Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Jan 1956, p. 4

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4-<THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1956 / LOCAL NEWS Bud Warriner, of Port Perry, joined ...¢ Provincial Police early in Decem- ber and at the present time stationed at Cornwall, Ontario. Bud is finding the work very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner will be at home to their friends on the. occa- sion df thelr 50th Wedding Anniver. sary, on Tuesday, Jan. 17th from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 p.m. JOHNSTON--Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Johnston (nee Kay Prentice) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Carmin Carl, on Friday, Jan, 6 1956, at the Orangeville Hospital, Both doing well. Cards of Thanks 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Dymond, the Nurses and Staff of Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, my Rélatives and Friends for their kindness to me during my recent illness. --Helen C. Watson. THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ABCENSION Ni (Anglican) . ) Rev. K, W. Scott, L.Th.,, Rector Sunday, Jan. 16, 1956-- : 9.80 a.m.--Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School 7.00 p.m.--Evénsong and Sermon. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. B. H. Wylle, B.A, Minister Sunday, Jen. 16th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.~""The First Church . Election", ! 7 p.m.--~The Speaker will be Rev. A. Pinto Ribeiro, associate Mis- sionary of the Board of Over- seas Missions, United Church of Canada, serving in Angola. Church Anniversary, January 22nd. In PENTRCOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, January 16th--- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m~--Morning Worship. 7 p.m.--Bvangelistio Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Service Fri, 8 p.m.--Christ's Ambassadors. CHRIST I8 THE LIFE Pastor K. R. Sprackett. J fs EE a COMING EVENTS Brighten Your Home. . With: Color" -- A short course by Jeanne Armour, Home Economics De- partment, Toronto, to be held in the Parish Hall on Friday, Jan. 27th from 1.80 p.m: to, 4 p.m, after which tea will be served. Sponsored by Honey- dale W..1. Admission 26c. Every- one Welcome. Jan.26 Banquet Friday, Jan, 27th, at 6.46 p.m. in the "Del" Restaurant, The Business Men's Association will meet and discuss very important business. Please plan to attend. Robbie Burns' Night Under the auspices of the Fireside Club, Presbyterian Church, Tuesday, Jan. 24th at 7 p.m. Tickets now on sale, Home Baking Sale The Women's Guild of the Church of Ascension will hold a Home Baking singly (eg ---- Ag a 4 Ae CO WL Chad Pd BL Sars | FEA s FR LIT ARAN "sg ié 82 Fae: Saul Growers Worried About Low Income Productive capacity in Ontario agri- .| culture is greater than it has ever been. So is consumption, Neverthe- less the grower's net income has been sliding down over the past three years while that of others Canadians has béen rising. It is to discuss this situation that 1200 Ontario. fruit' and vegetable growers will. assemble at Toronto's King Edward Hotel January 16-18, Three years ago the Food and Agri culture Organization of the United '| Nations was predicting & world food shortage. They did not take into ac- count new developments in husbandry, in pest control, in all the agricultural sciences. Now they are talking about the surplus position of food through- out the world. Ontario growers are going to take a long hard look at what they have to do to stem the tide of falling farm net incomes in the midst of inflation. The copvention will prove an attrac- tion to wers who want to know where the¥ are going. Among other subjects of interest to farmers will be a description of improved methdds of tomato plant growing and their effects on fruit set. This is a a very important contribu- ton to agricultural knowledge by Dr. I. C. Hoffman of the Ohio- State Ex- perimental Station. The peach growers will be discuss- ing inspection at packing house level and "What is wrong with the six- | 3 ey ; Riad ot 3 a a a a a a - | several years, in spite of an increase A te © I wy Eo * HY Reo FY Sa HER fle Phas LAS Ferd a he Provincial Department of Public Wel. fare, Canadian Welfare Council, the alumni association of the Toronto school and the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies, Also repre- sented are specialized areas: in social work, such as case work, group work, community organization, agency ad. ministration and teaching. Anxiety of the field has recently been sharpened, the committee reports, due to a drop in enrolment in the two Ontario schools for the first time { demand for graduates. STABILITY FROM SYNTHETICS Use of synthetic tevtile fibres such as {Terylene" will give stability to the textile industry in this country. This is the opinion of one large Cana- dian manufacturer of woollen fabrics, According to this manufacturer, combining traditional woollen and cot- ton fabrics with chemically-made yarns, the textile fndustry has achiev- ed &' new 'versatility and durability for its products, an advantage which has been readily apparent in the mar- : ket place. Rod & Gun Club The Club held its first business meet- {ing of the new year together with a shooting and casting program which will continue throughout the winter. Plans are in the making for some stiff competition from one of the other clubs in 'the county in small bore rifle practic e. Casting plans are not yet com- pleted © The first night "for small bore rifle practice avill be held in: the, P.P.H.S, gym Thursday night at 8 pm. A goodly numbgr of shooters are expeet. ed to turn out, DAINTY RICE 2 ror 29c ST. LAWRENCE CORN OIL 7 16-02, tin -35¢ OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE _48.0m, Hn . SOLO BRAND MARGARINE TISSUES 200s Man's size FACE-ELLE ~ 2 ow 338 CATELLY'S LONG SPAGHETTI 16-0z. pkg. i ST. JOHN'S a to take this tunity t quart basket Lb. crores roy Sort wppretion os the| PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | Solo ang Aftsrioon Ten fn the Pavish 33¢ 2 wv. 56¢ 3c 2 vr 90 3 .| Sunday, January 15th-- ; fte ' pr { 21st from 2.80 to 6 p.m, Paramount Fancy Doc. Ballard's Champlon Nabisco morial Hospital, Port Perry, also to relatives and friends for flowers and cards during my recent illness. --0Olive Hook. .The Superintendent and Staff of Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, wish to express their sincere thanks to all who remembered them with gifts and cards during the Christ. mas Season. Many thanks to all the friends and Grace United Church Women's Asso- 1 ciation for their kindness in. sending i me lovely cards and flowers and fruit during my illness. 'Mrs Clarence Fralick. I would like to thank all my neigh- : bours, friends and family for all their AN kindness dnd thoughtfulness, the flow- SAE ers, gifts and cards sent to me while 11 a.u--~Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evening Worship --- PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, January 15th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Evening service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's on Friday at 8 p.n. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, 1850 on your Dial Every Sunday Moriing at 10.05 "We need our- Church-- our Church needs us." Oshawa dec.16-66 Euchre The Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis Fund of the 1.0.0.F, and Rebekahs are holding a Euchre at the 1.0.0.F, Hall on Friday, Jan. 18, 1856. Lunch ser- ved. Rebekahs please provide lunch. Everyone welcome. All proceeds for charitable purposes. Euchre Thursday, Jan. 12th, at 8 o'clock, euchre will be held in the parish hall of the Catholic Church. Lunch served. Admission 60c. Shortag e col. Welfare Workers In response to yequests from welfare agencies in Ontario for help in re- lieving the chronic shortage of social workers, the Ontario Welfare Council has formed a committee on recruit- ment to the profeasion. Every year there are, it is estimated, from 260 to 300 positions open for so- cial workers which cannot be filled due to the lack of trained personnel. A session studying this problem at the council's annual meeting asked for "aggressive recruitment" under the leadership of the council. The com- _| mittee was formed to develop an in- tegrated. program which would in- crease public understanding of the na- ture of social work and the opportu- : COHOE SALMON Y's tin bc Crown Brand 2 Ib, tin Je Robin Hood CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX ison. 306 Eive Roses FLOUR CORN SYRUP | DOG FOOD 15.0%. tin - [ey Gold Medal CUSTARD POWDER .12-0z. tin 29¢ General Electric LAMP BULBS 25-40-60 watt 4 = 19 FUSE PLUGS | 15-20-25-30 Amps SHREDDIES 2 3c GIANT FAB DETERGENT (Free Guest Towel) . ec " PALMOLIVE BEAUTY SOAP . a fr, in hospital and over the Christmas N nities it pffers as a career. 3 For 21 3 For 95 of Holiday. 1 would also like to thank lofice A 5-1b. bag 3c C = C 37 Dr. Rennie and Dr. Sturgis, the nurses| "What was your business before| The McKee Booth will close each Mrs. Donald Carrick of Toronto has Magic Supreme Brand and staff of the Community Hospital, . Port Perry and the Oshawa Hospital. It was deeply appreciated. --Ruby Roach. I would like to take this opportun- ity to thank Dr, Dymond and Dr. Kan- del and also the nurses 'and staff of Community Memorial Hospital and my many friends for their flowers, cards.and phone calls, during my re- cent stay in the hospital. Thank you. --Hilda Jeffrey. Store Closing Hour Saturdays 9 p.m. MONUMENTS, MARKERS CORNER STONES, and you were captured by my men?" ask. ed the chief of the cannibals, RO was the assistant editor of a newspaper," answered the captive. "In that case, cheer up, young man" gaid the chief. "Promotion awaits you. After dinner you'll be editor- in-chiet." > OPEN BOWLING THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS WEDNESDAY 2.30 to 6 p.m. 2 to 6 pm. * Public School children 10c. | mission bOc. Monday afternoon at 12.30 p.m. com- mencing Monday January 16th. Euchre On Friday, Jan, 20th at 8 p.m. in the 'Masonic Rooms, sponsored by the Eastern Star. Prizes and lunch. Ad- Everyone 'welcome. Jan, 19 Brock District, High School Annual School Auditorium at 9 p.m. January 27th. Orchestra--A. M. Willigmson, Dress, semi-formal. $2.00 per couple; Red and Gold "AT. HOME, in the] been appointed chairman of the com- |- A former social worker, Mrs. mittee. Carrick is a board member of the Ont. 'Welfare Council and also of the Visit- ing Homemakers' Association in Tor- onto. The committee is preparing a pool | of information on the profession which' can be used in recruitment by local groups throughout the province. The various jobs in social work, salary range and prospects for advancement, academic requirements and in-service training plans will be described in the materigl made available by the come mittee, ' ° Representatives of the two Ontario schools of social work, at St. Patrick's College in Ottawa and at the Univer- sity of Toronto, sit on the committee | The Elizabeth Shoppe BAKING POWDER 5; 16-0z. pkg. 3b¢ Cow Brand 16-0z. pkg. 13¢ * Dalton's 'Featherstrip COCOANUT 7-02. pk. 23c BAKING SODA WHITE BEANS "16-02. ok | 16¢ Supreme Brand Yellow PURITAN MEAT BALLS and GRAVY 15-02. tin 3c SPLIT PEAS 12.0z. cello 2 + 29¢ Johnsow? s Stride LIQUID WAX BE ~BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS Garden Fresh Peas, 12. 0z, 'Beef Pies, 8 oz. Lemonade, 6 oz. 'Blueberries, 11 oz. ~ 26¢ 2 for 45¢ ~39¢ . ROAST Frosh / Heats Ib. 35. ~ Pint tin- 89¢ Fresh Pp roduce Oshawa Memorial | rary oussss, [2 tom i mia lors si ote i J Cos ats | Sresh Pro Service PRI adie - Quality Beef Salel Be -- vi en Ripe -- 5 19 | | 2ale: Bananas 1b. 19 On No. 2 Huy. East of Oshawa SATURDAY AFTERNOON 'CLEARANCE SALE BLADE pds eA suidst Oranges doz. 59. STATUARY. High School children 15c. NYLONS, First Quality, 51 and 60 gauge ......................98¢. ACT Ten Heaks - Tohder - Gres Worn ps scons - Eas | | pup Letuce 2im27 Mark " 3 an "ihe : mre bp Rano Ca B li CORDUROY and VELVET, TV PANTS, ............... vores $4.95 : Rib Roast |b. 3 *. e€ uce Heads c dividual re ments from the useway ow ng CHILDREN'S JACKETS, COAT SETS and SNOWSUITS Mild, Sweet, Marsh Grown - 20-0z. hags finest Granites and Marbles Lanes FLANNEL SHIRTS, 2 to 14 at $1.3 Mn Marked Away Down Lean C f 9 [ 23 : All, "LINED JEANS, Grey, Brown and Blue Minced Beef Ib. 20. Arrors 4 tor dadc For Iupormelion without Obligation Ra Boys' and Girls' Sizes 3 to 14 : Famous for Quality - No. 1 - Eastern write Box 218 or call RA. 5.6611 -- CHILDREN'S MITTS, SWEATERS, and SLEEPERS oe BONELESS -- LEAN p, LL . $ Stewing Beef Ib. a5. otatoes Bags - 29: oo IN AND LOOK AROUND, THERE ARE MANY ~ MORE BARGAINS ; SWIFT'S -- Skinless: -- Breakfast" Sausage i 29: pkg. = 'SALADA TEA, 60 Bag Size .. sepsis ssf senisinsnitirirta ies 9c. : SWIFT'S PREMIUM BEag "RED ROSE COFFEE, 1 Ib. HI itr ei $1.17 dove | i Ch ARE W DOMESTIC SHORTENING, 8 1b. pail .......... tpi 8c. enders for Garbage Collection Franks | oi 35: FOOD Sealed Bacon 59: CTT LL LEI LL ELLE EE LE LLL ELL ELLE LLL LL a Sealed tenders for the collection of Garbage for the Village ; : : STORES 5 : YORK DILL PICEL ES, Is 16 oz. ati Cit iad 28¢. of Port Perry for a period of 12 months, starting February 1, 1966, Tr) ; MIXED COOKIES, 1 Ib. ...ccocinummiivunmmiinmnniniiinininis30C. will be received by Council. Tenders to be in the hands of the w-- SUPER QUDS, reg. 39¢ 20¢ Clerk by MONDAY, Noon, JANUARY 28, 1966. . : : : Rv Ee Sr Lowést or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contract THERE' 5 A RED 8 WHITE STOR 'NEAR YOU ; form may, be seen at the Clerk's office. "The successful applicant to be prepared to start work Thurs- DOUPE' S GENERAL STORE day, Si hccemtel app me © DOWSON FOOD MANET Phone 485W Jan. 19 JOHN RAINES, Clerk, PORT PERRY PHONE 9} Prince Albert SUNN NANA NNER ENN ARERR

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