Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Mar 1956, p. 6

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» ~ »~ EL a a TS ro at RG Cd a? , SH tnt ~~ BE 100s 0 AMAT Tawi Tag "0 AR -- ati RPT 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1956 v BUSINESS DIRECTORY ---- DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, Q.€C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Lectrical iy Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF opaus ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY, . METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto EM 38-8686, Gordon Young Lid. Dec. 31, 1966 Dead Stock Service - Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92-r-14, Lindsay 65282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. ED. PECONI, Argyle Ontario HILLTOP BODY & FENDER COMPLETE REFINISHING COLLISION REPAIRS Wheel Alignment and Steering Service Auto Safety Glass Installed Towing | Uxbridge Phone 394W dec 29, 1966 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, 'Estimates given on all kinds july 30, 66 INSURANCE Are your policles up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs . may be, consult "H.W. EMMERSON | Phone 41 Port Perry INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING Port Perry - Ontario For Dressed Poultry OF ALL KINDS VISIT COUNTRY VIEW POULTRY FARM Phone 488, Port Perry Wm. Heayn, Prop. "You'll be surprised how much you save." . tf. Eo _ nd ACE REFRIGERATION Sales and Service Free Estimates Guaranteed repairs to all Commer- cial Refrigeration and Domestic Re- frigerators. Al. Thackeray. RA 3.2462 (collect) Oshawa, May 31. WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information, : Nov, 27/65 LISTINGS WANTBD-- - WANTED AT ONCE Farms, houses and vacant land. Buyers waiting. Contact Chas. Reeson, Bigelow St. Port Perry. P.O. Box 43. Agent for Donald ggcott Real Estate, 2b Prince Street, Oshawa. tt. HIGHEST PRICES paid for Poultry of all kinds. Call Country View Poul- try Farm, Phone 488, Port Perry. Wm. Heayn, Prop.. We also custom kill and Cryovac wrap turkeys at reason- able prices, tf. Wanted fo Buy of work. Timber land and logs, Elm, Beech, EARL WALLACE hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. Port Perry H. M. Kyte, Blackstock t.f. ' HELP WANTED--Housekeeper for Se fic Tanks country home with modern convenien- p g ces, Telephone Bowmanville, Market Cleaned by | 38-2645 after 8.16 p.m. March 22 PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton' Phone 231 R June 16/66 Dead Farm Stock Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 16. 1956 Wanted - Waitresses Two full time waitresses. Apply in person at Taylor's Restaurant, Port Perry. Seed Grain Commercial, certified and registered Rodney Oats and commercial Garry Oats. Other varieties upon order. E. R. Swain, Phone Blackstock 89-r-11, April b. We -are continually in the market for turnips of No, 1 grade of the fol- lowing sizes, 2"-4", 3"-6", 4"-6" and 6" up, Top prices for quality, Prices vary as to size. Call Stouffville 176 day or night, collect. Cartage is our account, please bill. M. A, Brown. March 22. 'BULLDOZING _TRENCHING, LOADING, ROOT and ROCK RAKE EXCAVATING DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 392W (Office) : Residence--Wm. Tripp 392W and Joe Tripp 892) Con. 3, Phone. 0 EA hi TT ------ ion Sal Auction Sales FRIDAY, MARCH 28rd-- Hay, Grain, the property of MERVYN BIRD, Lot 31, Con, 7, Darlington Twp. 3 miles west of Enniskillen, 1° mile south, Terms Cash, No Reservé Sale at 1 pm. 7 REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, Phone Sunderland 66 r 1-2, Blackwater. \ SAT. MARCH 24---Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the Estate of the late Mrs. Estella Mable Hill, to be held in the Community Hall, Oak- woed: Terms cash, sale at 1.30 p.m. Wm. Weldon, Clerk. : REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer SAT. MARCH 24--Auction Sale of Furniture, the property of Ira Ander- son, Bigelow St., Port Perry. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Reg. Moase, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Auction" Sale of Household Furni- ture, the property of Ira Anderson, Bigelow St.,, Port Perry on SAT. MARCH 24th. Terms Cash, sale at 1.30 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WED., APRIL 4--Auction Sale of Live Stock, Tractor, Implements, Fur- niture, the property of Gerald Wilson, Lot 22, Con. 8, Mariposa, 6 miles west of Lindsay, on Highway No. 7. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Bill Weldon, Clerk. . : TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, SAT., APRIL 7th--Auction Sale of €abins, Boats, Fishing Equipment, Cabin Furniture, etc., the property of Earnest E. Butler, will be held on Lot 1, Con. 14, Brock Twp., at Port Bol- ster, Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30 p.m. Bob Weir, Clerk. REG, JOHNSON, Auctioneer. . TUES., APRIL 10--Farm Sold Auc- tion Sale of Farm Stock, Pure Bred Ayrshire] Cattle, Implements, M.-H. Tractor No, 22, front end loader, good, Grain, Baled Straw, etc., the property of C. H, Sutcliffe, Lot 7, Con. 7, Geor- Terms Cash, No Reserve, Sale at 1.00 p.m. George Edwards, Clerk, - REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. " THURS., APRIL 12th--Farm Sold Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Oliver 70 Tractor, DeLaval Mil- ker, etc., the property of Wm, Butter- worth, Lot 16, Con. 10, Brock Twp., 1% miles east, 1 mile south of Derry- ville, on Ridge Road. Terms Cash, No Reserve, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Geo: Edwards, Clerk. REG, JOHNSON, Auctioneer. THURS., APRIL 19 -- Farm Sold Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Household Furniture, the pro- perty of Witald Zajaczkowski, Lot 20, North Gwillmbury, 2 miles north of Keswick on Boyr's Road, No Reserve, terms cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Murv. Connell, Clerk, REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. WED., MARCH 28, 1956--Important extensive auction sale of registered Holstein cattle, pony, new Cockshutt '60' Tractor, forage harvester combine, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, ete, on lot 11, con. 4, Markham Twp. on No. 7 Highway, 1% miles west of Unionville. Property of Wm. Cham- pion. Sale at 1.00 p.m, sharp, Terms Cash. No reserve, farm sold, KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. THURS.,, MAR. 29, 1966--Auction Sale of threshing winking, 2 tractors, new farm machinery and equipment, Property of Mr. Clarkson. Sale at 1.30 p.m, sharp. Terms Cash, . No reserve, Farm sold. . KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, _ Auctioneers. FRI, MARGH-80, 1966 -- Auction sale of 2b Head of Holstein Cattle, new M.H, combine, near new farm machinery, farm stock, implements, east of Green River. Sale at 1,00 p.m. Property of Frank Carter, Terms Cash. No reserve, farm sold. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. 'WED., APRIL 4, 1956 -- Auction Sale of 2 late Model Ford Tractors on rubber, complete line of Ford Equip- ment, Allis Chalmers Garden Tractor, 'complete with all tractor garden equipment, Geo. White garden tractor, complete, farm implements, large, lot .of garden tools, large and small (see posters). On Let 66, Con. 1, King Township on King Side (Road Highway % mile west of Yonge Street, Pro- perty of Harvey Mashinter, Terms Cash, No reserve, Sale at 1.00 p.m. gharp, KEN & CLARKE PRENTIOR, . Farm Stock, Implements, Tractor, gina Twp, 1% miles east, % mile] - north of Sutton on County Park Road. on Lot 3; Con, 2, Vaughan Township. | hay, grain, ete, at Lot 26 on the 6th |' | Con. of Pickering on No. 7 Highway ROOM AND BOARD----Dowrntown. Phone 867-R. April b WANTED--Woman for housework. Phone 464-W, March 29 APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Four rooms, all €opiVeniences, Apply 462J, Mar. 29 FOR SALE--Piano and bench, 'good condition, $76.00; girl's full length tan summer coat, size 14, almost new, $9.; girl's beige winter coat, size: 14, $4.00, Phone 281-W. FOR SALE -- Ten weaned pigs. Phone 195-r-13, , Svenitigs or Sunday, FOR SALE = --_-- ~ Purebred "English Yorkshire Hogs, serviceable age and younger; also good black collie pup, male, 6 months.. Fred Milne, Black- water, phone Sunderland 8-r.3, FOR SALE--1941 Plymouth Coach. Apply T. Donnelly, corner of Mary and John Streets (upstairs) after 6.00 p.m. : WANTED TO BUY in Port Perry a house with two or more bedrooms. $900.00 down payment, Apply Box 15, Port Perry Star, hat, light blue with brown trim, size 6; new condition, $5.00. Mrs. Fawns, R. R. 1. Phone 470-r-6, Port Perry. FOR SALE--'36 Ford Sedan, new battery, new fuel pump, runs good. Phone- 284M. Roy Kendell, FOR SALE -- Baby Carriage, fold Apply va 16 Port Perry Star, FOR SALE -- 200 chick capacity Electric Brooder, nearly new; also 4 burner electric stove, reasonable. Phone 311W, kil "FOR SALE--Four-room Bungalow, $4500.00. $500.00 cash, balance $50. monthly, rental] $40.00. Possession May 1. Elmer Still, " WANTED TO RENT--Rooms for two adults and baby. Must have cen- tral heating, in or near Port Perry. Mrs. Roy Blain, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Phone' 198-r-14, -- : CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE offer Extended Medical Payments, At no extra cost this coverage is included to any policy holder who carries re- gular medical payments and provides $200, for treatment of injuries for any member. of the policyholder's household from Grandma to the baby, should they be hurt .by auto or bicycle while a pedestrian. Mar. 22 tf, Ask about Co-op Insurance MRS. JOHN (HAMER Brooklin, 6ga-r-21. AUCTION SALES FRI, APRIL 6, 1966--Auction Sale of 60 head of reg'd Guernsey Cattle, LH.C, tractor, .H.C, baler, Ford Trac- tor and equipment, farm stock, imple- ments, ete, on lot 85, con. 1, Whit- church Twp. 1% 'miles north of Aurora and % mile east of Yonge St., the property of John M. Holton. Sale at 12. noon sharp. Cattle sale at 2.00 pm. Terms Cash. No rosrve, farm sold. rt . KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. "WED, APRIL 11, 1956 -- Large auction sale of 3 tractors, Forage har- vester, herd of Holstein cattle, com- bine, farm stock, implements, hay & grain, furniture, etc., on Con, 4, Vau- ghan Twp. just south of Maple, Pro- perty of Mr. Lyons. Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp, Terms Cash, no reserve, farm sold. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. THURS, APRIL 12, 1966--Auction sale of herd of dairy cattle, tractor, farm machinery, farm stock, imple- ments, hay, grain, furniture, ete, on Lot 12, Con. 6, Whitchurch Twp., pro- perty of Less G, Rowe. Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp, Terms Cash, No reserve, farm sold. : KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 14, 1956 -- Auction sale of herd of Holstein cattle, Ford major tractor and plow, Team of hor- ses, farm stock, implements, hay & grain, furniture, ete, on' Lot 11, Con, 7, Markham Twp., on No. 7 Highway, West of Markham village, Property of Elmo Middleton. Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp. Terma Cash, No reserve, farm sold. 'KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, SAT., APRIL 21, 1966 -- Auction sale of Household furniture and other effects on Lot 21, Con, 4 Vaughan Twp. at Teston.: "Property; of Lewls Hadwin. Sale at 2.00 pri, Terma Cash. No Reserve. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Austionesrs. . v FOR SALE--Girl's Spring Coat and away, storm cover, lined, in goad con- | | dition, ASSOCIATION is first in Ontario to | . ; Waitress Wanted Full time, all days. Apply in per- son or phone Flamingo Restaurant, Phone 3876, Port Perry. ' 'FOR SALE -- Large size wooden |. Crib. Phone 420, Port Perry: Use Dentur-Eze to make false teeth more comfortable, Prevents' slipping, wobbling, irritated gums, Easy to apply -- one application lagts weeks. Tastless, odorless, Only. $1. 50 at Bru- ton's & Lawrence Drug Stores, Sell year around necessities, Be- come our dealer in your surroundings. Men and women qualify for this posi- tion, Write for details to: FAMILEX, Dept. B, Box F--Station C. Montreal. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE REGISTERED Holstein Cattle New Cockshutt 50 Traetor, Forage Harvester, Combine, Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, ete. Wm. H. Champion Lot 11, rear Con. 4, Ammo Tp. on 7 Highway, 1% miles west of ~ Unionville, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 - REGISTERED DAIRY CATTLE Higheroft Ivan Jane, 1020308, born July 20, 1952, calf by side Higheroft Royal Vicky, 994944, born March b, 1962, calf by side Highcroft Texal Claudia, 879366, born March 2, 1960, due Sept. 1, Higheroft Texal "Beauty osch, 832056, born March 12, 1949, calf by side Highcroft Texal Dolly, 778127, horn February 28, 1948, due July 1 Lady Rag Apple Posch Beauty, 606632, born April 8, 1944, full flow Highcroft Duke Diane, 1034479, born November 2, 1952, due August' 1 Higheroft i Retty, 801811, born . August 2, 1948, full flow Higheroft Texal Lady, 938931, horn arch 11, 1951, full flow Higheroft Ivan gale, 101s0az, born July 18, 1962, full f 'Higheroft' Sensation ow 977966, born . December 1, 1951, full flow Highcroft Texal Belle, 969330, born September 25, 1961, full flow. Highcroft Texal Lass, 879367, 'born February 19, 1950, full flow Higheroft Maple Sozanne, 1022413, . born August 18, 1952, full flow Higheroft Sovereign Liz, 969332, born October 28, 1951, full flow Highcroft Beauty Voyageur, 1097877, born October 27, 1953, calf by side, 8 Qpen Heifers from 1% years to 2 years. old, vaccinated and registered The above cattle are from Maple breed- ers bulls, and are registered and vaccinated and are high producers. Grade Shorthorn Cow supposed to calf FARM IMPLEMENTS "60" - Cockshutt Tractor on rubber, complete, standard tractor, This tractor is good as new, used only 1 season Cockshutt Forage Harvester, used only one season, motor driven, complete with continental red seal '4-cylinder motor, ments' M-H Tractor Grain and Fertilizer Drill 16 dise, power lift, near new . Graham Holme Chisel Plow on rubber, complete with sweeps, used only one season Fleury Bissel 2-sec. Cultipacker, near new Fleury Bissel Tandem Disc Harrow Rubber Tire Wagon,.roller bearings M-H Clipper Combine, motor driven, with tank, complete 'with motor - Extra Table for Clipper Combine International 3-ton Truck, KBb, with high sides for forage harvester or grain, also an electric unloading unit for forage work. M-H Manure Spreader on rubber Cockshutt Forage Blower with pipes, new ) New M-H Side Rake Circular Saw, complete 3-furrow Ace Botton Tractor Plow Set 3-sec. M-H Spring Tooth Harrows Ford Ferguson Tractor on rubber . Ferguson rear mounted latest model power Mower, 7 ft. cut, near new Set 4-sec Drag Harrows Set Heavy Dual Wheels complete with axle suitable for making tractor trailer Other implements, PONY Black Pony, quiet with children, 6 yrs. i, Pony Western Saddle with bridle MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Grain or Oat Roller (Woods) Electric Motor, 1 h.p. Sirie Milking Machine complete with piping & outlets, 2 new single units. ilectrie Mqtor, % h.p. Woods 9-can Electric Milk Cooler, complete with movable vat Coal Burner Jacket Heater 2 Hot Water Radiators Set of Electric Stock Clippers Oil Space Heater Wheelbarrow Moffat Electric Pail Heater 2 Large Tarpaulins 4 square New Asphalt Shingles Number of New Window Sash and frames 2 Automatic Horse Water Bowls Quantity of Snow Fence Large Pile of Scrap Iron Set of Cattle Dehorpers Set of Compnting Scales Quebec Heater, Set Beam Seales Bag Truck, (Grindstone Extension Ladder, 86 feet, Acetylene Welding and Cutting Blacksmith's Anvil and Forge Number of Poultry Fountains Cylinder Oil Tank with pump Number of Oil Drums Large Pipe Vise also corn and hay attach-}| Forks, shovels, hoes, and number of other useful articles not mentioned. (HAY and GRAIN Approx. 7 tons Mixed Baled Hay 5 Juantiv of Mixed Grain ~~ - SALE AT 1 P.M. TERMS CASH FARM SOLD NO RESERV KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, Markham Ont., Phone-346 . Milliken P.O, Phone AX. 3-5987 .. > IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Holstein Cattle Farm Stock, Implements, New M-H 60 Combine, M-H Tractor, Hay, Grain, Furniture, ete. Frank Carfer Lot 25, Con. 6, Pickering Twp, on 7 Highway, east Green River FRIDAY, MARCH 30th CATTLE 1--Holstein Cow, b years, fresh 2--Holstein Cow, 3 years, fresh 3--Holstein Cow, 6 years, fresh ' 4--Holstein Cow, 7 years, fresh 6--Holstein Cow, 4 years, bred Oct. 22 6--Holstein Cow, freshened March 1 T--Holstein Cow, supp. to calf Apr, 1 8--Holstein Cow, full flow 9--Holstein Cow, 3 years, bred Nov, 8 10--Holstein Cow, 3 yrs, bred Mar, 6 11--Holstein Cow, b years, full flow, not bred 12--Holstein Cow, 4 years, full flow, | not. bred 130 Holstein Cow, 4 years, full flow, not bred 14--Holstein Cow, 3 years, full flow, not bred 16--Black Heifer, bred Nov. 16 16--Black Heifer, 18 months 17--White Heifer, 19 months 18--B. & W. Heifer, 18 months 19--Holstein Heifer, 12 months .. 20--Holstein Heifer, 18 months 21--Holstein Heifer, 12 months 22--Holstein Heifer, 11 months 23--Holstein Heifer, 11 months All above Rigahoned cattle are vace. IMPLEMENT M-H (30) Dy on rubber, complete ~ with lights, starter, pulley, ete, in good condition, M-H (60) Self Propelled Combine, 10' , cut, in perfect condition, cut only 1 ' erop, near new. New Holland Pick- -up Hay and Straw Automatic Baler, complete with * Wisconsin air cooled motor New 4-Bar. Side Rake, Case ne 3-Furrdw Ace Bottom Tractor Plow | M-H Fertilizer Grain Drill, 18 disc, power lift, tractor hitch, 'nearly new Set of 3-sec. Spring Tooth' Harrows Tandem Disc Harrow, Case, good Steel Land Roller, 8.drum 7 ft. M-H P.T.0. Mower, 7' cut, new Cockshutt Hay Loader with green crop attachment 10 ft. Steel Dump Rake 2-row Corn Cultivator, M-H 16 ft. Grain Auger Rubber 1 Tired Farm Wagon Flat Rac Set of Dj * Cockshutt: J Harrows, b sections ractor Grain Grinder Set of Platform ales, 2,000 lbs. Pump Jack, Oil .{ Electric Milk Cooler, near new, 6-can ie '13 rolls of Snow Fence - JT 40 rod roll New Farm Fonte, 8 strand 16 rod roll New Farm Fence, 8 strand Number of Steel Fence Posts : 2 Electric Fencers, one new 5 Air Compressor with tank : Electric Motor, % hp. eo 8 Pea Harvester for green 3 : : '| Horse Fork Cable and Pulley y Hay ork and Sling Chain : Number of Steel Drums Pile of Fence Rails Pile of r Fence Posts Pile of New Lumber Pile of Second Hand Lumber " I 5 Pile of Scrap Iron Stoneboat Quantity of Piping : Qil Barrel and Pail of Cup Grease for Grease Gun 2 'Bags of Fertilizer Number of 10-inch Cement Blocks Quantity of Tnsul-Brie Siding Electric Motor, % h - x Set of Electric Stock Folippers Forks, shovels, and other articles GRAIN and HAY 1650 Bushels of Erban Oats Quantity of real good Mixed Hay i Quantity of Cut Straw S45. Approx. 4 ft. of Ensila 2 Quantity of 2-year-old 100 bales of Good Baled oy Number of Sacks ~ Number of Silo Hoops or Rods . FURNITURE : g Kitchen Cabinet : / Dining Room Extension Table 4 Dining Leather Seated Chairs Kitchen Table, 6 Kitchen Chairs Acme Kitchen Range with water reservoir and warming closet Kitchen Sink. Qu, of Linoleum SALE AT 1 pm. TERMS CASH LF FARM SOLD. NO RESERVE 2 KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, - Markham, Ont.; Phone 346 Milliken P.O., Phone AX. 3.5987 Junk Yard Man EB Fined $25000 = Isaac Zenner, 62, was fined $26,00 or ® 1 ! ten days in Oshawa court for keeping i a junk yard contrary to police regula- : tions, City Solicitor A. G. McNeeley noted that Zenner had been warned in court previously to.clean up the junk yard before March 1, but failed to comply. "Zenner was seen by Police Chief H. Flintoff unloading more junk at the yard before he appeared in court. "You cannot flaunt the court's order in this manner," Magistrate F. 8, Ebbs commented. ® fel Vigor 0il Co. Ltd. Fuel Oil 16% cents per gal. ol Stove 0il 20 5 cents per gal. For Delivery Phone Oshawa RA. 51109 SHINGLES Clean Up PORT PERRY For Spring We carry a complete line of Glidden Paint Come in and see our Color Charts for decorating the home. . Lake Scugog Lumber Company Lid. [a 3 Ww and Paint AMErEm wEoou [38 PLYWOOD WALL BOARDS ]

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