+ PORT PERRY LE LF Bhoh 2 La he vn oes SSE 6-~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY sad, me BUSINESS DIRECTORY Be DR.J.BLUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Uver Telephone Office) ONTARIO Office Hours ---~ 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone: Office 68W. Res. 63J (LE ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, Q.C.. » attendange at my Port Perry office on. Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. : Blong Block, I'ort Perry, Phone 26 Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. " ~~ METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground 2 and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and "ELECTRIC WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 80-r-4, or Toritts EM 38-8686. Gordon Young Ltd. Dec. 81, 1966 Dead Stock Service "Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92-r-14, Lindsay 5282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. - ED. PECONI, Ontario july 80, 56 HILLTOP BODY & FENDER COMPLETE REFINISHING COLLISION REPAIRS Wheel Alignment and Steering Service Auto Safety Glass Installed . . Towing Uxbridge Argyle Phone 394W dec 20, 1956 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry 'Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT @ ~ "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Bervice IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 281 R June 16/66 Dead Farm Stock Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-267p MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 16. 1088 t | DR. R. G. McNAB Dents] Sargess Port Perry Medical Centre. Office Hours: Dally 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ~ exsept Monday. : 'Phone 656 Dec8 INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? 'Whatever your insurance needs may, be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry . Ontarie ME For Dressed Poultry OF ALL KINDS VISIT COUNTRY VIEW POULTRY + FARM Phone 488, Port Perry Wm. Heayn, Prop. "You'll be surprised how much you save." tt. WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for, inf ation. yo Nov. 87/ LISTINGS WANTRERD-- WANTED AT ONCE ) Farms, houses and vacant land. Buyers waiting. Gontact Chas. Reesor, Bigelow St. Port Perry. P.O. Box 48. Agent for Donald Scott Real Estate, 25 Prince Street, Oshawa. th] HIGHEST PRICES paid for Poultry of all kinds. Call Country View Poul. try Farm, Phone 488, Port Perry. Wm. Heayn, Prop, We also custom kill and Cryovac wrap turkeys at reason- able prices. te ~ Wanted fo he Timber land and logs, Elm hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. H. M. Kyte, Blackatock EMPLOYMENT AND CLAIMS OFFICER GRADE TWO $3850 « $3240 for UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION OBHAWA, ONTARIO Full particulars on posters display- ed at offices of the National Employ- ment Service and Post Offices. Ap- plication forms, obtainable theveat, should be filed with the Civil Bervioe Commission, 26 8t. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, NOT LATER THAN FEB. RUARY 18, 1886. J "A = TRENCHING, LOADING, Residenco--W BULLDOZING : EXCAVATIN DRAGLINE, ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, "CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION = Phone 392W (Office) : , Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J CLAM WORK, *3 AY L SASS Te he aa 3 Sa USE THE THE C. CLASSIEre BREA FOR EI -------- a ---- QUICK RESUL a pai J Phone SO . ¥ al = rrr FOR SALE -- In Prince Albert. $9000.00 for 6 large roomed Brick house with all conveniences, hard- 'woqg "down, 4 piece bath, 8 acres of land, fruit trees, barn. House 'has forced air oil heating. Apply Box 9, Port Perry Star. : td, , WANTED--Small house or ground floor apartment in Port Perry by couple with one small child. Apply Box 10, Port Perry Star. RE A A WANTED TO BUY Pine or hardwood logs or timber lots. ough. Hereford Bulls FOR SALE--Two registered bulls of two well-known blood lines (Mon- arch and Del Zento), 16 months old, Feb. 2 | good weight for age and in good breed- ing condition. May be seen week- ends at farm, 2 miles south of Man- chester. Earl Moore, R.R. 8, Port Perry. "Feb, 2 HOUSE FOR SALE--Here is your opportunity to move into a new house, one that is complete in every respect, Check this list for the best in modern home requirements--3 bedrooms, hard. wood floors throughout, forced air oil heating, large picture window (dual pane), aluminum combination storm and screen. windows, good garage, large lot, well landscaped with fruit trees, Ideal location on paved road, accessible year round. Phone 896. FOR SALE--7 room frame house and lot of 1 acre, large 4-car garage, large shed and other buildings, at Utica. Phone 180.r-22, Feb. 2 WANTED TO RENT-- Small house or downstairs apartment in Port Perry. Phone 139-R. . Feb, 2. FOR SALE--Whilte enamel Wash- ing Machine--$26.00. Phone 866-R. FOR SALE--30 pigs, weanlings and chunks--also table potatoes, delivered. Ray Medd, phone 118-r-22, i APARTMENT FOR RENT--Three rooms with separate entrance. Plone 17-R, Port Perry. New Avon Rep resentative ep Mary MaGee of North Street, Port Perry is the new AVON Repre- sentative for Port Perry and District. For information Phone 221.J, FOR SALE--Large Quebe€ heater, Phone 266-J. FOR RENT IN PRINCE ALBERT: Large room and kitchen--built in cup. boards, with all conveniences -- suit young couple. Phone 195-r-14. Febl6 FOR SALE -- '42 Dodge-pick-up truck, good running order, snow tires, ete. $160.00. Donnelly, corner of John and Mary (upstairs) after 6.30 pm. Dofald Scoft, eal Estate OSHAWA, ONTARIO Port Perry Homes also electric heater. Small four room frame cottage, centrally located. Lot 668 x 99, ce- ment foundation, hydro; Taxes $46.00. Bargain for some one if sold immedi- ately. Possession may be arranged. -- Large three apartment house, lo- cated in the downtown section. Lot 70 x 160; Taxes $185.00; Hydro; Town Water; attached garage; Stone Foun- dation; New Roof; Two apartments rented; other owner occupied. Priced for quick sale; owner leaving town. Possession of one apartment may he arranged. (sn 6 room cottage in first class condl- tion. Lot 60 x 120; Hydro; Town Water; central location; garage; Tax- es $560.00. Three blotks from School. Close to Churches, Reasonably priced for quick 'sale. i e000 Frame House; 12 rooms; Stene Foundation; large barn; garage; Bath room; Hydro; 'Hard and Soft Water; Oil Furnace; Located on Highways 7 and 12. This is a bedutiful home and is in oxcellent condition. I fe ai We have clients wanting two or three bedroom homes, if you have a modern home to sell, reasonably priced please contact us for a quick sale, CHARLES H. REESOR Box 43 "Apply P.O. Box 441, Peterbor-| Notice I'have purchased all the business of the "Consolidated Fire and Casualty Ins." Co. and the Wawanesa Mutual Ins. Co, of the IR. D. Woon Agency. . Prompt service and attention will be given to all policyholders. A Cecil Heayn a "Auction §¢ Sale WED., FEB. 8th--Auction Sale of Tractor, Tractor Implements, Thresh- ing Machine, Tools, Furniture and Real Estate, the property of Henry J. Barnes, at Utica, Terms Cash, Sale at 1,00 p.m., sharp. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 26th--Auction Sale of Shorthorn and Hereford Cattle, Pony, Pigs, Chickens, Truck, Tractor, Imple- ments, Hay and Grain, Furniture, etc. Property of Roy A. Wilson, lot 14, Con, 9, East Whitby Twp, 1 mile north-west of Raglan. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm. . TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Blackstock A splendid attendgnee. enjoyed the social evening in. the/Community Hall, Friday evening: sponsored by the W. A= of the United Church. Miss Mable VanCamp, Toronto, gave a most inter- esting account of her trip to British Isle and Europe. Other, items of pro- gram were vocal solos by Miss Fern Ritchie, Toronto; and Alan "Bailey; , biano solos by Mrs. Lloyd Beacock, and Donna McLaughlin, A veading by Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mr. Neil Mal. colm and Mrs. Lorne Thompson at the piano led in community singing while}, lunch was being. prepared. : About twenty-five of. their relatives really surprised Mr: and Mrs. Stanley Rahm in Friday night and spent a pleasant evening with them on the oc- casion of their 10th wedding anniver- sary. Rinks from Sunderland, Port Perry, | Janetyille _and__ Yelverton, competed with Blackstock in a bonspell here on Wednesday. Following were the win- riers--~lst, Ray MecLaughlin, skip; E 3 wins plus 2. These received chickens. 2nd. place--Geo. Black, skip; Beverley Black, Keith VanCamp and Bert Gib- son with 2 wins plus 4. These received ducks. 3rd place, Rev. C. W. Hutton, skip; Roy Werry, Cecil Hill and Dr. McArthur, with 2 win plus 1. These received hams. - The first schedule of cutling ended Tuesday evening with leading teams. 1st Roy Turner, skip; Harold 8wain, Herb, Swain, Howard Black, 8 wins, 8 losses plus 23. 2nd Roy McLaughlin, skip, Ernest Swain, Neil Werry and Joe Cooper, 8 wins, 3 losses plus 11. 31d, Brian Hamilton, skip; Neil Balley, Frank Hoskin, Harold Martyn, with, 8 wins, 8 losses plus 9. Friday p.m. a team of public school boys from Bowmanville played a team from Cartwright a game of hockey. The visiting team proved too much for the local lads this time. In the even- ing Tyrone and Blackstock Seniors had a game. This time'the home team had the keen edge. * Mrs. H. Hawkins, Victoria, is spend- a few days with her niece Mrs, Harold Swain and family. Myr. and: Mrs. F. Cook, Beaverton, visited her sister, Mrs. Wilbert Archer 'land Mr. Archer on Sunday. Sy hy is exte Mx. Arthur . ympathy is ¢xtended to Mr. Avthur Best 'Wislion :to Y¥onrie and Join. Brock and Dr. John Brock, of Oshawa, in the passing of their mother, Mrs.! Fred Brock, in Port Perry. Mrs, F. Brock (Sophia Parr) was a Blackstock girl. Sorry to report Mrs. Orr Venning wasn't so well and did not get home from hospital as we reported last week. We hope she will soon be able to come home. Mr. Dale Gunter, Champaigne, Ill, is spending a week's holidays with the | Roy Turners and Blake Gunters. Glad to report Mrs. Turner improving in health after an attack of pneumonia. Mre. Ivan Thompson is teaching in Mrs, Turner's roomt and Mrs, Ivan Mountjoy is supplying for Mrs. Bruce Heaslip who hag mumps. Mr. and Mrz. Russell Mountjoy spent tt day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Newoastle, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson visit. ed hor mother, Mrs, W., Cobbledicl, in Orono. Mr. and Mra, Bill Grace and Glenn, Beaverton, called on Mr. and Mrs, W. Archer, Sunday. Mrs, Albert Wright and Mm, Os. GRANT CHRISTIE, - President. E ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ario Pine Grove Cemetery : will-be held in the PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY . Saturday, February 4th, 1056 : at 2:00 P.M. Annual Report will be received. very Plot Owner is a member who is welcome and is entitled to vote on all questions. rr Election of Officers R. D. WOON Secretary-Treas. mond Wright visited Mrs. R. Dickey, and Mis. W. Archer visited Rev. and Mrs. McLean, all of Nestleton, on Lhursday. The annual Agricultural meeting was held in the Community Hall, on Saturday. afternoon, with a fair at- tendance, neen President for the past two years, presided, and thgnked all the divectors and others who had helped so well. 'The annual report was presented. Several business matters discussed. Mur, Percy VanCamp was elected' prosy : dent; 1st vice-president. _Dougla Mackie; 2nd vice-president, Les Tay- lar; Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Henry 'Thompson, All the directora were ve- turned to office; gentlemen and ladies, |' with the following associates added: Jack Carnaghan, Lloyd Passant and Kussell Gochrane, The W.A. of the Anglican Church met at-the Parish Hall, with the Pres. in the chair and thirteen members pre- sent. The meeting opened with 'de- votional exercises including the mem- bers prayer in unison. A fine annual report was given by the 71reasurer, birs. McLaughlin. The Dorcas Sec'y, Murs, J. Hamilton, requested that a quilt on hand be quilted soon a8 poss- ible and it was decided to have it done at next regular meeting, Miss Parr sald she had filled out and sent the an. nual Social Service l'orm. Report of | Corr, Sec'y Mrs. TI. Colley showed 48 Swain, Neil Werry and Roy Werry-- cards sent out during the year. 'These included, '"Fhank You", "Get Well", "Congratulations", "Sympathy" and "Birthday". Interesting accounts of year's work of the J.A.G.A. and Little Helpers were given by their leaders, Mrs. Nicholson and Mis. McArthur. The members were very grateful to|- receive towards the work of the W.A. a cash donation from Mr. Elmer Nes- bitt, on the eve of his departure to Florida. First chapter of the study book, "Who "Daves Stand Idle?" was started by Mrs, Nicholson and is to be tinished by her at the next meeting, 'hank you expressions were received from those who had received Xmas cards, calendars and good cheer boxes. 'The meeting closed with prayer by the Rector... Lunch was served by Group I1 with Mrs, J. Hamilton, convener. Epsom Mr. and Mys, Gordon Jeffrey, Murs. Rogers, Mrs, Bailey anid Patby attend. ed the wedding of Miss Yvonne Jef- tery and Mr. John Moore on Saturday. Following the wedding in Oshawa, the guests were invited to view the heau- tiful new home of the bride and groom. Two of the briedsmaids held a shower for the bride one evening last week. Mrs. Ackney of Uxbridge is staying "with her daughter Mrs. Medd, recup- erating from a bad fall. She had the | misfortune to fall on the'cellar steps at her home in Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. D. Prentice called on Mr, and Mrs. Medd and Mrs. Ackney on Friday evening. . The W.A. are making plans for a bake sale to.be held Sat, Feb, 18 in Uxbridge. Mr, Harry Yeager is in Holland for a short visit. - The regular Community Club party was held Jan. 27th. Sixteen tables of euchre were played with prizes go. ing to--Ladies 1st, Mra. J. Demara; Ladies 2nd, Mrs. Vera' Brown; Con, F. MacArthur. Gent's 1st, Robt. Sutherland; Gent's 2nd, Murry Geer; Con., C. Hardy, Lucky Draws--Mfss Carol Watson and Ron Thomson, The evening closed with lunch and dancing. The next mpeting will be held in the school on Friday, Feb, 10. Mr. and Mrs, Kerry and Arnold spent Sunday in Newcastle visiting with Mr. and Mra. Glenney. Mr, and Mrs, Rogers were in Bow. marville Sunday visiting their son Ivan, his wife and family, Slaughtering | = eal Prepared for Lockers ----p------ F. a Store Closing Hour Saturdays 9 p.m. Mr. Fred Trewin, who has |. CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" PORT PERRY PHONE 29 1 § - --. plenty of "Reading" depend- | able fuel in the bin. yo many steps up-and-down, to and from the furnace. Keep Phone 289. ¥ 'For Delivery Phone Oshawa RA. 5-1109 igor 0il Co.Ltd. Fuel Oil 16% cents per gal. Stove 0il 20 10 cents per gal. Cl aaa AEE alibandtassd aa) rere PORT PERRY ~ See Our Aluinin - STORM DOORS $55.00 NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER' YOUR STORM BASH Lake Stugoy Lumber _ Company Lid. PHONE 240 W SHINGLES | a wEees ONT. Sn CR 5 5 50 "PLYWOOD WALL BOARDS Our economical coal will save § OS