Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Feb 1955, p. 8

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| ol a ---- TE BE uk) $s ETA IY IRE SN A aa fT TO HR AR Ca Te a A A FH PR ARO AR eal - nN . oT eb Blackstock Wo, He, Lo Mission Band met on Thursday afternoon with 15 children and 2 leaders present. Lorraine Dayes, 24th. Standing officers for the Dio- cesan Board were nominated, Get well cards were signed by members present to be sent to Mrs. Jos, Forder, Mrs. E. Darcy and Mrs, V. Archer, and a letter of appreciation was to be sent Misses Ruth McCartney and Mau- reen Donnelly are ill with flu and jaundice. We wish them a speedy re- covery. Mr, and Mrs. Orval Heayn and sons, . LAKEVIEW Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THEATRE PORT PERRY i : SH A | Aig EE ERE% pn i ~~ Vice-President, in the chair, We sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and repeated the Mission Band Purpose. Mrs. Hill gave the worhip talk on "Our Father". Donna McLaughlin and Janige Byers read prayers. Joan Sug- gitt took up 'the offering and Linda Kyte said the praper. Sylvia Lawt rence read W" is for William and we sang "Merry Flakes of Snow". Don- ald Bradburn read "March Poems". to Mrs. Irwin of Nestleton for the nice box of knitted articles she had Seugol) wished het parents Mr. ad sent in for the bazaar. Thanks was expressed to Mrs, Nicholson and Mrs, J. Hamilton for painting the kitchen cupboards in Parish Hall, The Study Book chapter, "Water of Life" was taken by Mrs, T. Smith. The birthday box received a donation from Mrs, F. Hamilton, The Rector closed the meeting and lunch was served by THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEB. 24-25-26 + « = } _ i = Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis... « s In Their All Time Best Téchnicolor Laugh Riot "LIVING IT UP" Mr, and-Mrs. Lloyd Stevenson, Miss ; ' COMEDY, and SPORTS 3 Lynda Ormiston and Mrs. Wheatley, " ah Brooklin, visited «Mr, and Mrs. C. : Midgley and family on Saturday. ; Lol Mr, and Mrs, Alan Jackson left on | Monday for a vacation in Florida, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED., FEB. 28, MARCH 1-2 5 | ~ AL 4 Wh . ; Rs : Mrs. Taylor told the story "The Great | group three with Mrs. Geo. Staniland ; # : 0 : WV, Day." We sang Jesus Bibs Us Shine, jas convener, .The Woman's Association will méet Dale Robertson and Debra Paget OUR FEED $ and Lorraine said the Benediction} [~~ * ; ~| at the home of Mrs. Howard Dobson In the Exciting New Technicolor Drama pe ; hi ' PAY FOR after which we played a game, > -- : | on Thursday afternoon, March 3rd at : at a dha A Ludi rye Prize winners at the card parties : ivi The ladies are asked to keep the 'THE GAMBLER FROM NATCHEZ". :.« : . : Ayo ; last week were as follows: at the Ma h 4 ate in mind, SHORT PICTURES 1 ? 3 when you Cowling and Mr. Marlow Thompson; ne ester ; : : . 5 : > HOGS! door prize--Mr, Flem Thompson, Mrs. Gladys Archer was in Sutton : / AR SELL YOUR At the Farmers Union on Wednes-| nr. and Ms, E, Bryant Seagrave, | O7F the week-end with Mrs, William | ---- - ! Lack: odie ; HE . day, Mrs, Percy VanCamp; Mr, Wes, spent an evening with Mr. and Mus | Martyn. ; fr 0 OO 0 FS RN 2Q THIS COS 2 Sweet, Sr; door prize, Mrs. George|); NG ? : E& = na > HOW MUCH EXTRA DOES THIS Sour THE FERDER: Prosser; 2) at the Men's Club Thurs- i Midgley recently. Mr. Dennis McKinzey has sold his : HAIL THE BAKER! : i 3 day night--Mrs, George Fowler, Mrs.] Miss C. Cowan, Toronto, was with | service station and will give possession | = Choose 'atl YWhacka = 4p There are no hidden financing charges. You pay the Hector Shortridge and Mrs, (Dr.) Me-|the Roach family over Sunday, to the purchasers in March. . something tempting from his basket to glndde u | % Master Feed Prices. = Arthur Jagjes; genta eo Tom Hojge, |: oF "mewn a pS ES : those three-meals-a-day. : [| 1h) 8 g Tr Harry McLaughlin and Oscar Graham, ern RE - os 41 Start them on MASTER PIG STARTER PELLETS at Door a Ray McGill. i Saturd Si ecials : iL r 3|weeks. Grow them on MASTER FEED GROWER MASH Sunday visitors with Mrs. G. Fow- . soo 8 ory ) * PELLETS, ler were Mr. and Mrs, Alvin McGill, y 'ORANGE LAYER CAKE" "CHERRY TARTS" g : ; Sa Lindsay; Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Rutherford r : / git : STER FEEDS, PORT PERRY and Alan and Barbara King and Mrs, : : 3 ; ih AQ 3 Georgina Blair, Oshawa. ; GERROW'S B AKERY 8 A « V J 4 § =f = £ FAST, FAIR, and FRIENDLY SERVICE Mise Edith Cox. st her: home. in | . : : F PORT PERRY . PHONE 1 Pontypool. Phone 32W i : M. GERROW 5 G. M. GERRO Mr, and Mrs. Roy Turner and girls, / Pa : b $90 sesssetsasasasesasasasttastsetttttttttttsttttttittttttss 0c 000000800 s00ttseeettstortecesosesthstid s ¥ 4 | Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter and baby : i spent Sunday with friends in Coe Hill, s Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp of ; Uxbridge Listowel, visited his mother, Mrs. W. Ontario A. VanCamp and had dinner with the Feb.25-26 } Percy VanCamps on Sunday. I OO OO OR : <8 3 TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS i « FISH * MEAT x POULTRY .- CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING York Frosted Foods 200020004 Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. E. McQuade (Yvonne Jackson) Bowman- ville on the birth of a son on Sunday. We were all glad to know Mr, Chas. Lubson was able to he home for the week-end, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, SHOP and SAVE AP's NEW SUPERMARKET SIMCOE ST. N. at BYNG, OSHAWA LOTS OF FREE PARKING 100000 eeessrrns Friday - Saturday, F*2 He fought the = HUNTED® (EE ) ie . | Rich Stinson, Bowmanville. : ge ; re : : | HOUNDED! ik} Apache terror... |} Mr. and Mrs, Ross Duff and Gra- OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY : /. CAWKER BROS. : ] ¥) : it t ' . 4 = tg ENTE ey Al . "» {S § PURSUED! 2 ALONE/ oN | Biome Dutt, Shirley. OPEN TILL 9 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHTS 'THE FAMILY BUTCHER ; BN : Glad to hear Mrs. James Strong ex- FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE = 5 : (os Sali i$ PEN) RO A ; pects to come out of hospital to-day Hehe PORT PERRY PHONE 29 (Monday). ] : + \ : HEI ; . A a x il wien ; » ; J et aia Congratulations to Jean Thompson who got her Grade IV vocal exams with honours; also to Catharine Bai- ley on her grade VIII piano exams it | and Joan Hoskin 1st ¢lass honoufs in ; Grade I Theory. - fg - H Mrs. Wm. VanCamp ined Mis Mable VanCamp, Toronto, . Mr. . and Mrs. Tom Smith, Mr, and Mrs, Blake Gunter and son, Mr. Douglas Davidson and Mr. Gordon Paisley, to a - fowl supper Saturday evening. Sorry to report Mr, Allan Rahm is quite ill, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Marlow left. TERE 2 Lo ein pf Sunday for Florida. Bill is staying - A UNIVERSAL INTERHATIONAL PICTURE with his grandmother, Mrs, N. H. Mar- : low. f i : ; ; ; ~ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, Mrs. . ~~ # Monday- Tuesday Feh.28, Mar.1 Ed. Vice and Mrs. Gates of Oshawa, One of the re ion 8 with Mrs. Ed. Darcy. - great, great Ms. and Mrs. Roy Taylor spent Sun- motion pictures. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE { a STARRING AU MURPHY - NELSON - WILLS T& with K.T. STEVEKS « RUSSELL J04HSON + MADGE MEREDITH + ROY ROBERTS SEES > day with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Oshawa. = f Messrs. Roy and Biss Ferguson and - Sandra and Mrs, Cecil Hill visited Rev. { # and Mrs. Merrill Ferguson and family in Toronto and were glad to find Helen doing nicely. Rev. and Mrs. George Nicholson spent Monday in Toronto, - His friends are glad to know Orr' Venning was able to come home from hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hale, Scarboro, 'visited them on Sun- | day. | Miss Clara Marlow, Richmond, was home for the week-end. A : Mr, and Mrs. Carl Hamilton attend- ##| ed the Eastern Star dance .in Lindsay Legion Hall, Friday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Capstick and won ressreses reese sssesss | YOU ASKED FOR | ALL-NEW BEAUTY YOU ASKED FOR A YOU ASKED FOR | | STUNNINGLY STHED Lv SURGING NEW 1 POWER INTERIOR : ...and here itis! ©, and here it is! All-New a5 h.p. valve-in-head § BIG "6" "+ "Tops in economy, backed by big-car = power.and oo %. performance. ¢ The finest 4 as % performing valve-in-head *'6 You ASKED FOR A : WRAP-AROUND WINDSHIELD ...and here it is! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents BH MARLON |: ELIT Feast your eyes on the A fabulous Pontiac interiors: You'll see a completely new instrument panel with recessed controls . . « ou'll find more room, deep-seated comfort and true-angle seat backs for taxed riding + Youll enjo She feeling of "The '55 Pontiacs boast the longest, lowest, built-for- ' beauty lines ever... enriched by a massive gleam of - bright metal, front and rear .. and completed by a Pontiac's wide open and i : ai Entertainmant. i Wed. - Thursday ~~ March2and 3 BASED ON EONA FERBER'S PULITZER PRIZE NOVEL! THE STORY OBL 050 = JONN TWiST vocris 11 ROBERT WISE came and gave a very interesting talk on his trip to the Calgary Stampede. i$ | of Doug, Davidson, Allan Dayes, Jim | Greaves, and Clifford Jackson sang 2 | several numbers; Ms. W. Archer gave a humorous reading and Leonard Saunders sang _and played the bones with Mrs. Lorne Thompson accom- panist. Candy was sold. Mrs, L. Thompson, President of the W, I thanked all, Over $70 was cleared to be put toward the redecorating of hall, February meeting of St. John's W. A. was held in the Parish Hall on Thursday p.m, Opened with hymn, Scripture reading and prayer. A special prayer was offered for mem- bers who were absent through illness. Arrangements were made for World Day of Prayer service held in St. John's church on Friday, Feb, 256th at 2.15. Decided to quilt the quilt for the Indian girl outfit on Thursday, the The High School quartette consisting |' : the, door prize; which was a motor striking combination of pd engige in the automotive industry! real mhtoring luxury! sonderful wrap-around | Fu8: ; : brilliant colora. yi 3 windshields give you £N # The community hall was filled Fri- ; ve : All-New 62h.p. all-fender visibility! » AC day night and all enjoyed the follow- Havre PT gat valve-in-head 'Thanks to the 18% n PT ; ing entertainment. Mr. Neil Malcolm ik hrf Is ¥ va increase in pi : » aid i$ | was the splendid chairman, Masters : KED FOR AN : Stogto-Fach visibility, YOO FX front and i A | f ee Lahn on Dame 4 you hs ki fl ni rformance a more pleasure AN ELIA KAZAN PRODUCTION « esse KARL MALDEN - LEE J, COBB i# | accordian and Billy with drums and 7a LUXURIOUS NEW Rages power, flabing 1 Fisk pink phy iy i "un MO S108 + M1 OOS EVA MARE SANT i# | their mother on the piano, are always # y an all y ith this grea . « ind dbodveny i ful. Mr. Ed. Y Ponty- | Fo COMEORT gas... all yours w r i A trent by SAN. SPIEGEL « sven iy by 0000 sNLINES : wonderful. fs ay foungman, :on'y. ; FR new valve-in-head Strato-Flash, ERIE en 0 8 | pool; even with hia broken leg in cast En and here it is! . All-New 180 h.p. valye-in-head = hen . A super powered, 5 Pontiac's complete chassis brilliantly Gi | performing engine, YRtp that backs up your "gy¥ slightest toe-touch ® with action} change includes a brand new frame, new front and rear suspension and tubeless tires .. » making Pontiac's th ride The newest, greatest valve ig SA V8 in Canada! : "4 the nltimate in comfort! os : ; PEON Loe pag Sh Fi Apa ies | | _ All that you've ever wanted in a car is yours with h AQ gh hom hog "@ Athi L : in ANd Madd -- --t2880 AT YOUR Loca; DEALERS «in-head " oi (1 NOW! Re AEs Archer Motor Sales PHONE 57 = PORT PERRY

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