LB 3 AE RG a BR . < Ww a Stade A : % & 5 Nd 2 AY Ja {A : < ' ad By 2 ale A pstnbie $ Sdn S30 BAe rnin on Bi Bh le Mie A Ch SS ab te 6, te ie eed IN THIS DISTRICT (RETAIL VALUE $2.04) PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB BULB SALE CAMPAIGN: (GENERAL ELEGTRIC BULBS) . Starting MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, at 7 p.m. THE LIONS WILL BE CALLING ON THE PEOPLE OF PORT PERRY TO SELL BULBS FOR THEIR CHARITABLE WORK : A Bag of Bulbs (9 bulbs) sells for $2.00 Give Your Support to This Worthy Cause YOU NEED LIGHT BULBS, ANYWAY, ASSIST YOUR LIONS CLUB. Lions will appreciate it if you leave your porch light on. DS) CS | |) () S » pi RANRARARAN 2ate% 2.2 ashes : nt O ' [) The Following is a List of the : | ; Merchants ,- A. W. Brock Dept. Store Dowson's Food Market «| Pine Grove "APPRECIATION DAY" Taylor's 5¢. to $1.00 Store Sandiland Jewellery Van's Men's and Boy's Wear Kay Van's Ladies' Wear Western Tire 3 | Hospital. Carnegie Hardware Beare Motors Ltd. Sweetman's Garage Pd x Sa te Ty os wets * 08 he oda To Eh Si A Tm nN rt RC A r= ESR al se » - A ey Tp on ro *"% ~ ® nt acs oe, es hae fo tos Howard Motors Phoenix Appliances "Del" Restaurant Taylor's Restaurant Master Feeds Elizabeth Shoppe Flamingo Restaurant Mrs. Hope's Tobacco and Magazine. Shop: MacGregor & Son Butcher Shop elm Levinson's Drygoods Tripp's Garage : Cawker's Butcher Shop Hope's 1.G.A. Jackson's Farm Equipment 'John Ballard Lumber, (Co-Supporter) TRCSLBUSLI SS SS SPSS SSP NEXT DRAW, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, at 3.30 p.m. in front of Master Febds. The jack pot is $607.00. 8000808080008 00 080808 0088000080867 60.8 6 8 8 98 8 0 8 SO > SRIF NIN > > - Watch for the name of the "MERCHANT OF THE WEEK" when you shop. A 1 ar o OO a 0 a es Hae oa ho ed eo Se a ee a es ase 'eset o ss, POBOBOPOPOBOROBOPOPOBORIROPISOBORO ator io iy oe 0 ea a og 0 ao noe LAYING PROGRAM Newest Development in Poultry Feeding! The Master Laying ®:ogram has always Been a big money-maker for poultrymen. Now it's better than ever. y+ : i Years of tests and research on the Master Feeds Farm have resulted In improvements in th. Master Laying Program, 2 Try the Improved Master Laying Program this season and you'll find you'll get more eggs than ever before with-less feed. See us today and let us show you how the Master Laying Program ) hos been IMPROVED. ' ' YOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER MASTER FEEDS Fast, Fair and Friendly Service, : PORT PERRY PHONE 1 'River where they visited relatives on 2% Ronis Wal Coun) atid Mrs, Clair Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. "O'Rorke and little Danny of Campbellford, returned from five months in Regina, The Johnson family are on the sick list. We wish them a recovery soon. Mr. Keith Tindell returned home after his operation in Lockwood clinic, Toronto. : Mr. I. Catherwood is attending the Good Road Convention in Toronto this week, *} Mrs. Graves' family spent Sunday with her, Mr. Mervin Storie returned Tues- day from his operation in Port Perry Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hill of Uxbridge on the birth of a daughter Feb. 2ist at Cedarlae. Master David Hill is spending a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and dims LAKEVIEW THEATRE . PORT PERRY . Two Bhows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURS., FRI, SAT. FEBRUARY .23,24.25 | | : : Kirk Douglas and Silvana Mangano Be @ : _ In The Mighty New Technicolor Adventiire. Romancé : a POETS eI) Fe .. "ULYSSES" ; Don't take chances = . COMEDY 4 ; with Fuel or Weather "MON.,. TUES, WED. FEBRUARY 27.28.29 ER \ | hr Tyrone Power and 'Betty Grable : ORDER A TON NOW OF In Thé Never-to-be-Forgotten Drama of the Skies ° ; ° "A YANK IN THE R.A.F." SET blue coal a , ! There' ! : Dons be tool) Thares Dloriey oF Winter Rltcad | ; 00 0 0 IEEE REE comfort, the utmost economy that money can buy! Remember, with 'blue coal', you KNOW what ' you're getting! No gamble. No risk, The BLUE : color identifies it -- guarantees the quality! For Low Cost Automatic Heating ~-Cut down basement trips . .. save fuel, money, time, trouble ... with the 'blue coal' TempMaster. "Electric Eye" ther- niostat regulates dampers from living room . ... gives you simple, inexpensive, automatic heating day and night. up the winter with the finest heating, the greatest Cm , New NEILSON VIRGINIA BAR. 19c. - HUMBUGS (bulk) ................49¢. a Ib. Saturday Specials 'CHOCOLATE DATE LAYER CAKE' 'COFFEE ROLLS' GERROW'S BAKERY Phone $2W : hindi ra GERROW 11 ORG PA 0 CTT RT 11 Nc be i] Phone for 'blue coal' néw Ladies Monday Bowling League Over 200-- : Aud. Chapman (Bon Bon)--242, 206 Grace Hunter (Gum Drop)--217 Mabel Chapman (Caramel)--214 Margaret Hayes (Jenny)--205 Mrs. Jack Hill. W.A. will meet at the home of Mrs, Graves, March 7th. Group 3 in charge of program." Mrs. Toogood spent the week-end in Toronto. SRN Please to report that Mr. Hillard Armstrong is feeling much better and able to have visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brennand and family of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Handel. Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Banks and dau- .- Manchester We regret to report that two of our residents are in Port Perry Hospital, Mrs. J. Kerr and Mr. Jos. Johnson. We hope they will soon be restored to health, . Work at the church basement is progressing fast. Much credit is due those hwo have devoted time and la- bor to this worthy cause, ; Mr. and Mrs. Don. Carnegie, Bev- erly and Karen visited friends in Fre onto on Sunday. - ~ Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Crosier, Gerald and Brian, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor, Stouffville and Robert Tay- lor, Uxbridge, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Crosier on Sunday. Miss Lillian Pooley, Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christie. Mr. Helen Taylor and little Brent Mustard of Stouffville visited Mr. and Mys. W. F. Crosier last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Jackson, Tor- onto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Christie on Sunday. Prince Albert The school pupils of upper and lower room enjoyed their annual Valentine party.- The usual exchange of cards and lunch ended the party. Mrs. G. Hunter accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Doupe to Peterboro and Trent Tuesday. A number of fathers and their sons attended the Scout banquet in Scout hall first part of last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, H. Jeffrey on arrival of their son; also same good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. J. Brain, Mr. and Mrs, "Gordon Miller" and girls of Oshawa with his sister Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson. z ; Mr. M. Sleep of Seagrave with Mr. D. McTaggart on Sunday, We are glad to know our many sick friends are gaining better health, Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Heayn and family included Mr. Mrs. M, Tarves, Nestleton, who has is visiting Mr. and Mrs, L, Beacock. : O\/ O a. , : : Time was when an automobile bristled like a porcupine--with all the levers needed to set itin motion. Today, nothing is simpler than driving with new De Soto - push-button PowerFlite controls (shown Br Just push a button . .. and GO! 0 De Soto Fireflite V-8, 4-door Sedan Push-button controls: for Power- Flite automatic transmission are safety-positioried at the driver's left. There are no sleeve-catching levers! Bon Bons--17: Jelly Beans--2 Camille Crozier (Gum Drop)--201 - eesor ue ; um er | "Black Balls--s5 Jennys--2 | High Triple-- op . : Peppermints--5 All Sorts--2 Audrey Chapman (Bon Bon)--642, -- ) Caramels--5 Candy Canes--2 | Most number of Spares-- Phone 73 Port Perry Gum Drops--5 Lauras--0 Margaret Hayes (Jenny)--10. - / TG There's one smart way to travel the road to success. And that's @ in a fabulous new De Soto with Flight-Sweap styling! ; For DeSoto brings you the newest of the new. You'll thrill to the magic touch of push-button controls that set in motion the finest automatic transmission--PowerFlite! Then, with De Soto's great new 25656:-h.p. Fireflite V-8 at id 'your command, you'll reap extra power benefits for faster acceleration, smoother cruising, safer passing. And once in motion, De Soto will introduce you to a bright new world of handling ease. Full-time power steering is avail- able to guide you easily around curves and into parking spaces. And there's new safety, too--with new centre-plane brakes, an entirely new design that gives you swift, suréstops with less pedal pressure. But see for yourself! Drive a De Soto today! Manufactured in €anada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited 3 Watch Climax -- Shower of Stars weekly on TV. Check your newspaper for date and time. i NOW -ON DISPLAY... THE 1986 DE SOTO WITH THE FORWARD LOOK p J BEARE PHONE 333 MOTORS LIMITED PORT PERRY