Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Oct 1955, p. 7

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a SR ay a ERT H Yaad x $F OAR ve Blackstock A very fine Thanksgiving meéting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs, Lloyd Wright on Wednesday, rs Airy October 12th. The Pres. opened with a short poem. "We sing "Come" Ye 'Phankful People", . Mrs. Arnold Tay- slor read several verses from different, "parts of the Bible and gave a talk on them, then offered prayer. - Roll was answered by, "I am thankful for ----, Treas. gave a very gratifying report. Correspondence and thank-you notes were read. The fall rally to be held in Hampton, Oct. 26th was announced. In: the absence of the group leader, Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mrs, Roy Taylor then took the chair and the following programme was given--Mrs. Cecil Hill read a letter from Mrs. Mérrill Fer guson telling of their trip home to Africa; Mrs. Hutton read an item on Temperance; Mrs, Gordon Strong rendered a piano solo and Mrs, Taylor gavera very interesting second chap- ter of the Study Book. A Hymn was sung and Mrs, Larmer closed with Prayer. Murs. Taylor thanked those Who took part and Mrs. Wright. A lovely lunch was served by the group and a social half hour enjoyed by the twenty ladies and seven children pre- sent. The Women's Institute met' at the home of the Pres. Mrs, Lorné Thomp- son. Vice pres, Mrs, Jng. Rahm pre- sided, Treas. report showed a balance "on hand of $196.00. The Annual Dis- trict banquet to be held at Newcastle October 18th was discussed and fif- teen members planned to attend. Roll call was "My. favorite newspaper or magazine column and something 1 have learned from it." Mrs, LI. Byers gave the Scripture reading. It was decided to give this day's offering to the Mental 'Health Association. Plans were made for the bus trip to the Area convention in Toronto in Nov., also plans for catering to the Rotary banquet here Nov. 16th. A donation of twenty-five dollars was voted to the Blackstock Fair board. Mrs, Ivan Thompson presided for the following programme--Theme was "Public Relations"; Motto--*"The light that shines farthest, shines brightest at home". Mrs, Roy Taylor brought us up to date on Current Events; Mrs. John McKee read "Autumn Tints"; Mrs. Lorne Thompson gave a very fine paper on "Public Relations"; Mrs. Neil Malcolm had a contest on Thanks. giving. Group served lunch of Dag- wood sandwiches and doughnuts. There was an attendance of 40. Rev. and Mrs, C. W, Hutton, Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mrs. Earl Dorrell went to Toronto Thursday and heard | Billy Graham and Mr. and Mrs, Neil Malcolm and Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kyte ~ went on Friday. : There were ten tables played euchre. at the Farmers Union Party in the Commynity hall Friday night even tho it was pouring rain. Prize win- ners were at follows: High lady-- Mrs, Walter Lawrence; Consolation-- Mrs, D. Wilson. High gent---Mr. Geo. Prosser; Consolation ----- My. Balfour Mooye. Door prize-- Keith Vancamp, A great number gathered in the hall Saturday night to spend the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfield before their leaving this community: Mr. Creighton 'Devitt, neighbor for many 'years was chairman and made a very fitting address and Mrs..Herb, Swain and Mr. Ed, Harris on behalf of the neighbors and friends presented them with an electric kettle, iron and toaster. Both Mr, and Mrs. Whitfield made splendid replies. They moved to St. Catherines on Monday where Mr. Whitfield has been working for some little time past. ; Sorry' little Blair Martyn had the misfortune of breaking his arm on Thursday evening when he tumbled off his kiddy car. : Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard Trewin on the birth of«a son in Port Perry hospital, Oct. 4th. Congratulations to Mr. Herbert Hooey and Mrs. Helena Coulter of Newark, N.J.,, who were married in Stirling, Ont, on Saturday, Oct. 8, by Rev. Victor Walker, a former min. ister of Nestleton Presbyterian charge. Mr, and Mrs, Hooey plan to reside in Newark for the winter, Little Margaret Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mew, Toronto was baptized in the Anglican church Sun-. day p.m. by the Rev. Geo. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and Mr. Rich- ard Mew, all of Toronto were God parents. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- cock entertained a number of the rela- tives to supper in their home after the baptism. - Mr.-and Mrs, Geo. Wolfe, Brian and John spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Minerva Cowan and: Mr. and Mrs. Llye Cowan, Saskatoon, were guests at the Leask-Marlow wedding Qct. 1st and called on some of their relatives. ar Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Marlow re- turned Sunday from a week's visit with Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow, Jon- ny and new baby Sopia Jane in Lively, Ontario. : . Mr, Wm, Taylor, Victoria, B.C, is visiting his sister Mrs. N. H, Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Playfoot and boys of L Lindsay were Sunday Supper guests of Miss Ethel and Mr. Henry Thomp- son, . Several from here attended Cadmus 'anniversary services Sunday and re- port very fine services in spite of the rain and very bad roads, where con- struction has been going on. Rev. Green of Enniskillen was guest speak- er. MASTER DRY AND FITTING + the foundation for Develop ik production m hee future. INCREASE MILK PRODUCTION in §° wh - R-- N Hi "The following formula has proven succesgful-- it . 100 Ibs. MASTER DAIRY 24% CONCENTRATE 200 lbs." YQUR OWN GRAIN 800 lbs. 16% DAIRY RATION ~~ = La Bring your grain to us and let us grind it and thoroughly mix it with the proper amount of Master 24% Concen- . trate, - MASTER FEEDS ho gH o. Fast, Fair anfl Friendly Service, PORT PERRY PHONE 1 Rev. Hutton was guest speaker at Burketon anniversary Sunday p.m. and evening, . Mrs. W.'W. Vancamp and Mrs. Thos. Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. R, Perrin, Cameron, on Sunday. - Mr, and Mrs, Stephen Saywell and 'Miss Helén Vancamp called on Mus. W. W. Vancamp Saturday enroute to Ottawa, Montreal and points in U.S.A. They are to attend a school confer- ence in Ottawa while away. - Sorry to say Mrs. G. Hughes is in Oshawa hospital taking tréatments prior to an operation. We hope, she will have a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Russel Mountjoy were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ferguson and attended the Rally Day service in Newcastle United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Bill were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Ernest Swain's; - Mr. and 'Mrs. Carl McLaughlin at- tended the Sharpe-Skinner wedding at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Skin- ney Tyrone Saturday. Rev. Milton Sanderson, North Parkdale, officiated. Mrs, John Marlow is visiting her daughter Mrs, Ivan Shook and family, Toronto. : O.N.O. met at Connie Swain's on Thursday evening. There was a great deal of-business as planning for the Dance, Nov. 4th; The annual husbands. night and the catering to the Feder- ated Teacher's ete. - An "Action" con- test was greatly enjoyed and the us- ual lunch and social time. Cedar Creek Miss Dorothy Playter of Queens- ville spent the Thanksgiving 'week- end with the Spencer family. Congratulations: te Mr. and Mrs, Manson Wodd on' the birth of a son on Saturday, © Mur. and Mrs. Lorne Phare of Tyrone called on Mrs, Kilpatrick Saturday afternoon on théir way to Uxbridge to attend the funeral of a relative, The newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bacon (Doris Dearborne) were enter- tained in Prospect School on Saturday evening. FElevén tables of progres- sive Euchre were enjoyed, The prize winners were: High lady--Mus,- Ed. Conlin; low lady Mrs. Harold Holtby. High gent--Phil Goreski; low gent-- Lloyd Smith. ESE After the cards were finished Les. Smith asked the bride and groom to the platform and he read the address. They were presented with two coffee tables. Doris thanked everyone for the lovely gifts and asked them to visit them in their home in Green- bank. Earl added his thanks also. Lunch was served bringing an en- Joyable evening to a close. Miss Flossie Spencer and brothers were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Steele at Raglan. The Anniversary Service was well attended and everyone enjoyed Rev. are celine 2 . pats i ¥ ao A . asi EE a tae a SE - " FT det tn s emit THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1956.7 H. A. Mellow of Qshawa inspiring message and Mrs. Colby's Boys Choir of Uxbridge. . The Turkey Supper of Saturday night was quite & succéss; thanks to all who attended and to all the helpers, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson" Ashton and Mr, A. Heron of Ashburn spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Suther- land. Coe Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nelson and family spent Thanksgiving with his | parents in Campbellford. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Harper of Osh- awa at Frank Kendall's aver the holi- day week-end. i : Mrs, Grant Franklin spent an after- noon last "week with- Mrs, Henry Barnes. : : Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer attended the Watson - Risebrough Wedding on Saturday. Mrs. Louie Cassady of Brooklin with the Kendall's for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geer were Char- ivarid the other evening. An enjoy- able time was spent by all. Welcome Marie to Utica. The Utica people were very pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. Burtch and Way; ne at their Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, R. Sutherland spent Saturday evening with My. and Mrs, IR. Sonley, Port Perry. Glad to hear Mrs. Sutcliff is able to be home from the hospital. We! hope for continued improvement. Evelyn Ross spent a few days with Mrs. Ackney last week. | \ Ontario Riding PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Association (Federal) * Friday, November 4th, 1955 Speaker: John B. Hamilton, M.P. - Lo CUE INE ENC IE RT et Ue Annual Meeting ¢ Whithy Town Hall 8:00 P.M. kh Tn Nae an en tt I. MARKS, Secretary. LS I a Se A TA i) rnin, FIRST with push-bunton | automa gear selecting NOW- Just push a button ...and away you go! Push-button driving is here! That's right, you now control Plymouth PowerFlite automatic transmission with buttons on a special panel at your finger tips, The shift lever is eliminated. Just press a button . .. and GO! Try this marvellous new driving thrill. PowerFlite with push-button control step-on the gas . available at extra cost on all '66 Plymouth models, NOW- More "pickup" power! Ja New Plymouth 6-cylinder engines give you more power ; than ever. So does the new Hy-Fire V-8, now available in all Plymouth series. You get. higher torque, too, for more wallop and getaway. NOW-= safer than ever with many exclusive features.! : ; vr New Life Guard door-locks. New, stronger frame. New ' cote headlamps that 'provide more light with less glare, Exclusive Safety-Rim wheels that help td guard against blowout dangers. Electric windshield wipers, NOW- Better-than-ever power driving alds | New easier action power brakes, Coaxial full-time power steering --the kind with no annoying "on and off" - feeling. Power-operated window lifts, Power ment. All are optional at moderate extra cost. PHONE YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO DEALER NOW FO seat adjust LZ JTH Here now... He new Fliplot-Syyled '56 New beauty gives wings fo the Forward look = your Fymourth dealer invites you 1o.see for yourself Now, Plymouth, finest car in the low-price field, brings you new flight-styled beauty. The '66 Plymouth has greater power, too, and revolutionary push-button automatic gear selecting. Forward-thrusting front fenders and low, sloping hood enhance the streamlined Forward Look . . . give you better > «vision, too. Newest styling innovation is the upward-sweeping line of slender rear quarter panels --sleek as the smooth as a jet in flight! ' tail of a jet, v Yes--Plymouth for '56 is brilliantly new, inside and ous, It's styled to make your s spine-tingling performance. Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited 1% ~ INNES MOTOR SALES PHONE 168 v ¢ PORT PERRY, ONT. A DEMONSTRATION RIDRI pirits soar--powered to give you wt ha Ia Cw fi Si Eh fr oh th aor 5 Lei . ; ww au Wm a A ae : ror il I a on EA 5 wo, - rr

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