Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jul 1955, p. 7

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i Lg cri Yr WITTE T 1955 Review of Outstanding Businesses & Professions In Oshawa by Robert "hi ~ Warner Williams Radio Electric . 78 SIMCOE ST. N. Phone RA-5-3531 This firm has the latest and most efficient equipment for conducting a complete service for the repairing of all radios, regardless of the model or make. Their work is done by radio experts. . They do repairs on Auto Radios, Sound Equipment, Record Players and Automatic [Record Changers. Warner Williams sells Fleetwood new Radios and used Radios at prices that will save you money. They also sell Coffield Washers, and Moffat Stoves and a-complete line of Gen-. eral Electric Appliances. They ser- vice Moffat Stoves anywhere, They have a most complete line of supplies for your radio, so no matter what part you may require, it will pay to get in touch with them. In many cases the trouble is just]. some minor defect which can be re- medied in a very short time. when taken to a reliable shop such as this, and may we suggest that for your radio trouble--see Warner Williams. Western Tire and Auto Supply 79 SIMCOE N. RA-8-8353 Few, if any, business firms have _attained the prominence that is award- ed Western Tire and Auto Supply in| - Oshawa. They have built their business and increased their number of friends and customers, through their policy of 'good-service, courteous attention, and satisfaction ohove all to all. Fair prices for the many hundreds of pieces of good quality merchan- dise such as tires, tubes, power tools, auto accessories, electrical appliances, sporting goods and many other kinds and types of small items necessary ~~ und handy around your-auto-or-home. / i We feel that we would be far amiss if we should fail to count this firm "under the personal direction of Mr. N. Ward a distinct credit to the great city of Oshawa. With the great mul- -titude of satisfied customers; we wish in this review to highly recommend this firm. Franklin Simon Ladies' Wear 64, SIMCOE 'N. RA-3-7462 This is one of the foremost women's fashion centres in this part of the province. You will find here drésses, coats, suits, skirts, blouses and sportswear for every occasion. Their collection excels in variety and distinctiveness and they are always moderately priced. Their style oxo ts are always alert to every new fashion trend and in constant touch with the mode of the moment. For your inspection you will find a magnificent display of authoritative fashions from the fore- most designers. Franklin-Simon Ladies Wear know the value of a satisfied patron and would prefer not to make a sale than not to have their customers satisfied with their purchases. We take great pleasure in commend- ing this up-to-date store and suggest "you make this store your style head- quarters in Oshawa. M. Leggette "CUSTOM FLOOR SANDING AND REFINISHING R.R. 1, GLOVERS RD., OSHAWA RA-5-5836 Nothing is more important in an enterprising and fast growing country, such, as ours than the building trade . and its associate skilled trades. In re- | viewing some of these important busi- nesses that give a valued service to the building industry, we find that M. Leggette has strived at all times to meet the request of all his custom- ers, They do custom floor sanding, floor refinishing, laying, and remadel- ing and have floor sanders for rent at prices you can afford to pay. Estimates are cheerfully given with- out charge or obligation. = So con- sult M. Leggette about your plans, and they will figure with you and give you proper advice, backed by their "years of experience, on your particular Job. In a' review of this nature it affords us great pleasure to recommend such a firm which has built up a reputa- tion through years of honest dealings with the publie, an overhaul. 'Ross E. Mills Co. tod. 81 SIMCOE ST. Ne. "RA 3. 7641 One of the most complete and satisfactory services' -ever tffered the community 'is: provided by this reliable. firm which is directed by Ross KE: Mills himself. Mr. Mills has had over a quarter of a century experience in this field. r Chis firm has opened one of the finest showrooms in this part of the Province displaying: RUGS, CONGOLEUM, LINO, and WALL TILE. LINOLEUM, QUAKER ASPHALT, CORK, VINYL, Also QUAKER and CONGO WALL COVERINGS, and all types of carpeting and wall to wall coverings. B T he friendly sales staff are fully trained-to discuss your floor problems with you giving proper advice, We suggest you call upon this firm whom we are pleased to recommend to you for-a free estimate and you will be- come another of their satisfied customers throughout the region. AARARNAN AS Osha Furriers 11 KING E. RA-8-8322 If this season's' "new look" in wo- men's wear dates your furs, you can have them restyled at Oshawa Fur- vies. The new lines are featuring the netv lengths, -new sleeves and col- lar.. Old furs may be brought up-to- date with "the latest trend by. this shop's- skilled furriers. (We suggest you make arrangements now for re- pairs and remodeling. Oshawa Furriers have advanced styles from which you-may choose. They will assist you in the selection of choicest skins; whether it be a ready-made or a custom jacket or accessory. They specialize in custom designing. ~~ Milady will find capes, jackets and stoles to set off a smart ensemble. Inspect this shop's fine display at your ¢arliest convenience, as everyone knows that Oshawa Fur- rier is headquarters for fine quality furs, and remember their storage fa- cilities are the finest in the region. Mackie's Motor Sales USED CARS 760 KING E. RA-5-5743 Mr. Stewart Mackie, the friendly owner of this used car business who has been host to many hundreds of satisfied customers in this region still 'leads the field with their top quality used cars, See them now and you "will receive courteous and' friendly help in mak- ing a selection from a wide variety of makes and models. Yes, this is the place where satis- fied customers come again and tell their friends about it. You will find it pays handsomely to purchase a good used car for less money. Here you will find cars for every purse, all in tip-top condition and equipped to suit your needs. - No car goes without first having a thorough cleaning, and if necessary, We are pleased to re- commend this fine business to our people. Model Shoe Store 32 SIMCOE 8S RA-5-1521 Whenever there has been a mention of quality footwear, Model Shoe Store has always been associated. The staff of this store are expert shoe fitters with years of experience and their ability to fit the shoe has won Model Shoe Store many. satisfied patrons. ; Shoes in a wide variety of styles, that play a leading role in the correct costume of the well dressed woman are on display at this store, as well as shoes for men and children that fit with the comfort and style that you have always wanted. In fact, in regards to anything in the line of footwear, you cannot do better than to stop in at this friendly shoe store and see their most complete stock. We are pleased to recommend this store to our readers, i am -- Oshawa Glass and Mirror 048 SIMCOE N. RA-5-0514 This reliable firm at 948 Simcoe N., phone RA-5-0514, offers the people of this community glass for every oe- casion. They feature complete lines such ag Window - Glass, Plate Glass, Table and Furniture Tops, and carry one of the most eondplete selections of mirrors in Osh wa. - Under the d. ection of H. W. Neil, and T. W. Mosier, who have made many friends in. the area, they em- ploy men wh'; are experts in the glass BAAR ASAAMARARRAN ARS ARRAS AR] COOBARAR SAAR business and their knowledge and ex- -Iperience enables 'them to complete the finest glass jobs. Should you be considering anything in the way of glass, it will pay you to drop into this firm the next time in Oshawa and they will familiarize and give you an estimate of your glass problems, without Si ny Abligation, Black's Men's Wear 74 SIMCOR N. Phone RA-3-3611 A notable example. of substantial growth and steady progress made possible by selling quality merchan- dise at sensible prices is Black's Men's Wear in Oshawa. This popular men's wear store has always met with great approval by our male population in the county. They carry only the finest lines of merchandise in Men's Clothing, Ha- berdashery and Furnishings in NAME BRANDS that could only represent the quality that this firm has asso- ciated their good name with. Nationally advertised dines are car- ried here, which assures our people of veal value for their Dilchising dol- |. lars. As the old saying goes, "THE CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN." We know that the well dressed men in the county have found shopping at this modern store a pleasure. Pennyworth's Department Stores 21 BOND 'W. RA-5-4313 This is ope: of the most popular stores in Oshawa and is where you will find their quality always high- er than their price. You will be surpised at the wonder- ful values, so stop in Oshawa, ag this store is very well known-and a cordial welcome "is extended to you. ; This store is highly regarded by the people of Port Perry and district and is very popular as a place where our people at once feel at home while | in the city shopping. Its friendly atmosphere, which pre- dominates at all times, has placed this store in a class by itself, and it may be well termed the shopping head- quarters for this surrounding district. Their quality and fair prices are responsible for their high standing they now hold in this section of Ont- ario, and we are pleased to recommend Pennyworth's Department Stores to all our people. Alsco Sales (Oshawa) Lid. 135 SIMCOE N. RA-3-2863 Distributors for the popular 'Alsco' windows and doors, also awnings and canopies. i They have the most modern all alu- minum windows and doors. These combination screen and. stofim sash are economical and will savé on yous fuel bill. This window has been greatly ac- cepted by: the building trade due to the newer method of 'interchange. They are self storing, secure, rigid, airtight. 'Alsco' is the only aluminum product in Canada which is recommen- ded by Parents Guide, the American Health Associates and Good House- keeping. They are custom built and installed by their experts. We sug- gest that you telephone this firm for a free demonstration at no obligation to you. 5) In this review of the outstanding firms that give you a valued service to our readers, we wish to compliment 'Alsco' on' their fine service and re- commend their aluminum windows and doors to all of our readers. We know that you will receive somplete satis. faction, | Wilson Furniture |Company ° 20 CHURCH ST. RA-3-3211 Since the first time, many years ago, that this firm was, established, they have continually given consideration to the public needs. in house furnishings. Month after month, our people have found great values and the highest trade-in prices, at this progressive store, which has become well known as the leading furniture store in Oshawa. Wilson Furniture Company has a wide experience in the furniture line and in serving the public and their knowledge of present-day needs places the modern art of furniture crafts- manship of-beautiful and comfortable furniture, also appliances and lamps, at the people's command. We are pleased to give commend- able mention to Wilson's Furniture Company, and wish them many years of continued success, and we know that a visit there will find: you be- coming another of their hundreds of satisfied customers. . Sabyan Motor Sale. Lid. 334 RITSON RD. -S. RA-5-6233 As the authorized dealers for Stu- debaker cars and Trucks and Volks- wagen cars and Transporters, with their fine outstanding record of per- formance, they carry through their policy of "with sales goes service," and have lived up to their policy by operating one of the finest repair ser- vice departments in this part of the province, 'where you will find at all times licensed mechanics, whose vears of experience, enables them to service your car, truck or tractor, In the shortest time possible, together with the high quality work for which they aré well known. every rel This reliable fivin, besides having expert mechanics, have the beat equip- ped parts department, where you will find all the necessary parts'and wc- cessories that your car, "truck or trac: tor requires, Under the capable direction of Mr. Bill: Sabyan this firm has become one of this community's best auto dealers and we do not hesitate to re- comend this dependable firm to all the people of the district. | McCullough Lumber Co. Lid. 1270 SIMCOE N. © RA-3-3011 = This firm enjoys an enviable repu- tation by virtue of their honest busi- ness dealings with the public. With their modern and complete supplies of lumber, they are equipped to fur- nish anything that is available in even the largest houses and are sure THE PORT PEARY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 24h, 1955-7 to be able to supply you with what. EVEr you may require. Firms such us McCullough Lumber Co. Ltd, have not been 'serving the public without taking an interest in their patrons in seeing that they have full Value and. in seeing that they have the best in lumber and building materials, This together with good workmaii- ship assures the public of buildings of permanence and at a cost consistant with the .trends, of today. So why not go ahead with your plans for remodeling or building and stop in at this dependable firm and see how they can assist you in this respect. a -- Sibhy Clean 181 BOND VW. Phone RA-3-7143 The economy of taking advantage of a regular cleaning and pressing service is not confined soley to the plejue of f having clean and spotless frocks includes the additional service Pra each garment," Dirt rots fubrics and. the finer the fabric . the more essential it is that it be cleaned regularly. : Thetact that Sibby Cleaners are availuble to take clothing that needs cleaning or pressing and turn it out so that it looks like new has saved many a high priced purchase. This _js a business that requires ex- perience and at Sibby Cleaners only practical help is employed. Assist- ants are all able and efficient work- men who know their line thoroughly > and thus you are assured the most careful and painstaking work. Fran- sen"Tailor Shop is their agent in Port Perry. Give him' your cleaning and receive the finest cleaning service, hi KEEP YOUR 'MONEY SAFE... when you're travelling | -- Traveller's cheques protect _ while travelling. Negotiable anywhere, You can obtain Traveller's Cheques at our nearest branch-- we have more than 680 to serve you. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE you against loss of your money J. R. HELM, Manager Port Perry Branch SOA : buys a new ~ Incredible but true -- this is the amazing result of the ever-growing preference for Chevrolet, Day-in and day-out, Sundays only excepted, there's . a proud new Chevrolet owner every 4.19 séconds. Toe You see them here, you sce them there, you see them 19... seconds TY of every d ay Phone 10 everywhere -- enjoying the pleasures of driving Chevrolet. 3 And because motoramic Chevrolet is such an overwhe Iming value A [€) favorite this year, to a greater extent than ever before, Chevrolet leads=in popularity - sales. ndidentally, while you were reading this, four Chevrolets were bought!) ENERAI MOTORS VALUE CHEVROLET! C2550 BRYDEN MOTORS Phone 74 PORT PERRY / ELE " CATA 2 EP. re fh | 1 a { i { ; i ¥ ~ 4 i 9 \ { ks 3 3 x GR Li +33 4 (0 $4 1 1) : Reales > ry -t x \ 5 "A WN X ol La . 4 Xi "4 A bo : bY : HH A Cad 5 g

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