Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Mar 1956, p. 4

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od Sides aN Ge nb 5 RN 3 5 BAAN rw 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, 1966 iy ER ARE Ra Was ARS AAR SLR SRL CREB i -- -- ------ ---- LOCAL Mo. und Mrs. E. G. Michell, of Port Perry, Ontario, are vacationing on 'Anna Maria Island, at "Anna Maria" for one month, -Anna Maria is located two miles south of Bradenton, Florjda, directly on the Gulf of Mexico and is noted for its beautiful 'sugar white' sand bedches and the ideal quiet res treat for vacationing g living. Congratulati ongratulations In the recent Mid-Winter Piano ex- aminations held in Whitby by the Roy- al Conservatory of Music of Toronto the following pupil of Mrs. Helen M. 'Stouffer was successful. Grade VI--Linda Fralick(Honours) In Memoriam VINE--In loving memory of a dear brother, Ralph Kenneth, who passed away ) March 3, 1963, in his 14th year. We were not there to say good-bye; For we never could have said good-bye To a brother we loved so well. Some may forget now you are gone But we will remember no matter how long; "For no matter where we wander Or where our footsteps stray, The memory of you dear Ralph Will forever with us stay. Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten. Sister Eleanor, Reg. and Gordon. VINE---In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Ralph Kenneth, who passed away March 3, 1953, in his 14th year. } We do not forget your smiling face, Your happy, carefree ways, "The smile that won so many friends In those happy by-gone days. © Always so good, unselfish and kind, What a wonderful memory you left behind. Mother, Dad, Wilfred, Helen, Charles, Trudie. L0:D.E The regular meeting of Scugog Chapter will be held in the Community Room of the Public Library at 8 p.m,, Monday, March bth, Miss Chrysler, history teacher at our High School, as guest speaker, will show pictures and tell us of her trips to England and the Continent. Members. are asked to bring a guest. Refreshments will be served. Miss Jarrett, the treasurer will have her. receipt book on hand--let us try to have @l fees paid up at the close of this ou} annual "Pay Your Fees" meeting. - a; NEW HOURS OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT at 7 o'clock NO WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BOWLING OPEN BOWLING - 7 to 11 P.M. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. FAMILY NIGHT BOWLING FRIDAY Causeway Bowling Lanes tf. my EWS THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGL AC AN "Rev. K. W. Seott, L.Th., Rector. Sunday, March 4, 1956, Lent III 11 a.m.--Holy Communion Sunday School. Wednesday, March 7, Litany and address, Remember the Joint Mission, March 12-16, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie¥B.A., Minister SUNDAY, MARCH 4th-- 11 a.m.--Prelude to Calvary 7.00 p.m.--God's Purpose and Man's | vide The Albert! There will be an exchange of choir for the evening service. St. United Church will be our guests STAR WEEKLY FREE CONCERT MARCH 8th at 8 p.m. Preaching Mission, March 12- 16, AN PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, March 4th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Worship Service 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Henr Evangelist Charlie Benn every night Tues, through Fri, at 8 p.m. Special "Singing and Good Preaching. The Gospel is Canada's Hope! Everyone Welcome Pastor, K. Sprachett. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. I). Armstrong, B.A., D.D. 'Sunday, March 4th-- 11 a.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship. 5 COMING EVENTS New Dates for Euchres The. Benevolent. Committee (Eastern Star) Wednesday, March 7 8.00 p.m. Masonic Rooms «Good Prizes Tea & Baking Sale i Afternoon Tea and ng of Home, Baking 'will be held on March 17th in the basement of St. John's Presby- I'terian Church. marl 'Euchre The Scugog and Manchester Farm- er's Union are holding a Euchre in Scugog Hall, on Friday, March 2nd. Everyone welcome. Ladies please pra- March 1 PLAY The Drama Group presents "Bird on a Wing" directed by Miss N. McCully, B.A., with added music entertainment, on Monday, March bth, at 8 pm. in Murs. her home from 3 to 5 p.m. who is moving from Port Perry. Basement. mission 60c.© The hats courtesy of the McEachern Hat Shop, Port Perry. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, March 4th-- . Sunday School at 10 a.m, } Morning Service at 11 a.m. Evening service at 7 pm. | Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p. m. Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. One Act Plays Greenbank Church are presenting two One-act plays in the Greenbank Com- munity Hall on Saturday, March 10 at 8.15 p.m. Proceeds in aid of re- wiring the church basement. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, 1350 on your Dial Oshawa t Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." dec.16-66 Euchre and Dance In Manchester Hall on Friday, Mer, 2nd at 8.30 pm. Final night for the high score prizes, no time limit on cuchre. Ladies please provide. 'Spon- sored by Utica Hall Board. Oshawa Memorial Service On No. 2 Hwy. East of Oshawa City Limits _ MONUMENTS, MARKERS | ~ CORNER STONES, and STATUARY, also Markers and Works of Bronze. Manufacturing Memorials to in- dividual requirements from the finest Granites and Marbles. . Available. For Information without Obligation write Box 213 or call RA. 5.6611 po Coming Event The Cub g Scout Mother's Auxili- ary Dinner will be held at the "Del" Restaurant on Friday, March 16th at 6.30 pm. All Mothers wishing to at- tend please phone 329 before Wed, March 14th. "Hard Time Affair" Port Perry .High School, Friday, March 2nd. Re- cord music. Refreshments available. Admission 50c. Everyone welcome, Ld . Special Music The Choir of the Albert St. United Church, Oshawa, will present special music in the Port Perry United Church on Sunday, March 4th, at the evening service, Star Free Concert The Star Weekly Free Concert will the Port Perry High School. .Admis- sion-b60cy, ! A marl Jats . Mary Taylor will receive at 2 and 8 to|§ 10 p.m. on Friday, March 2nd, on be- 3 half of her daughter, Mrs. Starkey, ¥ Tea & Spring Hats Enjoy Tea and a chat while you view | & Spring Hats in the United Church |& Hats will be modelled | % from.8 to 10 p.m. on March 6th and |g from 8 to 5 p.m. on March 7th, Ad-|§ The Ladies of the Fidelis Class of |¥ Jr. Farmers Dance| Card of Thanks May I express my deep appreciation to all my friends and neighbours for their birthday greetings; also to the Head Sunday School and the W.A, my grateful thanks for their lovely gifts, Thank You. : Thomas Redman, Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs. Wendell Holmes of Brooklin wish to, thank the many or- ganizations, friends and neighbours for the generous assistance they have received since their fire a few months ago, which completely destroyed the farm home situated near Spring Hill Park, Brooklin, Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs, Robert (Reader who recently celebrated their Fiftieth Wed- ding Anniversary at the home of their son Owen Readér of Port Perry wish to thank their many friends and rela- tives for their best wishes expressed on that day and the numerous gifts received, among which were floral gifts, a television set, the gift from their son and family and the many cards. THE REACH TOWNSHIP of FARMERS! ! THIS LARRY DOBLE, President. > TP. THR TA TA TA will hold its ANNUAL MEETING in MANCHESTER HALL Tuesday Evening, March 6th MR. JIM JACKLIN, Fieldman, of the Federation of Agtipsliute, will be the guest speaker, a a A et ' \ dis \ absence of our president." While the Death . | attendancé was not large, we were pleased indeed to welcome several new At Hillsdale, Ont., on Monday, Feb.} representatives to our numbers, and 20th, 1956, David Johnston Jamieson,' fee] sure they are going to be of con- beloved husband of the late Elizabeth' | siderable help to the Auxiliary. Osterhout German. Mr. Jamieson celebrated his 96th birthday on son Ist of February at his residence "in Hillsdale where he has lived for the' past 30 years. Most of his earlier life was spent on a farm in Flos Township where he raised his family of seven. He was a member of the Preshyterian Ghurch and served many years on the As we have had no adequate space School Board and Township Council. "of late to store our sewing materials His eldest son, Ernest" William and | We have decided to have cupboards youngest son David Roy live in Barrie, built in the laundry. Many of our and Charles lives on the: home farm. members are still doing a considerable There are four daughters, Edna (Mrs. amount of sewing for the hospital. King of London); Carol (Mrs. Elrick, of Elmvale); Miss Mae Jamieson, of Toronto, and Alice, (Mrs. Adelbert Beacock of Nestleton.) There are 8 grandchildren and five great grand- Jehildren. Funeral took place at Hills- As our. first money-making project for the year we are going to have a "Diminishing Tea", the same as we had last year.. These teas can be real | public we shall have even better re- sults than; last year. repaired. It is doubtful if the public | has any idea of the work these women do. Our "mending committee" is com- posed of a few women who go to the hospital once a week and do a very efficient job of mending the torn and worn linen. This work is done with no recompense except our thanks, and we take this opportunity of thanking these women for their much appreci- ated contribution towards the work of the Auxiliary. Women's Hospital Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of the fun, and with the co-operation of the, New articles are made and old ones. The following contributions are gratefully acknowledged: ° Mrs. Davison, Nestleton Mr, Harry Brinkman Pee Wee Hockey On Monday night last, the Pee'Wee's * journeyed to Whitby Arena to play a game against: a Pee, Wee team from Oshawa. . The score ended in a tie which {s.a good way for an exhibition game to end up. - A goodly number of parents .- and friends travelled" down to see the . game, 1 Buddy Dowson, was the main stay of the team scoring three of the four goals for Port Perry. - Doug Hender- | son put one in the net for the fourth goal. The Oshawa team played a nice ghooth game with all players playing their positions well and taking their opposition out, of the play numerous times. Not until the third period did Part Perry settle down to- Pay good hockey. All in all it was a good game to watch with a number of exciting mo- ments to cheer about. Women's Hospital Auxiliary was held at the Community Memorial Hospital on Tuesday afternoon, February 24, Mrs. Stewart Rodman presiding in the}, the Federation of Agriculture IS YOUR MEETING MURRAA HOLTBY, ' .& Secretary. Taare oe ee ee oo us te ete ne a te Sh tee te Sa se Susie to teeta tte "ICE CA * Fea . OUTSTANDING SATURDAY, Adults $1.00. Tickets now on sale at Stores in Port Perry and the Port Perry Memorial Gardens ~~ LAKESHORE SKATING CLUB, TORONTO (sanctioned by the Canadia Presents ICE ORAMA 150 Figure Skating and Guest Stars BE SURE.AND SEE THIS WONDERFUL AND CARNIVAL ~ Starting at 8.00 p.m. ADMISSION: Children 12 and under 50c. RNIVAL n Figure Skating Association) -- turing FIGURE SKATING MARCH 10th SPECIALS FOR STRAWBERRY JAM, 24 0Z. .ooovviiiiriniiiniiniiinnininniinn 37e. CELLO PACKAGED 17010) 18 § 01 JURORS ale. YORK TUNA FISH, 4'8 coccinea EE SS Shessuntd w.29¢. YORK KERNEL CORN, 14 oz. ........... Set orinsasisetiint 2 for 33c. 15 oz. ........ NATION 1 I 4lc. McLAREN'S CORN RELISH, 0G DOUPE'S STORE 5 PRONE 485W, PRINCE ALBERT Free delivery on all orders of $2.00 or over. MARCH 2 and 3 Storey Beare BUMPING EQUIPMENT, WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO HANDLE ALL TYPES OF BODY and COLLISION WORK. ' ESTIMATES and ADVICE GIVEN AS A FREE SERVICE. We invite you fo come in and see our new, Equipment in action. BEADE MOTORS Lip. Port also serve by giving. Bill Beare DODGE and DeSOTO CARS -- DODGE TRUCKS es - Allis-Chalmeérs Power Equipment, Westinghouse Appliances . Phones 833 and 332 . Perry TO THE RED CROSS ALL RED CROSS CANVASSERS WORK WITHOUT PAY They give up their spare time 'solely and unselfishly to help others. Please greet them Heeordingly. And renmmhal, you THE ONE FLAG ON be held in the Port Perry United - Church on Thursday, March 8th at 8 4 - Port Perry Arena. Vv p.m., featuring "The Songmen" con- : ducted by David Ouchterlony. . 'BEARE MOTORS' LTD. WHICH ALL AGREE "A symbol of all that is best in human nz per ANNOUNCE give a Yelping A A ane os a . . kind f heart . . . The Opening of Another Service Feature a " -- ONS er "" ; od Ty 'Fender and Body Repairs and Paint Shop Kesp this flag flying in Canada! - WE HAVE JUST ITAL A MO a pLEY DeVILBISS PAINT : WITH OUR NEW "PUSH-PULL HYDRAULIC JACKS" and MODERN A, VE g enerously 5604 DONATIONS MAY ALSO BE SENT DIRECT TO: wh V ee

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