Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Mar 1956, p. 8

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8---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1056 THEATRE . v LAKEVIEW PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT, MARCH 22-23-24 Richard Todd, Ursula Jeans, Michael Redgrave In The Tense and Thrilling Action Drama "THE DAM BUSTERS" COMEDY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED.,, MARCH 26-27-28 Marlon Brando and Mary Murphy In The Startling Teen Age Thrill Drama "THE WILD ONE", 2ND FEATURE -- Phil Carey and Martha Hyer In The Exciting 'Technicolor Outdoor Hit "WYOMING RENEGADES" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT-- Last Complete Show Starts at 8,20 p.m. [i a --- - Rr 0 mim J I 1 WITH IST ONE WEEK LEFT TILL EASTER . you will want to make sure of your Easter Novelties and Delicious Smiles'n Chuckles Chocolates, Easter wrapped. Saturday Special "CHOCOLATE DATE LAYER CAKE" GERROW'S BAKERY Phone 32W G. M. GERROW 11 1 11 ORR RD Fm OO mmm ® sn * ete etetede * te tetetetatite tata teat! OBB AOS BOSC tet phchabatat anata The Port Perry Choral Society wo the ST- LUKE PASSION, by Bach, on Good Friday, March 30th at 8:00pm. in the CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION MARION HEAVER, Soprano JOHN KILEEG, Tenor. ALAN JACKSON, Organist The public is cordially invited. @ MA ASABSAANRAAA AR AS AAA AAA A A A MA AAA OOSBO OBC £8 CE EN 2 ot tatetite att ih MPFR ILA ILI DLL ILS 8% $ 2 ~ 8 Para NA on ® Cheerful . .. Colorfull ® Easy to clean and keep cleanl © Fast and easy to installl © Never needs _ refinishingl Come in. Inspect new samples, As low as 00¢ sq. ft. REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY PHONE 73 ARI RR eee Tata AAA AN ANAS ATA MATS IAA FN BO AAA ARAN SPECIAL BUYS THIS WEEK 1953 Cadillac -- Black White Wall Tires, Fully Equipped, Like New, Cuseintied 5000 miles. - 1953 Meteor Coach -- Two- tone Radio and Heater. Truck -- Platform and Racks 7ft.x 14x ft. x b ft. high, in good condition. . Cheap To be sold In order that you can_be sure of a good used car we haVe a full guarantee on all used cars from 1949 up. oes ste soe sn ate totale tue Fe tete To Sole ste se enn teat ste tots ate stosinnte HOWARD MOTOR SALES PHONE 74 Acs PORT PERRY a A aaa i i AER vn a Fo 404% el $ 3 ¢ * 4 cd £8 id £ pe os CROROBOROROELRCEOECEIROS0AOAOAOROSCOR0OH RCRA CR ABA BSS A SPOS BO Blackstock Eight tables of euchre were played at the L.O.B.A. party Tuesday night. Prize winners were Mrs. Alma Fowler, Mr. Keith VanCamp and Mr, Ed Har- ris door prize, W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Ce- cil Hill Wed., p.m. "Tho the weather was bad and only 14 ladies and four children were present a fine meeting was held. Pres, Mrs. E. Larmer op- ened with an Easter verse, Mrs, J. A. Johnston gave the worship, read- ing from John 20 and basing her thoughts.on Easter, The roll call was an Faster Thought, Mrs. C. W. Hut- ton showed a filin and read the manu- script on "Coast to Coast with the United Church Missions", Mrs. Jas. Henry gave a reading "True Love of God" and: Mrs. Earl Dorrell gave a short talk on Easter. Meeting closed with prayer by the President after] which lunch was served by Mrs, Lloyd Wright and her group, Mission Band met Thursday p.m. Pres. Anne Gibson presiding. Opened by -singing the Mission Band Hymn and repeating the purpose. Mrs. Hill based her worship talk on "Love and Friendship" reading Matt, 22:36-39, Prayers were offered by Anne Gibson, Nancy Hutton and Larry Brown. Brian Mountjoy took the-offering and Janice Byers said the offeratory pray- er. Roll call was "A kind deed I have done since the last meeting", Margaret Carnaghan read 'The 'Bright Side"; Elizabeth ~Thompson gave a piano solo, "The Little Picnic"; Patsy and Joan Wotton sang "Tell me the Stories of Jesus", Mr. Hutton s| very kindly came and showed pictures "From Coast to Coast" where we saw Indian chldren learning stories of Je- sus as well ag the Boats of the Mis- | sionaries and many other things and places, We closed by singing "When he Cometh" and repeating the Bene- diction. Attendance 26 children and 2 leaders. Rev, Green, Enniskillen, preached a very fine sermon on "rededication" in the United Church Sunday evening. He also spoke at Cadmus, Caesarea and Nestleton, and Rev. Hutton was on the Enniskillen charge, speaking on the same subject. Next Sunday is "rededication of members and Com- munion and a class of new members joining the éhurch. Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Lubson and fa- mily have moved to the "Bruce Heas- lip" house. Mr. Lubson is to go in partnership with Mr, Pew in the to- bacco farming. Mr, Harold Kyte has rented Mr. Lubson's house in the vill- age here. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kyte spent several days in Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. [Roy Stinson and fa~ mily moved to Oshawa Wednesday, Sympathy is extended to Mr. Leo- nard Joblin, Nestleton and the many relatives around here in. the passing of Mrs, Joblin n Western Hospital, Toronto on Wednesday night. Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Orono spent a couple of days last week with the Norman Mountjoy's; J. A. Johnstons and Earl Dorrell. . Mrs. Wilbert Archer spent the week end with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Bert Smith, Toronto. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. 'Neil Werry on the arrival of a son Saturday. Mrs, Harold Weir, London, spent a couple of days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Bowman. Mrs. Harold Stinson, Yelverton, spent a few; days last week and Mr, Stinson spent Sunday with their daughter and family the Walter Wrights. Mrs, Percy Woodward, Point de Ba- ril, and Mrs. Geo, Proutt who has been in Toronto for the winter spent the week-end with. the Stanford Van- Camps after attending the funeral of | Mrs, L, Joblin, Glad to report Mr. Geo, Saunders was able to come home from the hos- pital, also Dr. Bowles. We hope both will continue to improve, Mr, and Mys. Stuart Dorrell, Miss Joan Hoskin, 'Messrs, Glenn Larmer and Richard VanCamp attended the Royal Fair at Kemptville Wednesday, Mrs. Howard Saywell and her mo- ther Mrs, Burke of Oshawa went to Dunnville Sat, with Messrs. Gordon Paisley and Swain VanCamp and vi- sited Mrs. Saywell's grandmother who is ill while the two gentlemen visited Gordon's parents, $ Messrs. Roy and Bill and Miss San- dra Ferguson visited the Grant Fer- guson's and Geo, Dunbars. in Toronto Sunday. Mis, Ernest McBrien, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, John Hamilton. Miss Lee Polgrain, Toronto, with the John Ballingals for the week-end. Mr, and Mrs, David Harris and Miss Pauline Jemison were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Taylor. Mr, and Mrs Ken. Terry, Bowman- ville, were guests of Grant Jackson's Sunday and little Dougie who has been three weeks here returned home with them. Glad to say Winona is better again, Mrs, Wm. Hartwell, Otter Lake, Que, is visiting her sister Mrs, Thos. Stewart. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Carter, Bowman- ville were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Wolfe and boys. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Hoidge and fa- mily and Mrs, I. Argue with Mrs, Bd. Darcy Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Geo, Craw- ford and Mr. and Mrs, Pearce on the occasion of Mrs, Crawford's birthday were: Mr, and Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mary Lou, Port Perry; Mr. and Murs. Fred Pearce, Prince Albert; Mr, and Mrs, Harold Crawfod, Janice and Kenneth and Miss Catherine Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Wally McBrien and Mr, and Mrs, Joe Rooking spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton.' ; The regular monthly meeting of the W.A, of St. John's Church was held in the Parish Hall on Thursday, Mar. 16th with the President presiding and fourteen members and two visitors present. The Devotional was in charge of Mrs. Nicholson, Thanks were received for get well cards, Mrs. Harry Hall and Mrs, J. A. McArthur. Minutes wére read and Treas. report > This man can give you : dependable delivery of THE CHRISTIAN * SCIENCE 3 MONITOR Interntionat «daily newspaper Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read and enjoy this international ~ rewspaper, pub- lished daily in Boston. World- famous for constructive news stories and penetrating editorials. Special featdres for the whole family. : § The Christion Science Monitor One Norway hy Boston 15, Mass. "send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclésed find my check or money order. : 1 year $16 {J 6 months $8 (J "3 months $4 [J . Nome 3 i Address City Zone State PRC Bede 10, AP pre 5 XY wo ' ; Si oN 7 {(C ' ( Co 4 7 \ 2 ' a 1550 HRY / 3HL Fy UEFA SVM - ASL AML AOOLE LL § "NO AMO ail ATi £5 FEV SB EY PANS TSN 3 VAST Baw) PAZAN y, Phony reliable service. ITE FuELs kr LL. og (LLP. + Hood. 289 "e+ PORT PERR TRY OUR FUEL OIL and you're very apt to hecome a steady user. Phone 289 for Phone 289. FA { given. Birthday box received dona. tions from Mrs. Bateman, Mrs, Nichol- son, Mrs, Jos. Forder and Mrs, John Hamilton, Miss P, Hockin, R.N., who has just completed 26 years of splen- did work in the Arctic and now on furlough was a guest of her friends Rev, and Mrs. Nicholson and put on somg fine films showing the progress which has been made and is still be- ing made in the Arctic and the livds of the 'people there, - The meeting closed with hymn and prayer after which lunch was sérved by Group IV with Mrs. Jod, Forder convener, SALE BY TENDER The Real Estate of the, late Susan. na Moase, comprising the residence and lofs numbered 165 and 166 on the east side of Bigelow St. in Port Perry, having a frontage of 127.38 feet, ~ Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, Monday, April 2, 1956 for the pur- chase of the above described property. Tlie property consists of a semi- detached frame dwelling: Each dwel- ling consists of seven rooms and base- ment, There is a solid dividing wail between the two dwellings and bids will be received for the entire pro- perty, or each dwelling separately and, or one vacant lot. Inspection may be arranged with William Moase--phione Port Perry 372-M, Apply to the undersigned for terms and conditions of sale, - Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted." HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE Port Perry, Ontario. Solcitors for the Executors of "the Estate of Susanna Moase. Mar. 22 - 29, -~ Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Susanna Moase, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died March 7th, 1956, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before April 16th, 1956, full particu- lars of their claims. Immediately af- ter April 16th, 1956, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry, this 13th day | of March, 1956. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. March 291 Cedar Creek day on March 14th. Mr, Roy Wilson and children Linda and Donnie, of Brooklin were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Willerton and boys. Linda and Don- nie have a néw baby brother who was born on March 13th, Sympathy 'is extended to Ronald Johngon 'on the death of hig father, the late Ralph Johnson of Raglan. "Mr, Johnson died on Wednesday at Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronte. Fun- eral services were held at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, - Oshawa, on Saturday afternoon. * Interment was iy Pine Grove Cemetery. 4 Five tables-of Euchre were Saved at the school on Saturday evening. Prize winners were--high lady, Shir- ley Cummings; low lady, Joan Wilson; high gent, Em. Greenwood; low gent, Larry Willerton, Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Willerton will celebrate their 18th wedding anniver- sary on March 26th, (left out last week by error) Mr, tid Mrs. B, Taylor of Uxbridge Mr, Howard Martyn had a birth- | | Mr, On the sick list is Mrs, A. who is in hospital and is i y Sorry to report that Mr, W. Hope who has been in hospital for some time is not improving as fast as hoped for. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Art Reeves on the arrival of their new daughter, Miss Trudi Brawn has been in Osh- awa Hospital for observation. Hope she is sodn feeling better, . * Mr, and Mrs, Roy Leach have been spending some time lately with Mr, Leach's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher at Taunton, There were ten tables of euchre last Friday night at the Epsom school. The prize Wnners were as follows: ladies 1st--Mrs, Carson Watson; 2nd --Mrs, 'Murray Geer; c¢onsolation-- Mrs," Frank Leach. Gentlemen 1st-- Mr, Jack Symes; 2nd--Mr. W. Brawn; consolation -- Mr, Chet Geer, The lucky draw--Miss Jean Taylor and Robert Taylor. closed with dancing to the music by i.Mr, and Mrs. (Rogers with Mr. Dave s ! Prentice 'calling. : and dance will be held on Friday, The next euchre March 23. Everybody welcome. Account. actual savings. "Dollars and Sense" How can YOU benefit from gh having a Current Account? WE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE . > You'll find it much ¢ easier to keep an accurate record of "your current expenses when you have a Current When you pay all bills by cheque.on your Current Account, you receive back, at the end of each month, all' your cancelled cheques as well as a bank statement showing every withdrawal and every deposit you have " made. The cancelled cheques serve as receipts--and are - accepted in court as evidence of payment of the amount shown. Furthermore, they are much easier to file away than receipts and take less room to store. With > them and your bank statements, you'll find it far easier to get an exact picture of how you spend your money. : So'it's a good move to use a Current Account for paying "all current bills--and keep your Savings Account for . NW-216 JU PI "JR 'Helm, Manager. "keep down to prodiice STEEL MONTREAL THE STEEL INDUSTRY'S best customer is the farmer. - Directly, the. farmer as an individual is a buyer of steel "and on the farmer's prosperity rests the prosperity of the "farm implement business, which is one of the three Canadian industries using the most steel. . The two other largest direct customers of the steel industry are the railways and the automotive industry. 4 i These also are largely dependent on the farmer's pros: fff perity. Moving crops to market is the part of railway y business on which nearly all the rest is based: Motor vehicles owned by the farmer or by other people 7 moving food stuffs account for a large part of the total : automotive business. ! | i Because it is in the steel industry' of fntereat that the | farmer have profitable crops, the Indiftry must try to x | | | | the costs of 'steel pr more steel for more people, COMPANY OF CANADA 2 eon THE LIMITED GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD Sts the farmer must buy. This company is constantly Huiring new facilities qoomr0 CH The evening, oY Be RA 0 ly Ma SR EE a

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