Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jul 1955, p. 5

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) 3] TTI * oc -. SIE Te errr ves. -- rise as compared with & month earlier and replace the historic structure with st reets, This lo VE : Re rl from Look place among Women, there being | 4 Ne one 1 in the same ety a ain . paved 9nd, sab 5 BE rn ; minor decline in employmnt among | tectural style, The decision to go a-| ; ; a. TT ---- x P li nt male workers. The general figure of head with this project was made after Mere will be special music, Singing al ame per capita weekly earnings at $60.66, )i¢ had been found that protests had |*"Y the preaching of God's Word. The (8 although a little below the average for come from only a few groups. The minister believes that during the hot | 8 ._ By Michael Starr, M.F., Ont. Riding |the weck of March 1st, was the high-| strongest protest came from the Ot.|"eather, that a service of this type | --E = Jest in the record for the 1st of April. | tawa Council of Women and described | Will be welcomed here, and plans are | & A great deal of talk is being revived Tha number of claimants on the live the plan as "a proposed act of vandal- under way to make each service en- & 7; . ona project on Parliament Hill these unemployment insurance register at|ism", The chief claim to fame of the | {ovable and profitable. 8 'days. For a number of 'years official the end of May was 209,789, which is ninety-year old building is that it con-| Yesterday at the church Miss Jessie | "planners have been very much in fay- appreciably less than last year's total. | tained the office of Canada's first| Wong, missionary from China, spoke | §¥ . our of establishing an Ottawa area Canadian workers earned nearly 6% Prime Minister, Sir.John A, Mac-|at both services. 'In the morning she Fedaral District somewhat along the more in March, 4.6% more in the first| donald, = The cost of replacing "this |told: of the revival of the Chinese o . idea of the District of Columbia which oe rter, than in corresponding period| building is estimated at about five|church and' in the evening showed bs surrounds the United States Capital. ast year. : million dollars, slides of the church in operation. + ~ This tiny Federal territory World Be Developments during this Session 5 formed by separating Ontario and 3ppear hi Santor reports that any Ge. Quebec from' some of their areas sup. | P/20¢ the Government may have to Po I nd F 1 ¥ rounding Ottawa. The difficulty J bring in a National Health Insurance ou try ustry i 6.05 pair . Scheme are strictly long term plans. _been that none of the several Govern- y long pla L d H Y : wal , / +" ments who would be directly ad! Persistent: Opposition effective. to ea er onore Inter-County W ABASSO. (sub standard) size 81 x 100 in such a move have shown any en. |4@V from the Government a com-| Do) : PYCHES, thusiasm, Quebec authorities have mitment or even a hint of one have He Buh men fo think, enor Basehall | LINOLEUM T > regarded proposals of this kind-with been unavailing, Health Minister Paul ; This tribute was paid to Dr. W. R. i { ILE, 10c. Bs hostility Tie Bui imi Martin has avoided all questions even Graham, former head of the Poultry . + PILLOW SLIPS, $1. 59 I Ox ¢ of OR 5; 2 Me 22 Yl more effectively than in previous Ses-| Pepartment, Ontario Agricultural Col- Thursday July 14 H] p ° x9 inches, GREY, BEIGE, RED, GREEN. AE it Sante ¥y Sr i pa sions and in doing so has conveyed |!e®e, when on July 6th at the 0.A.C. od 8 (Sub-standards) 42 inch (Sub-standards) hi, Ay | very little information regarding this [3 Plaque Was unveiled in his honour| 8.00 p.n rer : District plan and the City of Hull in matter g which officially gave the name "Gra- rm, : 2338 oN mo oT R ] v : Quebec, just across the Ottawa River, : ' ham Hall" to the main building of # I] a , ' Xo eum Floor Covering has expressed the same attitude. The debate on the Defence Produc- fy. 0.A.C's Poultry Department. d VS. % ' pair ° ' FLORAL PATTERNS ' Because of this reluctance, the re-| tion Bill is still raging and the Conser- Participating in the ceremony, #iv ' " . - ATRL, TAL s sult has been that the matter, Bas been | vative Opposition in the House of i ry 0 no ET Co b0c d 19 d ; ent of the annual Ont Poultr . Pa kept on the shelf, Quite recently it| Commons is determined to carry it on, Soy BF due abun). Oh ny shawa Merchants i : : C. an C. Sq. yar + was revived again in the Senate, where | hoping to wear down the subbornness |v industry and Ontario Minister of i Caldwell Towels 69c y ' it was brought out, discussed, and de-|and tenacity of the Rt. Hon. C. D. Arvicutire, 8, Thomas. a foriiicy IRL RY THURSDAY il a on R : ind : ) mands made that the Government take [ Howe, the Minister of that Depart-| ident of Dr Grihain's ATL 3 STRIPED HAND TOWELS . = action on the matter. It would seem | ment. It looks to me as though their . : St nN iy: Bank "Ni tht Venetian Blinds $4 95 to me that some day this Federal Dis- | efforts will not be successful because Graduating from the 0.A.C. in 1894, gy 8 : ! $ trict will be a reality. | the Government is determined to give Dr. Graham was appointed to the staff | 8 TABLE CLOTHS, 52. % STEEL, all sizes up to 36 inches wide. Employment in the, major non- the Minister these exceptional powers in 1899, and in 1908 . was ade Bro: Monday July 18 i ware yr kaa SHELL . agricultural industries at. the begin- | for all time, fessor of poultry 'husbandry. Irom ' p RINTED, 54 inchessquare. : ning of April showed slight improve-| Despite protests from some quarters fhiey uti) his Yetiremons, 4, 1940, he 8.00 p.m. ment from March 1, which is reverse | here in Ottawa the Public Works De- Bayes ps up or -- nt i ' ' "a to the trend which has been in evi-| partment intends to proceed with plans | "C68 11 the pouitry industry maby I, d u M s G P $7 95 ' dence since last October, The slight |to demolish Parliament's West Block SHOR Wag tioning up 73 yeginiof onaon vs. & ens rey ants, ° a a Ss r "J - Al nn A "OH LU RRR ep nnn EN to that for dairy cattle and the idea 0 : ¢ ZIPPER, BELT, Sizes 32 to 44 ES verbs, atetetadatatet SUR ERERAR 4] for an organization of scientific poul- shawa Merchants 3 Ce EA genet eens 3 SATURDAY, JUL 3s | try Jlusbandry workers, culminating in ! } i - a Y Ltth a formation of the Poultry Science Th d : s : sf Association on this continent and later urs ay, July 21 the World Poultry Science Association. : LJ He was generally credited with having id 8.00 p.m. . done more than any one person to de- ! > i cm : } . | velop the poultry industry from its B f d 4 SU early beginnings. rant or Vs. i MMER SHOES " A native of the Belleville area, Dr. ar : } on the grounds of the Catholic Church at and Mrs. Graham now make Burling- Oshawa Merchants 12 A Casuals-- Te J . . ton their home, _ UXBRIDGE ONT ARIO Kinsmen Civie Memorial Stadium H ALF PRICE IL, di | ts : | adies' ... $2.98 and $2.95 Ew Wein a. Osh | 1 lect Mj iB G Fish Pond Plan Drive-in' -. shawa . ¥ on a large selection. Misses ... SPECIAL $1.95 H Ngo - Lames - ris on . : : Hove _ 4|Church Service | omeE-------- 4 d i. k D : . ; GROCERIES CHOICE PEAS, 20 07. cco... ..2 for 23c. 9 5 al : uc Y raw Whitby is to have a drive-in church MIXED CAKES ..... SNE JS 39c¢. Ee : on Sunday evenings during the sum- : RED and BLACK CHERRIES, HEINZ BABY 1'OOD .... - 29¢. v 3 SUPPER at 5 O'CLOCK, P.M. mer months, "AT MARKET PRICES FROZEN ORANGE JUICE ....... d5c. 4 Rev. 0. MacPherson, minister of ; ty FRESHIE ..............ooiivviivinnn on wat 5 for 29c. SHIRRIFI'S INSTANT PUDDING. # 1st Prize--1955 Table Model T.V. Set, Admiral, 21" sefeli.; | Win Pontosusial Blvived, swnitnetd] 0 Zo Sof . ? MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE,.... 1b. 99c. "DEAL een 3 for 29c. & Vile $239.95. 8 that starting next Sunday cvening at oi - - #217.30, a drive-in church service will be POWERFUL ) ' y ST Yy | - 4 2nd Prize--Pair of All Wool Blankets, value $29.50. hed on the parking lot De Grand GETAWAY! Phone 43 DAILY DELIVERY" * Port Pe rry ion store ) s Kas Perr 3rd Prize--Automatic Toaster, value $16.95. RIOD sleue al ! das Wash dnd bersy cg TT SE ITN CESARARE ARAN ARAN ARRRR SARNIA 4th Prize--Electric Tea Kettle, value $12.60. TT : - Te Tickets available at Martin's Hotel, Uxbridge," and on the L. N TT . church grounds. yl -- . t hl S t ] t | Some things speak louder than words... pr wr ret Fy aft il A BRAND NEW bn, ; ' } FER ESSO OIL FURNACES and , : OIL BURNERS a 'COMPLETELY INSTALLED 10% D0 WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS | hd FIVE YEARS TO PAY y GUARANTEED OIL and SERVICE ON CONTRACT fe By IMPERIAL OIL al, MOSIER SHEET 'AL Chrysler New Yorker Deluxe Four-Door Sedan gE (24 Hour Service) Every gleaming inch of this glamour car Its response is thrilling at any range. } The beautiful new 21 CHURCH ST, ; OSHAWA, ONT. says, "Here's distinctive design expressed Inside the Chrysler you fiiid a new / Ww oT - Phiones--Office 65-2784 Res. 65-2761 in perfect taste," 4 experience in luxury. Its appointments, Y : Ita sculptured metal sparkles with high- superb craftsmanship, and fine materiala 5 lights that express the clean, simple beauty express contemporary beauty at its best, 4 RE of Chrysler's motion-design for The Your dealer will gladly arragge for a R h T hi S h ] A B 4 Forward Look. \ demonstration drive in this superb auto- eac owns 1p: C 00 rea oar 4 Turn the key, and the mighty Chrysler mobile, The experience will tell you that 8 V-8 engine comes to life. Let it whisper you belong in a Chrysler now. Why not . is calling for tenders for laying a new floor in Vigforia gently, then touch your foot to the throttle; ~~ phone him today ? Manufactured in Canada by Corners School and Marsh Hill School. } Chrysler ( orporation of Canada, Limited and-- & ; : ] § 3 . A ' Tenders for painting exterior and interior of Yellow School $ "SEE THE NEW CHRYSLER, MOTION DESIGNED FOR THE FORWARD LOOK, AT YOUR CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO DEALER'S NOWI and Manchester School, I NN E ' + Tenders closed August lst, 1966. Forward tenders to: - S MOTOR SALES - THO HARP, GREENBANK HOMAS § i PHONE 168 PORT PERRY, ONT.

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