- and WERE AIR SNE a) 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, BR REN SEE ERE LE THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1966 LOCAL Announcement MALCOLM---Noreen and Neil Mal- colm of, Blackstock wish td" announce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Mary Lou Bertha, on Monday March 26th, 1956." A wee sigter for Gordie. . -------- B] Card of Thanks 'Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, the Mal- colm family and Mr, Leonard Joblin of Nestleton, wish to express their sincere gratitude to the many friends, neighbours and relatives for all the kindness shown to them at the time of their bereavement-and loss of a devoted sister and wife. The lovely floral wreaths, thoughtful cards and other of sympathy are deeply appreciated. Special thanks are humbly extended to Rev. and Mrs. Hutton of Blackstock. expressions Prince Albert Will we see you at Sunday School and Church next Sunday? Bring a- long your Easter visitors too, i . During divine worship on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Wylie assisted by Rev. Mr. Joblin welcomed and received two new members into fellowship, namely Mrg. M. Case and Mr, Robt. Heayn. Mrs, Wm, Heayn dropped her birth- day dues into the little church at Sun- day School. About 20 delegates from our village- and rural area, attended in a body the Ford Crusade in Whitby, Monday evening, Ea Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Smith and spent the Smith and two children of Toronto, week-end with Mrs, Go R, Miss Spence. Birthday Greetings are extended to © Mr, Raymer for April 6th, Friends were sorry to learn of Mrs, J. Wilson of Toronto, a former resi- dent here, being in the hospital, but all hope she will soon be restored to health. FOR SALE -- Purebred English Yorkshire Hogs, serviceable age and younger; also good black collie pup, male, © months. Ired Milne, Black- water, phone Sunderland 3r3. aprb TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS -- PROVINCE OF ONTARIO . EALED TENDERS addressed to the S undersigned and endorsed as above. will be received until 3 p.m. (E.S.T.) THURS- DAY. APRIL 26th, 1956, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. "Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and: Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 35h Yonge St, 'Toronto, Ontario. Tenders will not be considered unless made on or according to the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth therein. The Department reserves the right to de- mand from any" successful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a CERTIFIED cheque drawn on a bank incorporated under the Bank Act ur the Quebec Savings Dank Act payable to the order of the RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA, equal to ten per cent of the amount of the tender, in accordance with the Government Contracts Regolations now in force, or Bearer 'Bonds, with unmatured coupons attached, of the Government of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, unconditionally guaranteed, as to principal aind interest by the Gover ite nt of Cannda, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, March 16, 1056. april 6 5 NEWS THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev, K. VW, Scott, L.Th;, Good Friday, March 30th--- 12,00 - 2.00 p.m.--Devotions and meditations on the Crucifixion, 8.00 p.n.--The St. Luke Passion sung by the Port Perry Choral - Society. - Laster Day, April 1st-- 11.00 a.m.--Holy Communion, Sunday School. Rect or PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH FASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd 11 a.am----**The Fact of Continuance" 7 p.m.--*"Jesus is Lord." 7 PENT ECOS' I'AL CHURCH Sunday, April 1st-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Lvangelistic Service, CHRIST IS THE LIFE Iveryone Welcome K. Sprackett, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., Sunday, April 1st-- 11 a.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship; D.D. 4 PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Paul Delaney Pastor: Sunday," April 1st-- 'Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at' 11 a.m. lovening service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL OI THE AIR . Radio Station CKLB, 1350 on your Dial THE (Oshawa Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." dec.156-66 - REEPLISIS 0 AIRE APIS SARA NE I SARE 38 Bud 31 0 0 2 0 Oshawa Memorial Service On No 2 Hwy. Fast of Oshawa City Limits. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, CORNER STONES, STATUARY, also™ and Markers and Works of Bronze. Manufacturing Memorials to in- dividual requirements from the finest Granites and Marbles Available. For Information without Obligation write Box 213 or call RA. 5-6611. BPI AU AS RP LA A Ae | Jones had taken a taxi, only to dis- cover on approaching his destination out, "I just want to go in this drug store and get some matches," he ex- plained, I've dropped a $20 bill some- where in the cab and I can't find it in the dark." When he came out cab had vanished into the night, as he had anticipated. DOUPE'S PRONE The Store will be open Thursday night until 9 o'clock and will be closed all day Friday. ! } ® 485W, PRINCE ALBERT' I'ree delivery on all orders of $2.00 or over. STORE that his wallet was empty, and jumped |' FR 4 { LAL bo $4 1 x =o 3: COMING EVENTS Old Tyme Dance In Oakwood Community Hall, Sat., April Tth, 1956 Dancing 9 to 12, featuring Jim Fisher and orchestra of Toronto, All ages welcome. Spon- sored by Oakwood Women's Institute and Kawartha Farmers, Junior Saturday, April 7 Boy Scout Paper Salvage, Please g hundles securely - and leave papers out near the road early on Saturday, Aprilb Easter Tea And Home Baking Sale on Sat, April 7th from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension, Two Plays Friday, April 13th, the Seagrave W. A. are presenting two plays, "Bachelor Bride" and "All Cars to tho Rescue" in the Seagrave Church. Ad- mission H0c. and 25¢. Apr Euchre Thursday, April 5th at 8.30 p.m. a Euchre will be held in the Parish Hali of the Catholic Church. Lunch served, Admission 50c, "Del" Restaurant Afternoon Tea will be served in our Dining Room on Tuesdays and Satur- days from. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. when the well known MADAME FERGUSON will be in attendance to read your teacup. 75e. per pérson, Apr, 12 Farm Union Meet At Enniskillen on April 2nd at 8.00 p.m., Mass Meeting, speakers, Mr. Donald Macdonald, M.P.P, also Mr. A. V. Cormack, Pres. Ontario Farm Union for farm security and protee- tion. Iiverybody welcome. Religious Play Reserve Sunday Evening, April 8th to see a religious play entitled "The Travelling Man" by Lady Gregory in the United Church. Sponsored by the Y. PP. U. Scugog News The Head W. A. held a hot meat loaf supper on Thursday evening, March 22nd It proved to be very en- joyable and a good crowd attended to sample the delicious food. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manns enter-! tained the Head Euchre Club last Fri- were Mr. and Mrs. Angus Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. O. Ashton at 'Ionniskillen, Mr. Don Ashbridge and Mr. C. Cars ter attended the Farm Forum Spring | Round Up at Uxbridge last Monday | evening, The Forum season has now ended until next fall. day evening. The first prize winners. Greenbank The regular meeting of the W.A, was held at the parsonage on Tuesday. A goodly number of ladies were pre- sent for this fine meeting and enjoy- able afternoon. Palm Sunday"was observed in- our church with communion and a large cluss of young! people becoming mem- bers of the church, Those who joined on profession of faith were Barbara and Mabel Banks, Lillian. Couves, Lin- da Clements, Bonnie Fdster, Carol Smith; Barry and Ronald Hancock, Raymond Kerry, Morley Davison, Neil Raines; those by certificate Mrs! Jas. Baird and Mrs. Earl Bacon. Good Friday morning there will be service in the church at 11 a.m, and music. Glad to report Mrs. Roy Leask im- proving nicely after her recent opera- special Faster Faster Sunday 'he choir will render) tion in Port Perry Community Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Bushby visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. T! Bushby on Sat. They called on Mr, Gall in Cannington and report him feeling fine. / On Saturday evening in Sutton the Greenbank hockey team was defeated G-3 which brought to a close this sea- son's hockey by dropping three games to Sutton, 'Quite a large riambier of the young- ei set of our comnuinity attended the annual 'At Home" at Port Perry High School 9n Friday evening. ; Miss Joyce Clements and girl friend of Oshawa left by bus on Saturday for a trip through the States to Mexico. Sorry to report Mrs, H. McMillan is ill." We all hope she is soon better. Keep in mind the Minstrel show by the Pilot Class in, Easter Holidays. Turkey or " Phone 215 EASTER SUNDAY DINNER SERVED FROM 12 NOON to 2.00 P.M. and FROM 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. SPECIALTY: Please Reserve Your Table Barly. "Del" Restaurant - Port Perry Children under 12 years will receive an Easter favour 'Roast Duck [ PORT PERRY PAY. FOR YOUR FEED when you ELL YOUR HOGS! : SEE Wk THE MASTER HOG Gi de PLAN. The followin plan is highly recommended for Best Results: MASTER PIG-PERK PELLETS, 25 Ibs. PER PIG. Start them when they are approximately 1 week old. MASTER PIG STARTER PELLETS, 75 lbs. PER PIG. followed hy MASTER PIG GROWER PELLETS MASTER FEEDS L PAST, FAIR and FRIENDLY SERVICE iy) ou PHONE 1 5 PIECE SILVER T . 45 PIECE Hemmered Aluminum Trays. - Dishes, Casseroles, etc. 10% off. Saucers 0% off 220 PIECE BREAKFAST and LUNCHEON DISH SET, Reg. $9.60 Reg. $74.75. SINDILAND JEL Spring and Easter SALE LADIES' BULOVA, Reg. $45.75 ~ Special Sale $24.95 Special Sale $29. % Cash or Trade MANY OTHER FINE WATCH BARGAINS with Trade-in 25% off or cash discount 15% off w EA SERVICE,, Reg. $5 A. 75. SALE PRICE $6.95 ~ AllJ ewellery, 25% Reduction. COMMUNITY SILVER PLATE in Anti#Tarnish Chest, SALE PRICE $569.75. GENT'S BULOVA, Reg. $35.75 Cash or Trade SALE PRICE 59. 76 China Cups & the north, UPHOLSTERING We Are Pleased to Announce Harpell's Upholstering are expanding their Satish to Jor the Best in Service and Quality, just call HARPELL'S UPHOLSTERING [8 FREE E STIMATES AT ANY TIME (Day or Evening) . AJAX 385 (NO TOLL CHARGES) mm» We have a complete line of fabrics to choose from and guarantee all our work a full five years. A full staff is employed in order to give you Fast Efficient Service at the lowest possible cost. -HARPELL'S UPHOLSTERING coc: BE | | ANNUAL BALL Port Perry Public School FRIDAY, APRIL 6th $2. 00 per couple PORT PERRY . LIONS CLUB POSOROSOSOS0SOSOS0OY XIOR00080008080ROEOR0E0S0S0SOEOS0S0E0N 0802090009090 8X SSSR SSISBEBEN5S pre Painting and Decorating HAVE YOUR WORK DONE BY EXPERIENCED PAINTERS and DECORATORS We have the Equipment and Men i for any si FREE ESTIMATES and SAMPLES, 25 Years in the Trade A. ELLIS PHONE BLACKSTOCK 47r23 ze joh. ~ April 5, 1956 Porirais For Less Than the Price Snap Shots The Following are the Merchants wha-age_sponsoring Elizabeth Shoppe, Port Perry + Saturday, April 7th. 'McEACHERN HAT SHOPPE HOWARD MOTORS DOUPE"S STORE, 'PRINCE ALBERT CARNEGIE HARDWARE FLAMINGO RESTAURANT BRUTON DRUGS WESTERN TIRE ELIZABETH SHOPPE TAYLOR'S fc. to $1 LAWRENCE'S DRUG STORE MURRAY WILLIAMS KAYVANS 00 HOPE'S 1.G.A. SWEETMAN'S GARAGE -- L \