Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Feb 1956, p. 4

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4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 0th, 1056 a LOCAL Births ST. JOHN--Mr. and Mrs. Wesley St. John are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Gregory Dale, at Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, on January 29, 1956, = brother for Billy, LUKE -- Murray and 'Margaret (Craddock) Luke are pleased to an- nounce the hirth:of their son, Robert Bond at Mount 'Hamilton Hospital on Tuesday, January 31, 19566, WOON --- Mr, and Mrs. -Harold J. Woon of Stoney Creek are happy to announce the birth of a son, Douglas James at Mount Hamilton Hospital on February 2, 1956, wesommsginiicosnaioe 1 Canadian Club Canadian Club of Ontario County at Northminster Church, Oshawa, Feb- ruary 16th, 6.16 p.m., speaker Hugh A. Mowat, "Canadian - American Relations", on Death "WOON -- Richard D., at his home Lilla St. Port Perry, Ont, on Satur- day, Feb. 4, 1956, Richard D. Woon, beloved husband of Mabel Mark and . dear father of Harold of Stoney (reek, "sin his Tlst year. Funeral af the Chapel of McDermott - Port Perry on Tuesday, 2 pm. Interment Pine tery. Cards of Thanks We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our friends and neigh- bours for their acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy and beautiful flor- al tributes during our recent bereave- Panabaker, I'eb. 7th, at Grove Ceme- ment. We also wish to thank Rev. R, Wylie and Dr. JM. B, Dymond. Abe Wallace and Family. 3 ~The family of the late Richard D. Woon wish: to express their sincere appreciation to the many friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses, flowers, fruits and cards during his long illness. To his business associ- ates who showed such kind sympathe- tic understanding. during his recent years- of increasing disability and to Rev. Wylie and Dr. Kandel any Special thanks. Mrs. R. D. and Harold Woon TET 'NEW, HOURS We NO WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BOWLING OPEN BOWLING 7toll P.M THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. FAMILY NIGHT BOWLING °° FRIDAY Causeway Bowling Lanes : 2 A little | NEWS THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 4 (ANGLICAN) Rev. K. W Scatt, L.Th,, Rector Sunday, February. 1e-- 0.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 11 w.m.--Sunday School. 7 pm.-~Evening. Prayer '" and Sermon. : Ash Wednesday, Feb. 15-- 10.30 aun.--Holy Communion 8.00 pan.--Litany and sermon. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, February 12 11 nan.--*Conversion, What it is and What it isn't" 7 pam--""How We Got Our Bible" Please bring your Bible, notebook and pencil, I'ehruary 19--Ordination of the new Elder. \ V) PENTECOSTAL. CHURCH Sunday Feb. 12th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m---Morning Worship, 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service SPECIAL WMC SPEAKER This Sunday. Mrs. Allen Mallory ) and then 'Beginning Tues,, Feb, 14th, 8 p.m. SPECIAL SERVICES with Evangelist C. K., Benn of Napanee, Ont, Fveryone Invited. - . K. Sprackett, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH B. DD. Armstrong, B.A, D.D. Minister ' Sunday, February 12th Lord's Rev. 10 a.m.---Subbath School 11 a.m.-- Divine Worship The Sacrament of The Supper. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH I'aStor: Paul Delancey Sunday, February 12th . Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at 11 a.m. Iovening service at 7 pan. World Day of Prayer Service FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 17 at 2.30 p.m. The Service will be held in the Port Perry Pentecostal Church. All are cordially welcome, Feb. 10 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL "OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, 1350 on your Dial Oshawa Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." | dec.16-66 a) Oshawa Memorial Service On No. 2 Hwy. East of Oshawa City Limits MONUMENTS, MARKERS CORNER STONES, and STATUARY, also Markers and Works of Bronze. Manufacturing Memorials to in- dividual requirements from the 'finest Granites and Marbles Available. I'or Information without Obligation write Box 213 or call RA. 5-6611 DQUBLE COUPONS FOR Phone 485W ial Offer To Our Customers MADE FRIDAY and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10-11 © INCLUDING ACCQUNTS PAID IN FULL. DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE ICTR FR THEE ALL CASH PURC HASES Prince Albert i Farm Union Council. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 pan. Young People's on Iriday at 8 pan. COMING EVENTS Valentine Euchre The Rebekahs are holding a Euchre in the 1.0.0.F, lodge rooms on Friday, February 10, at 8.80, Rebekahs please provide lunch. Jveryone welcome. dis Hl cs Correction Drama Postp oned FROM FEBRU pol 2 Port Perry High School Drama Group piesents, "Alexander Proposes" 'on Fiidity, Februray 10th at 8,00 p.m, in the High School. Folk dancing and demonstration by Special Commercial Class. General Admission 50c. Farmer Union Farmers meeting to be held in the Manchester Hall on.Monday, Feb, 13, at. 2.80 p.m. Guest speaker Mr. J. Schultz, Chairman of Inter-provincial feh.9 Valentine Dante A wm welcome to the O, N, O. Valentine Danecadvith Doug. Dusti's Orchestra, Friday P.M. IF ebruary 10, at veut Recreation Centre. Prizes and lunch, $1.00 per couple. feb.Y New Dates for Euclires The Bene velent Committee- (Eastern Star) A Wednesday, February 22 ~ Wednesday, February 29 Wednesday, March 7 8.00 p.m, Masonic Rooms Good Prizes Public Meeting MIE ETING OF. ny OF PORT PERRY Al PUBLIC SCHOOL THURSDAY, FEB. 9th, 8 p.m. Meeting is of interest to all Port Perry Citizens Aftention FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 At Me-pan. in Port Perry Public Libary. The Ontario Riding Young Progressive Conservatives will hold a meeting and election of officers for 195165. Euchre A Buchre will be held in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church, on Thurs- day, February 9th, 8.00 o'clock. Ad- mission 60c. | . Cedar Creek My. and Mrs. Lorne Phare, of Ty- rone, were last Tuesday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Kilpatrick and George. The Mothers' Cluh had seven tables at their Progressive Euchre at the school on Saturday evening. . Prize winners were: high lady, Mrs. Gerald Stinson; 'low lady, Joanne Mosienko; high man, Ken Mills; low man, Gerald Stinson. Another Euchre is planned for February 18. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boynton and fam- ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boyn- ton and family on Saturday evening. Mis. Bill Boynton accompanied Mrs, Norman Boynton:to the Euchre, Other visitors at the Euchre were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stinson, of Cadmus, and Wm. Steele, of Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larocque and Debbie spent a couple of days in To- ronto with. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tre- panier and family. The Trepaniers Sunday. afternoon, Mrs, James Kirby is ill this week. Master Bobby Greenwood will cele- brate his eighth birthday on February 12th. Vaccinated Against Rabicwwdppro. imately 9,760, dogs were vaccinated in the Temiskaming and Sudbury area hy veterinarians of the Health of Ani- mals Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, to protect them from ra- bies, In all, 55 clinics were held at various locations in the area in an endeavour to vaccinate all dogs avail- able. In the District of Temiskaming rabies was diagnosed in one fox from the New Liskeard area and in the District of Sudbury in a fox, a dog and a cow. accompanied the Larocques home on) Farmstead Improvement Project A banquet was held in Uxbridge on Tuesday, January 24th, for the pur- pose of getting the Farmstead Im- provement Project away to a good start. 3 The International Plowing Match is being-held in the Brooklin district on Octobér 9-12, 1956, and the purpose of the Farmstead Improvement pro- 1 ject is to dress up the farm buildings of Ontario County. There will be thousands of visitors to the county at the tine of ithe International Plowing Match and the farm people of Ontario County want to make the country- side look as attractive as possible. The project is being carried out un- der the sponsorship of the county Fed- eration of Agriculture, in co-operation with the Department of Agriculture, Ontario County International Plow- ing Match Committee and the Ontario Plowmen's Association, All bonafide farms in Ontario Coun- ty are eligible to enter this project. There is a total of $2600.00 avail- able ag prize money. , . At the banquet My, W. FF. Cada from the Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Association, AMontreal, "stressed the importance of cleaning up and paint- ing up our Ontario County Farm- steads. He also pointed out the splen- did work which had been done in several other counties who have spon- sored a similar project. Mr. J. F, Clark, Horticultural So- cieties Branch, Toronto, gave a splen- did illustrated talk on the various ways that improvements can be. made to the 'Farmstead. Mr, Alex McTaggart, Ontario Plow- men's Association, Toronto, outlined the rules and regulations under which the project will operate this -year. The Ontario County Farmstead Committee is as follows: Chairman--Milton Pegg, Claremont Vice-Chairman--Lorne Tindall, 5 Goodwood Secretary--Mrs. John Hamer, Myrtle. Township Chairmen: Pickering--Milton Pegg, Claremont Whitby--Mys, J. Hamer, Myrtle Fast Whitby--Bill Nesbitt, Brooklin Reach--Russell Rodd, Uxbridge, 3 Scugog--Clifford Redman, P. P, 3 Uxbridge--D, Kennedy, Stouffville Scott--Mrs. Alex Noble, Uxbridge Brock--Wm. Heron, Blackwater Thorah--Russell Morrison, 1 Beaverton, 2 Mara--Ed Elder, Uptergrove iRama--Gordon McArthur, Washago. Anyone interested in taking part in this project this year should get in touch with one of the chairmen listed above. ~ All townships have very strong working committees and everything points now toward a splendid mem- bership in this project and a very suc- cessful competition, a i A FRED DeNURE -e, EE NOTICE BUS LINES LIMITED } Change of Schedule \ TI EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1956 .! Sunday Service Between-Oshawa, Port Perry and Uxbridge | y Discontinued until further notice. f l- - ee eo -_ > a SELL RED BARN Admission 76¢. D ANC E Friday, February 10th To R.C.A. VICTOR RECORDING ARTISTS Jan 1 King Ganam and His Orchestra ree OSHAWA Hi Liberal 'Association of the Federal Riding of Ontario $ $ | A Special Meeting of the Association will be held in the i COUNCIL; CHAMBER, WHITBY, WED., FEBRUARY 22, ' i TAKE NOTIC E--that 'a motion will be made at this E: 18 meeting to amend the Constitution of the Association. Fo " 1956, at 8 pm. = John A! Cameron, Secrotary. RAR I ET , DOWSON'S RED & WHITE Niblet Corn, Green Giant, 14 oz. 2-33¢. Jelly Powders, Red & White, 4 for 29c. Sauerkraut, Libby's Fancy, 2 for 37¢c. Stuffed Olives, Ice Box jar, 8 oz. 37c. «Aunt Jamima Pancake Flour, 2-37c. Corn Syrup, Crown Brand, 2's tin 29c. Tea Bags, Red & White, 65 bags 69c. New Blue Cheer, giant pkg. .... T5c. Onions, 31h. bag ......~........ 1%. Sunkist Oisuiee 200°s ......55c. doz. Carrots, Marsh grown, 20 cello hag Iceberg Lettuce, large heads, 2- 20, Brookfield Sausage, 11h. pkg. ...39c. 'Blade Roasts Shar Short Rib Roasts ............43c. Ib. Minced Beef, lean ........... 29¢.]h. Dutch Lunch Salami ........ .59c. Ih. PORT PERRY PHONE 41 [] NOW. / _ -- a Fertilizer with ONLY HALF ~ the Moisture Content of Ordinary Fertilizers! This illustration shows the elaborate system of driers and coolers at the SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Plant in Toronto. Here, fertilizer ingredients are thoroughly mixed and blended, and excess moisture is quickly driven off. The result is New Process" SHUR GA IN Fertilizer - with superior drillability. 'CANADA PACKERS LIMITED FERTILIZER DIVISION - Jr \¥ { AN HIE - Al © PROVIDES SUPERIOR DRILLABILITY TORONTO ae "NEW PROCESS" SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZER o PREVENTS HARDENING AND CAKING | * COSTS YOU NO MORE Here's important news about the first major advance in fertilizer manufacture in many years, 'New "Process" SHUR- GAIN Fertilizer, through a special- ized process, has excess moisture removed down to exceptionally low levels. With "New Process" SHUR-GAIN, you now can get a fertilizer that has only half the moisture content of ordinary fertilizers, thus eliminating the chief cause of harden- ing and caking. ' "New Process" SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer provides superior drillability at all times, ensuring you better, R more uniform results in the field. And with the advanced SHUR-GAIN manufacturing process, every granule is better balanced with plant food than ordinary fertilizer. . "New Process" SHUR- GAIN Fertilizer i is now available at the Toronto Plant. See your SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Dealer about your requirements of "New P "oe Fertilizer. ; rocess SHUR- GAIN 4 [FERTILIZER] Admission "JUNIOR "D" GROUP SEMIFINAL -- UNIONVILLE vs. BROOKLIN, PORT PERRY ARENA... 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Sth. GAME TIME 8:30 p.m. 50c. and 15c. Be rg (7g

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