Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jul 1955, p. 3

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Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associstion 'NOTES AND COMMENTS F ighting Poverty ok: An article iif the week-end section of the Saturday papers deserves the widest possible 'publicity. It was "entitled, Brave Words \. Five hundred million are victims of ma- laria. ATmost the entire tropical populafion is "ridden with the festering sores of the Clipped Comments SOCIALISM IN DISGUISE "Those whe think that the waning pawer of the CCF party marks the end of socialist attitudes in Canada ought to take a look at some of the Thursday, July 14th, 1955 -- ------ tn Of Many Things AMBROSE HILLS COW KILLER ' had to go to a lawyer the other Li Won't Feed Hungry People. It was written yaws, proposals put forward by. the Trades | | day. His office was lied with books. 43 3 by Robert McKeown and based on an-inter- Four hundred million are infested with and Labor Congress of Canada at their My gosh, I ssid, do you have to A 3 view with Dr. Hugh Keenleyside, Chief of venereal diseases, : annoal convention in Windsor. ag all those ? L 4 the UN Technical Aid Program. The article Some four million die yearly of tuber- Among the. several pinkish resolu- " ell, they are all related to the has well illustrates how foolish our present ap- culosis. } ' tions approved, by the: TLC is one law', he informed me, sounding, I- proach to world problems really is. In the past ten years revolution has en- gulfed some eight hundred millions of the world's population; in the next ten to twenty but lip-service. D. Howe is a . 1 . power unto himself and usually gets his own And we, spend billions on defense and paltry thous: ands on assistance and aid to these people! Is it any wonder that they throw our mis- ment. There are indications that the mop: who ave our brother's keeper, which proposes that housing loans, in- stead of being made as they now are through banks and insurance compan- ies, with a guarantee by the Federal gue the point, but passes along this by hcught a bit proud and important about it. E But instead of thinking how im- portant it made him, I started to think * years it will spread among another eight sionaries out-of the country? Is it any Government in event of default, should | - About the city farmer and his cow. hundred million. One half to two thirds of wonder that they hate the white man? Is instead be made directly to the bor-|.- . is fellow bought a small holding the world's population lives at the level of "it any wonder that they turn to any revolu--- rower by Central Mortgage and Hous. iy $ eonaty ond got Rimssis whi abject misery. Their lives are "nasty, brutish tionary movement which offers some hope ing Corporation. Plies wi e con Juma hii is and short." = But now they are no longer con- of alleviating their misery? The effect of such a scheme, if adop- ence and got into a neig Wour's pro. tent with their lot. 'It is unthinkable that in What can we do? We can give money to ted, should be to "nationalize" the perty. -He put a yoke on it, and kept ¥ . A : : : i is oe : it yoked. Another time it go into wet view of this we can go on heedless of their increase aid and technical assistance to these home mortgage" "lending business. Fas foe gh A . . . ae over, and nearly burst itself. He plight in our pursuit of health, wealth and people. We can divert money from support Money for home building loans, .in- it Hellen 1 a0 Bah o pobble happiness. of outmoded armed forces to support of in- stead of being provided as it now is - on it i iia N " f ki di The plight of these people Slider rs our telligent programs for fighting poverty by private investors, would be taken en A a he yo > hh i" imagination even if it doesn't touch our among these people. We can either make directly from the taxpayer. Politics the ski 1e be) Py 3 Sp) on von hearts. : being "the art of the possible," pres- ld o.gia~-it. lie: Lepy cily- , ping it forever after. Then one day, Some of the people ~of the world suffer the world a decent place for all people to sure would be exerted on the govern- byw ale, ib fl Soe sik wend io from hunger most of the time. live or we can stumble blindly on closer and ment-operated CMHC to make loans its feed and the milk was's oiled = About two-thirds of the people of the world and closer' to our own eventual extinction at either interest-free or at rates far be- bois oe i oly or oR have an average income of less than a $100 the hands of those to whom we have denied low the prevailing interest level. With | (1) TIME FIDDLERS* CONTEST | ance at the contest in Shelbourne, Ont, | the _ stopped giving milk, because a year. i humanity. the Government as the lender, each Pretty Peggy Brooks gets some help [ on Saturday, Aug. 6. Don Fairbairn | it died. default would be viewed a8 A political in tuning a fiddle from two who ave| (right), editor of CBC'S "Neighborly Can't we learn a lesson from, this? =a '= - ¥ matter rather than a business propo- obviously happy and eager for the| News" program, will again be master] For one reason or another, we've 4 The Political Horizon. ; sition, . time for the old-time fiddlers' contest | of ceemonies of the Saturday night | got all sorts of different laws on the ] The TLC proposal to put the Gov- to roll around. Miss Brooks, popular | festivities when the contest finale is | statute books. They might have been | The stubborn attitude of ne Honourable The Social Credit party in Alberta may ernment directly into the home moit- CBC-TV and radio songstress, doesn't | broadcast over the Trans-Canada net-| all right in their day -- for some C. D. Howe, Minister of Defense Production, . have done a wise thing in calling the last' gage business through CMHC is a plan to enter the fifth annual Cana- | work. Reid Forsce (left), CBC pro-| specific purpose. But we have left 3 with regard to the Emergency Powers Act election. They were, of course, returned to leaf borrowed straight from social- dian championship fiddlers' contest, ducer, will be in charge of the broad- | them there, just like the green farmer has prevented many an irate member of the power with a reduced majority. Had they isms book. 3 . but she will make a personal-appear-! cast. . - did with his cow." PY, Federal House from enjoying a long summer continued on their, way disregarding the ~ --Canadian Statesman. : : We've got restrictions, regulations, . recess. It is rather difficult to understand mounting dissatisfaction in the province with ) -- CI B enactments, re-enactments; we have ; why He has talon such a firm stand or the the conduct of the government, and sought FARMERS ARE BEST OFF government forms in duplicate, tripli- ® question. Surely, the arguments he advanced re-election at the end of the normal term of The farmer is better off than the ; cate, and most of the other. 'cates'. are rot:the roal veasons for his demanding no office they might have been badly defeated. urban worker, when- all the factors J . We are in danger of getting Canada, time limit. They are much too flimsy. Not It looks that way. Now they have another are taken into consideration. That | : (A TAL young as she is, tied up like European only is he opposed by the Conservatives but, chance to mend their fences and to mop up was the opinion of a majority of farm : 0S countries--or like the ¢ity farmer's . apparently, his own party is giving nothing . -- . Some of the nasty financial messes which forums after their discussions last / COW. B Howtver, C. ! were beginning to cause them real embarrass- winter. The Statesman will not ar- Isn't it time we had a little more freedom again 'Who would like to j&in ~ be interesting to see'if Howe's determination surance scheme -- which argues that great 15a," But 2ubh things as family sol. average Canadian a great deal is "red | is wiiy a "no vigitors" sign must often can outlast the opposition. - Perhaps, he may pressure is being brought to bear generally fare, recreation, educational facilities, tape". «Perhaps it is because, the | be hung on a ward door to protect the - . ¢ . ¥ - manage a technical knock-out. It has been on our legislators for some more constructive living conditions, are also important aterigde Comadiien 3s. udnstitovs. sady pntiont. or patients. Theré¢ was an attendance of 76 at 4 done befare. : approach to the problem. High. time! in deciding which is better off--farm- |, likes to met things done and is the Sunday School service at Burns ; CL er or urban worker. } npations and EA when de. | Patients sometimes wonder why | Church on Sunday, July 10th, at 10.30 4 y } i A typical conclusion was stated fived.. © =. oy they must enter hospital on the after- [a.m. o - R. E. Grass, Q.C., of Toronto, chair- = ) the Postville Forum: in Ontar Ten _ T Sion : noon or evening before the day of | Dr. Armstrong had charge of the 54 a 3 . ou 3 y : As nomatter of fact, very few of us . : : : , 5 | D { man 'of the Outpost Hospital Com- rince er "While the urban worker usually has like to be bothered with restrictions, | operation. More red tape! Why not | church service at 7.30 p.m. and chose } istric eings mittee which operates the chain of an efficient union that has established rules and regulations which often pre. | 1e%t morning ? Is it so an extra day! for his text Matthew 7:13-14. Ken- X 2: spitals res: ET i "hi . vacations es il ne ; 'an be chirged up? Actually it has neth Heron sang a solo "You Must : 7h EL ji: The annual S. 8. picnic was held on ER gs fie Fos hsp a You, Hs Prom dol hiat wy, like, 0) Set found thers except in some Open the Door " 43 RARE DEATH OF MOOSE x a bone! rac 01 of ns of ET the appropriate grounds of Birdseye grievance procedure, e 4 we a a doing it when and how we'd like to do rabbit: ehieh. in ardol to Ye sire Wt a x BY LIGHTNING REPORTED fe SITY FO COMININAI0NCY. § "Center on Tuesday. farmer has more overall securisy ant rious lat ral tost hans Rok Next Saturday evening, July 16th, ¥ ' ario Division Red Cross were Amon | ~ engages in work that is- more satis- Unfortunately, day by dag, we. en. | Yo7I00s IRvoriatdry tests perhaps no at 8 p.m. the Y.P.S. will hold a special : ve i v ¥» 3 p AE) alm . . _--r - 5 : an. dT. as : Vi: LINDSAY--According to Depart- those from Toronto taking part in 2 IAN Sr seri ly3 i. fying through pride of accomplish- counter-a great deal of "red tape" in realized bE Sie) can be fare corvive Ti Burns olurch when the = 23 s officials, | the ceremony. as s vans] tot Cy eirular routine. Actually most of | #7 to permit some preliminary medi. {591 SE ig 2 ment of Lands and Forests officials, x tural picnic mood in spite of heavy z Gandini' Sterna ou regula routing. Bot ly ne il eHifon of Seardiiieit. ode given. Fok Bryan Gospel Messe : i bron xu 3 very few i re i i --L tale : <overy essential, sis espeaially . i ennings Bry rersity b, very fey pines of wild iin | ; { clouds hanging overhead. po iti ven essen ao k He) ep oe example, som patients. are found to id Jie Bryan sary 0 ] being killed by lightning are known ) : - . -- ro in the ease of Governme "have diabetes or kidney disease. or | Payton, Tennessee wills have charge. OH Investigation has shown, - however, TANVILLE TO VOTE ON | , : . i 4 NATIONAL MILITARY SERVIC EK Pecdures, military bodies, "railways or a a : " > = " X Everyone Is invited 16 attend this 0 that this was the cause of death of a or OPTION OCTOBER 2671! 4 Fables all set with a wide Yariety One year's national military service ther Lavoe organizations, It is equal- a ol oy ites a a, " service. ii large cow moose found dead recently : of food, all seated Mr. Joblin said. for the young men of Canada is pro- |. oo qial in the day by day opera: : Lon ; ee Wy " pr i = oe? it R -¢ fren a . . Sue N Fee . . J | A LA . a Aditi TT rv. give . k 3 in" Snowden. Township "Haliburton? Ih Jowmanvitle Progress Club Grace, then all joined in eating. All posed by the Toronto Telegram's pub- 1 Bost, 8 the type of anavsthetic to by given or Whe. vorolior swohithly meatide of Whe " County its ubmitted 'the question of the Local at once a gust of wind, downpour. of lisher, John Basset, Jr. That sig-, inn 5 sven the extent of the operation, Ladies' Bible Class was Hold atthe 3 Gm . Warden Wally Scott, of Kin- Option vote which will be presented rain; quick action of few hands, all gestion "will have a broad appeal to Why 7 Foy one thing hospitals are There sre. numercus other. proves home of Mrs. Clifford Graham, of 3 ia ' as tolled 16 the scone abd je the people of Bowmanville this tables were set under a shelter station | eee neross the country thinks [Just like many other complex organ- dures which most hospitals follow and} Lindsay, on Tuesday, July 5, at 7.00 PL oun 0 pelle oe Be on Fall, to Town Council Monday. on the grounds. Ice-cyeam was then The Financial Post, for many reasons | izations. In these it has been found which, of necessity, may be regarded | p.m. This meeting took the form of a ' he k oo b It goin pin its side The tentative date set for the vote, passed along with the finish-up of pie, aside altogether from defense. that when there are Jany prople in. as red tape". 'Some of these arela picnic but due to. a_downpour of he ph g tn - hide and hair Js Wednesday, October 26, cookies, cake, cter, yes, and another | "1 ia ther doubtful in this age of | volved, or many procedures to be fol. necessary to conform to legislation] rain just it supper time the tables had 4 an eg, searing the pi The three questions which will ap- cup of tea. ; licated military "equipment and lowed, the only way to maintain any ard. 4) legal re ments 'which 110 be set inside. Following the supper The carcass. had been scorched to complicated 1 ) A anblanee of control and ordertis to] and these legal requirements which | to be i iy) : 4 vear en the tickets are: . } i. + venr's training | semblance of control and ris | ; |a short business meting was held. such an extent it was unfit for hu- . = tal tactics whether one year's training Lave. adequate rules and regulations | 47¢ applicable to their everyday, t row wi Rte AY thos TA ON 1. Are you in favor. of the es 3 )- Master Bruce Martyn is enjoying | would be sufficient to produce valu- have Pain ! : oe hs? i on. | existence. Such requirements may | the minutes of the last meeting were £ y © b . TH : y "or . 5 - : COVEY rot 'outine, CIWISEe CO Lo i i x ) > -- , _-- k lishment of _Rovernment stores Tl Scout Camp on the Island. _ able soldiers. But, as Mr. Bassett |" " pg rou ol to become [include the obtaining of certain in- read and approved. Letters of thanks thes alo af Yignor? N : points out, there should be dubstan-| fusion ane chads:ne hoi 1o-hpeon formation from the patient or his re- and appreciation were read from Mrs. 4 2--Ate jou In faver of, the esiah. Mi gnd Mis. 1 Peaeocl and boys tial other benefits, including improved prevalent. lative I"uthermore, in order to pro-| A. Paynter and from the family of , PREMIER LESLIE FROST 'ishment of government stores for the| with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradburn and honlthe for Canadian youth 1 know of one instance where re- ; ath yal A the. lute Mien H. Adina It vine doo y : "~~ health ' . ne TITY , rac» ee mselves OF ! \ OPENS MINDEN HOSPITAL zale of beer only? family, Blackstock on Sunday. Mr. Bassetts proposal deserves atives of an individual who bi about medical staffs from unyarranted legal | cided to hold the next meeting on : . tee 3. Are you in favor of the sale of | . Myre : onsidoyo 10 unde ro a major operation. were ee atte T LT Thursday, August 4th in the form of it of the Ontario Division $ooy serious and above all, calm con oo : oT " action, hospitals obtain written consent A new unit of the Ontario : Seer and liquor under a dining lounge Mrs. Puckrin, Sunderland |' : X . ) critical of hospital "red tape" because | © . 4 V3 pienie of Cotiovn Putt : 3 i i 3 : My, ond Mis, Puchrin, Sunderland ti He did not make it with the . : for an operation and other procedures, | pienic at Geneva Park. : i Red Cross Outpost Hospital ehain was license, for consumption with meals| ware recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs.|. £ stiveind Id controversies, | Me was not permitted to have his usual ' ' : ier ie Fr - : ; . } ) ' Ti of stirring up old controversies, how di sonlize. hi . raintions 'ave dosigne or hing added when Premier Leslie Frost of on licensed premises? C. Love and family. jeg 4 Sop il AI Wo Bono breakfast, I'hey did not realize that Most regulations are designed to Mis. Clarence Bryant took charge : -- ficiated at the ceremonies which for- . : : Co histo A a meal might greatly increase the protect the patient. A good example of a jumbled letter flower contest and A mally opened the new 8 bed, $69,000] The third of these questions did not | yeek_end guests with Mr. and Mrs. | it serves that useful Phos t A hazards of the annestetic, tht it]is one whereby, except in cases of dive | 4 "cloth" contest. ' 2 Outpost Hospital at Minden. appear when the vote came before the I. Williams included her brother Mr. --C anadian Statesman. might interfere with the operation, or) cinerzeney, an operation may not bel The meting closed with the Mizpah With' lel Red C Outpost piopls WILY of JOR AA sai, and Mrs. Robt. Thompson; Gasden; even cause vomiting which, in 'turn, performed unless a pre-operative honedietion. gi 1» u "OSS § " os , Ineo nr otar - : i . » With Englehart bee ] ross too troduced by Jack Weise, proprietor of Alabama; Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Thomp- could cause death by choking. diagnosis has been recorded on' the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kérry and Hospital 'reverting to i HY] 29 the Balmoral Hotel, son, Jr. and two little girls; and Mr. Bethel School patient's chart. This regulation was | gon Arnold; Mr, and Mrs. Walter (i 88 Jy 134 Bed Crone 4 hg 4 is The results of the 1952 vote, which | St. John of Detroit. . . Most hospitals object to youpgsters developed by medical staffs "them-| Rogers, of Epsom; 'Mr. and Mrs, H. " § 2% + . ' Hie 'ner fens : Thi ar ninternity : 8 0.8 ¢ i hospitals and nursing stations in a Hod 2 Oriel oh Noland. ree ) (hrade 1X-- Lillie Mac Harper. visiting in the children's or mate rnity selves - to protect the patient from | Ashton, were Sunday visitors with province. The building cost $69,00 ay it in Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and family | Grade VIII -- Carol Butt, Eleanor} qs This regulation, appreciated Busty and unnecossary surgery. 1 Mr ard Mee Nelson Ashtos. af Yih tis Mind) berplo sai 0 the ha t Stil ne Tg with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rodd and Bud, f ifarper, Neil Wanamaker, Douglas Me-1y,. iyedical and hospital staffs, if; also interesting to note that in this] --- of votes, but still no e ota : Y : i . 8 ak sting aki : } En i ~ ; i proximately one third; the Ontario ol iy The 1945 vote. which was Oshawa. Millan, i mainly designed to curb or reduce the province no major operation can be Mrs. Russell Batten, Ross and Judy government paid one third and the frequired. The 0 f 1952 i te - Grade VII--Bill Harper, Joe Stone. | oqqibility of spreading communicable pirformed on a public patient without | are holidaying at Sparrow Lake. Ontario Division Red Cross from be- [the last ths yore i Lt ii e Miss Carol Heayn is now enjoying| (ade 111--Rose Ann Harper, Gor- diseasos. a eotaaiation by mersbers of (he mre Ross Batten and Phillip. Doble re- quest funds paid one third. Minden Was kan, Y t iy bons hy her holidays. don McMillan, Ada Newlands, ] sien) staff. The regulation respecting turned home on Thursday afternoon : : more solid advantage. e increase rnin ovritn wr § : ; etm eral EE le is number 24 in the Outpost Nursing |' tag on ; , ' | ther of A major gripe of some pe ople who therapeutic abortion is quite strict, |after spending a week at Glen Mohr and Health Centre chain which the |in votes for cach in the 1952 election Miss Violet Bond and mother o have: relatives or friends confined to : Camp, Beaverton. ig " ' . q < 1 * . 0 ww oo . + wa . : : - Ontario Division (Red Cross operates | V#% 120 For ary lend. 100° for *wer Tarente SPOL 1 resent wieok:end-"in ' hospital is that they are unable to Phese are just a few of many re-| «no "00d Mrs. Frank Mitchell, John, in the undigahized regions of Ontario. interests, § : ) the village. visit the patient at almost any hour|gulations which have been set up and Murray and Robert, of Deep River, i This is a health and hospitalization Mayor Osborne informed Council Mr. A. McKée, Toronto is visiting ° ° 0. [ cugoqg 'of the day or night, even when that [are rigidly followed by public hospitals spent last" week with Mrs. G. Fisher. i i i : : 1: 2 : : A ' corvwhoere 1 i ue . service for familjesin remote areas that if they did not wish lo aceept atthe home of Mrs, F. Pearce Alphabetical Order x patient is not.scriously ill. They don't everywhere, in Ontario. It is truef * nr. ang Mrs, Thos. Lilley, of Mark- t sti i - id ' . : yy! 3 It) " Vad f Ontario which' stretches from Que- this question pubil, Yo apa Yois, 5 3 Grade 9 --- Linda Fralick, Bonnie |stop to consider that it would he gross-| some of them seem like a lot of "red ham, visited recently at the home of hot to the Manitoba border. The Min- the Progress Club could force the is- Mrs. H. Collins is home after a visit Joffrey. ' ly unfair to make exceptions and if |tape" and appear restrictive to us ata. and Mrs. Wes Routley. den hospital has '8 beds, 4 basinettes | "¢ with a petition including Names | with her sister Mrs. Sarah Longhurst Grade T--Bob Edgar, Ted Needham. | visitors 'were allowed at all hours, the | the time, regardless of whether wel ae and Mys. Wm. McAndless, of © I nau) lor It will dive om of 25 per cent of the eligible voters. | in Zephyr. Grade 6--Bill' Jeffrey, Roy Pogue, [medical staff, the housckeeping and|be in the position of the patient, re-| Wexford, were Sunday visitors with Al one a NR orrieal service only The amount of work involved for : Sylvia Snnehe - | dictary staffs, and particularly the lative, or even the attending physician. | My, and Mrs. Edgar Heron, 'ge and o b . a : sed { A ; ) . wil ot provide major surgery awn oifieials in ig Seon alterna- Grade 5--Dianne Fralick, Sandra|nurses, would have great difficulty | Nevertheless, each regulation has a Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parrott, of Barrie I rain o. | tive system did not make this pro- eal ; - |metting their work done. Furthermore, | reason and we cannot help but realize] gpont the week-end with Mrs. Robert The Ontario Division Red Cross Jrs. Fralick, Patsy Goose. > | th and 'children's posal seem advisable, and the Sober | ee 1 Share Crozier, Barry [every doctor and nurse is well aware [that they have been developed over| parrot. er ( § ' ' Ada : tr : - y pes Rare at ennies from $107 : Was vasepted, Edgar, Peter Hood, Sidney Johnson, [that many. patients would make athe years for the primary purpose of | Mys. Robert Parrots ari daughter, 8 L AF ' ' : . , FT | oti , uy ol hildren in all ih of the pro-| Bowmanville has had Local Option Janet Warren. more rapid recovery if thejr were fsafeguarding and protecting the | Mrs, G. Briggs, visited with relatives vi helped with this project Lea- | since 1909. Before that, at one time, Grade 3 Carol" Crozier, Leona|fewer visitors, This observation ap-| patient. in Toronto.and Barrie last week, vine . Lea-|gince 1909, ' ; ¢ 8 side Red Cross branch provided the [there were four liquor stores, eight Goose, Gordon Pogue, Darlene Warren a -------------- , Mrs. Walter Reynolds, David and «A Ir uj ment and the autoclave | hotels and nine churches in town. To- Grade 2--Valorie Edgar, Beverley Stephen, of Hamilton, have been visit- HD pA $2,000 for | day, there are no liquor stores, there Goose, Marie Johnson, There Will Be No Pa er Au ust 4th iid at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E, ; i MRS, E. READER, Teacher. eron. : the new hospital. is one hotel, and eight churches. n ) » ' « : : i . ! . fo 1: hd . 353 { $ 2 ' way. The situation is a puzzling one and up has already begun. conclusion as a matter of interest. me in a crusade to get rid if some. old Canadians generally are surprised to see the - : I There are many factors to be con- HARVEY AGNEW, M.D. vokes and hobbles? members of the House deliberately throwing ogflur the major areas to be. explored in sidered, the forums point out. Work- DTS NOr: TARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION away holiday time fighting an issue about the forthcoming dominion-provincial talks is |ing hours, income, independence, se- PRESIDENT, ONTAR Bf nlAS y . which there is so much. agreement. It will that of state medicine--a national health in- | curity, were listed as the most impor- One thing that s¢ems to bother the plies especially to many children, That

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