8--PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1955 Rug HGoVed--Murs. G. Brown; Mrs, M. Coates, Mrs. E. Fines | Rug Braided -- Mrs. N. Malcolm; Murs. J. Philp; Patricia Devries (continued from front page) 2nd--Blackstock Women's Institute. .. 8rd-<Hpneydale Women's: Institute, tie $5.00 each to Tyrone, Bowman-| poyquet of Ruffled or Double Pe- ville and Nestleton 'W.L's, 'I tunias-- Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. Abrams, CLASS N---PLANTS and FLOWERS z)lo0 Bailey. Bouduct of Asters, 7 blooms--Mrs, Bouquet of African Marigolds--Mrs, . KE. Fines; Eileen McLaughlin, Mus. Abrams, Mrs. H. Skerratt, Mrs. Moore + Garl McLagghlin, . Bouquet French-Marigolds --Mrs. S. v Bouquet of Dahlias, 5 blooms---Mrs, Moore, Mrs. Skerratt, Allen Bailey. ee C. I. Abrams, Mrs. R. Boundey, Allen| Bouquet of Salapiglossis--Mrs. R. Bailey. Bouridey : Ba « Bouquet of Giant Zinnias, 5 blooms Mus, Go Martyn, Mrs, R. Boundey, » Mrs. Frank Carter, Bouquet of Pom Pon Zinnias, 17 bloom Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. Go Mar-|. tyn, Mrs, H, Swain. of Phlox Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. Frank Carter. Bouquet Salvia-- Ardis McArthur, Murs. Boundey. . Basket of Mums ley Taylor. Bouquet of Scabiosis--Mrs, Moore, Mrs. Fines. Best Arranged High Basket--Mrs. Martyn, Mrs. Abrams, Allen Bailey. Best Arranged Low Basket--Allen Bailey, Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. Moore. Basket Gladiolus, at least 6 spikes-- Allen Bailey. Collection Small Potted Plants, 4 different varicties -- Gloria Sadler, Mrs. Skerratt, Mrs. M. Coates, Collection Cut Flowers, 12 varieties in-one container--Mus. Boundey, Mrs. Abrams, Mrs. Martyn. } Collection 4 different House Plants -- Allen Batley, Mrs. Moore, Gloria Sadler. Collection of 4 different Cactus-- Mrs. Abrams, Mrs. M. Mus, Moore, Stan- Bouguet Murs, Moore Bouquet of Snapdragons --- Merrill e- VanCamp, Mrs. Moore, Allen Bailey. Bouquet of Single Petunias, small-- Mrs. Abrams, Eileen VanCamp, Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Mrs. Boundey, CLASS H--GRAIN, SEEDS, HAY Bushel Fall Wheat, White, 19566-- Harold Swain, Roy Werry, Mrs. E. Brethonr, Bushel Oats, White, 1956 ---N. Green and Son, Harold Swain, Larry Ashton. Bushel Oats, White, Late, 19556 Harold Swain, Lary Ashton, Law- rence MeLaughlin, Bushel Barley, six row, 1955 --H. Swain, Mrs. KE. Brethour. s Do ' i Allen Bailey, Bushel, Beaver Oats--H. Swain, K.| 0gntes. VanCamp, Bill Ferguson. Special---Most Points -in Class N-- Sheaf Fall Wheat--Mrs. E. Breth-| pus S. Moore, our, Ray Werry. : Sheaf Oats, early--Mrs. Brethour. Baled Hay, first cutting--N. Green and Son, Mrs. H. Skerratt. - SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Decorated Business Float -- Frank Hoskin. Me . SITION Jecorate ieyele, Girls -- Sylvi FIELD COMPETITION-- Decorated Bicycle hls Sylvia i Lawrence, Marjorie Stewart, Bushel of Oats --- H. Swain, Bruce | pecorated Bicycle, Boys -- Larry Ashton, Roy Werry, Keith VanCamp, Merrill VanCamp..' Sheaf of Oats--Roy Werry, Harold Swain, Bruce Ashton. Ashton, Brian Staniland. Decorated Auto--Ronald Hoskin. Clown--Linda Venning, Ardis Me- Arthur, . Best Decorated Farm Float, tractor drawn-- Blackstock W.1.; Allen Bailey, Cartwright Farmers' Union, LIVING ROOM ACCESSORIES Chesterfield Set--Mrs: N. Malcolm; Mrs. IF. Hodgson; Jean Swain Cushion Punch Work--Mrs. H. Mar- tin; Mrs. N. Malcolm; Mrs, GG. Brown Cushion Wool--Mrs. M. Coates; Mrs, N. Malcolm; Mrs. H. Skerratt Cushion, silk fancy--Jean Swain; Mrs. N. Malcolm; Mrs. A. Hicks Needle Point-----DMrs. M. Coates; Mrs. (i. Brown; Mrs. S. Moore Doilies--Mrs. G, Martyn; Mrs. G. ----- Cream Producers Hold Annual Meet The Annual Mecting of the: Ontario County Cream Producers' Association Bouquet of Calendula--Mrs, Moore, % a q LA IF 5 TALCNF ip : aif LL AT \ A 23, bye al Fy y if 2A 5 ia NSS 5 : I Hi A HR AE ab bE Ga Fe Ty . ee ai % N iad Se UB Ow i Ser a I sb pres Sf aha de le tn Be cann, SER YE PY SINE AV ERIE Dak eS VE i § \y Mr. Wood explained the proposed Stablization Fund. He stated that the proposal was to collect 19% of factory price for milk and cream to finance the Stablization programme, The Stablization Fund would be used | for advertising dairy products, for a campaigii to improve the quality of dairy products and if necessary to provide finances for takipg the sur- plus of a dairy product off the market | in order to stablize the whole milk in- dustry, : v y Mr. Currié reported on his work as fieldman for the Ontario Cream Pro- ducers' Association. He reported that the Cream Producers' exhibit at Fall Fairs has generally been a success over the past three years and he ex- pects that this display will be available again next year. He emphasized the importance of good quality cream in the manufacture of high quality but- ter. The door prize was won by Frank Davis of -Brechin, with second prize going to George Paget, Myrtle Station, The first prize was 6 pounds of butter and second prize was 4 pounds, The election.of officers resulted as follows: President--Gordon Rynard, Zephyr; Vice-President--TLloyd Stanley, Brook- lin, R. 1; Secretary-Treasurer--H. L. I"air, Uxbridge; Voting Delegates--G. Rynard, Llyod Stanley. DIRECTORS -- Rama--Gordon Me- Arthur, Washago; Mara--Frank Da- vis, Brechin, R. 1; Thorah---Russell Morrison, Beaverton, R. 2; Brock-- Les Faux, Blackwater; Reach--Fred Lamb, Port Perry, R. 4; Scott--Har- old Clark, Uxbridge, R. 2; Uxbridge-- Harry Harper, Goodwood; Pickering-- Alex Schneider, Ashburn, R. 1; Whit- hy--Lloyd Stanley, Brooklin, R. 1; [last Whithy---Percy Mountjoy, Osh- awa, R. 2; Scugog--REverett Prentice, | Port Perry, R. 3; Director of South Ontario Federation of Agriculture-- Wm. Parrinder, Brooklin, R. 1. ~ Manchester On Sunday morning Mr. Newman preached an excellent sermon, his theme "The Seed of Life". Why not come to Church and hear this fine Young Student Minister. Mrs, Jno. Stewart and Bill were at the plowing match at Leamington. Mr. The Women's Association will meet at the home of Mrs. Phillips on the Port Perry Road on Thursday after- noon November 3rd at.2,30, The la- dies are cordially invited to attend. Keep in mind the date of Manchest- er gnniversary, Sunday November 6th, See particulars in the paper. - - ": Obituary = SAMUEL FOSTER FERGUSON After almost a year's illness, Sam- uel Foster Ferguson passed away at his home, Main St., Oronq on October 3, 1956. i» The deceased was born in Cartwright township, June 18, 1885, son of the late Robert John Ferguson and Ann Jane McGhee. : , His school years were spent in Duf- ferin and Simcoe Counties where his parents farmed, later returning to Cartwright. While farming near Enfield in Dare lington, Foster was married in 1410 to Charlotte (Lottie) May Hooey and in 1911 went into Business College work, being principal of schools in Welland, Orangeville and Wingham. From Wingham he enlisted in the 161st Huron County Battalion and went overseas in 1916. He went to France to the 18th Battalion as a ser- geant and was awarded the Military Medal and Bar, each for conspicuous bravery in saving life in the battle. field. After an Officer's training course in England he returned to the 18th in France, was severely wounded at Amiens, August 8, 1918 and was in hospital in France, England and Can- ada until February, 1921. Upon discharge from hospital he, with his family went to Saskatche- wan where with his brother, Roy, he farmed for a time, then returned to Cartwright, where for some years he owned and operated a general store in Nestleton. In 1936 he moved to Ottawa, where he held a position in the Civil Service, Department of De- fence until his retirement to Orono in 1950. He is survived by his wife and three daughters: Mrs. M, P, Philp(Marion) of West Hill, Mrs. R. J. Fennell (Gene= vieve) of Waterville, Quebec, and Mrs, A. Abbott (Pauline) of Ottawa, also three grandsons: F1/Cadet Peter Philp of Centralia, David and John Philp of West. Hill. * The funeral service in the United Church, Orono was conducted by the Rev. John Kitchen, assisted by the Rev. W. H. V. Walker of Stirling, Ont. Interment was in Cartwright Union Cemetery at Cadmus We cannot think of them as dead, Who walk with us no more Along the path of life we tread, «They have but gone before. Rod & Gun Club The annual dinner of the Club is being held on the evening of Friday, November 25th. The dinner is being prepared by the Scout Mother's and is being held in the Scout Hall. Time of the dinner is 6.30 p.m. i The dinner committee are very busy preparing the entertainment for that night as they have object in view to make this a most enjoyable evening. At an annual meeting of the Ont. Federation of Anglers and Hunters crimination of the Ontario bird hunt- ers on Peele Island. It has been pointed out that of the 2000 licenses issued only about 5 to. 10 percent of this number are hunters from Ontario and the remainder are those from the United States. It is felt that there | should be a greater number of licenses issued to the Ontario hunters. sponsoring two meetings in farmers regarding the propos assembly points or yards... Ti Hog Producers' Meetings Thé Ontario County Hog Producers' Association is order to get information- to ed progamme for opening new 1c meetings will be as follows: » : . MARA TOWNSHIP HALL, TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 8:00 p.m. } | = Brown; Mrs. R. Boundey was held in the Department of Agri- | Mac Seamen returned with them for a TESTER HALL. WED. | = 2 2.00 2 : ] u . Buffet Set--Mnrs. M. Coates; Evelyn | culture Office, Uxbridge, on October | Visit with the Stewart family. MANCHESI _ Hall oyna 3, 8:00 p.m. Custom Tailoring for Ladies Whitfield; Mrs. G. Brown ~ & '17th. - Mr. Allen Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. sped Mr. Ch rl 4 M 4 2) Ys . ) - = Place Mats--Mrs. N. Malcolm; Mrs. | The highlights-of the meeting were | Claude -Stevens-and. children of Free- - ; > Lanes MeTnnis: and Gents A. Hicks; Jean Swain addresses by Mr. W. J. Wood as zone | mont, Alberta, have been visiting Mr. All Hog Producers should plan now to attend one of : ee LE : : ETRE NE Luncheon Set -- Mrs. R. Boundey; director on the Ontario Cream Pro-|and Mrs. Murray Wilson. On their inn Presid . t Alterations and Re ai . - { Mrs. M. Coates; Mrs. N. Malcolm dicers' Marketing Board and Mr. | return trip, Mrs. Wilson- and Melody ) 4, rreslaent, : S ] Oil Painting---Mrs.'R Boundey; Mrs. Sproule Currie, 'Fieldnian for the | Ann accompanied them as far as Ontario County Hog Producers' Assoc. 2 Pp rs a pecla y M. Coates; Mrs. H. Skerratt | Cream Producers' Association. Lion's Head. . -- : FOR RENT; Frame Building, beside tailor shop. po 1 : [ ] Fant x Introducing... the car with the Magic oucl! Swany tie voimtvy] --nlroducing.. lie car ti 2 Magic lou, ee sony | ; SRAM Hn gly Tip Top's | made to measure : | | < 10) 5 GO | 1 ) ID OT0O 3 gy * - | > | 5 | | 1 IY ) ) | DA | un Trimmer, more natural style : . i Select your fabric : from an outstanding 495° "CLUB CLOTHES" group at : 2 pe. ) : ~ CANADA'S GREATEST CLOTHING VALUE cus cLomies "O° T TIP TOP CLOTHES TS» ©%° 1p FLEET STREET CLOTHES + © ©%° To = H. H. STONE p "STORE FOR MEN" : " ; wy RCHLIIN SAY, JUNIORS YEAH... AND | GET UR JUNIOR... GETTING GRANDMA THOUGHT. PONT EXPECT ME FAT! AFTER-DINNER } TO CARRY You! Lie Mak ; " IM . LOSE WEIGHT... D-- i ' z REE : De Soto Fireflite Four-Door Seda pi Togo XD 1 2 ty y ; 0 for 1956 truly has a magic air But the real magic is in the performance of - = You'll find lots more that's new in the. \ fen : | 4 De Som, 9 y J thig all-new automobile. Picture yourself magnificent new De Soto.for 1956. Visit SoH. BUT HE GETS TIRED AND I THE WHEN HE 2ET8" 5G The first thing youll see is new pace- here. You've started the new, more power- your Dodge-De Soto dealer now for the HAVE TO CARRY HMB. SOT HOME HELL BE TOO TIRED | £ Soir Bp ng Jou i e distinctive ful Fireflite engine with a turn of the key. complete story. THINK WE'LL CHANGE THE TO EAT/ getting styles Start with the distinctive ul Fire g v new grille ... let your eye sweep along the: Now you press a button to put the Power- ° STRATEGY © Bgrone sleek side of the car . . . and" then thrill Flite automatic transmission 'in driving A styling and engineering achievement . , A He to the new upswept rear fender lines. range. Step on the accelerator and... GOI manufactured by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited / EE " 74 ee { FEA : . hs 5 DRIVE THIS MAGIC PERFORMER WITH THE FORWARD LOOK > AT YOUR DODGE-DE SOTO DEALER'S NOW. E ley BEARE MOTORS LIMITED i PHONE 333 PORT PERRY . held at Orillia they discussed the dis-|§ THEATRE LAKEVIEW PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 pm. ~ I THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT., OCTOBER 27-28-29 Guy Madison, Kim Novak, Brian Keith To i "In the Sparkling New Comedy Drama' : "FIVE AGAINST THE HOUSE" 1 IT . COMEDY AND SHORTS : MONDAY, TUES, WED. OCT. 31, and NOV. 1-2 Richard Denning and Julia Adams In the Sensational Thrill Drama THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON COMEDY, ETC. "2 5 JELLIES, CREAMS, KISS CANDY, and PEANUTS, LAST WEEK TO GET YOUR - HALLOWE'EN TREAT" re tr HALLOWE'EN MASK and FALSE FACES. ~.. Saturday Specials "Chocolate Date Layer Cake" "Cream Goods" GERROW'S BAKERY Phone 32W : G. M. GERROW J 0 & J : : y ' Franssen Tailor Shop ~~ NowinNew Location ~~ Perry and North Streets The Franssen Tailor Shop have moved to larger quarters ad will occupy the building formerly used by the Scugog eaners. "io BRING YOUR PRESSING and CLEANING to us here, - we are agents for Sibby Cleaners of Oshawa. --A S _-- ny Gis Sal sp GAH GE J A E 5 ni a