oF "Jan. 21--Leafs 1, Bruins 1 x / Port Perry Arena ' N A ry" House League =~ Saturday, January 7, saw the start of the House League schedule for this season. The teams have been made up of two groups this year. The 8-9- 10 year olds; called the Little N,H.L., consists of three teams: Rangers, Blk. Hawks and. Boston All-Stars. The 11-12-13-14 year olds are the N.H.L., and consist of four teams: the Red Wings, Leafs,-Hruing and Canadiens, From these teams are picked the All- Star Pee' Wees are soon to be entered ~ Our Pee Wees are soon to be entered in Téurnaments and our Bantams and Midgets are playing in group-play with other towns. The scores and standings to date in the House League are as follows: Little N. H. L. Jan, T--Rangers 3, Chicago 4. 1 N. H. L. Leafs 2, Red Wings 0 . Bruins 2, Canadiens 2 Jan; 14--Leafs 8, Canadiens 0 Bruins 8, Red Wings 1 --ee, Little N.H.L. - Chicago 1, Boston All-Stars 0 hid CF VS 820 1) NW Canadiens 2, Red Wings 1 i Little N.H.L. "Rangers 6, Boston All-Stars 0 : N.H. L. Jan, 28--Leafs 8, Red Wings 2 Canadiens 6, Bruins 8 Little N. H. L. Chicago 2, Rangers 2 Team Standings Little N.H.L. Chicago 6 Rangers 3 Boston All-Stars 0 N.H.L. Leafs 2 Canadiens 6 Bruins 4 Red Wings 0 aa! "top Ten--N.H.L. Ii--Leafs. Ladies Monday Bowling League January 30th. Gum Drops ooo, 41 Peppermints 30 Lauras ....... A rei ree 27 Jelly Beans gop 26 Black Balls . wn 2d. All Sorts: : Candy Canes .... we. 24 Caramels... AB Bon Bons .,... WAT JONNYS iii 18 Over 200-- . Mildred Martyn (Jenny) ......... 239 Lorraine Raines (Black Ball) ........ 217 Mavy-Amell. (Bon Bon) oo... 214 Mable Chapman (Caramel) ........... 209 Camille Crozier (Gum Drop) ...... 204 Marjorie Burnett (Candy Cane) ....208 High Triple Camille Crozier (Gum Drop) ...... 542 Most Number of Strikes Mary Amell (Bon Bon) coo... 9 Grace Hunter (Gum Drop) ooo... 9 Ladies Wed. Night Bowling League January 25th Points Total Team taken points Bombers ................... . b 32 Helicopters ........co........... 1 31 Mustangs ........ 2 81 Hurricanes 2 80 Spitfires cover. 7 29 Jets nnn. 5 27 Kitty Hawks .. 65 > 2b Sunderlands .... 0 22 Lancasters ...... 2 21 North Stars... b 20 Mosquitoes ...... 2 14 Flyers coven, 0 12 High Single-- Joan Mark ........cocoovnnnn 289, (668) High Triple-- Mary MacGregore.........oocovunn. ...681 Singles-- ¥ : Joan Mark ........oieen 289, 203 Doreen Hope ........ccoecvvvvvrcivinncrnsionns 260 Elaine Bailey coven, 224 Louise Carnegie ........ccoeeriennn... 219 Marg. Rodman ....... ...202 Ivy Fines ...vvvviniecrirenensnenns 200 N.B.--The third section schedule will be printed in next week's paper. An old farmer, being asked .by an impertinent attorney if there were any pretty girls in his neighbourhood answered: "Yes, lots of them, so many that they can't all find respectable husbands and lately some of them's heen taking up with lawyers." B--Bruins. C--Canadiens ? Goals Assts, Pts. F. Beare (L) ...... 3 6 8 S. Fralick (B) .... b 2 7 J. Burnett (C) ...." 6 0 6 D. McMillan (L) .... ,6 0 6 . Foster (B) ... 3 3 6 A. McArthur (B) 4 1. 5 _ . I. Carnoehan (L) 3 1 "4 P. Clark (R.W.) 3 0 8 W. Oke (L) woe. 2 1 3 G. Brown (B)... 1 1 2 : -Big Five--Little N.H.L. €--Chicago. R--Rangers. J. McMillan (C) 7 0 7 L, Davidson (R). 3 , 8 , 6 G. Tummonds (R) 3 0 : D. Henderson (R) 2 1 3 Bi'Lee (R) ....... f 1 0 1 ) IT'S SPRING McEACHERN'S HAT SHOPPE OUR SPRING HATS and FLOWERS HAVE ARRIVED. All Winter Hats on Sale at $1.98 to $4.98 < measuring three feet, six inches, line through fice. old. FIRST STURGEON CAUGHT SINCE Fishing in the winter can be rewarding Ont., recently found out when he caught in-Lake Simcoe since 1890, --QOentral Press Canadian as Bud Ellis of Sutton, landed the first sturgeon to -be Weighing 17% pounds and ft was pulled in on a whitefish Dr. Hugh McCrimmon, biologist from the On- tario department of lands and forests, reports the fish is 22 years Men's Bowling League | Scores and standing as follows: ~4 © Score Total Whiz Bangs .............. fhsnne 0 18 Blow Kings ..... 2 19 Deliuke iim 2 16 Fitzjohns .........ccviveennen. 2 14 Carps .ooccnvneenniininn. 5 17 Culligan .......ccvveeeinne. 7 19 Blackjacks .....ccoevennnnn. Hh 16 Legion ....cccocvvnveciiiinnennnn. 0 10 Dodgers ...........ccoevvevveennnn. yi 17 Stars ........... 2 11 Mudents iv ovmipmisiuins .0 7 Lucky Strike ........co.. 6 12 Carnegie ......... 5 10 Redeaps .......ccvivvenenn, 7 9 Triples-- 0: MOTH civimnisiinmidisiniinsisisdisine 634 B. Miller .......ccoovveciinerenne 615 Singles-- B. Midgley ... 270 1. Mark .... ...265 G. Jeffrey coors 248 T. Williams ....cocoveviveviirninenninns 242 FJ. Read. onininimsnmpifisnmise 240 "D. Enge ...... ...286 B. Miller ....cooovvviiciiciiies 233 Two old timers were discussing the weather. Said the first old timer: "I've seen it so cold one morning our tea kettle was frozen on top asd boiling underneath," Said 'the second old timer: "Oh! That's nothing -- the other morning it was so cold I saw a blue- A regularly and we also feel that parents i jay towing a red squirrel to get him "started." ) Cedar Creek The pupils had a holiday on Thurs. day when the furnace wouldn't oper- ate. in . Wm. Blain is ill with bronchitis and is confined to the house. "Carol and Ronnie Larocque and Ken Mills were Friday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blain and Doug. Mr, Golby Keetch and Mr. and Mrs. Allin Keetch and Sharon and Rickie of Whitby were Sunday afternoon vis- {tors of-Mr. and Mrs. Ron Johnson and Joe. Allin and Rickie 'also called on the Oyler and Kilpatrick families. Remember the Euchre at the school ore Saturday evening, February 4th. Manchester At a special short meeting of the teachers and officers of Manchester Sunday School, it was decided to try to increase the regular attendance and to enlist more teachers and officers from the Manchester district. Our attendance is very goed, however, we feel that there are many children who are not attending any Sunday School should bring their children to Sunday School whenever possible. An effort in request for teachers, will be made to visit or contact many families in the district this week. You can't rush the Nature takes her ti calendar me in yielding the farmer a return on his investment of money and eftort. Meanwhile he may or buy livestock. need cash for feed or fertilizer or implements; or to re-roof his barn; Bank loans let him go ahead with his plans or improvements without waiting for harvest time. Across his local ba the purpose, amou nk manager's desk he talks over nt and repayment of the loan, / 'It's a simple, straightforward business tansaction promote enterprise In big city or rural involving the use of bank credit to area, the local branch of your chartered bank is a convenient banking setvice- I: [:) help you with y centre Saaffed by friendly people, it is ready our saving, borowing and other banking business... all under one roof. "THE CHARTERED BANKS SER MONEY ORDERS AND BANK DRAFTS To send money anywhere 1n Canada or throughout the world PETTERS OF CREDIT For travellers on extended trips, or to finance business trans- actions at a distance. FARM and the V1 Only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services, including : MORTGAQHR LOANS For building your home under the terms of the National Housing Act. IMPROVEMENT LOANS : For many worthwhile purposes, adding to progress, efficiency comfort of farm life. NG YOUR COMMUNITY Hilltop Herald by Barry Fletcher - Last Friday our boys played host to the Whitby boys' basketball teams. Our teams seemed invincible as they won all three games. Bill Cornish was high scorer for the juniors and seniors |.» and Dave Mosienko was high scorer for the® Bantams. Two of our girls teams went to Whitby to play. Our senjors won 44 to 17¢ but our juniors lost 46 to 10, The high scorers for the senior team were. Eleanor Hutchinson, Gloria Fra- lick and Lois Sandison. The high for the juniors were Marlene Stone and Irene Ptolemy, } After the games at 880 pa. a basketball dance was held by Athletic Society. Spirits remained high and we all had a very enjoyable evening. Store Closing Hour ® Cheerful . .. Colorfull ® Easy to clean and keep clean! ® Fast and easy to installl ; * Never needs refinishing! Come in. Inspect. new samples. As low as 00¢ iq. fh, 47 Pla | [# REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PHONE 73 A PORT PERRY Saturdays 9 p.m. SIN SUFFER S RELIEF OR MONEY BACK Medical tests have shown that NEVO relieves the pain and discomfort of sinus infection in | Fm almost all cases, irrespective of severity or dura- tion. Nevo is a preparation for the treatinent of the symptoms of sinus infections, not just a pain killer. Cam: pletely safe nay be used by children. $inuy femedy | Bruton Drugstore PHONE 16 ~ PORT PERRY Coming Events at Port Perry ~ Memorial Gardens "PUBLIC SKATING Saturday, Feb. 4th, 81010 p.m. Lakeshore Hockey League B Ja] oy FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6 BOWMANVILLE LAKEFIELD VS. Va. * ORONO ORONO K _ 8.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. OCs oohob WALLPAPER REGULARLY PRICED FROM 60 TO 75 For each roll (with matching border) purchased at the - regular price, you receive an additional roll for one cent! Here are sensationally low prices on a wide Save money . . . have fun . . | | range of smartly designed wallpapers. Patterns and colors for every taste --for every room in your house. All are precision-trimmed for easy, do-it-yourself application. Don't miss this chance to brighten your home for half the normal price! . it's easy to do it yourself! ENT STORE | Venetian Blinds Steel, cotton ropes up to 36" wide $4.95) Window Shades 25¢., 98c., $1.59 || \ Drapery | : 3 $1., $1.50, $1.89 yd. ol Drapes made to ¢ order at attractive 4 rates. -- NEW WALL PAPER STOCK Tow in for 1356 pS Et Phone 43 --- = ---- Port Perry -.| I | I |