Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jul 1955, p. 8

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\ By hin mail 00080808 BOOB SIPOSIPOSIS NE NE NEN NE AS i 0 A AEE A A Rt ht A Sh Re ht hi ht ut It A A A AE AE AE SE ER 2 AE Ee TR Ue RAS RA : a Eh Lhe tp dag 8----THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 14th, 1956 Pirectone 5 YALL NVLON LESS TIRES 21% STRONGER © SUPER PROTECTION AGAINST BLOWOUTS I SUPER PROTECTION AGAINST PUNCTURES ® SUPER PROTECTION AGAINST SKIDDING Blackstock A large number attended the In- stitute meeting on Wednesday in the Parish Hall. The president, Mrs. L. Thompson, presided and the meeting opened with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Col- lect. Miss Clara Marlow gave a very interesting talk on her experienees in y Girl Guide and C.G.LT. camps, Mrs. { Murray Byers gave the current: event. | Meeting closed with 'the singing of "God Save the Queen" then all went to the lovely shady grounds beside the church and held races and sports after which a fine picnic supper was enjoyed. Mrs, Velva _Bailey's group was in charge. Mrs,. Albert- Wright, Mrs. Carl Wright and Mrs, Percy VanCamp and Mrs. Osmond Wright attended a shower for Miss Joan Walker at the home of Mrs, Wallace Holmes, Oshawa on Friday night. (The bridegroom to be is a nephew of these ladies, and 1s Clifford Edgar, of Oshawa.) Mrs. Carl Wright, Nancy and Le- anne Dorrell, Mrs, Osmond - Wright and Mr. and Mis, Will Forder attended the wedding, of Miss Marilyn Forder and Mr. Gary Hancock, in St." Paul's Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday. Mrs. MeGill, Toronto, is visiting her nieces Mrs. Wallace Marlow and Mrs. Harry VanCamp., Mr, and Mrs, Howard Forder were guests at the Forder-Ilancock wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp and Jimmy, of Listowel brought Miss A. VanCamp home Saturday, and spent . I A di i goes OBO BO BOSOB GOR - 334 RITSON ROAD, SOUTH i Phone RA. 5-6233 OSHAWA ; STUDEBAKER DEALERS $ . 0] VOLKSWAGEN DEALERS i bei o Official Opening : | VOLKSWAGEN AGENCY | 'Monday, July 18th. ou are invited to see the 19565 Models now in our : show rooms. We are now authorized Dealers for : "VOLKSWAGEN PRODUCTS $ " e262e%4 XR oTatatilite? SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. : SASMAIARAASAAASARARARSSRARNRSSN RRR RS PTR LSE Blue Coal SUMMER PRICES $25.25 © $1.00 per ton Discount if paid in 15 days igh nary REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY, ONT. per fon PHONE 73 # Ni General Admission 7bc. Special Event T here will be Plenty of Action and Thrills inthis coming Mat Show. Plus: Other All Star Events Ringside $1.00 PROFESSIONAL RESTLING PORT PERRY ARENA FRIDAY, JULY Zand, 8.45 p.m. Children 650c. © PAS DRT 3 pe FE Ax 5 [93 A ARRAY Wikre Qi dois 3 SSRN 4 | visiting her parents, Mr, id & Fe | the week-end with the. Percy Van- Camps and his mother Mrs, W. A, VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bullock, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the Goldwin Faints at their cottage. Margaret Saywell, of Oshawa, has been holidaying with her aunt Mrs. Arthur Bailey and other frieinds, Dianne spent<Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Murray and girls at Port Credit. Mrs Harry Graham and Miss Verna of Toronto, spent last week with the untjoys and Grahams, fr, and Mrs. Wilfred Hobden, Carol a Donna, Boston, Mass, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- cock and their numerous friends in this community. Mrs, Saywell, 8r,, and Mr. and Mrs. Manual, Oshawa, spent Sunday even- ing with the Howard Saywells. . Mr, and Mrs. Norman McNally and friends, of Colborne, called on several friends here on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Sturrock and family and Mrs. Charlotte Forder, of Bowmanville, with Mr, and Mrs. How- ard Forder and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hall and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Stan Rahm and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright- and girls visited her parents Mr, and Mrs, Harold Stinson, Yelverton on Sunday. Lorna remained for some holidays. Miss Mary Ellen Downey, Toronto, spent a few days with the George Wolfes. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze are spend- ing a few days with friendsi in Mid- land and attended the Ney family pic- nic there Saturday. B Little Margaret Mansel and Master Jack, of Montreal, are visiting at Dr. McArthur's. "Mr. and Mis. G. Andersen, Green- bank, Mr. and Mrs, H. Morrison and family, Toronto, were Saturday guests of Mrs. Ford. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Kelusky and Mrs. Graham, Galt; Mrs. Sutherland, '| Joan and Mayleen, Bancroft, with Mr; and Mrs. Carl Wright. _ A gréat many from here attended $s [the Orange Walk in Lindsay on Sat, Mrs. Harold Weir, London, has Bech and Mrs. T. ¢:| Bowman. Thursday they all visited Mr. and Mrs. Robson Bowman, at Stroud. Mrs. Howard Grass, Geneva Park, at the Bowman's, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drinkwater and son, of Ottawa, Miss Mabel VanCamp, Toronto, and Miss Helen VanCamp, of Oshawa, with Mrs. W.. W, VanCamp. Mrs. Harold Hepbourn and Carl; Mrs. Herman 'Hepbourn, of Oshawa, with Mrs. James Henry. * ARNG, cis dr shins Eat atd ay Yimin BRAN A VRRRL HSA Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and 'Mrs. Freeman Hepbourn; Mr .and' * ARYL ft Miss Clare Marlow attended an ex- ecutive meeting last week, and this week has charge of C.G.I.T. group at Quin-No-Lac Camp near Havelock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp; Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and Mrs, McGill, Toronto, called on friends at Buedley and Bethany, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kyte and fam- ily are holidaying at a cottage on Bowmanville Beach. Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Thompson, Elizabeth and Bill, visited with them Sunday. ' Recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Orr Venning, were Mr, Jos. Thompson and son William, . 'Oshawa; Mr. Homer Coulter; Mrs, Gilmore, Bill and Bob, Toronto; Mts, - Moss, Raymond and Linda, - Unionville. ~ Mr. and Mrs, Harold Werry and Jeanine. Kedron, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Bill, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Herb Swain and Mr, and Mrs, Leith Byers with Mrs. Jessie Weir, Brooklin, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, John Veale and baby, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Grieves. v Mrs. John Ballingal, Joanne and David withs#r, and Mrs, Lee Palgrain at a cottage at Williams Point. Donna Ferguson and Marie Aldred, of Newcastle, with Mr, and Mrs. R. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Smith (Mildred Archer) left Malton by plane Satur day for a holiday with his parents in Newfoundland. Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt, of Bowmanville,, were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Harris, Tuesday... Manchester ~ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Selby, Oshawa and Mrs. A. Tippett 'and Donna of Toronto visited their parents Mr, and Mrs: Wm. McCartney recently. Mrs. Griffiths and daughters, Tor- onto visited at 'the Leach .home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jewell and daughters, Sonya, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding and sons, Ashburn visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, A. Piling on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cochrane, Avon- dale Istate, Georgia, and Mrs, Wills and two children of California spent a few days last week with Mrs, J. Bain and Mr. Earl Mitchell. } . Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kimlin, Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cummings on- Sunday. ; Miss Darlene' Hedley of Merriton is holidaying with Mrs. Dolly Roberts. Mr. C. Andrews of Toronto is visit- ing his sister Mrs. Albert Timms and Mrs. Timms. + Mrs. Mina McMaster, Uxbridge spent a few days with her niece, Mrs. SN Silas Josh Dobson and Mr. Mr. visited Mr, on Sunday. ; Mr. Gordon Winnacott and Miss Irene Fontaine, Toronto were guests -of Mrs. Bain and Earl Mitchell on Dobson. and Mrs. Jack Ronald, Ajax and Mrs. W. F. Crosier .| Sunday. Miss Jeanie Hurst, Creswell is visit- ing Mrs. Ruby Fielding. Billie Thompson of Brantford fs Mrs; W. D. Muro, Scugog News News The July meeting of the Head W. A. was held at the home of Joyce Heayn, Nineteen members and three visitors were present on a very hot afternoon. The meeting was opened by the president, Betty Reader, then all join- ed in singing "Onward Christian Sol- diers." A prayer was given by Ma- rion Carter. Alice Pearce read the Scripture from the book of Peter. An interesting story on "Appreciation of Other Races was read from our study book, 'Channels of Devotion', by Mar- ion Carter. The roll call was an- swered by a word and thought asso- ciation, beginning with the word "July". The business of the meeting was then begun, with reports from the visiting committee, and discussion of the Penny Draw 'for the Hospital Auxiliary. We decided to have our next meeting in the form of a picnic. The meeting on July 18th, at the Centre, when Mrs, Ives will be guest speaker, was planned. Marion Carter then gave us a cons test on words heg ginning with "pat". We ended our afternoon with a de- licious lunch served by Marion Car- ter's group. Mrs. H. Barry left last Saturday for Haliburton -where she will spend a few days with her parents. Mrs. Cosford and Mrs. Setter of Star City, Sask., were week end visit- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerrow. Epsom School - Report Listed alphabetically. Grade 8 to 9--Arthur Powell, Imma'}- Soomre. Grade 7 to 8--Jerry Asling, Faye Asling, Diane Jordon, Arnold Kerry, Douglas MacCannell, Elaine Medd. Grade 6 to 7--Ross Bailey, Murray Prentice. Grade b to 6_Patsy Bailey, Frank Millman, Ross Prentice, Soomre, Keith Wilson. Grade 4 to 5--Antoinette Laviolette, Ross Munro. visiting his grandparents, Mr. and| Toomas |: \ BRI - A LAKEVIEW Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 pm. THEATRE PORT PERRY MONDAY to SATURDAY, JULY 11th to 16th CLOSED FOR THIS WEEK (Due to length of Show) <> Le 2mm 1 MONDAY, TUES., WED., THURSDAY, JULY 18-19 -20-21 John Wayne, Claire Trevor, Laraine Day In the 'Year's Record Smashing Technicolor Hit. - "THE HIGH AND MIGHTY" One show each night starting at 8.00 p.m. 4 SPECIAL MATINEE on WEDNESDAY at 2 pm.' FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 22 and 238 CLOSED FOR TWO DAYS Hoe ou sti OD 7 Ie It 1 . SLL RL SL IL SALI ILA RS LLY IL BRA RE RP RA RB << BEAUTY + SIZE + PERFORMANCE + PRICE TE - VALUE - See your Dodge-De Soto dealer for a ; DEPENDABLE USED CAR PHONE 333 y Dodge giveid you more beauty. The slim, trim, taut lines'of its Motion- Design for The Forward Look. pay off in pride of ownership, keep resale value high. Per- fectly matched Dodge interior colours' are more eye-appealing and fashion-right than ever, Dodge gives you greater size. Dodge is a foot longer than one competitor. inches longer than another. Dodge length enhances its low, road-hugging appear- Interiors afford real stretch- ance, out space, engine, . Dodge gives you finer performance, Test the smoothness and quietness of the .+ thrifty Podge 6. Or try the great new V-8 For increased efficiency and economy, it combines short-stroke design with exclusive dome-shaped combustion .. chambers, Nine expect. ready to make it worth yqur while to deal today! Yet Dodge is priced with the lowest. All this big-car beauty, size, performance ¢an be yours at far less than -you might Your Dodge-De Soto dealer ig 3 C COME IN OR CALL; LET DODGE PROVE ITS WORTH WITH A itil DRIVE| BEARE MOTORS LIMITED Hf PORT PERRY - i oH rE EDRE a] ) #, 4 Goodbye to Hurry-Scurry « & . ye, THE KITCHEN [| LET YOUR BAKER BE YOUR MENU MAKER. . Week-End Special 3; : eek-En ecials 'R | ", "PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE" Pion TARTS" | : © GERROW' S BAKERY . | - 3 § Phone 52% G.M. GERROW § Vaumi 0 JOE OO MER "Grade 3 to' 4--Wayne Burtch, Joana I, Laviolette, Bernice. McGrath, June Mec-| 2 ua . Grath, Albert Millman, Helen Munro. Grade 2 to 3--Larry Brown, Kerry C : Millman, Bétt{ Munro, Stephen Payne. ustom Grade 1 to 2 -- Lynda Geer, Jewel pay ut Ti rin Dawn MacCannell, Denise Payne, Sl gh : Margaretha Yager, Harry Zylstra. d e g 4 Grade 1(a)- -- Karen Geer, Billy| ~~. . | es Ti Jordan, | 5 Spelling Prizes -- Stephen Payne, Meat Prepared Albert Millman, Joana - Laviolette, Sy Rh ri Ross Bailey, Douglas . MacCannell, TS ay : Imma Soomre, Antionette Laviolette. | -- for RR . "| Attendance Prize--Jerry Asling. M. Vivian Wilbur, teacher. Lockers 'How"Skinny" Girls | | cL Lovely CAWKER BROS. Gain 5 to 10 Lbs. New Pep : -- r "» Tord i We shapely: aids heitht | "THE FAMILY BUTCHER Bree fois blot follows. They thank |, PHONE 2 skinny due to impaired appetite Senet iy blood PORT PERRY 4 ee lacks iron, Imp Tov digestion, nourishment; : EE pe increases pep; * Cet quaintod size only 60¢. a : Try Ostrex for new pounds, lovely curves, ATE new pep, day. All druggists. : 0 LJ "®

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