Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Mar 1956, p. 4

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LOCAL ¢ny to hear that Mr. Geo. L. Jackson had the misfortune to fall and break his arm. We wish him a speedy resoeiy, Car rds of Thanks We wish to extend our sircer thai ks, anl uppreciation for lindness, mes- nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospi- tas], also McDermott-Panavaker fun- eral horus, Pv. Mr. Huttda, also for the beautiful flowers from L.OL, L.0.L.A,, Twp. of Cartw:izht, Tor. 071.0 deneral Trusts and ¢ hers, also M:. Nerman Mountjoy. "hank you all : Lunch served, lucky prizes. (V 'sugres of love and sympathy to friends| 11.00 am. --=unday Se! vol. Sale, Whe Church, Gaawn, 6.16 pa, at the organ zation" meetings of the : : relatives and neighbours. Special 700 p.m.--Evening Pra er and Li illiam ourtenay, War correspond- [society when it was formed in 1931. Jgu Jia) thinks to Drs. Dymond and Rennie Sermon. i | Bp Enid Bening i W. Gordon Bunker, Whe first, pies): HARPELL S : A "| Wed, March 21, 8.00 p.ri-- ons speak on "Recent Developments in the | gent in 1931, was present, and spoke . 4 Mrs, Hyland, Bryon, Clifford and Arthur, We wish to sincerely eipress our the nks to the many friends and neigh- bors for their floral tributes and ca) is of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement; also our deep appreciation to Rev. Mr. Wylie, to Dr. Kandel and the staff of the Mc- De mott - Panabaker Funeral Home for their understanding kindness. Alonzo Williams and family. : : Port Perry High School, Friday, I wish to thank my friends and| ST: JOHN'S PRESBY [ERIAN | npgpcly 16, 1966 at 9.00 p.m. Spon- is neighbours for their cards and flow- < CHURCH sored by the Eastern Stars. in ; ers sent to me during my recent fll- Minister: Orchestra RA ARR TR e ne:s, also the nurses of the Commun- ity M:morial Hospital, Port Perry and Dr. Dymond. Mrs. Georgina Raines. In Memoriam FARMER--In loving memory of a der.r mother, Mrs. S. Farmer, who pa sel away March 15, 1954. And with the mom These angel faces smile Which we nave loved long since And lost a while. Ever remembered by her family. Oshawa Memorial Service On No. 2 Hwy. East of Oshawa City Limits MONUM ENTS, MARKERS CORNER STONES, and STATUARY, also Markers and Works of Bronze. Manufacturing Memorials to in- dividual requirements from the finest Granites and Marbles Available. For Information without Obligation write Box 213 or call RA. 5-6611 NEW HOURS OPEN order stipulates that all cogs mus: be Ca Br SATURDAY NIGHT inoculated, at the owner's expense and 3 : at 7 o'clock must be tied up, until the danger ls pe : i 4 ADOZEN SAFETY FEATURES NO WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BOWLING OPEN BOWLING THE CHUR 'HES CHURCH OF THE A!CENSION (Anglican) Rev, K. W. Scott, LT, Rectcr Sunday, March 18--Lent / 9.30, aun.--~Holy Comn nion Litany and Sermon. re PORT PERRY UNITEL CHURCH Kev. R. H. Wylie, B.A, Minlst«r Sunday, March 18th-- 11.00 a.m.--"'A Cradle, A Cross and a Crown." 7.00 p.m.--The Epistle >f James, PENTECOSTAL Ci URCH sanday, March 18th-- | ' 10 a.m.--Sunday Schoci. - 11 a.m.--Morning Serv. :e. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic § :rvice, CHRIST IS THE .IFE Everyone Welccme K. Sprac sett, Paetor. Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A. D.D. sunday, March 18th-- "711 a.m.--Sabbath Schoal. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship. A PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Dolaney Sunday, March 18th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Seivice at 11 a.m. Evening service at 7 p.m. "Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Young i'eople's on Friduy at § p.m. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1850 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- : our Church needs us." rr if "dec.10-66 Whithy Towrship Advises Pupils Students in Whitby Tow.ship schools will be advised by their teachers to have their pet dogs immu: lzed ageinst rabies. They will alsc be warmed against petting stray animals. meeting, decided on this -ourse of ac- tion toward prevention o! the dis-ase in the Township. This m:asuro is not so strong as that in force in the town lof Whitby, where a Board of Health over. pets will fall' on the shoviders of Dr. W. K. Mountjoy, of Breoklin. Dr. Mountjoy has inoculated n:any anirials } already, but will probabil: have niore to do, for the next fow days, as the The Township Council, at their last Most of the work of immunizing Gala Night --|0f Bowling THURSDAY, MARCH 22-- the Causeway Alleys, for I.0.0.F., Rebekahs, familes and friends, in ald of L1.0.O.F, Special funds. 8 games $1.00. Spring Dance The Port Perry Lions' will be hold- ing their Annual Spring Dance at the Public School on Friday, April 6th, Tea & Baking Sale Afternoon Tea and a sale of Home Baking will be held on Saturday, Mar. 17th at 2.80 p.m. in the basement of St. John's Presbyterian Church. March 18 St. Patrick's Dance St. Patrick's Euchre Euchre will be held on Saturday, March 17, in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church at 8 o'clock. Lunch served. Special prizes. Admission 50c. March 16 Easter Tea AND HOME BAKING SALE on Sat., April 7th in the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension, from 8 to b pa... Mar. 15 {Scout and Cub The Scout and Cub Mother's Auxi- liary will meet at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hunter on Monday night, Mar. 19th. Lunch committee being Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Edenborough and Mrs. Jefford. . A Gala night of alley bowling at| minster . Refreshments. Priva 3 Admission 76c. March 1 munity Memorial Hospital Port Perry, will be held at the Library, Port Perry, on Wednesday Evening, March 28th, 1966 at 8 O'clock. The public are cordially invited to attend this meeting. March 22, Canadian Club Canadian Club, March 21, Noxth- Far East." . Horficulturists Mark Jubilee Twenty-five years of service to the community in civic beautification, and in encouragement of beautiful home surroundings were reviewed this week when the Oshawa Hoticultural Socle- ty held a Silver Jubilee banquet in the hall of Northminster United Church. With several of the past vice and devotion had kept the so- ciety active during the last 26 years. M. McIntyre Hood, president for 1966, presided at the dinner, which was attended by 200 members of the society and guests, Among the so- cietica represented were Orono, Brook- lin and Scarborough, while the guest speaker was John F. Clark, secretary and fieldman for the Ontario Horti- cultural Asscciatioh.. Mr, Clark, in. cidentally, had been | the guest speaker briefly, paying tribute to those who had carried on the work of the organ- izatiun, and wishing the sqciety con- tinued success in the future, Mivor W. J. Naylor brought the greetings of the city council to the society, congratulating it on attain. ing is silver jubilee, He expressed thanks to the society for the splendid work it had done in the interests of | civic beautification, and expressed the hope that this splendid work would be carried on for many years to come. The chairman, in his remarks, re- viewed the history of the society, men- ---- TRAPPED, RESCUE.) ALIVE, DIES Trapped at the 2, 200- foot level of the Kerr,Addison mine near Kirkland, ay Ont., Kalman Szucs, shown with his wife and family, spent 2 hours in a narrow stope. His leg was broken and he had ° but 12 cubic feet of alr to breathe while fellow workmen dug steadily from another stope of the mine to free him. Rushed to over the last 26 years. Membership bership this year. i ---------------------- ------------ the north. ~ UPHOLSTERING We Are Pleased to Announce * Harpell' 8 Upholstering are expanding their services to , For the Best: in' Service and Quality, just call FREE We have a complete line -of fabrics to choose from and. guarantee all our work a full five years. ESTIMATES AT ANY TIME " (Day or Evening) A full staff is employed in order to give you Faat Efficient Service at the lowest possible cost. ~ HARPELL' S UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERING AJAX 35 (NO TOLL CHARGES) POPOROPOBOROPOBOPOROA 0 18 Sotto Fo to So tose stostopte te teu ste du stupe pe dodtosto ste son oss ANNUAL BALL Port Perry Public School FRIDAY, APRIL 6th $2.00 per couple - PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB v A CTY RE BE Riis No ag Cant EAT Re - Th : Ey ess Andod SARTRE AHR FAS SER SR Hehe BSS VERSES viol AWE 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 16th, 1954 : - -- 3 -- 2%. : . N - A al Me presidents of the society in attendance | tioning those who had been instrumen. in 1055, he said, had been the second y (Q COMING EVENTS nnu fing including its first president, tributes ig) jn having it reorganized in 1981, | highest in the history of the society, N EWS The annual meeting of the Com. |Were pald to those' who by their ser-{ 4 },.0 who had served as president |and he locked for a still larger mem. 5 hospital he was reported in good. » - BE ane mie condition, then fell Into a comma - higher value. How to buy © [Aly (and get the most for your money] Look for beauty that. lasts. + Piymouth's taut, -- will-look-modern-for years, have consistently For example, tailored lines mean that it . like electric windshield wipers. . . Safely-Rim wheels safety door latches . . . independent parking brake . are. standard. Full-time : ower steering and power _._ brakes are available. With all of its high-quality features, a Plymouth is easy to buyl ROUNDED COMBUSTION CHAMBERS of the Plymouth V-3 help give better mileage, prevent carbon hot s steal power, Up to 2 instant response. ots that h.p. for 7toll P.M. oni veterinarian in the township. Dr. Find out about the hidden values--such as THURSDAY, FRIDAY, . I. Eagan, was removec to hosp tal, Plymouth's 'sturdy box-type frame, Oriflow fotery-yps oil purl, 8nd scores of other quality features. SATURDAY. wh Thursday. Dr. Eag.n, who has shock absorbers, and 2-cyvlinder front brakes -- ' FAMILY NIGHT BOWLING : FRIDAY treated over 800 animal: already, is expected to return to wo: this wk, afterundergoing a minor operatioa in St. Michael's Hospital, T' conto. During his absence, Dr H. C. S:ev- v.83... continued high that give you more car for your money. Compare engine features like the floating oil intake and shrouded fan on Plymouth Sixes and features that mean lower repair bills, power, in the years ahead. PLYMOUTH 6 PUSH-BUTTON DRIVE SELEC- TOR with Plymouth's Power- Flite automatic transmission can be yours. It's the modern way to drive. Conveniently lo: cated at driver's [eft. PLUS extended:-tip spark plugs for greater fuel economy, 12-volt electrical system for hotter spark, And these are just a few of Plymouth's quality features. Your Plymouth dealer can show you many more, See him soon. AR ¢ ; . ens, a government veter narian from [A i Bowmanville will act as 'ocum, i Causeway Bowling Cats, as well as dogs, eve being im- he : munized against hydrop'iodia, Dr. L k WITH THR FORWARD LOOK rr es Eagan has treated 80 cat), among the td number of animals inoculsted to cate. , "| As yet, no case of rabies has Leen Manufactured In Canada by Chrysler Corporation of ry { i | i SER 5 confirmed in Ontario couaty. Canada, Limited L)} 4 RF : | 0 19 ll conan A | 'Veek-End SPECIALS, March 16-17 : Cr | 4 4 y } J 7 PTON'S RED LABEL TEA, 70 |) Joe vassin inh serhine 6lc. 4 ih. SUPER 8UDS, All purpose Detergent ...........cceioe 816. 3 Gs NESTLI'S QUIK, % I emer ivrisemsmumiuendlts lI ve MAPLE LEAF BEAUTY SOAP .....ccoonvrnninninnnnn 2 fOF 176, 7 Ml YORK PEAS, 15 02 ..oocovovvireesererrssserricsninnssisssnionnn 2 TOT 2760 iy a St ¥ H 0 @ : : The Savoy 4-door Sedan WATCH CLIMAX --~SHOWER OF STARS WEEKLY ON TV. CHECK YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DATE AND TIME. : on DCUPE'S STORE oe a PRONE 486W, PRINCE ALBERT TA INNES MOTOR S ALES 7 | Free delivery on all orders of $2.00 or over. = . 7 be IL : a -- . PHONE 168 PORT PERRY, ONT. ; ig AAR ; ig 7 fos "1 :

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