Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Mar 1956, p. 4

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ES E14 Yi. --y) ey ona EER NAIC 4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1966 LOCAL The many friends of Mrs. Bert Cliff will be pleased to hear that Mrs. Cliff is gaining in strength each day and expected to leave the hospital in the near future, Friends and neighbours of Mrs. P. Hooey will be pleased tg hear that , is making favourable progréss after hér operation ini Oshawa hospital. Deaths JOBLIN--Entered into rest at Tor- onto Western Hospital on Wednesday, March 14, 19566, Jessie A, Malcolm, be- loved wife of Leonard Joblin of Nest- leton, Ont., age ¢b years, dear sister of Arthur Malcolm, Maple Creek, Sask Mrs. A, W. Nairn(Blanche) Portreene, Sask.; Ray Malcolm, Janetville, Ont,; Norman of Toronto, Frank, Oshawa, Ont.; Marshall of Stratford, Ont.; Percy, Toronto, Ont.; and Mrs, Lloyd Hunter (Eunice), Port Perry, Ont. Funeral on Sat., March 17, from Me- Dermott and Panabaker Funeral Par- lors, Port Perry thence to Union Ce- metery at Cadmus, LARMER, James M. -- At his home, Cartwright Township, on Wednesday, March 21st, 19566, James M. Larmer, beloved husband of Elizabeth English, in his 86th year, Resting at the Chapel of MeDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry, Ont., for ser- vice on Saturday, at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. J SS In Memoriam BARTLEY --In loving meniory of a dear husband and father Thomas W. Bartley .who passed away March 25, 19538. Three years have passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away. i God took him home--it wag his will With our hearts He liveth still, «= Always remembered by his wife, family and grandchildren. IRWIN -- In loving memory of a dear father, William G. Irwin, who ~ passed away March 18, 1950; also a dear mother, Alicia Jane Irwin, Mar. 22, 1947. .-Sunshine fades and shadows fall, But sweet remembrance outlasts all. + Always remembered by the family. Cards of Thanks We want to tahnk all our relatives and friends and neighbours for the lovely: T.V. set and purse of money and other gifts given to us on our 26th Wedding Anniversary. © Special thanks to W, T. Bowles for his kind words and all those who" helped make . the evening a success, Bill and Anne Taylor. We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appeciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their floral tributes, messages of sympathy, and many acts of kindness during our re- 'cent bereavement. Also ur deep ap- preciation to Rev. My. Wylie for his comforting words, i Bruce & Myrtle Snelgrove. eri 'My gineere thanks to all kind friends and neighbours for their thoughts of me in my loss; also to all who sent flowers and .messages, Mrs, Joe Johnston, Manchester. My sincere thanks to the many kind friends who sent cards and gifts to me at the Port Perry Hospital; also a special thanks.to my neighbours who have helped in s0 many ways at home. - Laverne Martyn. ounces, N EWS | THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev, K, W. Scott, L.Th., Rector March 25th--Palm Sunday. 9.30 a.m,--Holy Communion. 11,00 a.m.--Sunday School, tare cordially invited to attend this COMING EVENTS Annual Meetin The annual meeting of the Com- munity Memorial Hospital Port Perry, will be held at the Library, Port Perry, on Wednesday Evening, March 28th, 1956 at 8 Q'clock. The public meeting. 4 March 22, 7.00' p.m.--Evening Prayer and . Sermon, March 30---Good Friday Hymns and Meditations on the Crucifixion. 8.00 p.m. --Contata--the St, uke Passion, to be sung by the Port Perry Choral Society, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, March 25th-- 11 a.m.--Easter Communion Service 7 p.m.--""A Crusader's Call" The general Epistle of Jude. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, March 25th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service) 7 p.m.--Evangelistic. Service, CHRIST IS THE LIFE Everyone Welcome K. Sprackett, Pastor. 7 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A, D.D. Sunday, March 25th-- - 11 a.n.--Sabbath_School.. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship. A \ PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, March 25th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Service at 11 am. Evening service at 7 p.m. Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, 1350 on your Dial Oshawa Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." dec.16-66 | ERR AR ER AR ARBRE RR SAN RN AR Oshawa Memorial Service On No 2 Hwy. East of Oshawa City Limits. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, CORNER STONES, and STATUARY, also Markers and Works of Bronze. Manufacturing Memorials to in- dividual requirements.from the finest Granites and Marbles 'Available. For Information without Obligation write Box 213 or call RA. 5-6611. KENDELL -- Roy and Wenda are pleased to announce the safe arrival on March 16th, weighing 8 Ibs, 11% A lovely baby- sister for Trevor, Rhonda, Morgan and Bronwen, r- hig SPREAD, 16 oz VEL, large size .........ccooo... YORK PUMPKIN, 20 oz. DOUPE'S Week- End SPECIALS, March 23-24 YORK PEARS, 20 0z .............. AREAL visser nnreiniine Sl iris. srs rind 49c. RAMI. SL TAUREN 29¢. sibepesine wire 3 for 37e. generis seins TRI, | 1.3 EEE IT : PRONE 485W,; PRINCE ALBERT Free delivery on all orders of $2.00 or over. ' STORE WN ofice 12.00 - 2.00 pm.--Service of Prayer, | Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. of their daughter, Kathleen Marjorie, |' Port Perry Girl Guide and Brownie Mother's Meeting at home of Murs, (Dr;) Dymond, on Monday, March 20 at 8 p.m. Topic of discussion is Mo- ther and Daughter Banquet, Euchre Friday, March 23rd at 8 p.m. The Good Neighbours Service Club are holding a Euchre at the Prince Albert Public School. Silver 'Collection. -- Manchester The Good Neighbours' Club is hold- ing a' Croquinole and Kuchre Party on Friday, March 23rd in the Man- chester Hall at 8.00 p.m. sharp. Prizes and lunch. Everybody welcome. Pro- ceeds *in aid of chairs for basement Sunday School. Admission: Adults 50c., children 26c. Pre-school. age-- No Charge, DONT FORGET THE AT HOME Friday, March 23rd. Int. Plowing Maich Holds Meeting On Tuesday of last week, March 18, the Ontario County International Plowing Match Committee held a meeting in the Township Hall, Brook- lin, for the purpose of drawing up the Prize List and completing plans for the first 'day of the International Plowing Match, This first day is called Local Day, and the Ontario. County plowmen will be host to plow- men from our neighbouring counties, Because of this, representatives from the Plowmen"s Associations of York, Simcoe, Victoria, Peterborough and Durham-Northumberland were in- vited to attend and to have a part In making the plans for Local Day. This meeting was particularly well attened, There are 12 plowmen's As- sociations in the six counties that will be taking part in Local Day and there were representatives from all 12 Plow- men's Associations at this meeting, There will be $2400.00 in prize mon- ey in the plow classes and for the Horse Show on Local Day. This mon- ey hag been contributed hy the vari- ous Plowmen's Associations who are taking part in Local Day. All of the Plowing Match Commit- tees are working hard at the present time completing plans for their par- ticular part in the.Plowihg Match. It looks now that the International Plow- ing Match this fall will be the biggest event of its kind ever to be held, Paying For Our Health Farm Forum across Canada met on Monday 'evening to discuss "Paying for Our Health." The two specific Plans studied were the "Swift Cur- rent Medical-Dental Care" programme and the "Ontario Co-operative Medi- cal Services" plan as it pertains to payment of the Doctors' charges and Catastrophe benefits. Forums in Ontario County found the topic of particular interest as Ontario (County) Co-op Medical Services covers 4,200 persons, mostly rural residents of the County. On the coast-to-coast Forum broad- cast, Mr-Paul Meehan, Fieldman and Manager' of Ontario Co-op Medical Services Federation, gave an -outline of the Ontario Co-op Plan. He stated that the Co-op Plan, available in the provinve of Ontario, s a voluntary, profit-sharing Plan for the payment of Hospital and Surgical claims, It coers 200,000 people. - Mr, Meehan also pointed out that the Co-op Ca- tastrophe Benefits pay from 75 to 80 per cent of the costs for the two-and- one-half persons per thousand who have excessive illness expenses. A Catastrophe claim may. include any- thing the Doctor requires for the treatment of the illness -- including special nurses. Another speaker on the broadcast described the Swift Current Medical- Dental Care programme. It is com- pulsory and covers 47,600 people in the Swift Current area. It is finan- ced by personal tax, property tax and provincial grants. Hospitalization | coverage in Saskatchewan has been provided by the Pravincial Hospitali- zation Plan, As the national Farm Forum broad- vast was recorded earlier, Mr. Paul Meehan took the opportunity to visit the Greenwood Farm Forum Monday evening. Mr, Meehan told the Forum of a recent interview he, and other rural leaders, had with Dr. Mackinnon Phil- -| lips, Ontario Minister of Health. Dr, Phillips stated that, after the provinces had put forward their pro- posals for a Hospitalization! Plan, the Federal Government submitted pro- posals which are being studied by the provinces. Ontario hopes to have the study finalized before May 1st. If the required number of provinces accept Ottawa's proposals, the Ontario Gov- ernment would then formulate a po- licy and set up a Commission with many duties--the main duty being the setting up of premjums so that each | and every private enterprise company that is registered under the Insurance Act can participate in the new plan, provided they live up to the rules and regulations-laid down by the Commis- sion, The Ontario Minister of Health urged all to be patient as it would likely take about two years to imple- ment a goveriiment Hospital Plan, Seed Judging Competition Succosstul Event The Ontario County Seed Judging Competition was held in the Port Perry High School on Saturday, Mar, 10th, 'with 26 'boys and girls taking part. . Each - contestant was required to judge two classes each of oats, barley, wheat, and clover seed and give rea- sons -on one class of each, Besides the judging of 'cereal grain and clover, there were also three clas- ses for identification, namely mounted weeds, mounted grasses and. clovers and grass and clover seeds, The Senior Championship Prize do- nated by the Ontario County Soil and Crop Improvement Association which is $10.00 toward expenses at the An- nual Winter Short Course at 0.A.C., Guelph, This was won by Avital Carson, Claremont, The Junior Championship Trophy donated by (Russell Morrison, Beavei- ton, was. awarded to Bruce Yake, Ux- bridge. - The Inter-School Trophy was won by the Uxbridge High School. The team members were Bruce Yake, Ux- bridge; Roger Snoddon, Pefferlaw, and Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, - The Picker- ing District High Shcool was second and the Orillia Collegiate placed third. I'he Championship Prize which is a miniature trophy was awarded to Norm Lyons, Uxbridge. Besides providing the Senior Cham- pionship Prize of $10.00, the Ontario County Soil 'and Crop Improvement also provide three bushels of Reg, No. 1 Rodney oats for the winner of the Junior Championship Prize, Bruce Yake, and to the winner of the Open Championship Prize, Norm Lyons. The district Seed Judging Competi: tion ig being held at the Central Ont- ario Spring Show in Peterborough on March 21st. The Junior Judges who qualify to go on this Inter-County Team are as follows: Bruce Yake, Uxbridge, R. 1. Murray Hockley, Claremont, R. 1. Ron Shier, Uxbridge, R. 2. Beverley Bryant, Pickering, R. 1. Elmer Maye, Goodwood. Neil Taylor, Pefferlaw, R, 1. Bill Leadlay, Uxbridge, R. 1. Arnold Kerry, Port Perry, R. 1. The winners of the various sections of the competition are as follows: Junior Competition-- 1st--Bruce Yake, Usbridge, R. 1. Znd--Roger Snodden, Pefferlaw, and Lloyd Wilson, Urbsridge, 2, tied. 4th--Murray Hockley, Clsremont & Ron Shier," Uxbridge R. 2, tied. G6th--Beverley Bryant, Pickering, 1 Tth--Elmer Maye, Goodwood. . 8th--Norine Kime, Whitby, R, 1. ~ 9th--Murray Carson, Claremont, 10th--Neil Taylor, Pefferlaw, R. 1. Senior -Competition-- Ist--Aubrey Carson, Claremont, 2nd--Walter. Kerry, Pont Perry, 1 3rd--Bob Holliday, Columbus, R. 1, Open Competition-- Ist--Norm Lyons, Uxbridge, R, 2. ~2nd--Stephen Stephen, Brechin, R. 1 he Seed Judging Competition each year is under the direction of the Ont. Department of Agriculture, The judges in the various classes were: Oats--E. Taylor, Bowmanville, . _Barley--E. A. Summers, Bowman. Wheat--H. I. Fair, Uxbridge Clover--LeBoy Brown, Lindsay. Identification Contest---Ryerson Beare, Greenbank; Bob Battray, Uxbridge; Jack Russ, Pickering; and Mansell Chapman, Orillia, High School Agricultural teachers, also assisted with the competition, - . Portraits For Less Than the Price | + of Smap Shots The Following are the Merchants who are Sponsor ig The Photos being taken at the Elizabeth Shoppe, Port Perry Saturday, April Tth. I. ARCHER MOTORS 2. FLAMINGO RESTAURANT 3. WESTERN TIRE 4. LAWRENCE'S DRUGSTORE "5. McEACHERN'S HAT SHOPPE 7. KAYVAN"S HOPE'S I G. A. 8. ELIZABETH SHOPPE 9. TAYLOR'S 6c. to $1.00 STORE 10. STAN BRUTON : C11. HOWARD MOTORS - b UPHOLSTERING We Are Pleased to Announce Harpell's Upholstering. are expanding their services to the north. For the Best in flervice and Quality, just call UPHOLSTERING {(NO TOLL CHARGES) We have a complete line of fabrics to -choose from and guarantee all our work a'full five years. FREE ESTIMATES AT ANY TIME (Day or Evening) A full staff is employed in order to give you Fast Efficient Service at the lowest possible cost. HARPELL'S UPHOLSTERING RRR ERAS S rete APPR P00, 1 ht $55 2%: Par 0s ANNUAL BALL Port Perry Public School FRIDAY, APRIL 6th $2.00 per couple PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB SASS BRASS NBS AAS ROSCS0S0S0E0S0800808080808080808080800000808080608 0008008. Dowson's]Red}& White Treesweet Orange Juice, 48 oz. . .37¢. Birdseye Frozen Orange Juice, 2-37c. Rose Brand Margarine, ...4 Ibs. 99. Culverhouse Choice Peas, 20 oz. 2 for. 33c. . Betty Crocker Cake Mixes, 3 for $1.00 Your Choice of 35c. line Ay Imer Caisup, 11 oz. bottle . .. . .2lc. Libby s Cooked Spaghetti, 15 0z. 2 for 25c. Veal Front Rolls ............ Ib. 39c. Fresh Ground Lean Minced Beef : 3 Ibs. for 89c. Peameal Bacon . . .. End Culs by the piece, 43c. Lh. wn dns AT TRA ii... AMX ws re oe Centre Cuts, sliced, 69¢ Ib. -@ Swifts Premium Bologna By the piece, 23c. 1b., Sliced 29c. Ib. Florida Grapefruit, 36's . 10 for 49c. Sunkist Oranges, 252s . . . . ..39c. doz. Carrots, New Spring Crop, 20 oz. ; cello, 2 for 25c. Ho! House Cucumbers, jumbo, ..19c. Phone 91 Port Perry » = ®

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