REGISTERED GUERNSEY CATTLE All Vaccinated, Accredited, R.O.P. Tested and Blood Tested 1--Doneddy Northern White Wing, 41551, born Nov. 4, 1956, calved Feb, 1, 1956 : 2_Sunset View Lucy, 52342, born April 8, 1947, bred Oct, 20, 1905 3--Pine Grove Mattie, 52338, born June 14, 1947, bred Feb, 26, 1956. 4--Far Hills Gertie; 46826, born Jan, 14, 1948, bred June 16, 1966 5--Far Hills Barbara Ann, 48036, born Feb. 14, 1948,, bred Jan, 27, 1955 6--Far Hills Geraldine, 47084, born May 13, 1948, bred Oct. 11, 1955, 7--Far Hills Clovers Muriel, 47226, born May 19, 1948, bred July 15,565, 8--Far Hills Princess Royal, 47300, born July 9, 1948, bred Dec, 12, 195H 9--Far Hills Lady Mildred, 48038, "born Sept, 26, 1948, bred Aug, 8, '56 10--Far Hills Lady Mona, 60296, born Nov. 13, 1948, bred June 24, 1955, 11--Far Hills 'Aurora 650689, horn Feb. 1, 1949, bred Aug, 28, 1966 12--Far Hills Elizabeth Anne, 51286, . born June 8, 1949, bred July 5, 1965, 13--Far Hills Claribel, 52345, born Oct, 1, 1949, bred Nov, 6, 1956, 6, 1949, bred July 10, 1955 15--Far Hills Majors Elsie, 66898, born Sept. 26, 1960, calved Dec, 19, 1966. 16--Fay Hills Majors Eleanore, 56104, born Oct. 2,1950, bred Keb, 28, 1956. 17---Far Hills Majors Elmira, 67276, born Oct. 30, 1950, calved Jan; 13, 1956. : 18--Far Hills Majors Ellen, 57276, born Dec. 30, 1950, bred Aug. 15, "56. 19--Far Hills Majors Fern, 60670, born May 9, 1961, catved Dec. 9, "05. 20--Premier's Langwater May, 66761, hom Sept. 23, 1950, calved Jan, 3, 1956 21--Far Hills Flames Flute, 60673, born Oct: 7, 1951, bred June 8, 1966. 22--Far Hills Flames Fiddle, 60675, born Oct, 26, 1951, bred Jan, 26, '56, 23--Far Hills Flames Felicity, 60674, born Oct. 11, 1951, calved Jan, 3, "60. 24--Far Hills Flames Germaine, 63047, born Jan. 13, 1952, bred Dee. 24, 1966, 26--Far Hills Flames Georgina, 63048, born Jan, 26, 1962, bred Feb, 28, '66, 26--Far Hil)s } ajory (ladys, 63060, born Feh, 11, 1952, calved 'Nov. 29, 1065. ; 27--Far Hills Flames (finger, 63052, horn June 10, 1962, calyed Dec, 26, 28--Far Hills Flames (race, 63053, born June 10, 1062, hred Opt, 16, '65; 20--Far Hills Flames Gaiety, 66487, horn Oct, 18, 1962, ealyed Nov, 16, 30--Far Hills Flames Gull, 66489, horn Nov. 7, 1962, calved Jan, 20, 1950. 31--Far Hills Flame Grit, 65490 born Nov. 22, 1062, calved Nov, 9, 1966; Ie 14--Far Hills Janna, 532568, born Nov, 32--Far Hills Flames Genevieve, 65779, born Nov. 28, 1952, calved Feb. 4, 1956, 33--Far Hills Flames Gotham, 65780) born Dec, 15, 1952, calved Dec! 19, 1956. ; «4 34--Oberland Pre Lotta, 66379, born -. Sept. 16, 1952, calved Dec. 4, 19565. - 36--Far Hills Flames Hazel, 68091, bern Feb, 26, 1963, bred Deg. 19, '66 36--Far Hills Flames Hedy, 68093, born April.26, 1958, bred Jan, 9,56. 37--Far Hills Majors Hope, 68094 born May. 5, 1953, bred Dec. 7, 1956. 38--Far Hills Flames Holly, 68095, born May 14, 19563, bred Dec. 18, '56. 39--Far Hills Flames Helen, 68096, born July 26, 1953, pasture bred. 40--Far Hills Flames Tester, 68097, born July*26, 19563, bred Jan, 26, '56, 41--Far Hills Flames Heather, 69039, born Sef; 18, 1963, pasture bred. 42--a¥ Hills Flames Hilary, 69040, born Nov. 22, 1953, pasture bred, 43--Far Hills Flames Hildegarde, 69041, born Dec, 12, 1953, pasture bred. 44=--Far Hills Flames Henrietta, 69042, born Dec, 15, 1953, pasture brea. 46--Far Hills Nicks Kim, 76711, born March 14, 19566, 46--Far Hills Flames Krista, 76712, born May 16, 19565. born June b, 1956, ' 48--Iar Hills Flames Katherine, 76772, born August 11, 1955, 49--Far Hills Nicks Kirsten, 76773, born Sept. 21, 19566. b0--Far Hills Nicks Kitten, 76774, born Sept. 26, 1956. 61--Far Hills :Nicks Kettle, 76775, born Oct, 1, 1965. b62--Iar Hills Nicks Kilo, 77821, born Oct. 29, 19565. 63--Far Hills Nicks Khaki, 77822, born Nov. 9, 1955. b4--Far Hills Nicks Kite, 77828, born Nov. 29, 1955, , 656--Far Hills Nicks Kiss, 77824, born Dec. 9, 1956. 56--Far Hills Nicks Kid, 77825, born Dec. 19, 1965, 67--Far Hills Nicks Key, 77826, born Dec. 26, 1955. 68--Far Hills Nicks Lana, 77827, born Jan. 3, 1956. 59--BULL--Oberland High Nick, 66119, born Dec, 24, 1952, 60---~BULL--Liseters Flame, 52335, born Feb, 9, 1949. FARM MACHINERY McC.-D. W4 Tractor on rubber, com- plete with lights, starter, pulleys, ete. This tractor is in perfect con- dition. G IHC 3-fur, Ace Bottom Tractor Plow. McC.-D. No. 200 Tractor Spreader on rubber.' IHC No. 6 Hammer Mill 50 ft. Endless Drive Belt : Case Model A Combine complete with air cooled Wisconsin engine, pick-up, ete, . IHC No, 456 P.T.0. Automatic Baler for Hay or Straw, near. new, IHC 4-bar Side Rake, tractor hitch Set of Flexible Chain Harrows, 10 ft. Ford Tractor on rubber, late madel Set Tractor Chains © 2 I'ord Spring Tooth Cultivator I'ord 2-furrow Tractor Plow 17-----Far Hills Nicks Kathleen, 76713," Ford Snow Plow or Blade Ford Rear Cut P.T.0. Mower, 6 cut 13 Dise 1HC Fertilizer Grain Drill M-H Weed Sprayer, complete for any _ tractor with tank and 30" boom Set 3-sec. Drag Harrows Set b-sec, Drag Harrows «< 3f Harvey Elevator for bales.or grain Electric Motor, 8 hp." = > Steel Dump Rake, 10 ft, IHC, Set of THC Dise Harrows, Tandem, 8' Set 'of Sloop Sleighs : A IHC Rupber Tired Wagon, modern and new, roller bearings Flat Rack Other Implements MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Surge Milking Machine complete with piping, outlets and 3 single units: Electric Motor, % h.p. Woods Electric Grain Grinder Ebersol Feed Mixer, 700 lb, size Surge Water Filter Milk Cooler Frigidaire 10-can Electric Milk Cooler Milk Pails, Strainer, Plungers, ete, Turn Pike Shovel . New IHC Walking Plow New IHC Scuffler Qu, of Pouluy 'Equipment, Brooders, Fountains, Feeders, ete, 2 Extension Ladders Number of Sacks - Number of 6-inch Field Tile 2 Sets of Cattle Tattooers 2 Horse Fork Draw Ropes and Pilleys Number Cattle Gravity Water Bowls. 3 Wooden Pig Feeders 2 Steel. Warner Pig Feeders Small Size Cement Mixer, near new . Electric Motor, % h.p. Number "of Cow Chains Number of Pig Troughs Number Elm and Maple Planks, new Quantity Water Piping, different sizes Number Cedar Poles for fence rails. Quantity of Snow Fence ? Pile Scrap Iron, No. Steel Bbls. Quebec Heater, Pot Belly Stove with pipes Forks, shovels, chains, rakes, hoes, and a numerous lot of other useful articles not mentioned. SALE AT 12 NOON SHARP CATTLE SALE AT 2.00 P.M. TERMS CASH.. ~~ NO RESERVE. "FARM IS SOLD : KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, ' Markham, Ont., Phone 346, 'Milliken P.O., Phone AX. 3-5987 Willoughby's ~~ SPRING Catalogue JUST out, Mailed FREE! Full of bargains! Hundreds of farms, large and small, suburban properties and businesses for sale, . Easy . terms. Write Canada's largest farm agency. _ Realtors J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Limited 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto. April 19. Fuel Oil 16% - Vigor 0il Co. Lid. ----- Stove 0il 20 4 cents per gal. For Delivery Phone Oshawa RA. 5-1109 centspergal. &y TD OG OPS O FI OFID OFS OES OE OI OWN CER OWS CP 0g ~~ Cw. ---- SHINGLES Clean Up Hmm Rar PHO PORT PERR Maw For Spring We carry a complete line of Glidden Paint | Come in andysee our Color Charts for decorating the home. Lake Scugog Lumber Company Lid. NE 240 W and Paint ONT. PLYWOOD WALL BO nMEPET nNoov

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