Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jan 1956, p. 1

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Kb MI a ar oN A ry . Helen Colbear. (May Watson, : Ada Calberry. | 55% THE PORT PERRY STAR z3izzs \ Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Degurtnen, Ottawa. is TR 7 SEE * x id ONTARIO COUNTY JR. FARMER TROPHY 'WINNERS Ontario County Junior Farmers were last Saturday presented with the tro- phies they had garnered during the year in various classes. Presentation of the trophies was made at the din- ner in the United Church basement in Uxbridge, which followed the after- noon conference in the High School. Sated from left to right are--Aubrey a ---- eg. A-------- Ontario County Jr. Farmers Trophy Winners a * PORT PERRY, ONT, "THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1956 TEE GN Be Carson, Hugh Baird, Brian Taylor, Assistant Ag. Rep. John Gill, Walter Kerry and Kaye Evans, Standing---- Stephen Stephen, Ted Lamb, Jim Sem. ple, Bert Pearson, Alan Ball, Ron Werry and Norm Lyons. Lions Plan Oratorical Contests This year, the Oshawa Lions Club, in conjunction with Lions Internation- al, will sponsor a public speaking con- test in Oshawa. Substantial cash prizes are being offered for winners in "various divi- sions. "Beautiful trophies ave. also awarded. - The contest has been drawn to the attention of local high schools and a number of young people have signified their intention to entering. Winners in this district will go on and compete with other district win- ners in May. Last year the finalists 3 from Ontario and.Quebee appeared in Oshawa which was the location chosen for the occasion, Over twenty young people competed for honours and cash awards. © Speeches were heard in both I'iench and English, : "While considerable interest' was shown last year by the general public, it iz hoped that this year many more ioral support to the orators. More than 1,500 last year started in"the competition and were gradually eliminated, district by district, until 21 finalists were left. These were the ones heard in Oshawa last year. ~ The local finals will be heard here in Oshawa at the Oshawa Business Collefre on Saturday, January 28 be- ginning at 7.30 p.m. There is no charge for admission. The general public is cordially invited to come and support the candidates, the winners will go on to further competition. OES Euchre Huge Success On I'riday evening a very delightful game of Euchre was held in the Ma- sonic Hall by Blue Ray Chapter, Or- der of the Eastern Star. This Euchre was sponsored by the Ways and Means Committee and convened by Mrs. Esther Chapman, assisted by Mrs. Elsie Tease. The Worthy Mat- ron, Mrs. Margaret Cornish extended a warm welcome to the guests. seventy-five members and friends ga- thered together for a friendly game of cards and enjoyed the pleasant evening. The Euchre Prizes were won by the 'Morley, of Pickering Vi 'bridge Twp.; Reeve Hart, by copie witt-be-in attendance to lend} Over |, Deputy-Reeve of Mara Twp 10nd Warden of Ontario County A member of municipal council for 18 years, the Deputy-reeve of Mara Township, 'Pat Duffy, last week be- camp the 102nd warden of Ontario County. He was elected on the first ballot, a rarity in the county. He be- comes the first warden to represent Mara Township since 1941, To win, he beat out two other esas, Cyril lage, making his first bid, and Reeve Wilfrid Hart, of Rama Township, nominated as a candidate for the third successive time in his bid to bring the honour to the northernmost township of the county, an honour Rama has not-held for more than three-quarters of a century. Six in all were nominated as can- didates for this, the highest honour in the county. Nominated were Mr. C Morley, by Reeve John Mills, of Ajax; -| Reeve Russell Morrison, of Thorah Twp., by Reeve Stuart Ball, of Ux- reeve Elmer Gibson, of Reach Twp.; Deputy- reeve Duffy, by Reeve John Vessey of Jrock Twp.; Reeve Morley Bain, of Scott Twp., by Reeve Bill Newman, of Pickering Twp.; and Reeve Ken. Lee, of Whitby Town, by Deputy-recve Stan Martin, of Whithy. United Church Woman's Assoc. The Annual Meeting of the Wo- man's Association was held in the Sun- day School Room of the United Church with a splendid representation ~ of members present. : The president, Mrs. S. N. Griffen, assisted by her staff of officers car- ried out the business in a very effi- cient manner. . The Annual Reports were given by the various officers and group lead- ers and it is interesting to note that the Financial Report was outstanding and beyond all expectations. The Devotional part of the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Stanley Pleats man and her group. Rev. Mr. Wylie was present to in- stall the officers for the 1956 Term and they are as follows: Past President--Mrs, T. Harris President--Mrs. S. N, Griffen" ness, oh Obituary BERT McKERCHER six month's illness, Bert Me- Kercher, beloved husband of the late dna Worden, died at his home at Utica, Ontario, on January 15th, 1956, in his 78th year. Mr. McKercher was 'born n at Utica After on May 3rd, 1878, the youngest son of the late Farquhar Mokeretiny and Susannah Bignal. He li his life except for an 1 interval of siX years spent in Manitoba, Vancouver and Wgshington State, U.S.A. He was a descendent of the original Scot- tish pioneers who settled in this dis- trict over one hundred years ago. He attended Utica Public School and Port Perry High School. In 1906 he mar- ried Edna Worden, of Prince Albert. tle was a member-and attended Bread- albane- Presbyterian until it was closed some years ago, Myr. McKercher served on the til board from 1917 until the Township School area was vears ago. Ie was for a member of the Memory His loving care of our cemeteries has al- school leach formed many year ifall Board. three community waxs-been much appreciated. a member of the Masonic and Orange Lodges, He was a farmer for some years but like "his father-in-law he became a carpenter-and this work is his mem- orial. Nearly every home in and around his native village has been built or vepaived by his most thorough workmanship... "Both his daughters live comfortably in hames of his build- ing five He is, however, better remembered for his unselfish life, his quiet friendli- his long hours of labour, and his)" many years of care for an invalid wife. His last words were spoken in thanks for a small service done him. "My marks and sears I carry with me, to be a witness for me that I have fought His battles, Who now will _he my Rewarded. So he passed over and all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side." ; Left to mourn the loss of a loving and grandfather his two Church, Utica, He was |® Elect Wm. Gilfillan District High School Board o The inaugural méeting of the Cen- tral Ontario County High. School Bd. was held in the Uxbridge High Sohool on Monday, January 9th, Mu, Harold Holtby, Reach and Mr. Wm. Gilfillan, Scoft, were appointed trustees by On- tario County, Wm, Beare, by Fort Perry council and A... Richardson by Uxbridge council, Mr. Wm. Gilfillan was elected chairman of the Board and Me. John McIntyre vice-chairman. The chairman spoke briefly and welcomed the new members, Messrs, Holtby and Beare. Members chose the standing com- mittees for the year, the first named to be chairman: Management--J. S, MacFarlane, A. C. Richardson, I, Tindall. Property--H. B, Lockie, Wim. Beare. S. Chandler, A. C. Richardson. Finance---Edgar Johnson, John Mec- Intyre, Harold Holtby. Transportation -- Lorne Tindall, chairman; Harold Holtby, vice-chair- man, all rural trustees. Agriculture -- John Meclntyre, Ed. Johnson, L, Tindall, H. Holtby. Mr. Grant McDonald, principal of Port Perry school reported on a new boiler that had been installed at the High School there and Myr. MacFarlane stated that the boiler would save con- siderable coal, Mr. P. T. Bernhardt, UHS principal, reported on the details left to be com- pleted at the new Uxbridge HS ad- dition, He also reported that the Home Economics inspector had paid a visit to the school. A committee was appointed to look after the details and set a date for the official opening of the new addition, The new School Bus Act was read to the Board by Mr, Tindall and a by-law to borrow money was passed. General accounts passed for payment amount- ed to $2604.82. Mr. MacFarlane called a meeting for Monday night to discuss salaries of teachers: The seeretary-treasurer Mr. Norman Alexander, presented the following tentative financial statement for the year, "Receipts for 1955 Balance : ote by $5254.05 Night Classes, Port Perry Town of Uxbridge, . 48.05 361.23 Cadet Fund bal. ..... » Expenditures 1955 Cost of Instruction, Teachers 93,242.60 School Supplies , 123.69 Administration 4872.44 School Operation 11,944.13 School Maintenance and Rebates-- ~HBT2 Province of Ontario, Sp. grant 1796.12 Province of Ontario ................ 93, 277.06 Uxbridge Cadets coon. 325.20 Port Perry Cadets ovens 288.06 Ree. from Mr. Bernhardt... 33.10 Night Classes, Uxbridge ........ 104.20 22H Sup. Assessment Port Perry, Sup. Assessment 46.87 Georgina Twp. levy 642.72 Town of Uxbridge levy ......11,678.04 | Pot Perry 1evy iii 10,870.86 Scott Twp. levy ivi 15,354.12 Reach Twp levy 23, 061.13 Scugog Twp. levy 4,398.03 Uxbridge Twp levy on 14,975.89 [last Whitby, 1954 acct. 890.38 Fast Whithy, 1955 acct. 2,000.00 Temporary Loans ................ 93,000.00 ET... $276,988.04 Teacher Superannuation > withheld oo HhH1.23 $282,639.27 Agriculture Fund bal. ....... 3000,00 Chairman of 1 Prospect W. i A very pleasant aie was spent 'at the home of Mrs. Murray Holtby on Thursday, Jan, 12th when the la- aies of Prospect W.A., met for their regular monthly meeting. The meet- ing was presided over by the Pres. Mrs, Murray Holtby. The Treasurer, Murs, Dearborn gave an account of last year's business and it was learned that we had received $39.20 for our Friend- ly Sock which had been distributed among members and friends. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to this money making venture. We were very pleased with the response and the kind letters received. Our Birthday Box spilled forth $5.54 when opened. A motion was made that we send $10. to the Hospital for Sick Children in answer to their recent appeal. An- other motion was passed that we buy 12 new hymn books for the W.A. As a money making scheme this year, we are distributing "Sunshine Bags" which hold this little verse composed by Mrs. Bruce Holtby: "For every day the sun peeks out, We ask you for a penny, - And since we'd like to STRIKE ' IT RICH We hope there will be many". These are being passed along to our friends and neighbours. It was agreed our Spring Bazaar should be held on May 30th. Our next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Mosienko, the 9th of February, and we are going to have a "HAT SALE". We are all to bring an old hat tied in a paper bag which we will gell for 25c. each. These will be worn afterwards, so be sure to come and enjoy the fun. Roll call is to be answered with a Valentine verse and a He. penalty charged for those without one. Another idea for raising money this year will be our "Hobo Teas". The Devotional.was led by Mrs, Horace Webster. For the programme, Mrs. Eriest Holtby pre- sided over a Guess Who contest. We all had a happy time looking over our 'baby pictures and trying to guess who was who. Mrs. Murray Holtby read an interesting poem. Mrs.- Bruce Holt- by played a piano solo "It is No Sec- ret' and we all joined in singing, Mis, Clare Vernon read a little poem en- titled "Ave you a Little Weary". The meeting closed with the Theme Song and prayer and a very nice hunch was served by the hostess and the 4 i 3 group in charge. on I IES Five Members Added to Lions Club Two new members, Don Pargeter, and Ivor Lawrence, two re-instated members, Tom Harris and Dennis Me- Kinzey a member transferred from Brantford Club, Howard Challis, were. introduced into the Lions Club at its regular meeting on Monday, January 23. Membership Chairman Lion Reg. Moorhead presented the five men for induction. Lion President, ving Boyd; conducted the ceremonies. The Code of Ethics was read by Zone Chairman, Lion Art Brunton and the Lions Objects, was read by Past President, -Lion Stan Bruton. Lion Secretary Don Simpson presented the following: Men's first--Mr, Charles Brignall, Sv. _Men's Second -- Mrs. Lady's first->-Mrs. Lady's Second--Miss Several special prizes were pre- sented during the evening; among the lucky ones were; Mrs. George Smith, Seugog for the nearest birthday. Mrs. o George Calbeiry, Port Perry, the Cake, Mr. W, McKinley, Port Perry, the Coaster Set and Mrs. Nance Mc- Leese, ofy Sunbeam Chapter, Oshawa, the Grocery Reminder. * ,'At the close 'of the card game a "tasteful lunch was served by the Com- mittee in charge. It is with pleasure that we report proceeds amounted to around $37.00 which will be used for charitable work by the Chapter. Store Closing Hour Saturdays 9 p.m. 1st Vice Pres.--Mrg. W. A. Jackson | father, fre Fire Ms, Join | 5.453.143 | lapel buttons, also the constitution and - 2nd Vice Pres.--Mrs, R. A. Peel davaifery, Js. Rélph Wilbur of Utica | Ay xiliary Agencies 2456.02 by-laws. Recording Secretary--Mrs, G. M. (Vivian), and Mrs. Keith" Hooey, of [poo contract... eerie 33,130.43 The induction ceremonies were fol- Williams | * °Tt Perry; -titurict); also four-grand= Capital Outlay 10,000.69 [ towed byw business sesstorm-- te pro- Corfesponding Sec--Miss G. Stovin children, Dorothy, Hillis and Glenn | yyy tives 14,306.72 | ject for next month will be a sale of Tréasurer--Mrs, J. C. Taylor Wilbur, and Mrs. Bob Prosser (Bar- Temp. Loans and Interest ....93,801.81 bulbs, of which you will hear more Pianist--Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Jr. bara Prosser. Mr. MeKercher was] A ~_|1ater. Chairman of this project will Press Sec'y--Mrs. Charles Reesor the last of his own family, all the TOAD coer ene £280, 520.56 | be Lion Tom Harris. Group Leaders: rest having predeceased him. He is, BIANCO como oeorea 2,018.71 Mrs. S. A. Cawker; Mrs. George also, the last of this branch of the Me- or -- Oldfield; Mrs. Roy O'Neill; Mrs, | Kercher family. TOA sere $282,530.27 Rod & Gun Cun Club -Fdgar Leask; Mrs. Fred DeNure; and Mrs,-W, A. Jackson. Mrs. Griffen, in her charming man- ner thnaked the officers and members for their support during the past year and asked the incoming officers for the same co-operation for her second term of office. During her remarks she was sorry to announce that word had been received that three of our outstanding members were planning to leave this community in the near future for homes elsewhere. It is with regret that we receive this news as each one of them, indeed, will /be missed from our various organiza- tions; but, we trust that they will be paney in their Rew environments, A Masonic service was held in the MeDermott-Panabaker 'Funeral Chap- el, Port Perry, on Tuesday evening. I'he funeral service was conducted by the Reverened Dr, Armstrong on Wed- nesday, January 18, with interment at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Pallbearers were Charles Lakey, Russell Harper, Frank Kendall, Jack Crosier, Chester Geer and Fred Ack- ney. A WE'RE GREAT TALKERS Canadians dre still. the world's greatest telephone conversationalists, During 1953, latest figures available, Canadian avernged 411 conver sations each. < Port Perry Catholic Women's League The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held in the Parish Hall, Wednesday even- ing, January 18th, with a good attend- ance. After opéting prayér the busis ness period was held and we learned our bazaar and tea in December was very. successful with Mrs. Byron Holtby holding the lucky ticket 387 for the Christmas Cake. "The meet- ing closed with prayer and everyone enjoyed a social half hour and a cup of tea. . Reported by 0. O. Hamilton Thursday Jast sweek wad the first attempt at casting for the season, and a goodly number of members were on hand to take part, so that they might limber up their casting arm for what is to come. ' After the casting was over at 9:00 day of Jai * This wedék, January 28th will be the lasp Appreciation Day draw to be held on Saturday. The time 3.30. and the place, corner of Queen and Porry Sts, in. front of Beare Motors=htd. new showroom. : Beginning with January the 31st, the Appreciation held cach Tuesday at will be announced. A large erowd gathered to witness the draw made last Saturday. Three coupons were drawn before a winner was declared, One coupon could not be read, and the holder of another de coupon, Helen Carnochan, was "hot pres sent to claim her shave. The winner was finally shown to be Jim Balling- gall, of Port Perry, who held a 5, coupon and collected $21.78. Don't forget to look for the "Merchant of the Week". It could mean extra cash for you if your cou- pon. is drawn. Jack Pot Saturday - Day Draw will he 3.300 The, plies -$hH22.64; Local Citizens Take Jobs Out-of-Town The former owners of Port Perry Electric have both accepted jobs which will take them away from Port Perry. Mr, Ben Wieser is already on the sales staff of the Phono-Vision people on Dundas Street in Toronto. Mr. GoJo (Tug) Wilson will shortly be leaving to fill a position with Mar- coni-Canada in the special services division- with head office in Montreal. Mr. Wilson expeets to retain his home here, where his wife will continue to reside, -but his Port friends will not sce him very often. The Star joins with others in wish- ing them all SUCCESS in their NeW oc c 'upations, he Ontario County Fed. Of Agriculture The regular monthly meeting of the Ontario County Federation of Ag- riculture wi held on the third Tues- vy. Seve n dir were present and Mr. McLean, of Ud- ney was welcomed for the first time uf Ontario County Medi- cat. Services and Mr. Gordon Hunter for the Ontario Iruit and Vegetable Growers. The election with Mr. Clarence Werry chairman and the officers clectéd for a sceond term in office; Mr. Lorne Tindall of Goodwood, pre- sident, My, Rodd, Uxbridge vice president and Mr. Doble of Uxbridge, viee Mr. John Hamer tendered his pesig- nation as ors 3 as director was held acting as +» were re- of officers tussell Larry president. soon as tae position could be filled. Mr. Werry urged the appointment of an assist- ant seeretary and. a committee was named to look after the matter. A new name was added to the co- Operators Insurance Committee which organizes the publicity campaign of CIA in the County. The committee is Anson Gerrow of Scugog, Bill Nes- bitt, o Doble of Uxbridge. B A motion the secretary pay for the scription for the a second for one payment to the for the South THére was a regarding the him on hormone feeds for Canadian cattle and the recent im- potation of American cattle into Can- ada which cattle pay be fed on the feeds bolstered by hormones. The county Federation will ask the Beef Cattle Producer orgadization to pro- test the importation of cattle unless they are accompanied by a certificate from the Health of Animals Branch. A second discussion was regavding the feeding that Canadian farm pro- duets are used ag a barter agency to got better markets-for industry and the group felt that we should ask that no agritulural products should be sold in Canada for less than the cost of the production of that product in Canada, 'secretary as f Brookling and Lary authot izing to forward cheques to Rural Co-operator sub- whole county and half of the yearly Ontario Federation ntario organization. interesting discussion was carried discussion p.m. the boys with: their rifles took over there was some good scores rang up, from 86 to 95, for their bronze and | silver buttons, ' This Thursday, January 26, there will be a husiness meeting between 8 apd 9. Owing to the fact that the target backstop is being remodelled there will be no shooting this week. i Hockey Game ~ Fri., Jan. 27, Lindsay vs. Orono, A third was regarding tax distribution and assessment, many points were brought out which helped | clirify the position and thinking of the farmers, In the future meetings more points will be hrought out until it is clear what action will be taken by the Ontario County Federation of Agriculture, = . -- i $2.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Change Date of Appreciation Draw Starting Tuesday, January 1 A % t A Prince Albert Service Club Club held their last meeting at the home of Iosther Heay it with an attendance of 13 members and two visitors, The the Lord's Prayer, and approved. Florence the chair for election of officers. officers are: President Olive Vice President -- Pat Love; Secretary Hean Pugh; Social Convener--Doris Jeffery; Sick Grace Bea- cock. The next meeting on February will be a the home of I'he Servige meeting oy os. Minutes v2 Smith to New Brown; Convener- 13th as you are' party at Olive Brown.~ It was moved and carried that more chairs and cards be bought for the club. A telephone euchre was held on January 17th at four Everybody enjoyed a very good time. "come of the members homes, In the near future the club we plan- ning two plays and other entertain- ment. Watch for further notice. If any new ladies would like to join our club we would be very glad to have you join Uses : After other business was discussed we closed our meeting with benedie~ tion, after which a very dainty lunch was served, Honour Bride Miss Kay. Hallett, a Perry High School student, vuest of honour at shower at the home of Mus. former. Port was the collancous ¢ Ferguson Munro, on Saturday after- noon, January 21. Miss Eileen Wake- lin read the addiess which conveyed to the bride-to-be best wishes for her and rich "blessings, signed on behalf of health, The address was the community and. a friends by "Mis. Mizsed Many Munro lin. happiness wide cirele of Grant Ormiston, and Fileen Wake- lay wis a In beautiful and useful Mics Mary Munro, and eraciously wifts by thanked the donors personally as the parects were opened, This took place in the living room under an arch of pink and white streamers and white bells, The bride-to-be wore a cor- ape of pink and white carnadions which was also a gift, ' In the dining room the lace-covered tea table was tastefully decorated with pink streamers, Mrs, B. Fish and Mr C0 Hallétt poured tea. The dainty, delicious refreshment Vet crved by Fay Inne Joan Al Coll, Macy Munro, Fileen Bud Ormiston, Wakelin ad from = Vitlentia, and and Oakvy Guests were present Oakwood, © Whithy, 8 ambray, unde: P. P. Jr. Farmers With an outcanding attendance and wowell-fitled, varied programme, th Port Perry Juniors met in the High School on Tuesday, Jan. 24th. Thi boys elected John Leask as their fotlow- Bryant," John Macintyre, Chandler appointed the George secretary and ing directors Leask, bill Harvey Dearborn and Ron for this year. Famb, Ron talk on new varieties of gains and talk was so timely and informative we will give a special report about it next week: During the joint over thirty members, Muriel Lamb divided us into four groups to discuss personal "T'0 choose the job in which you are most interested ra- ther than the one for which you are best suited i5 good advice" or "Build first and it will build the house, is good advice", Iiveryone was engaged in diving his own Of course the odd, quiet ar- and a few giggles resulted stated problems such as "It is proper for a young woman to ask a young man for a date" or "Girls usu- wlly have more personality than boys'. After a period of singing and active gpup games, a lanch of doughnuts, sandwiches and cider was enjoyed by everyone, Toward the cloge of the evening, a few members amused theinselyes by cavefree dancing. « forage crops. Because his meeting of problems such as a barn actively opinion. gument over IN PORT PERRY MEMORIAL GARDENS GAME TIME 830 P.M. 3 MN an enjoyable mis- ed in umwrapping the. John Gill gave a very worthwhile" ' » " x 5 2 » A. SE ae a A lt of EE ee ha 1 & ¢ \ Dy P= A Bo eet ri hb Cy

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