Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 May 1955, p. 6

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Ae Se , %, 0 Lk #4 Sung A 6---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1956 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Austin C. A. Bathie p. c. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC X-RAY MONDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS ~ 'For appointment; Phone 205R' Queen and Scugog Streets , PORT PERRY - 'DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY" "ONTARIO Office Hours --- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J lok ARTHUR W. S. GREER, Q.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday. morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by-appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Electrical and" Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OI" MACHINERY, FLECTRIE JTOR REPAIRS A ! SPLECHALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOMWERS, Machine Ground B "and Serviced. OXY-ACKETYLENL and WELDING: 'CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone ELECTRIC "+ Collect, Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto ICM 38-3636, Gordon Young Lid. Dec. 31/66 Dead Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, "picked up for sanitary disposal. Phos collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge G-r-14, Lindsay 5282. Woodville 32 r11. ED. PECONI, - Ontario July 30/65 Argyle WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W' Port Perry for information. . Nov. 21/55 REAL ESTATE Consult J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. 16 Eglinton Ave., E., Toronto Phone HU. 1-3391 City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and 'Business Property. LLOYD G. LEE iseyour local representative. HU. 1-3391 kivgs., HU 9-6308 3 Besshorough Drive ~ Lo-Operators Insurance ASSOCIATION sponsored by TRe Ont.. Federation of Agriculture Gives Broader Coverage Better Claims Service Convenient 6 Mos. Premiums You'll nevér regret asking about C. 1. A. Car Insurance Mrs. J.HAMER, MYRTLE, Ont. Phoné Brooklin 603-r-21 .- June 66 Hegd Office, |. INSURANCE Are ybur policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry [CROWN LIFE BINSURANCE (ofo] | 27-NVAY] Cemsult the Cxowa Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - ROOFING Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds : of work. EARL WALLACE " Port Perry Dry Fuel Wood $15.00 per cord. 1 cord orders at $18. per. cord and delivered. , H. M. KYTE FOR SALE--Fence Posts as they run in the bush, east of Nestleton, 40c, each. Assorted and delivered locally of top. Anchors at $1.25 each, H. M. KYTE Phone Blackstock 26 tf FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS . TRY : PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. "Phone 50 :: Prompt Service. Port Perry Free Estimates Photography | coverage from your home to. cutting your cake. Dave Enge, Phone 361, J. Hunter and Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 64 King Street East, 'OSHAWA Phone Oshawa 65-1621 (successor to O. S. Hobbs) Bulldozing and Excavating BY HOUR or CONTRACT * EXPERIENCED OPERATOR REASONABLE RATES PHONE 458W N. E. MAIRS : Simcoe Street PORT PERRY Nov, 25, 1954 John Regan, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor : Office--T1%. Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. ' » Branch Office--33 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ont. Telephone Bowmanville, MA. 3-3292 ~ Refrigeration SERVICE--both household and © Commercial. Gilson milk coolers and freezes. Refrigerators, Reg. Boundey Plumbing Supplies COTTAGES MOTELS - - CABINS HOMES Toilets - Basins - Bathtubs Showers - Sinks - Pressure Systems = Sump Pumps - and Copper and | Galvanized Pipe and Fittings, ete. "You pay no freight" Write for free catalogue. . | : SV. OHNSON HUMMING SUPPL SMATIVILL, O08 < Phone 852 .- till 9:30 p.m. and all day Saturday BULLDOZING - A Sn TRENCHING, LOADING," DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING 'SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. / : FREE ESTIMATES---by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION _ Phone 392W (Office) Residence=-~Wm. Tripp 392W and Joe Tripp 892J 53 EXCAVATING -- 1 -l. = xan x « pit to £ Telephone Oshawa 65-3361. i Open Mon.,, Wed., Fri. Evenings| with children, to help in Toronto home. Phone 379, Port Perry. WANTED--WAITRESS for week- ends. Apply in person to Green Thistle Restaurant. . ~ " LOT FOR SALE--with 90 ft. front- age, near both Public and High School. Town water Available, Port Perry, Bill Taylor. WANTED TO RENT: . A Trailer Home for the Summer Months. Apply at Star Office. FOR SALE--6 Premier Infra-red brooders, used 6 months. 1 electric brooder. 1 Singer Sewing Machine, treadle type. Phone 256-R. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Truck driver for Country Cream Route. Summer months only, May through to September. Silverwoods Dairies Ltd., Port Perry, Phone 164. ; tf. FOR RENT -- 8 rooms, all con- veniences. Phone 467W, Port Perry: FOR SALE--1951 Meteor Custom "Club Coupe, 25,000 miles $895. Jimmy Taylor. Taylor's be, to $1.00 Store. FOR RENT--Pasture for 8 or 10 cattle. Apply Wn Brooks, phone 476-r-22.. : FOR. SALE -- One -18ft. Greavette Dispro Boat, 3 H.P, St. Lawrence en- gine, 7 to 8 miles per hour. Will go anywhere under power in water that will float a skiff. Excellent for fish- ing. Price $300.00-Port Pérry. Apply A. G. Storie, 447 Simcoe St. N. Osh- awa. "tf. EE Ei Rh I RS B30 30 MA AA ARN See Oshawa's Largest Selection of Living Room Furniture at, Bradley's Furniture Rooms 299 Bitiege ut. S. Othawd ie A "Want Ad" . . .- CASH -- urgently required to meet court judgment. For sale: productive 100-acre farm with comfortable home. If, after an accident, the court said: '"". .', $70,000 damages," would a classified ad like this be part of your answer? Not if you have enough insur- ance. But be sure you have enough. Mrs. J; Hamer Agent, Myrtle, Ontario. 'Phone. Brooklin 603 r 21: CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION - 'Automobile Insurance for Careful Drivers BE For i : Complete Home Furnishings see BRADLEY' FURNITURE © SHOWROOMS 299 Simcoe 8t., 8., Oshawa 4 | - tf. 'Phone 514. Dry Mixed Hardwood, 8 cords load |' Phone Blackstock 26 tf] |F ence Posts in lots of 100 or more, 10c. per inch |. | furnace, steele rodf,:b "WEDDINGS -- Complete Album | May 26 |- WANTED -- A capable girl, good Phone 330, FOR RENT -- Modern Apt., four rooms, all conveniences, central. w LISTINGS WANTED WANTED AT ONCE Farms, hoybes and vacant land. Buyers waiting. Call Charles Reesor, Bigelow St, Port Perry. P.O, Box 43. Agent for Donald Scott [Real Estate, 25 Prince Street,. Oshawa. tf. REAL ESTATE ON MAIN STREET, Port Perry-- Beautiful Home, hot water heated; 3 bed rooms, modern Kitchen, large €or- ner lot, 7 «3 % Acres rooms, new room, town IN PRINCE with large frame home, 1 water, very low taxi - ® Several Good Building Lots for Sale SCOTT'S REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA Charles H. Reesor » Box 43, Port Perry e received by May 206th, 1955 parcels of land; owned by the¥illage of Port Perry. (1) South part of lot 27 on the west side of Perry St. north known as-the Pound Lot. (2) Lots 250, 251, 252 on the cast side of Lilla St. Known as the old Rink lots. Further particulars may be obtained at the Treasurer's Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. is J. F. RAINES, Clerk-Treasurer, Village of Port Perry. ' NEW CASE, model S Tractor, 3- blow capacity, with starter, lights, Delt pulley and power take-off. * Reg. price $1960.00, priced to clear at $1500.00 - NEW CASE, Low Wheel, side de- livery Rake, model L170, complete with 4-wheels and rubber tires. Reg. $458.00. Special clearance price $375.00 NEW CASE; Forage I Harvester equipped with tractor hook-up an power. take-off, with 4 ft. Hay Pick- up .Unit and separate interchangeable 4 ft. Cutter Bar Unit for green cro Reg. price $1800.00, Special clear, PRICE |. sosivrreiistositasitarmmesstsiiiissssioniin NEW CASE Model E22 Plow, 2-furrow, 10 inch bo price $183.00. Clearing .... $145.00 NEW CASE model BL22 Tractor Plow, 2-furrow, 12 in, bottoms, Reg. Price $214.00, Clearing at ........ $170.00 tractor drawn, regular price $170.00; Priced to clear at ........oeie $135.00 20 discs, power lift model," regular $225.00; Clearing at Electric milk cooler, capacity 6 eight gallon cans, front loader type. Reg. DE LAVAL Sterling Milker, com- plete with 2 pail unit. Reg. price DOON BALER TWINE, regular $11.50. per 40 pound bale, clearing at PO DRG i irrurersiod istorii seinsion tpetiprins BRYDEN MOTO CHEVROLET -- DSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS The following personel quired at once by Gepera)/ Motors ' One First Class Mech : One First Class Body Repair Man i . equivalent.) One Wash Rack and General Utility Chauffeur's Licence and. a good drivng record.) : y For all above: . Excellgnt working conditions _ have consistently high earnings). Paid Holidays : Group Insurance, Sick Pay. willing to work hard in a progressive business. Service Manager, Cliff Mills Motors Ltd, NEW CASE 8 foot Roller Packer, NEW CASE, Harris Disc Harrows, NEW DE LAVAL Automatic Timer price :$623.00, priced to clear at $495. $358.00. Priced to clear at $275.00 ween $8.60 S PORT PERRY PHONE 74 Immediately ely Auto Dealer.in Oshawa : (Both shonld have Licences or 'Man. (This man must Have One Spray Painters' Helper, "Hat rate operation (our mechanics Paid Vacations, Permanent positions for the right men Apply: Oshawa, 38-4634. May 6 Announcing the 're-opening of the Smith Greenhouse, Prince Albert, by Mr. and Mrs, Don Leslie. All kinds of boxed plants for sale. "TUES., MAY 17--Auction Sale -of Purebred Holstein Cattle, Milking Equipment, Threshing Machine, ete., the property of Carl Lorimer, lot 11, Con, 3 E. Gwillimbury Twp., on Hwy. 12 at Sharoh. Terms cash, sale at 1 p.m. Sam Gough Pedigrees. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. Blackwater, Ont, <-WED,, MAY '18--Auction Sale, the Estate of Mrs. B. Newson, West half lot 23, Con. 14, Mariposa, 1 mile west of Cambray. Farm, House, Good Barn, Drive Shed, Pig Pen, Furnitor®, 'ete. Terms Cash: Subject to Reserve' Bid; 109 on Farm day of sale, Bal- ance in 80 days, Sale at 1 o'clock: . 'Wm. Weldon Clerk. '7 REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. : Blackwater, Ont. SAT, MAY 14--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 50 Cattle, Implements, Grain and Furniture, the property of Jack Van Camp, Lot 10, Con. 1, Cartwright, 1% miles North-West jof Burketoh. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m, TED JACKSON, "Auctioneer. Notice fo Creditors AND OTHERS Creditors and others having elaims against the Estate of Thomas Adam Carnochan, late of the Village of Port Perry in the County of Ontario, Re- tired Farmer, are required to send full particulars of sich claims to the un- dersigned, solicitors for the Adminis- trator, on or before the 4th day of June 1955, after which date the es- tate's assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims that have been received. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Frederick Francis Frayer, late of the Village of Caes- area, in the County of Durham, Re- sort Operator, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died March-6th, 1956, are hereby no- tified to send to the undersigned, par- ticulars of their claims on or before May 21st, 1955. Immediately after May 21st, 1955, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the :| parties entitled theréto having regard only to claims 'of which the under- signed -shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this )| 19th day of April A.D., 1956. . HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Solicitors for the Executrix. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Norman Grant Tease, late of .the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Manufacturer, deceased. i the estate of the above-named who died April 6th, 1955, are hereby no- tified to send to the undersigned, par- ticulars of their claims on or before May 21st, 1955. Immediately after May 21st, 1956,sthe assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to -claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. _ " "Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 19th day of April A.D., 1955. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Solicitors for the Executor. ! May b A - $0" " Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Amos Emerson Clarke, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gar- age Proprietor, deceased. ; All "persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died April 1st, 19566, are hereby no- tified to sénd to the undersigned, par- ticulars of their claims on or before May 21st, 1955. Immediately after May 21st, 1055, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 19th day of April A.D., 1956, HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Solicitors for the Executrix. yo . May 6 ; - p AUCTION SALES! .May 6 All persons having claims against |' SAT., MAY 14 -- Auction Sale of Household Furniture, 'ear, Blacksmith tools, ete., to be held at the Estate of the late George Kay, in. the Village of Sunderland. Terms cash, sale at 1.00 pam... Wm, Weldon, Clerk, © REG. JOHNSON,*Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE : 20 Reg. Holstein Cattle, [R.0.P. Cows on Selective Registration. : 7 "Good Plus" Cows 3 "Good" Cows Records up to '14000 lbs, 20 Young Pigs =~ Property of Thos. F. Pennylegion 2 miles East of Bridgenorth, 8 miles north-of Peterboro, on THURS., MAY 26th Sale at 2 o'clock. = Terms Cash TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Office Clerk Wanted For Summer help, Apply immediate- | ly to Silverwood Dairies, Ltd. Port Perry. Phone 154, t.f. Cedar Creek Mr:-and Mrs, Cecil Slute and girls of Raglan were last Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Patsy Holtby was eight on Thuis- day. She entertained several of her girl friends at a party on Friday af- ternoon. - Mrs. George Spencer and her grand- son, Donnie _Gibson, . of Columbus visited Miss Flossie Spencer and bro- thers on Saturday. . Caroline Lee of North Oshawa spent the week-end: with Elsie Fice and ac- companied the Fice, family to their cottage at Bobcaygeon, where they - spent the week-énd; ~~. '4 o Mr, . Russell Steele of Purple Hill visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm, Steele on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mri. Norman Birkett of, Raglan were Sunday supper guests of ¢ Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fice visited Ab. Shunk in Oshawa--Hospital on Sunday evening. The community was shocked and saddened on Sunday afternoon to hear of the sudden and unexpected passing of Mrs. A. H. Niddery. Mrs, Niddery was the former Mary R. Pereman and is survived by three daughters, Win- nie, Mrs. Thos. Wadge and Verna, Mrs. Andy Marshal, hoth of Bramp- ton and Mable at home. She was predeceased hy her husband in 1943. Murs. Niddery rested at her late re- sidence on.Quaker (Road until 'Wed- nesday "morning. Funeral services were held in-Luke-MecIntosh Funeral Home, Oshawa, on Wednesday after- noon, Gibb Wier, M.P. and Murs. Wier of 'Carman, Man. and Mi. and Mrs. Theo. . Wier of Minnesota, U.S.A. called on Mrs, Kilpatrick and' George on Mon- day afternoon. Gibb Wier is the Li- beral M.P. for the Manitoba consti- tuency of Portage-Neepewa. Wayne Willerton is celebrating his 10th birthday on May 5th. "Helto, Daddy! ---- = have waited all da ISR § "This is just one of telephone pays its easier, More secure. Coming home now? ™ At the end of the day there's nothing more exciting than Dad's voice to report when he will i . be home for dinner. . 'It-makes such a big difference to little people who y for Daddy's voice. It makes a difference to your wife, too--she likes to have Shme warning when you have been delayed. the countless ways your way as it makes life happier, - THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA B400s" \ SHINGLES PAINT ge . PHONE PORT PERRY 2a deen CANADIAN CEMENT SLE 5 PerBag Lake Scngog Lumber - Company Ltd. Me oOo Tr AED 2U0W ONT. « ' PLYWOOD , WALL BOARDS ---- ey ate oa i | i 1 3

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