Authorized as Becond Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa. 6 Jo dc, He Je He He, He Te Te He Ho He Hg ; Christmas Message "PEACE ON EARTH GOODWILL TOWARD MEN." We are living in a brand new world and we do not know it. We think that it is impossible for our world to be brand new. We forget that to-day 'ideas are weapons--moreover the greatest weapons we possess Peace on earth good-will toward men has been a dream for two thousand years. Now the possibilities of it coming true are greater than ever before. Christ said "I, if I be lifted up will draw all men unto me." Each year adds more practical instruments to our means of communication. The message of Christ's teaching has travelled all over the world in those two thousand years. True, it is not always acted upon but the actual message of living and loving those with whom we live daily grows in scope. It is also quite true that millions have set their hearts against such a belief and graft and corruption are everywhere if we want to look for them. Without hiding our heads in the sand we are able to see vast areas of improvement. Who would have thought it any coricern of theirs 'a hundred years ago if Korean chidren were hungry and naked? To-day advertisements in every big paper appear regularly for the relief of people such as these. At one time the victims of war were left to lie and rot by the roadside. To-day our general health is a matter of public concern; the control of infectious diseases alone is a fine example of the way government is- able to mitigate disaster. Lighted streets, police patrol, regular mail deliveries in most of the larger places of the world; regular train, bus or air service to almost anywhere in the world; these are some of the things we take for granted. Flood relief both by voluntary sub- scription and public welfare has just been demonstrated. to us in our own area, When and wherever there is trouble people rally to each others support, sometimes for selfish motives and sometimes because they think it -the only decent way of living. . Links are being forged through science that will-yet make us into one world. War has become the annihilation of all. We know that there will be no victor. On the other hand we see with hope that the scientists of the world intend to embark on what they call "The Inter- national Geophysical Year" which simply means there - will be simultaneous world-wide observations in the field . of geophysics. Such things as the rate of rapidity of the earth's warming up and what the possible effects of this phenomenon will be are to be studied and. the findings shared by all the countries involved. = Russia and a number of iron curtain countries are participating. Of course this is only one of the subjects on the agenda. Cosmic rays, the ionosphere, the magnetic poles ete., all are to be studied. The Columbia Plan, Marshall aid, the work of the U.N. generally--all are signs of a striving toward one world and understanding that will lead to co- existence of all cultures. Communication with one another leads to greater understanding. 'Education, desired is helping us to reach-out to each other. though leaving much to be A potent part of that education comes from the lips of the Son of Man: "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel unto every creature." What gospel? the gospel of a wise and patient love that casteth out fear. As we celebrate Chistmas Day this year let us help our families to realize that much of all our good fortune to-day has been built upon the infinite sacrifice, in the past, of Christ and fol- lowers of Him. ~The Hort Perry Star | and Staff FW WW OW SW SR SR Sw MESSAGES FROM THE CLERGY CHRISTMAS MESSAGE "Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy." Luke 2:10. "Joy to the world the Lord is come." That is what we sing and hear sung as Christmas draws near. Christmas is. above all else a day of joy because it is the commemoration of the birth of the Saviour. No matter where we , celebrate it, it is fitting that it should be a day of gladness and festivity. The birth of Christ meant joy to the world. That is what the angel an- nounced, "Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people". God 1s no respector of persons and the gift he gave to the world was to all people. There was no restriction as to race or nation. Something of the joy and wonder of Christmas should stir thé heart of every Christian, God is willing to give each one of us something of this happiness if we will receive it at his hands. The burden -of sin, care, suffering and sorrow lies heavy on the world today. Without Christ the future is dark and uncertain. With Him it is bright, illuminated by His promise and by the joy and peace that He imparts. . The bells of Christmas ring ont messages of peace and good will to men, of high hopes and warm love, Too often the expression of that hope and love ends with the passing of Christmas day and the exchange of a few presents, Our joy should not end when the day is done; it should be an abiding joy that the continued presence of the Lord will bring. ) Joy is the heritage of the Christian. It is what the world wants and seeks and too often does not find but con- tents itself with passing pleasures, The Christ who came to earth as a little child is the same who endured the Cross that we might have eternal happiness. "Joy to the world the Lord is come: Let earth receive her King, Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing." Greeting and good wishes to all for Christmas and the New Year. : B. D. Armstrong, B.A, D.D, JOY TO THE WORLD At this glad season of the year we are greatly intrigued by the glamour and wonder of Christmas. The music revivities our emotions and we' try to live again the glory and matchless love of the greatest event of all time. The deepest note in the responsive chord ought to be joy born of grati- tude, for Christmas is the answer of God to all the yearning of human hearts, Here humanity finds its clearest vision; its fondest hopes and its most powerful convictions. "Immanuel God With Us!" Think of it! It is more than a text. It isa fact 'of history and of experience, whereby we are made strong in our faith, rich in our treasures and cou- rageous to face the issues of life and of death. As you gather with your loved ones around the festive table may you be truly thankful. Some of you, will have lonely re- membrances of happier days with loved ones near. Others will have a loved one removed from home or sick in hospital. Whatever be our lot, let not the emergencies of the hour be- cloud our vision to the full significance of Christmas. May God's richest blessing be upon each of you and may we keep Christ in Christmas, Sincerely, ROBERT H. WYLIE. "Let us now go even unto Bethlehem" This week probably the greater part of the world will acknowledge the birth of a Man who was born and died over 1900 years ago. Many of those who join in the festivities care little or nothing for the Person whose birth- day is being celebrated, but they would probably admit that "peace on earth, Hr EE--_ Sai RIC TTT : S20 do Jo Ho To Ho He WIC WI SION AE goodwill towards men" is a concept which the world sorely needs to put into practice. They approve the prin- ciple of peace but not the One who came to establish it; they would have the principle without the Principal. Christians know that we cannot have the principle of peace without the Prince of Peace. As St. Paul said "He IS our peace", Christian thinking does not separate peace as a spiritual real- ity, experienced in the heart and mind, from the Author of peace, Tt {s the birth of Jesus Christ, His coming with- in us, which alone BRINGS peace. The Christian experience is that this activity happens if we but look at the Christmas scene honestly. As we reverently contemplate the birth of the Christ Child as an expression of God's salvation for us who do not deserve it, we find ourselves inwardly moved to peace, joy and good will, In other words, the birth of the Saviour becomes a reality, as we return in spirit to Bethlehem, : Let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to To Rs SET Tor unto you is born this An the city of David a saviou 4 hich 15 Christ the Lots. 3 pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us." May the remembrance of the coming of the Saviour bring peace, joy and good will to us all this Christmastide, and may His love and peace soon reign in the hearts of all men every- where. . Kenneth Scott. "And the way of PEACE have they not known"--Rom. 3:17. During this time of world chaos, conflict and confusion, the voice of the prophet Isiah still echoes "His name shall be called the Prince of PEACE", This theme is re-echoed by heaven's| angels "On earth PEACE good will toward men". At this season of the year," the Spirit of Christmas has come to MANY homes . , . but the Spirit of Christ has come to so FEW. The Lord Jesus in preparing the dis- ciples for his departure turned to them and said "PEACE I leave with you, my PEACE I give unto you." The apostle Paul explains how this peace may come to the individual heart in $2.00 per year. day St.LUKE I1-XI. - x PE TREN = Sy Romans chapter five and verse one, | "Therefore being justified by faith we have PEACE with God." ; To-day whether we be classed as wisemen, shepherds, wealthy or poor we must all enter through the same stable door if we are to find Him who is born the King of Peace . . . a king born in a stable? . . . Yes! A rugged ross became his throne . . His king- dom (of peace) is in hearts alone. On the birth of Our Lord and Saviour, may you know the joy and PEACE of those who dwell safely within his abiding love. Pastor L. A. Faulkner, Pentecostal Church. Three Men to Vie For Warden's Seat A three-way fight is shaping up for the wardenship of Ontario County In 19565 with one man trying to take the honour to a township which has not had this, the highest honour in the gd Join RAP yf Sh ST . ~ LR --- wn Ls) fg county, in almost three-quarters of a century. In Whitby, at the final ses- sion of the Ontario County Council, three reeves who will be present on council next year indicated 'that they would stand if nominated for the po- sition of 101st warden of the county. Reeve George Todd, of Pickering Township, for three years reove of this township and one year deputy- reeve, indicated that he would seek the wardenship of the county next year. In 1049, William Westney, reeve of Pickering, $vas named warden. Reeve Harry Peel, of Port Perry also stated he would be in the running, He has also represented his munfel- pality for three years on county coun- cil. The last reeve from Port Perry to be named warden was Merl Letcher 17 years ago. warden to come fror ed 74 years ago, ) Single Copy 5c. Pn Si we TP a ey To RC a we id A at Tse Waly ROR Gls ya WO ) FF arris, 'From away back in Rama Matt do ship, the farthermost townshj«¢Farlane, county, Reeve Wilfred Hart, to say no- cated he will try to brinpur, that genie! ship to his municipalimetist Cliff Me- rw £7 i