Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Feb 1955, p. 2

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a i ~ we ' y BE is en a » 1) HS 'other, 134 yards. complete illustrated 'instruc- Both ake Syoorb! "SALADA TEA & COFFEE [ ANNE HIRST | "Dear Anne Hirst: I can't sleep or eat for worrying! For over two years I've gone with a-young man I love madly. , . , Two months ago he told me his parents do not like me, and that he cannot afford to oppose them because he works for his father. He claims he loves me more than ever, but says he's so mix~ ed up he doesn't know where to turn, "Why his family disapprove, I don't know. I've never been in his home, though I have met most of them. In spite of all the mean things I hear they've said about me, I have no ill feelings and I think I could get along with them. I come from a good family, and we have a fine life together, I've an excellent posi- 'tion, belong to the nicest organi- zations in town, and have loads of friends. Those who know about his family's objection are as amazed as I am. "The young man is 30, I'm 25. Surely he should have a mind of his own? . .. Now I see him only at lunch. He is dating a girl ~ Top of -this or any season --- two stunning blouses to wear with everything -- suits, skirts, slacks, shorts! One is a wide- yoked classic style; the other a dressy version tied with a per- ky bow. Both jiffy thrifty, easy to sew. Pattern 4793: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 upper ver- sion 23 'yards 39-inch fabric; This pattern easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has tions, " Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (35¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print lainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto, his parents like and have enter- tained. I see other boys, but that isn't fair when I'm always think- ing of him, One old friend now wants to marry me; his family are grand, but I am only fond of him. He would make a good husband, though, "Please help me! Shall I stop seeing the man I love? Marry the other boy? Or leave town for a while? JUDY." * To help the man you love * make up his mind, stop seeing * him at all, Perhaps his father * is using their business associa- * tion to influence him, and the * prospect of seeking a liveli- * hood elsewhere does not ap- * peal to him. Some young men * are like that. Why his family * object to you, no one can-say * --unless they have already * chosen this other girl for him. * Some parents are like that, * too. * If his family wins out, leav- * ing town for.a while (as you * consider) will help you to re- * cover from that blow. You * will be away from both these * men who care for you, and * that has its advantages for it * will give you a clearer per- * spective. Meantime, * leave the other young man in * any doubt; let him know you * are not in love, though you * like him. If you decide to re- * main at home, his attentions * will be comforting, and you * * * * will need all the comfort you-- can get. Love will surely come to you again. READER REBUKES "Dear Anne Hirst: You must have an overworked imagina- tion. Have all these things yo write about really happened to you --- or how do you know about them? "About that wife's letter con- cerning her domineering hus- band. Why don't you get HIS side of it? He may have-a-good reason: for the way he does; I know some wives imagine a lot when they want their own way. But thanks for that article, any- how. » "You talk like a woman that stops working at 10 or 11 p.m. and spends the next few hours at a floor show. .. . I'm a regu- lar reader, and feel IT have the right to tell you this, READER." * Every letter that is printed * in this column comes through * the mail from readers who * ask for my opinion. In many * cases I could be twice as help- * ful if both people concerned * wrote me their separate view- * points; now and then they do; * but not as often as I should * like. 1 have no doubt that * some complaints are exagger- * ated, but I have to accept the * situation itself as they depict * it, and with honest intent, at * "least. * * * : If the man you love allows his parents to choose another wife for him, what can you do ex- cept refire from the scene? -- And who: wants to marry a weakling, anyhow? Anne Hirst's understanding and wise counsel can guide you toward a happier - ending, Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto, Ont. Mix and gift into a bowl, 3 c. once-sifted pastry flour (or 225 c. once:-gifted all-purpose flour), 6 «hr Baking Powder, 31 tsp. salt. Cut in finely 7 t! ine % c¢. milk and in dry ingredients and add liquids; mix shortening. Comb Make a well . Magic , chilled tsp. vanilla. lightly with a fork. Knead for 10 seconds on lightly- floured board and roll out to 13" thick rectangle, 814" along one side. Cream together 1 tbs. butter or margarine, % c¢. ¢. lightly-packed on roll in a hot oven, 400°, about ab 8 garine. anut butter and 14 rown sugar; sprinkle -out dough. Beginning at an 8 14" edge, roll dough up like a jelly roll and Place in a oof pan (44" x 814"), Bake minutes, Serve hot, cut in thick slices, or cold, cut in thin lices, lightly spread with butter or mar- Al ¥ don't Ny 2 ER A SN AR ER AU REN 4A NR FA Co Butter, Butter, Who Gets The Butter? Joy reigns in the Agriculture Department. Washington dis- patches say Mr, Benson's boys have an answer to their desper- ate butter-surplus problem. In one word it is ghee; in two words it is rancid butter; in three words ft is an Aslan delicacy. : Briefly, the department has a favorable report on the possi- bilities of reprocessing its 260, 000,000 pounds of deteriorating butter and marketing it at a loss of no more than 50 cents a pound. In the Near and Far East there are 600,000,000 peo-~ ple who don't get as much ghee as they would like. Ghee (Hindu ghi) can be made of butter--the more liquid part-- after it has been heated and cooled. The plan as outlined by Agri- culture Department experts calls for an agreement with other butter-exporting nations about marketing; then the shipping cessed surplus markets, One of the reported beauties of the plan is that it will sidetrack projects for selling butter to the Soviet Union at the world price of about 41 cents a pound. Since Uncle Sam buys butter at 64 cents a pound, and would sell ghee at 25 cents, shipping and processing costs can't lift "the loss above 50 cents. * Payment can be in local cur- rencies -- which can be spent for advertising to promote sales and for processing plants a- broad. Thus the business can be put on an expanding and per- manent basis. Indeed, one of the features over which there is particular rejoicing is that this would be no mere stopgap arrangement, but a "permanent" autlet for the butter the law re- quires the government to buy. Who knows? The business might be built up so several hundred million pounds could be sold every year and losses pushed up to more than $100,000,000 an- nually! Of course, this plan is not really as preposterous -as it sounds -- given certain political and economic facts of life. Nor is the butter surplus a laughing matter to dairy farmers. They have tough problems, partly created by .margarine competi« tion and partly by seasonal fac- tors. They can point out that if they could not stabilize their operations with butter sales milk prices would rise. Even so, the ghee project may help Americans to see how fan- tastic the situation has become. From The Christian Science Monitor. Huck-Weave Four brand new designs! Huck-weave these lovely motifs on potholders, *bibs,. aprons, bags, linens, Beautify your en- tire home! Ideal gift for baz- aars. : : Pattern 668: Diagrams, instruc- tions for 4 huck-weaving mo- tifs, Easy! Jiffy! Fun! Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 128 Eighteenth St, New Tor- onto Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. . Don't miss our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Catalog! An 'excit ing variety of crochet, embrold- ery, and iron-on color transfer patterns to send for. Plus four complete patterns printed in book. Send 25 cents for your copy today! Gifts and bazaar best sellers! of partly pro-' GREETINGS Lois Heyl shows off a dress of embroidered julle trimmed with more than 100 greeting cards. TGINGERFARM 2 In this district we-are still lucky insofar as weather is-con- cerned. Very little ice, no snow to speak of, bare roads and good driving conditions, Not quite so good on the back roads -- but passable, - We were particularly thankful for good weather last _week as we had trouble at the barn--one cow with milk fever, another. with digestive trouble, and the rest not too lively, Part- ner says he is to blame for feed- ing' them too well. I suppose cows are much the same as hu- . mans--more:of them suffer from over-eating than from ' under- feeding. Anyway, our cows last week provided us with plenty of extra work and worry. Every- thing is back to normal 'now, thank goodness, and without any loss. of life. It is wonderful the results modern veterinary 'medi- cine can achieve. If .our sick cow had had milk fever ten years ago the chances are we would have lost her. This week there will be more excitement, but of a different kind. On Friday we expect -to be "converted" -- by a change- over from 25 to 60 cycle. We are wondering if we shall notice any difference in our lamps and motors. That I shall be able to tell you next week. . And in connection with: hydro . « . like everyone else we were deeply shocked to learn of the death, through a plane crash, of that energetic personality, Chair-" man Robert Saunders. He had a tremendous responsibility and no one could have worked hard- er than he to promote the St. Lawrence Seaway project. It just seems too bad that he will not be here to see the comple- tion of that: gigantic undertak- ing. A comparatively young man, Mr. Saunders, except for . his 'untimely death, would un- doubtedly have given many years of valuable service to On- tario. His passing will be a shock to farm folk in every part of rural Ontario, as he did much to provide the means of hydro service to those in isolated dist- ricts, Another public service, the progress of which we are watch- ing with interest, is the installa- tion of new poles and wiring by the Bell Telephone Company, in preparation for a change-over . to the dial system in July of this + year. We are really going mod- - ern aroud here! However, the party - line will still be with us but with less on each line, Six instead of the present fifteen--at least, so we have been informed. In the meantime we are subject to the inconveniences that pre- cede any change in public ser- vice, There are short power in- . terruptions at infrequent inter- vals and occasionally the tele- phone line is completely dead. And no doubt conditions will get worse before they are better, so I guess we shall have to take ijt in our stride. : That we can do. What is a good deal harder to take is the announcement made last week by our Federal Minister of Agri- culture, the Honourable Mr, James Gardiner, who said that except for the wheat crop failure in the west, 1964 would have been a good year for Canadian farmers! What a good idea it would be to have Mr, Gardiner change places with an average hundred-acre farmer fora couple | ae ISSUE 8 -- 1955 of years, with little in the bank and probably a mortgage on the - farm. It would be nice to have Mr. Gardiner feed and care for a few hundred laying hens; look after collecting 'the eggs, clean, pack and ship them, and then get 30¢ a dozen for Grade A Large! If he compared the cash returns with the cost of feeding the birds, Mr, Gardiner might get quite a surprise. In fact, as an economy measure, Mr, Gar- diner might do as we have been doing -- live on a steady meat diet of boiling fowl.. Actually, we have eaten so many hens the last few weeks we are wonder- ing if there is any danger of us starting to cackle! We would also like to have Mr. Gardiner shipping milk. He might then wonder, as we do, why farmers should be: requir- ed to ship a given quantity of "surplus" milk at $2.40 a hund- red pounds, which must be sup- plied to the dairy. in' order keep up the quota. that sells at approximately $4.40 a hundr "Yes, after a couple of year an average farmer, Mr. Gar might find the farmer's in is influenced by other factors sides the prairie wheat crop: It might be brought home to the hard way, that everything he had to buy had a way of in- creasing--in price while avery- thing he had to sell was on the decline. "| Mr, Gardiner, we are {fully aware, is a farmer, but if he were a farmer, minus his position as a cabinet minister, we rather fancy he. would have to do a lot of juggling to make the scales bal- ance at all. THE LEGAL MIND Counsel was cross-examining a witness. He asked: "And on 11th November you say you call- ed upon Mrs. Murphy. Now, what did she say----" * "I object to that * question," interrupted opposing counsel. After a flerce argument he tween counsel, the judge allow- ed the question. "And, as I was saying," con- tinued counsel, "you called vpon Mrs. Murphy. Now, what did she say?" "Nothing--she was out." . Q. When is it pro Modern Etiquette to begin calling new acq tances by their first names? A. People today eall each other by their given names much earlier than formerly. One must, however, sense the proper moment to drop formali- ties, If everyone else in the eircle in which you move uses ' first names, you are at liberty to follow the trend. + 3 Q. Is it considered proper for a bride to telephone her thanks for wedding gifts received? ; A. Never, under any circum- stances, should she thank friends for wedding gifts. by telephone or in person. A per- sonal note must be sent prompt- ly upon receipt of each gift. Q. Is it proper ever to blow on hot foods or liquids to hasten their cooling? : het A. It is better not. : Q. Is it proper for a man, who meets a woman on the street and who removes his hat in greeting her; to keep his hat in his hand during any conversa- tion he might have with the woman? ' A. This is not necessary. He. may replaces his hat on his head soon after greeting her, . Q. I see bread and butter plates on 'some tables, and on others none. Is it proper to use them? A. They are not used at for- "mal dinners, although they ap- pear quite regularly on the family dinner: table, and. often on the informal company din- ner table, too. Q. Is it the duty of the bride- elect to buy the dresses and ao- cessories for her attendants? Luscious HONEY BUN RING Quick to make your with the new . Active Dry Yeast woman companion when cending or descending stair ways. : Q. Is it correct to have one's ~ telephone number engraved em } stationery? A. No; the telephone number is never used on' personal sta- taking a heaping spoonful of fos cream, and then making several mouthfuls of it, Is this proper? A. No. Only enough for one mouthful should be taken at a time, a - rr "Go In and tell him you want another raise; I'm running out Fete manats fulek Dry Yeast! No last-minute tri Fle: 's board! Orde of patience." ing 'streets or assist her in es- oodie e puffin' from a Quick ine iwith Rew cakes of yeast! No more , -- this .new form of least keeps in your cup- tr a month's supply. {ischmann HONEY-BUN RING @® Scald 34 c.milk, 34 ¢, granulated sugar, 174 tsps, salt and 24 c. shortening; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl % c. lukewarm water, 1 tsp, granulated sugar; stir until sug- ar is dissolved. Sprinkle with I envelope Fleischmann's Active Dry Yeast, Let stand 10 mins, THEN stir well. Add cooled milk mixture and stir in 1 well-beatén egg and 1 tsp, grated lemon_rind. Stir in 2 ec. once-sifted bread flour; beat un- til smooth. Work in 2 c. (about) once-sifted bread flour, Knead on lightly-floured board until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl and-grease top of dough. Cover and set in warm place, free from draught. Let rise uatil doubled in bulk. Punch down dough and roll out into an oblong about 9" wide and 24" ; loosen dough. Combine 34 C tly-packed brown sugar and 34 c. liquid honey; spread over dough and sprinkle with 34 ¢. broken walnuts, Beginning at a long side, loosely roll up like a jelly roll, Lift carefully into a greased 875" tube pan and join ends of dough to form a ring. Brush top with melted butter. Cover and let rise until doubled . in bulk, Bake in moderately hot oven, 375°, 45-50 minutes. Brush" > top with hopey and sprinkle with chopped walnuts, : : CHEQUE TH! ROIR TO "the thrilling and co hak & Water Re CANADIAN NAYTIONAN THE COLISEUM |" never BEF 2 THRILLING An vue at the NG TORONTO 'SPORTSMEN'S SHOW cuit 0 al i { 1 i

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