Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Mar 1956, p. 6

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Sana va LT ANA ESR Fob bs ein SRA ERR RAS A LE et AAR ; \ Th ¢-THE PORT PERRY BIAL, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1v5¢ --, ---- tn ~ BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR. J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Cver Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Offic: Ilours ~-- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, - + Phones: Office 88W. Res. 63J ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, Q.C. in a'teadance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of euch week, or by appointment. } Blonyg llock, Port Perry, Phone 25 Electrical . and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OI" MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SI'ECIALTY. METAL. LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHAN E SHOP DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. - Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto EAL 3-83686. Gordon Young Ltd. Dec, 81, 1966 INSURANCE Are your policies up 'to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Plone 41 ---- pa INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario |For Dressed Poultry OF ALL KINDS VISIT COUNTRY VIEW POULTRY FARM Phone 488, Port Perry Wm. Heayn, Prop. "You'll be surprised how.rmuch you save." tf. | SEE. FREE. MRR EERE ARES SA BARU SEER NY Sach + LS LR rie ne am ma a ER as WA CAL SASF BARR 24 Port Perry i ASSN. & al ad Sot) ALA Fara r Fes Nat ray Fite A FAY PAS se & AN Fie } SEE ARRAYS i OF 5 ER g ats LOA AT & (YALY ERE : poof Fn 3 RE INE BVT y 23% ty PW es hs ¥ aaa a SN ak. ad 2 = { #5 " = perp ee ree woe = ot a ge ~~ A ROOM AND BOARD--Downtown. Phone 367-R. April 6 Seed Grain Cuminereial, certified and, registered Rodney Oats ands commercial Garry Oats. Other varieties upon order, E. K. Swain, Phone Blackstock 89-r-11, : April b. FOR. SALE -- Pure Bred Hereford Bull, Alberta bred, 3 years old, Sure Breeder, see his calves. Apply Keith Ferguson, phone 1156-1-13, Port Perry. Feb.23, t.1. FOR SALLE -- Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Rynurd breeding, meat price, Apply Keith Ferguson, phone 116 v 13. Feb.23, t.1. { Woollens The Ladies of the C.W.L. are ship- ping woolens for re-weaving, For further information please contact Mrs. Chas. McLaughlin, Phone 281-}, Mar. 15 \ ™ WANTED TO BUY in Port Peny, a_ house with two or more bedrooms with §uvu.uuv down 'payment. Box No. 10, Port Perry Star, FOR SALL -- Buby Carriage and Stroller, both silver grey. Reason- ably priced. Phone 044, Auction Sale of Household Furni- ture, the property of Ira Anderson, Bigelow St., Port Perry on SAT. MARCH 24th, Terms Cash, sale at 1.50 p.m, : TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, SAT. MARCH 24--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the state of the late Mrs. Estella Mable Hill, to be held in the Community Hall, Oak- wood. Terms cash, sale at 1.30 p.m. Wm. Weldon, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer THURS.,, MARCH 2Z2--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Reg, Angus Cattle, Tractor, Implements, Pigs, Hay, the property of Dora Bros, Lot 4, Con. 5, Darlington, 4 miles East of Hamp- ton." Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 24--Auction Sale 'of Furniture, the property of Ira Andor- son, Bigelow St., Port Perry. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Reg. Moase, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. ~ Auction Sale Tractors, Forage Harvester, Swath- er, Farm Implements, Etc. Poultry | AUCTION SALES | Auction Sale Of New Farm Machinery, New M.- tH, Lractor, 140 Pigs, 20V0 Kock Hens, Cattle, tay, Grain, Furniture, Etc, The Property of J. SEMERYN Lot 29, Con. 7, Pickering Lownship, at sildway latms,-Un Altona Koay, ! « miles north of No, « Highway TULSDAY, MARCH 20 Cattle COw, Supposed Lo call in Apr, Low, brea dept, lo Low, biel dept. ZU Cow, bred Uct, 1 Cow, ult ow, pred in Jan, rigs and rouluy Ied DOW ahd VY Figs WHILE LIOOU SOW, bred keb, 10 WHILE DEOLd dDuWw, bred Walle LIoou DOW Wilh Pigs WILE DEOVU DOW wilh LU pigs Wile LEOod Duw, red eR. LOLKshIle Wille Boar waite Brood Sow, due ) We DEO0U DOW, uue time-of sale " fe Eu DOW WILL 8 PIgs i x ung Quad DOWs, bled Lo Keg. boar " Z- Wate prood Sows, bred Ju, 2 , 1ovkshire 'white soar, 1d months old vo loung Bloou Duws, bred Juan, Z4 "2-1igs IU weeks old ' 10 1ags 13 weeks old Li 118,: 80 Lo LUV Lbs, 24 1148, over 10U lbs. <4 lat Hogs All pigs in this sale are dry fed, not swill fed <ul Liymouth | Karm osachinery al.al, Mustang tractor, used only one season, hgnts, starter, pulley, P.1.0,, hydraulic litt, . Chis wractor is real good. ney. hot, tiusten aoslein Lois Lesn nouiswein Rock Hens | annual concert. Greenbank Sunny mild weather greeted us last Saturday: and the Fidelis Class was happy to see 4 full house for their The two plays were well given and "judging by the res- ponse tHey were thoreughly enjoyed. The music between the plays added to' the pleasure of the evening's en- tertainment, ! 'On Friday 'evening March 16 the Woman's Association is having a pot-luck supper in the Church base- ment. Come along and enjoy a sociul evening and a good local program: One feautre of the program will be "Do you Trust your Wife". 3 the home of Marilyn Gibson last Fri- day evening when they entertained Pinedale Y.P.U, and the Presbytery Executive, Following the devotional exercises and the business, the trophy won by Greenbank at the Bay of Quint Field Day was presented by the Presbytery President. Evelyn Janson as past president accepted the trophy on behalf of the Young People who took part in the field day at The Young People's Union mét at A social hour followed Quin-Mo-Lac, and lunch was served. For 'the coming events. let us not forget the illustrated talk by Mr. Clark in the Hall on Wed., March 21; and in Easter holiday week the Min. %trel show by the Pilot Cldss, In the Estate of Susanna Moase, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the Courty of Ontario. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who fied to send to the undersigned on or befoxk April 16th, 1856, full particu- lars oftheir claims. Immediately af- ter April 16th, 1966, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, Dated at_Port Perry, this 13th day of March, 1966. - = HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the KExecutors. g March 29 A A A eT Ta Rs A Se Te 'Notice lo Creditors § died March 7th, 19566, aré hereby noti- ° -- -- ; 3 ! nt ACE REFRIGERATION and Hog Equipment, Hay, Grain and Set ot Heavy Luty Unams = bem Our dependable coal is one of 5 i : Sales and Service FOR SALE -- Blue Gendron Baby | Furniture, the property of riba opie, Sista ske SC : ; ea 0C ervice HEPA wim 6 Lencian any , krork, new 3 the best sellers and it deserves : : od Free Lativsntes carriage in excellent condition. Ren- ROBT, J. A, McNEIL pai hitch ™M-H 'Tractor 2-furrow : : Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs : sonable. Phone 876. . . gr iow, new : lars. picked up ih ederim disposal ok, Guaranteed repairs to all. Commer- bis, aoe U0 . Lot 18, in oo Yaa Lowaship M-li Rubber Lived Trailer Type _ to go into the best ce . . od + : A X orth of Vellore Mi 'o Spreader, new Je : collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge | €2} Retiinpeation and Donestie Bee | 0 gap Quantity of Baled SATURDAY. MARCH 24TH Mets' Tantei Harrow, new z I % Order us to send you -some-- 92-r-14, Lindsay 6282. Head Office, i Al. Thackeray. RA 3-2452 itay, well cured. Phone 34, 2 a-11 Cultivator tor 'tractor, 11 stiff Woodville 82 r 11. (collect) Oshawa, May 31. Implements tooth, power Lit, new. style = there's prime economy in high ' ree ; : gly 4-Secuion Vrag Harrow ED. PECONI, BE YOUR OWN BOSS In: Port| Case Tractor, model AC, on rubber | 7 ft cut P.1.0. M-H Mower, used fo) INTO THE t " Argyle Ontario WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR Perry and surroundings. Sell pro- Papal M Tractor, hydraulic hitch & only one season | ; | quality. it July 80, 66} SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOA |Uucts needed in every home high| oul Cultivator No. 22 and ig ab a AY BEST CELLARS! Phone 289. _ ELLSWORTH KENNEDY commission. Write dow for details IHC Scuffler =. Boar Cat Hammer Mill, near new, ik 2 pe dt ria to Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. | Freeman Manure Loader, with blade complete with bagger Ra CEE - HILLTOP BODY Ea aoe we | 3-furrowed Ace Bottom (IHC) Tractor | i qiggs Drive Belt Phone 322W Port Perry ; A LR rbot -- Plow Ca DeLaval Milking Machine, complete Yor fittotmation FOR SALE--Holstein cow, due to 2. Furrow No. 26 M-H Tractor Plow © phot ihe outlets, 2 single & FENDER : .. | freshen Ist of April. Len, Taylor,| Case FTO Mower, 7 ft. cut , units Nov, 27/65 | tk, 3, Uxbridge. Phone Port Perry | M-H Ne. 4, AE i Graln Swather kilectric Motor, %% h.p. ol | ro : \ 25-x- kasy Flow Fertllizer Sower Electric Cream Separator, DeLaval, COMPLETE REFINISHING : a Case Blower for f rai ; io] ; N 3 LISTINGS WANTED-- Ase lower for torage or grain complete with motor : COLLISION REPAIRS Lundell Forage Harvester wh 3 Wheel Alignment and Steering WANTED AT ONCE FOR SALE -- Boat and Johnson | One-Way Disc (IHC) Banbor rruton Fai Wagon Gear ._ ' Service Farms, houses and vacant land. | Motor, 03: h.p. Phone 326-M, Port Tagen Dis Hoy Other Implements : . : Auto Safety Glass-Installed | Buyers waiting. Contact Chas. Reesor, | Perry. Sor ih Duty Cultivator All hylan sy in this sale is J ; Towing Bigelow St. Port Perry. P.O. Box 48. Set 6 sec. Light Drag Harrows practically ; Uxbridge Phone 394W Agent for Donald Scott Real Estate,| HELP WANTED--Housekeeper for pig for ft. Mower 7 'Several 100 Bales good Mixed Hay 4 dec 20. 1956 25 Prince Street, Oshawa, tf. | country home with modern convenien- Bok Sloos Slaiams ows, savy Several 100 Bales good 2nd and 3rd : - . ' ces. Telephone Bowmanville, Market | Rubber Tired Farm Wagon géar Hic Satalrg os ) : LR -- : HIGHEST PRICES paid for Poultry 3.2646 after 8.150 p.m. March 22 LE 2 fo Hai a Siler Approximately 90 lbs. Alfalfa Seed 3 : : of all kinds. Call Country View Poul- 'hl I "Mi 3 Bags of Seed Oats ; = 5 y FOR SALE--Mixed Baled Hay und | $¢h! Hammer Mil 4 Steel Drums [J [J ; i! try Farm, Phone 488, Port Perry. Wm. | id LF--) ixed baled Hay and} pall Hammer Mill * Miscellaneous Articles - 5 R 0 0 F IN G Heayn, Prop. We also custom kill Straw,-Ralph Veitch, Phone Uxbridge, Lilectric Pail Heater High Pressure Steam Boiler, 80 lbs, y 3 xs : a: 82 Cryavac wrap turkeys at rami 1500-18 : : Miscellaneous 5 Souipiile Hi, gute control R'E ® : ® Ni hl ice : 7 8 : 7 . 3 0 OF ALL KINDS #l'e prices. ' YOR SALE 1p ouch. | About 180 ft, Litter Carrier Track, | kxtra Storage Tank for same : : %iS 2a . ) FOR SALE--1941 Plymouth Coach, ; : ; Tank Ls OF Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding. Ee } with hangers, bucket and car Steam Cooking Hog Feeder Tar . i , ' ' Apply to I. Donnelly, corner of Mary. . Feed : x Estimates given on all kinds | SHTERESESSE--===-=-===--------==--) |, Sis (upstairs), after 6 pn, | 5 bo dporse Fork Cars 2 Tubs dor Tig Pond S| ons Gider 1 ; 2 15 , : s pstairs), after 6.p.m.| 2 Long Draw Ropes Bore Hogger won F ] Qil 16Y% ] he of work. B ; : Fanning Mill ~ 12 ft. line shafting with hangers ue 1 2 cents per ga " & EARL WALLACE ; ante fo uy 5 Water Bowls for pigs and pulleys 4 Feed Barrels IRE } ~ ' Steel Feed Troughs and Water Boxes | Number of Rubber E : - . Port, Perry limber land and logs, Elm, Beech, de Dien re 4 Troughs 25d ie hg of Ribs Belts Stove 0il 20 3 cents er al bo hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak, A large supply of new & used Lumber | Half Barrel of Molasses 10 p g . uciion es H. M. Kyte, Blackstock t.f. 2 Brooder Houses Quantity of Fire Wood ; : : 2 Wlechnie Drosders Baliary Brooder | Pile of Caos Dosty - " : es a aaa) THURS. MARCH 165-- 2 Coal Stoves® for Brooder 1 Poultry Shelters . T Septic Tanks ) of 30 Cattle, Horse A Poultry Water Fountains & netting Nuiniieb of Fine Lage, 16, 14 and 12 fe : 2 eerste » ' resn- | ra « | x Ls a ; oo eS anes by Wanted - Waitresses 'ing Machine, Hay, the property of Done OfS1del Fonos Rogte Le gf A re For Delivery Phone , , i Jess Demara and Sons, Lot 8, Con, 10,) [,arge Iron Pot Number of Poultry Fountains . PUMP EQUIPMENT Two full time waitresses. Apply in| Scugog Island, 6 miles N. East of | Set Tractor Chains 11 x 88 Frat) Rubliep Tised Wagon wp " ' t, Port| Port Perry. Ter uantity of % inch Pipin -wheel Stable ; A THE SURE WAY apse at Taylor's Restauran or Port gs High oninn, sale at 1.00 2 oe Pe Seales ping Set of Platform Scales, 2,000 lbs. Oshawa RA 5.1109 : - 24 Hour Service id Lyra: Hay Yaer, ors. . Bag Truck® Feed Box Pig Crates | Sprayer ~~ New Hand Scuffler . IRWIN DeGEER TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. paking Cabinet Peter Hamilton small Cutting Box 1 We are continually in the market , } 2 C rd d odd chairs New Scuffler Turnip Drill Dalton Road, Sutton fe ) up JOArdg and 'o : ir P : for turnips of No. 1 grade of the fol-| pRIDAY, MARCH 16th-- Number of Fruit Jars 100 ft, Poultry Wire hone 231 R . : "oan OTT UL 1 d » O04 id . Forks, Shovels and many other useful Forks, shovels and numerous other . . June 16/66 towing pes 2 -4", 3"-5", 4-6 An Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, articles not mentioned useful articles not mentioned i " 6" up. Top prices for quality. Prices Hay and Furniture, the property of| - : Furniture ig as 2 See, " call Soe 176 JOHN VOS, Lot 30, Con. 8, Darlington Hay and Grain Kitchen Stove, combination coal and } tday or night, collect. artage is our Twp., just south of Enfield, 8 miles| Quantity of Cut Hay gas } TIT TRI CR AR ee Dead Farm Stock "account, please bill. M: A, Brown, West of Enniskillen. - Terms Cash. | Quantity of Loose Ney Nose Kitchen Supa » March 22.1 guj at 1 pam. R. W. Pascoe, Clerk.| Approx. 1000 bus. Clinton Oats 2 Double Steel Beds with Springs PAINT SHINGLES ) Picked up P tl " ' TED JACKSON, ,Auctioneer.| Terms Cash. No Reserve. Farm | 2 Spring Mattresses : fog : foie y " TENDER YOUNG Jold. Sale at 1.30 p.m, sharp, Jars res mienst ervic e SAT } i y : ; or fas service Phone oollec Chicken Giblets SAT.,, MARCH 17th--Auction Sale Sten --McNeil, Clerk. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at . : D Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 I. of Registered & High Grade Holstein TAT lb 1.00 p.m. Proprietor Quitting and S 0 Al mi yr - ) ; Cattle, 30 Cockshutt Tractor, Baler, KEN, & CLARKE PRENTICE, | Moving Overseas. ee uur J u num 0 MARGWILL, FUR PARY 25¢ 1h Hogs, Implements and Hay, the pro- Auctioneers, Markham, phone 346; KEN, & CLARKE PRENTICE, U . . Tyrone, Ont ° 8 erty of Clayton A. Love. Lot 18 bis : Auctioneers, Markham, phone 346; : o SA Will make delicious stew Deny Bylon di ove, 4 Milliken, Ph. Ax. 3-5987. ~ Milliken, Ph. Ax. 3-5987. : 0 re Aug. 16. 1956 BRUNTON FARMS Con. 9 Beach, on Ogiala BA, iy, : M - : iv, bi Sc Port P Phone 11iW South of Port Perry. Terms Cash, > bi ARR. or orryy ne sale at 1.00 pm. Cecil Heayn and * B ; : 5.00 R ; Howard Hall, Clerks, 3 i - \d ro ? y rrr = x TED JACKSON, 'Auctioneer. | § 5 E S I re 4 : AAR | TUES, MARCH 20 -- Farm Soid . 2 BOLLING } NOW 1S THE TIME TO ORDER | BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING || uur soe of tive stock, tmptecip + COLONY HOUSE or SIMILAR TYRE Bi} il R YOUR STORM SASH | A . - : $ ! ments, Furniture and Hay, the pro- same to be constructed by the Grade 48 boys i : F ) i i | : uh = perty of Howard Hall, Lot 8, Con, 4, aie 10 y li i £1 | TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, || Mdriposa on County Road, 4 miles S. at the : : 1 R A oN . 3 West of Little Britain, Terms Cash, . 3 of " i Er I El Lt cen: Yn a Port Perry High School {lS |Lake Scugog Lumber | A 7 4 a4 SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. Geo. Greenway, Clerks. r Y g i g 0 ' ~ ' 53 ; Y ¢ FREE ESTIMATES-by Hour or Contract. BRIDAY, Makch tei |B COST -- Material Only. ¢ A : Company Lid. M i 'arm Stock, Implements, Tractor, Ro ; o ; 7 ut Hay, Grain, the property of MERVYN 3 DELIVERY On or about Vay 15 » S 4 PHONE 240 W E As TRIPP CONSTRUCTION BIRD, Lot 31, Con, 7, Darlington Twp. | For information contac J PORT PERRY : ) 7 >! 8 miles west of Ennis ile, 1 wile i Mr. Grant MacDonald, Mr. John Jefford, H S : Phone 892W (Office), pu erm Gah, No Restree, Salojli; wei Principal. Shop Instructor. : 4 Residence--Wm, Tripp 892W and Joe 4 REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, | ii Phone 248 : D WALL ; Ji idence---W pp Tripp 92 Phone Sunderland 66 r 1-2, A, / : --_ a) I IPL A Blackwater, | Reis

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