Lh Hh 3 Ar rae \ § 8) ae Fp A J, RIA che Bett STRELA A A aw WW » EAM AONE RADAR LD ASAT RRA A NL tt pS) Re I LAN Ny By RI A a : TE RT . Sn RANA AA ARE a on 2 8~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY a. 1056 oe ASI te Sh Fer FARINA ald 5 ah 4 Et RE RR Vv "their son Mr. Prince Albert (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs, N, Wilson and family with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller at Columbus. Mr, and Mrs. Don Leslie and baby with his parents Mr, and Mrs, Leslie at Milton. Mr, and Mrs, M, Luke, of Hamilton, spent.twq days with his mother, Mrs. C. Luke. "Mr. and Mrs. E. Martyn and family - had Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Martyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Martyn, of Scugog, ~My. and Mrs. B, Wanamaker, of Sea- grave, as New Year guests,' Mr, F. Vickery, Mr, and Mrs. Les Beacock and boys, with My. and Mrs. L. Devitt and family of Oshawa on Sunday. Mr.-and Mrs. G. Hunter and family with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Robertson, of Havelock. Mr. and Mrs, I. Parkinson enjoyed the holiday with their relatives in North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Art Brown had Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bond and Mr. D. Mc- Taggart, Mr, and Mrs. Allen Bond, of Port Perry, for New Years: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith entertained their family on Monday--Mr. and Mrs. H. Garvey, Mrs, Loraine Shaw, and Mr. Steve Merko, all of Toronto; also Mr. and Mrs. Don Leslie and baby. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heayn and family spent the week-end with his sister, and husband, Rev. Chas. and Mrs. Clarke and girls at Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter with and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter in Port Perry. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murphy had her grandmother, Mrs. Robt. Jackson, Mr. N. Shunk, Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dickinson and Judy all of Toronto; also Mr. and Mrs. H. Jeffrey and Denice. The Good Neighbours Service Club members and friends gathered at the new home of the Club president, Mrs. Ivan Parkinson, for their Christmas Party. i A number of younger age enjoyed the skating party on Tuesday after supper at the home of Miss B. Hunter. Miss Edna Vance; Toronto, and Miss Shirley Vance, -Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Vance " Mr. and Mrs. James Doupe and boys with their daughters the Bert Raines, and Ross Sweetman house for the holi- day. We hope Mrs. Jonas Smith improves in health while in Port Perry hospital with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock and boys at family gather at Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock's of Nestleton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Love and family, had her mother, Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Mrs. N. Wilkinson, and Mrs. Beatty, and the Art Brocks, of Port Perry, as callers one evening recently. Mr .and Mrs. Ronnie Middleton had his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Middleton, and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brain, Steven and Billie joined with the rest of Brain family in Trenton. We are all glad to learn Mrs. How- ey is home from Oshawa Hospital and Utica At at well attended Euchre party held in Manchester Hall last Friday |Carnegie who celebrated their 60th |} evening in aid of the Utica Hall Build- ing Fund, the prize winners were Mrs. S. Collins, Miss Doris Taylor, Earl Ballard, and Bill Brown. ERTR FRR « 3 SR A Greenbank Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, J. wedding anniversary on January 7. prizes went to Mrs, F. Hodgson and|18. The Montgomery orchestra will Bruce Bailey. A euchre party has prize on as he won the draw for the heen planned for the 27th of January. Christmas cake, the chicken. Proceeds for the evening amounted to about thirty-three dollars. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Burtch on the birth of a daughter. The second draw| wernt to Ralph Wilbur who auctioned Everyone is invited to bowl at Port Greenbank church for a ple social. The Pilot Class hopes to see a good turn. Mr. Burtch was a former student|out at this soclal evening. minister on the Epsom charge. He \ vd is' now minister of Birchcliff United Church, Toronto, Mrs. Frank Kendell is in Toronto for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Burteh and Wayne, Mrs. H. Walker, Mrs. G. Nelaon, Mrs. G. Harper, Mrs. K. Crosier, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilbur were at the Congregational meeting held in Epsom Church basement on Saturday after- noon, The only new officer being Mrs, George Harper, Steward. All other offices are unchanged at the Utica What Are Nematodes? Ontario fruit and vegetable growers are going to hear about nematodes at their January 16-18 convention at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. W. B. Mountain of the Harrow Ex- perimental Station is going to discuss Church. The chairman of the meet-| 'Nematodes and their Threat," It's ing was Rev. Mr. Thomas, of Markham United Church, Mr. and Mus, Carl Wilbur, Taunton, visited Mr. Monday. - Of interest to this locality because quite a number -of-our High School students play on the Port Perry Bas- ketball teams is. the fact that the team won against the The other two The Senior girl's team defeated Whitby team under the Boys' Junior Whitby High School. boys' teams lost. leadership of Lois Sandison.' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnes are sell- ing their home in the village before moving to North Carolina, U.S.A. Quite a number from this district and their friends enjoyed a party at Manchester Hall, New Yeai's Eve. Sorry to report the death of Mr. Henry Gibner in Oshawa Hospital on Saturday. Mr. Gibner has lived in this neighbourhood for about forty years. The funeral service was held at the MceDermott-Panabaker chapel in Port Perry with interment in the Kendall cemetery, Utica, on Monday. Mrs. K. Crosier spent part of the holiday in Windsor with her daughter Mrs. W. Scott. Mr. and Mrs, George Harper and] family were New Year's guests of Mr. |§ and Mrs, Russell Vice, of Solina. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Tom Sutherland were Mr. and Mrs, Jack Geer, Port Perry. Combined service is at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon in the Church. a Store Qos 1 Eon : ci improving in health. Saturdays i, 8 9 i i fy LAYING 'PROGRAM Waves) Development in Poultry Foeding! The Master Laying Program has always been a big money maker. for. * povltrymen. Now it's better than evet. Years of tests and research on the Master Feeds Farm have resulted In improvements in the Master Laying Program, Try the Improved Master Laying Program this season ond you'll find you'll get more eggs than ever before with less feed. See us today and let us show you how the Master Laying Program has been IMPROVED; YOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER oO Raul Ta Cone "MASTER FEEDS - © Fast, Fair and Friendly Service PORT PERRY ' PHONE 1 and Mrs. R. Wilbur last|- only recently that the full import of these little beasties' depredations have become known, They do a lot of Perry from 8 to 10 and return to|§ damage to plant roots. oa BUS VEC LATA Be sure to attend the dance in the | © Consolation | community hall on Friday, January The chicken draw was | Provide good music for old time and |¥ woii by A. Christie, who passed the|modern dancing. The Pilot Class has Hunied a social + evening for Thursday, January 19th, |¥ Foe plop oleate si stustosioiste sts ste ste to ste te te slate ts testes Bs os ees os ws ore sa 0 0 sw se 0 So ns wd oe =f --s by = FABRA RASTA AGAMA RAR VV I RR A A ddd da ha dst id ph ly The Following is a List of the "APPRECIATION DAY" Merchants oto tn ste ste ste tote te Te Te sn sla ate oe le pt Taylor's 5¢. 6 $1.00 Store Western Tire 'Sandiland Jewellery . Carnegie Hardware i Van's Men's and Boy's 'Wear Beare Motors Ltd. i Kay Van's Ladies' Wear Sweetman's Garage i 'Howard Motors ~~ Phoenix Appliances ~~ i "Del" Restaurant : Taylor's Restaurant i Mrs. Hope's Tobacco and Master Feeds - Magazine Shop Elizabeth Shoppe MacGregor & tion Flamingo Restaurant 84 ch 0 : 4 Gleherop Levinson's Drygoods Jackson's Farm Equipment John Ballard Lumber, (Co-Supporter) Next Draw on SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 at 8.30 p.m. in front of Western Tire. The pot contains $389.07. Tripp's Garage : Cawker's 'Butcher Shop Hope's 1.G.A. : Watch for the name of the' "MERCHANT OF THE WEEK" when you shop. ORC RORORTEOR CROP EOE 0POROEOROI URN EVTRTEETR OR OHDR0R OS OR0ROR0IR0 ROOD ETED S852 85858% SEOR0BOS0S0E0808080OR0OR0 as e rote so sto sms es mn es 0 0 ue su te eee ve Se ee CPOBOSOB0E0E0ECS0E0OS0S: 3 shake hands . | with authority and confidence. Palmer tells his audience how to sell . . ..then he demonstrates how to sell. He shows how to . 'how to speak What is the first thing to say. .. When do you ask for the order, To All SALESPEOPLE | And BUSINESSMEN | who want increased sales and earning power--attend CKLB Retail Sales Clinic Featuring: Fred A. Palmer. Sales Consulant, of Worthington, Ohio CENTRAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA, on Monday and Tuesday, January 16 and 17, at 7.30 p. m. TUITION FEE for both sessions only $6.00 Get tickets from Ted Jackson 8 Phone your reservations to RA. 3-3416 or from ~*~ 48 CKLB personnel. 3 or CPOPOPOPI0R0R0 OROPOROEOR0ROP0POIOROPTPORVI DR IOROROR0H0S0R 09D SEBS BP 858A TALIACA SHAT OBORAALANS LAKEVIEW PORT PARRY Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and § p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT, JANUARY 12.18.14 Charlton Heston, Fred McMurray, Donna Reed In the Sensational New Adventure Hit < In Technicolor and Vistavision 1 "THE FAR HORIZONS" COMEDY > » o . BJ A . - rs - - MONDAY. JUBEDAY, WED. JANUARY 16.1718 mery and Nancy Gates In Goer gon Technicolor Outdoor Story Sa MASTERSON OF KANSAS" ; 2nd FEATURE-- 'The Stirring Technicolor Drama "THE CHARGE OF THE LANCERS" "Last Complete Show Starts at 8.20 £3 wie f | hg EACH MONDAY and THURSDAY SATURDAY 'SPECIALS "Chocolate Date Layer Cake" and "Choy Suey Loaf" | GERROW'S BAKERY @ Phone 32W G. M. GERROW eo Cheerful . . . Colorful o Easy to clean and keep cleanl ® Fast and easy to installl © Never needs refinishingl Come in. Inspect new samples. As low as 00¢ sq. ft. Plastic-Finished WALL AND CEILING PANELS PHONE 73 PORT PERRY fo Chrysler Windsor 4:door sedan \ with 215:h.p, Spitfire V-8 angie. 1 It'aonlya ortatep to take--thatstepupton of your finger you control Chrysler's push- "Chrysler. Yet it's like stepping into another - button PowerFlite automatic transmission, - world. And wh Here's everything you expect to find in a. truly fine automobile! i pra atic Flight-Sweep atyling makes eyes for a second look. And there's the pure Fe Aes of drivi at a great, néw world it ia! ing a Chrysler. With a touch With a touch of your toe Chrysler's precision- built V-8 engine transmits a smooth flow of power, like nothing you've ever known before. Full-time power steering is available to take the effort out of turning and parking, Avallabls, too, are Chrysler power brakes that pty on Chuystor jot of the Forward Look .+<now at your dealer's let you stop smoothly, safely, predictably, with gentlest pressure. Yes, it's only a short step up. And it's a. surprisingly easy step to take. Stop in and talk it over with your dealer, S004), Manufactured in Canada by * / Chrysler Cofporation of Canada, Lirhited ' on INNES MOTOR SALES PHONE 108 PORT PERRY, ONT. 1 : Dlicions Moat Piss | 0 0 0 0 FY REESOR FUEL & LUMBER