E, A HAS ES ANA AAR IEE TPR wb SRR BEL HRA el Ha 154 <b 3 LA KENYA 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1066 Seagrave The meeting of the W.A. was held in the S. School room with a good at- tendance. The meeting was opened with the theme song and a Hymn. Prayer was given by Mrs. Scott. The Scripture was taken by Mis. Eagle- Mrs. Fishley gave a reading on "Living Each Day as it Comes" and then a diet was sung" "Tike Time to be Holy" by Mrs, Keen ang Mrs, Bil- ling ham, \ HOH. Hymn 388 closed this part of the meeting, The president then took the chair, and minutes of last meeting were read apd the Roll call taken,' It was decided to send flow- ers to one of (ip sick members. A 1eport on the Work that has been planned to be done at the parsonage was then given by Mrs, Clements. Then a discussion on taking our Plays to Whitby Fair view Lodge in the near future. Then as it is gétting near the time for Foul Suppers, it was decided to hold Seagrave Turkey Supper on the usual' first Wednesday in 'Nov: So watch "for fuither notice. ¢ Hymn 208 was sung and a lovely 'lunch was served by the West group: Mr. Ered Cookson has been getting several ribbons on his horses. Master Jimmy Cookson and Harvey Webster Ev CLOTHING VALUE . Tip FLEET STREET CLOTHES CWB CLOTHES *aA 9° TP TOP CLOTHES *S59°° *69°° H. H. STONE CANADA'S GREATEST tailors The Store For yo wih as © SDE RS ES EERIE RNIN SRE SR aR SUR WRAL Fv hin were up at the exhibition helping to look after the horses, They took 1st und 3 seconds at Orono, Mr, and Mrs. Milt Demara and fa- mily and Mr. Glen Demara visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. Wanamaker on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt and Carol visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Lyle at Sutton on Sunday, also called on friends at_Pefferlaw, ¢ _. Mr, and Mrs. Tommy Abraham of Peterboro spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Abraham. Miss Elsie Harper 'spent_the week- | end with Miss Phillis Keen. Mrs, Archie Burnett and Miss Ileen Burnett and friend spent one day re- Burnett and friend psent one day re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Milt Stone. Mr, and Ms. Glen Wanamaker, Syl- via and Nan¢y have just returned af- ter spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Mitchel at Galt. jog Mr. Mitchel is spending a few weeks | with his daughter at Bobcaygeon, The couple of afte room getting _s Ladies of/the W.M.S. spent a ons at the S. School ie quilts ready to send in the fall ha .. Six large quilts and 6 crib quilts Were made ready and on Thursday the 16th\being the occa- sion of one of our members birthday the ladies who had been quilting paid i surprise visit to Mrs, Mathews who was presented with a plant from the W.M.S¥*"A! pleasant hour was spent over a dainty lunch served by Miss Mathews, A couple of letters were read from Miss Willows who is back on her field of work again, RESULTS Ask for - Sun-Ray Feeds are the choice of thousands of Canadian Farmers, because they give Best Results, Best Value for your feed dollar. A full range of Sun-Ray I'eeds is now CLARENCE COOK Port Perry, Ont. For Poultry, Gattle and Hogs rq available from . . . . Phone 2 =| STEADY CONTROLLED FROM YO LIVING cally. The 'blue coal' TEMP- MASTER changes furandco controls automatl- Saves time -- saves sleps--soon pays for itself. Phono today forafree demonstration, HEAT ROOM 'blue coal'. iy Reesor Fuel & Lumber PORT PERRY *bluel. PHONE 73 Always ask for - ...if can cost you money! Don't just order coal--insist on 'blue coal'. UR 'blue coal' is colour-marked for your guarantee of heating satisfaction. It gives you the clear. full flame that means better heat--thrifty heat--safe heat. Thousands of Canadian families rely on 'blue coal' for steady, healthful heat. So don't be colour- blind* when you buy coal. It pays to order - 1 3 por Scott 5 SCRAP BOOK Walter Brennan, Corinne Calvet 0 ; In the Mighty Technicolor Canadian Adventure - 4 AS A : LOL "NE boiid BE "BILLION 4 . ~~ "THE FAR COUNTRY" MEDICAL | " . boinc 4 Wi SHORT PICTURES ¥ fe : BE PRODUCED FROM hi ~ . MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED, SEPTEMBER 26-27-28 ATMs on : Acs en BA OF rs Richard Widmark and Mai Zetterling WS, por a GREATER BUOY PEA PT a Lass CORK. aw Hoke J [=] babakot doin it KE THEATRE LAKEVIEW TREATRE Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. : Sy R. x: scon THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT., SEPTEMBER 22.23.24 { James Stewart, Ruth Roman, In the Most Astonishing Adventure of the Century "A PRIZE OF GOLD" | 'In Beautiful Technicolor SHORT PICTURES Srbiing ARLES CN MODERN MACHINES PLAM 1 M HOUR 1,000. oa 00 A OR a Let Your Baker Be Your Menu Maker § Prince Albert The weather being ideal, the sanc- tuary of the church was practically filled with people for the anniversary service, Rev. F. G. Joblin offered prayer, Everyone enjoyed guest mu- 'sical number, a vocal solo by Mrs. E, Kennedy "Bless This House". Our local choir rendered the Anthem "The Tempest is Raging". A Dedication Service was held when Mrs. Earl Martyn presented a beauti- ful new pulpit in memory of the late Rev. J. and Mrs. Denny. Rev. W. H. Wylie then introduced the guest speaker, Rev. S. H. Atkin- son of Oshawa, who delivered a most worthwhile sermon. The floral dis- play also added to the Pleasant wor- ship hour, The attendance could have been lar- ger for the Rally Day sérvice on Sun- day. Rev. F. Joblin presided. The junior mixed choir sang their sweet number "Jesus Bids Us Shine" with Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove at the piano. Miss Gail Hodgsons ably read the Scripture. Rev. Mr. Wylie delivered an appro- priate story that proved interesting to young and older folk, entitled, "The Union Jack". The adult choir chose "He Is Love", for their Anthem, Mis- ses M. Davey and C. Huntly sang a duet. Week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murphy and Mrs. Robt. Jackson included Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dickinson and Judy, all of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Hunter in com- pany. with his sister Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb of Haliburton, are ex- pected home anytime from _a: three week motor trip, visiting relatives in Western provinces, Suppose you folk have heard the wedding bells ringing in our village. Mrs. Collins has returned from a holiday visiting relatives in Peterboro. The executive meeting of S. S. was held at the home of Mrs. M. Case when much business was discussed. Mr;.and Mrs. A. Robertson and Mr. F. Vickery attended the banquet and concert in Uxbridge Monday night sponsored by the Co-operative Medical Services for Ontario County. Mr. and Mrs. M. Luke and little Paul of Hamilton spent the week-end with Mrs. C. Luke. Miss E. Spence has been visiting friends. near Toronto. : Mr. and Mrs, Milner of Unionville visited the former's sister Mrs. Cro- zier, Mrs. Mable Bentley of Richmond Hill; and sister Mrs. Ida Banks of Beaverton were Thursday dinner guests of Mrs, McKerihan and Mrs, Luke, Mr. and Mrs. F. Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. W. Somerville spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. L. Collins. Pearce visited in .spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. T. Choose something fresh each day for variety. Saturday Specials "ORANGE LAYER CAKE" "CHELSEA BUNS" - : GERROW'S BAKERY " Scugog The September meeting of the Head W.A. was held at the home of Alice Pearce on Sept. 7, with 14 members present. TO 0 The meeting opened with the sing- ing 'of the hymn "O Master let me Walk with Thee". Betty Reader then led us in the Lord's Prayer. Thé Scripture from the book of Romans was read by Mabel Graham. Tovey Heayn then read our story and poem from-"Channels of Devotion", entitled "Willing Service". The roll call was our favourite tele- vision program, and the answers were indeed varied. The treasurer then gave a very favourable report on our bazaar and baking sale. Phone 32W * G. M. GERROW 0 a LEE a FETEEE Painting and Decorating AVE/YOUR WORK DONE BY EXPERIENCED PAINTERS and DECORATORS. NTH The program consisted of color pic- tures shown by Clara Martyn, of her trip to Gaspe, and the Maritimes. These were much appreciated by those present. Following this pleasant entertain- ment the lunch was served by Joyce Heayn's group. ave the Equipment and men for any size job, FREE ESTIMATES and SAMPLES. -- + 2b Years in the Trade A. ELLIS PHONE BLACKSTOCK ; 47r 23 : Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Espie, whose baby boy was born on September 4th. The Head Comniunity extends best wishes to- Miss Edith Adams, whose 80th birthday will be celebrated on Sept. 28rd. We wish her many more happy years in our midst. Mrs. A. Ashbridge is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. C. Har- rison in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Dusty and daugh- ter Mona were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff of Port Perry Redman. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey and son Alan of Utica. Grace United Church W.A. held 2 their Sept. meeting last Wednesday 5 at the Church. The meeting opened | 8 with the singing of hymn "Breathe % on Me Breath of God". Mrs. Bob Tet- | & low read the Scripture taken from Psalms. It was reported that $118.50 wag collected during the canvass for painting the Church. It was decided to have Mr. Ellis come and paint the interior only, as soon as possible, A quilting bee was planned for Wed., Sept.-21--The quilt is to be sold and tickets go for 26c. each--Draw to be made on Nov. 9th at our November WA meeting. A supper is planned for 'Sept. 28th. Group III in charge. Offering was $4.95. A hymn "I would be True" and the benediction ended the meeting. Lunch was ser- ved. ; : This coming Sunday will be the final service for our minister Rev. J. D. McKinnon. Communion will be observed. Kveryone please try and attend. Port Perry, Ont. In order to take a much needed holiday and rest we : will be closed from SEPTEMBER 28 until OCTOBER 9. sepl22 ALLAN WALSH YOU ARE INVITED TO ENJOY THESE BOWLING ACTIVITIES: . FRIDAY EVENING -- FAMILY DOUBLES THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS -- OPEN BOWLING : SATURDAY AFTERNOON-- 2 to 5 o'clock Public School Children 10c. High School Children 16¢. Cawseway Bowling Lanes "stay-ahead" driving! PowerFlite : automatic transmission NEW YH Lg Ed '