Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Feb 1956, p. 8

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8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, . THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1956 Surprise. Centpe. VALENTINE CAKE, Not anywhere near as expensive. as it looks, because the Cherry Creme filling and frosting .are one recipe made with evaporated milk! » This economical form ¢f pure milk saves 3 pennies while it enriches your cooking. 'Desserts taste creamier, soups are richer, gravies turn out smooth as 'velvet, Evaporated milk is useful dozens of ways. Keep it handy, and be a better cook. o slice from the Cut al Meantime, pour 114 cups Beat in 1 tbsp. grated top of an angel cake. In evaporated milk into lemon rind and }{ cup cake, cul trough 12 refrigerator freezer tray. lemon juice. Gradually deep, leaving to" walls. Freeze till crystals line beat in 1 cup sugar, then sides to 127 depth. Turn the partially thickened into chilled bowl and ply Beat until mixture beat until stiff. orms oy peaks. Dissolve 1 pkg. cherry jou) powder in 4 cup holding water; cool until it begins to Whicken. agg More wonderful recipest Write for Marie Fraser's new ¢ Evaporated ik Recipe Booklet: Chill, folding occasionally, until mixture holds its shape. Spy into trough in cake. Replace top slice. Frost cake wilh remain- ing mixture. Chill till firm. 3 il DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto oR 0) RAARRSARARSHARAANS BARNS ASIAAI : The Following is a List of the i - "" 3 7} APPRECIATION D Merchants Ie A. W. Brock Dept. Store Dowson's Food Market Taylor's 5e. to $1.00 Store Western Tire Sandiland Jewellery C arnegie Hardware Yan's Men's and Boy's Wear Beare Motors Ltd. Kay Van's Ladies' Wear Sweetman' 8 Garage 'Howard Motors Phoenix Appliances "Del" Restaurant Taylor's Restaurant Mrs. Hope's Tobacco and Master Feeds Magazine Shop Elizabeth Shoppe MacGregor & Son Flamingo Restaurant Butcher Shop" Co ' Levinson's Drygoods Tripp's Garage Jackson's Farm Equipment Jawker's . 3 Cawker's Butcher Shop Tolin Vallited Yiniter, Hope's 1.G.A. (Co-Supporter) Next Draw on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 at 3.30 pm. in front of Master Feeds. The jack pot contains $574.37.-- ¢ Jo of Watch for the name of the "MERCHANT OF THE WEEK" when you shop. POBOBOBOBOBOBOPOROEEOP IPOS IPOSOSORO 20208 8090808080808080808 2408. 2008000804 AAAS AAA A BANARAS ARI AR ARS ARCA I AAA AAA SAA GREEN GOLD SEEDS STED AND PROVEN SEEDS OF QUALITY CLOVERS and GRASSES Trophy Brand Seed Grain Variety: Reg. Com. AJAX OATS ovo $1.85 $1.60 CARTIER OATS ooo. ee $1.85 $1.60 CLINTON OATS leone, UL $1.85 $1.60 BEAVER "OATS ooovvovoevieseeeeeeeeenennnns $1.85 $1.60 RODNEY OATS lovee, $2.00 $1.75 BRANT BARLEY coors $3.00 es BARBOFEF BARLEY cov eressvionn, $2.40 $2.10 ' HN ALY BARLEY. 5cconinnis we $2.40 $2.10 . per bushel discount on Seed Grain booked before Feb. 15, for Spring Delivery. Should the above prices be reduced prior to delivery we agree to adjust to such lower prices bought in accordance with above pr ices. "AST, FAIR and F RIENDLY SERVICE otk MASTER FEEDS - PORT PERRY » ~ PHONE 1 s| Mrs. ¢ | reading. 8 | topic on "A Transformed Life". &| hymn 507 was sung. #1 had the study book on "The Indians, $8 | on the British Coast". 8 | The president, Seagrave The meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Mathew on Wed, Jan. 25. Mrs. Reynolds was in charge of the devotional, ~~ Hymn 502 was sung and Mrs. McNeil led. in prayer. Butt read the Scripture from Luk and then Mrs. Fishley gave a Mrs. Reynolds gave the The Mrs. Harding The roll call. .Mrs. Bruce, took the chair and for roll call and collection. $1 A letter of thanks was read for bale | that was sent in the fall that was valued at $300. It was reported that 7 quilts were almost ready to quilt so a quilting bee will be held in the near future. Plans were made to start buying material for layettes and articles for the June bale. . A letter was read regarding the Presbytery meeting to be held in the Queen St. Church on Feb. 7, - Plans were also made for the World Day of Prayer service to be held in Seagrave church on the 17th of Feb. A get-well card was passed around and names signed by each one, to be sent to three of our members who are on the sick list, namely: Mrs. Dawson, Mis. McCoy and Mrs. Thompson. We wish them a speedy recovery. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. A little get-together of young peo- ple met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bruce on Saturday evening, on the occasion of the 21st birthday of Mr. John Ralston of Toronto, when he was. completely taken by surprise. John has been one of our young people for quite a few years, as he has spgnt most of his holidays here. reported a very nice time. Miss Phyllis Keen spent the week- end with My and Mrs. Clarence Wright at Cannington, Mr. week-end with his parents Mr. Mrs. Alvin Bruce. Ivan Bruce of Mimico spent the and I'riends of Mrs. Bert 'Dawson are sorry to hear that she has underwent an operation in Port Perry Hospital. All wish her a speedy recovery. Mur. Albert Dance, of "obourg, call- ed at the home of Mr. W. Moon and Keens. Mr. and Thursday in Butt spent vigiting her Mrs, Edgar Lindsay I brothers who. are in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh King of Oshawa, spent Wed. atthe home of Mi. and Mrs. Bert. Wanamaker, My. and Mrs, Walter King, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds and Miss Leona Reynolds and Ron Wanamaker, motor- ed to Brampton on Sunday to see the |, : display of flowers at the Dale Estate. On Thursday night several friends called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Woon on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary, 'Mr, and Mrs, Bert Wanamaker spent Sat. evening with Mr. and Mrs, Scott at King. Miss Shannon, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, B. Nod- well ® in the United Church, Port Perry, and "| order with a Hymn, Everyorie | Ren Wallace, of Greenbank, called on Mr, and Mrs, Fred Grose one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wakelin, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Glen Mouse. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bruce, Donna, Lloyd and Bobbie, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Stinson on the occasion of her mother's birthday. On Saturday evening "Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bruce, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Short and Mr. and Mrs, Glen Wanamaker attended. the Grand 'Master's : Banquet report a good time, p + Prince Albert The January meeting of the' Wo- man's Association met on the after- noon of Wednesday the 25th .in the Sunday School room, . The president Mrs. G. R, Smith presided and called the meeting to Devotions were taken by Mrs, B. Smith, Mrs. Beacock and Mrs. Wylie. Following the Secreary's report and several thank-you notes, Mrs. Wm, Martyn gave a fine treasurer's report, Mrs. G. R. Smith and Mrs. G. Hun- W.M.S. in Oshawa, and an interest- ing report of this was given by Mus. Hunter, Some of us felt a little guilty at not having taken a more active part in this work. Mrs. Wylie read a letter from Mrs, (Rev.) Fisher in regard to W.M.S. Parsonage repre- sentative Mrs. G. [R. Smith reported halls needing redecorating... Mrs, Wylie then took charge for the clection of officers, which are as follows: Past President--Mrs. G. R. Smith, who had "graciously. declined taking the office another year. President--Mrs, Grant Hunter 1st Vice.Pres.--Mrs. McKerihan 2nd Vice Pres.--Mys. Newnham Secretary--Mrs, Luke Asst. See.--Mrs. A. Brown Treasurers -- Mrs. Norman Wilson and Mrs. E, Martyn, as Mrs. Wm. ter had attended the ex. meeting of | this office. Fruit and Flower Committee to re- main the same--Mrs,"W., Heayn (convener) Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Luke Kitchen committee to remain the same--Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. H, Jeffrey, Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Pugh replacing Mrs. Porter: Visiting .Com.--Mrs, Wilson, Mrs, W. Brown, Mrs. Luke, Mrs. Doupe, - Mrs, Murphy, Mrs, W. Somerville and Mrs. W. Martyn. Parsonage Rep --Mrs. G.-R. Smith "Hospital Rep.--Mrs, B. Smith Assist.--Mrs. Beacock Pianist--Mrs. Newnham W. M.S, Convener--Mrs, G. R. Smith. = Past President to be on executive. The new president now took over and expressed thanks to the retiring president for the interest taken in our W.A.,, and also thanks to Miss Spence 443 has been so generous with her car. ' Mrs. W. Heayn wished to be re- lieved as group leader. Motion of Mrs. Newnham and Mrs. B. Smith to Mrs. Wylie closed with prayer. Just here we would like to pay tri- bute to our retiring treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Martyn who has so faithfully filled this office, for we believe some 25 years, seldom missing a meeting. Many, many thanks Mrs. Martyn. A pot-luck supper followed our meeting -- 'supervised by Group. 1, raised the funds by $19.65. Donations amounted to $12. Mrs, Bud Heard and little Billie Brain deposited their birthday money in wee church at S. S. on Sunday. Another highlight at Sunday S. when Rev, Joblin and Rev. Wylie pre- sented suitable gift of a Bible each and Beth Hunter. This gift was for high standing in memory work allot- ted during the past year. Mr. Frank Vickery spent a few days in Oshawa with his grandchildren have piano tuned and ivories repaired. Sus SERS LEERY to Misses Vera and Jean Newnham | LAKEVIEW Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. | : ¢ 9 THEATRE PORT PERRY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT. FEBRUARY 2-3.4 Jane Wyman, Charlton Heston, Thelma Ritter © In the Sensational New Adventure Romance | In Beautiful Technicolor and Vistavision o'L UCY GALLANT" : "COMEDY MON, TUES, WED., rea 6-7-8 Clark Gable, Spencer Tr rie nt + Jeannette McDonald and Jack "Holt In The Unforgettable Screen Hit of all Time "SAN FRANCISCO" dgligous Chocolates. "Orange Layer Cake" . - Phone 32W Fresh shipment, "Valentine" wrapped. Saturday Specials: "Chocolate Iced Doughnuts" GERROW'S BAKERY 80 CO EE CC pi a ii PT RCT ama' | lan to Give Smiles'n Chuckles 1 G. M. GERROW Ed L. Beacock enjoyed the short course, "Brighten your home with color", 'spnsored by Honeydale W. I. held in Parish Hall. "Mr, and Mrs. Jim Rodd and son Bud, Oshawa with her sister Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and family on Sunday. Mrs, Louis- Bond has returned from Martyn asked to be relieved of 56 DODG new glamour V:8 GO! with There's a gra '56 Dodge! . Dodge your family" And everyone . interiors --the Dodge Mayfair V-8 4-Door Seda PHONE 833 This dazzling Brabara and Neil Devitt. visiting relatives in Toronto. ° Mesdames B, Smith, A. Brown and; The lady of the house was getting very tired of salesmen coming and when she opened the door one day to another one said: ti "There isn't a blessed thing you can sell me that I'd make use of, thank you, --~ -- --Well, what are you selling ?' * Salesman, with® a "sheepish grin: "Cemetery plots, ma'am." nd new way to tavel. Its. the In skyward- -soaring lines that set the trend for tomorrow's cars--in every beautiful inch of this, the- longest car light- in the lowest-price field -- Sweep styling provides you and with a glamourous setting for. 'motorcar travel. will love the roominess of Dodge wide, wide seats that let you ride in restful comfort. Once behind the wheel, a push of a button, a touch of your toe, and you're on ie way. New LL] new Dodge with the Forward Look > brings ie new Flight- Sweep beauty to the lowest-price field post. button PowerFlite* sets in motion the . nimble getaway of new Dodge 6 and V-8 engines with up to 200 h.p. You discover new zest in motoring as' you thread your way smoothly through crowded cit streets, glide safely over the open road. And the whole family will appre- ciate the wide range of new Dodge safety fea- tures that bring new confidence to your driving. Yes, here's glamour and go, '56 Dodge style. Visit your Dodge dealer soon and learn sthand how easily this great new car can fit into your family budget. MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED of ~ *Push-button PowerkFlite optional at extra cost. ~ Wily rai pes : Watch Climax--Shower of Stars weekly on TV. Check your newspaper for date and time. ' BEARE MOTORS LIMITED ~ PORT PERRY v a

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