Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Jul 1954, p. 8

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5 HALF Ii Sa : Wed 32 ¥ Co Gein po. AAEN ARAN TT Neh ) AEN AR RSSANGR 2--THE- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1954 LAKEVIEW . Jes |} Two Shows Nightly ~ 7 and 100. : : 1 --_-- a8 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 22.23.24 Co-Operators British Ontario Winter Wheat oh Hsease, Syart pam, Mien J Bt : Rhonda Fleming, Gene Barry, Guy Mitchell : : Sanit : 4 ay SLs .]a new challenge in winter wheat In the Sparkling All Technicolor Musical Hit he A i : Insurance ary |. Motors Varieties ~~ [hic Dutatler ©, "THOSE REDHEADS FROM SEATTLE" § . - fa . : - Ta : : : 3 5 : ¢ 8 | "i : fox --Xer ; ) : ein ES ae ATSoQIATION Excavalin Reliab! Hai Re.Buie | The average yields per acre of Jlrs SHORT PICTURES , : . iy | ; eliable e- inter wheat i LE - Sid We HL The Sub. Pulerution of Agrisivurs |... | SEPHE TANKS - CARS . TRUCKS - TRACTORS | iicuay increase over the pact mnie | BUCKHORN Sale is -- S-- : eo er, CoYeras ® |watER MAINS, DRAINS, ETC. 3 PIT MOUTH Har Tops londed with feentury, "reports A. G. 0. Whiteside;] * of household furniture, the property ~ MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26.27.28 , ) 'oo Central Experimental Far uke, of the vil : aa Gti Convenient 6 Mos. Premiums - BAN I REON, 53 MERCURY Sedan with overdrive iis hias tor ncn tal Farm, Ottawa of the Jato Pagers Luke: of the vilage | Luis "Arlene Dahl and Fernando Lamas "You'll never regret asking about 3. 8elhe Lo A Beautiful Dark Green y be Hed to many 1ea-jof Epsom, Wednesday, y £8, ey 5 : 3 C. L A. Car Insurance Phone Brooklin 5'r 24. - . -augl2 52 MONARCH Coach. Automati sons which include better adapted|1.30 p.m. Bedroom suites, diningroom ; In_the Exciting All Color Adventure: Romanee . - () 5 | HAMER, MYRTLE, Ont ~ =| 7 NO 4 k oach, Automatic, |, ieties, better seed, better cultural | suite, kitchen table and chairs, beds, . Gio EN" =F Wis. a ne Brooklin 61-r-2 : p ? Radio, Heater, Tvodone © | and fertilizer practices and most of all | springs and mattress, stoves, pictures, + "THE DIAMAND QUE one Brook . ' 2 Monks Oxford Sedan the desire on the part of the farmer |and many other articlés, 3 - COMEDY, ETC. a 3 NORRIS poy Sedan to obtain maximum yields. REG, JOHNSON, Auctioneer 1 | Eads ' il ; ; m m in Dawson's Golden wnall was a stan- ( 2 "an - : Custo Co hining ® int] Ine Condition dard for many years, and while it is 12 foot, self propelled. machine, : £ 19 MORRIS Oxford EARL BACON, Phone 260 21, Ux- 47 DODGE Coach ; | The pupils had all been photograph- : still favoured by some farmers, it has| ed and the teacher was trying to per- . ; : = bridge, Ont." augl?2 : bastions given way largely to Cornell 595,|suade them all to buy a copy of the -- - ns TEE A, : TEED 46 PONTIAC Sedan : Dawbul, Genesee and Rideau. Cor-| group picture. Ha z Fy UA . 41: PONTIAC Conch nell 695 and Dawbul are strong-straw-| "Just think how nice it will' be 'to fo yoo sey : : : FOR SALE--Baled hay; also end- siya : Aadioy: Heater. ed varieties, high in yield and gen-| 100k at it when you are all grown up Serve Country Club Ice Cream Often less rubber bent, 140 ft. long, 7 in. USED C ARS 10 NASH scan erally well adapted for the main] an dsay. 'There's Rose; she's married. 5 ; by , . 2 wide, Apply J. L. Dobson, highway . 418 [irerhational RE3 g winter wheat Areas. A new variety, Or 'That's Bill; he's a sailor.' " a ONLY 30c. A BRICK : 47. Phone Port Perry 126 r 16. ATEN 2 d trucks h 18 N KR IONAL KB Genesee, is being tried out on many| A small voice in the back of the is : ' july 8 Lf. All "OK" used cars an ue J ave 46 G.M.C. 3 Ton Stake RG farms this year, In tests conducted | room piped up: "And there's teacher; i 3 i 1 been carefully appraised plore being FRACTORS & IMPLEMENTS at several points in Ontario over the she's dead." 3 : ahir ay pecla S | 3 . S~Dion'T hi accepted as trade-ins, then thoroughly | 49 RORD Tractor past three years'it has outyielded| 000 : 2 Fah -- : A FOL SALE =D | hregiing BL checked in our Jervies Sepathmons and M-H HAY LOADER Cornell 595 by better than a bushel "I asked you to mail this letter a "PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE" "CHELSEA BUN" iy E i 3 nung, 8 ds 2 . eeondilianed Where epost) Jo §1ve Mal SEED DRILL, per acre. It does pot have quite as| month ago. I just found it in your , Yi Mrs. C. Naylor, ' July a masy t aya % 0 ii 9 ag M-H Plow, 3-Furrows : strong straw as Cornell 595 but would coat pocket." ., . GERROW S BAKERY y RE o eh an K a for M-H MANURY PopanR likely shatter less at harvest "time. "Oh, yes, that was the day I started ! 2 ; , : . 'uc Carr FO, ) Fertilizer Spreader, ete. All three "varicties are resistant .to| leavin the coat home so you could sy : : 3 LOT FOR SALE on Simcoe Street, | 1000- miles or 30 days, and 'if parts SPECIAL loose smit but are susceptible to bunt - es on." 0 : Phone 32W : 5 G. M. GERROW Fort Perry. Apply Mrs, Ellen Stin-|or repairs should be necessary through | We have a limited number of new or stinking smut und to the rusts, = aE son, Phone 439-W. July 22 normal use during this period, we pay | PLYMOU'TII CARS now in stock_and Rideau is still a popular variety in the £ x one half of the bill. - and will will allow top prices=for good Ottawa Valley due to its extra hardi- 4 FOR SALE -- Cockshutt Binder, 6 All ears are equipped with heaters, | clean trades, ness, while a new. variety, Richmond, ft. cut, with sheath carrier, nearly [some with radios and other ucces-| CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH F | goveloped by the Cereal Crops Division CA new, in first class working condition, | S&ries. SE F ARGO Hh at Ottawa, will be tried out on several SP Ri N G An Phone 164-r-33, Port Perry. W. E. O.K. USED CARS F ERGUSON TRACTORS farms this fall. It is high in yield, | : LN ; : Bell, Utica. July 22| . Pe PEASKDALL has good winter hardiness and is re- , 1S THE TIME FOR BRIGHTENING UP 1952 CHEVROLET COACH -- dark one--Uxbridge 162 r 15 sistant to the common bunt: found in ) YOUR HOME ° : FOR SALE--Universal Car Radio| green finish, has been unusually -* | Ontario, Fairfield and Thorne are Mob acs. : in good working order, $26.00; also a well cared for by one owner, A ti : S ] ' two soft red wheat varieties which are yi : Fis! . : > ei ol quantity of used telephone posts. |1952 CHEVROLET COACH, Metallic uc on d es 5 being sown by some farmers 'who "Guarding Baby's E ot @® FOR DECORATING IDEAS Apply to Edgar Storry, Port Perry.| green, excellent condition and : e Gam favour red wheat varieties for their| ---i ying | aby's yoo oh A =e ; guaranteed. |, SAT. JULY 24--Farm Sold, Auc-|tendency to sprout. world with relatively toy ions ~~ See our 1954 sample books, FOR. .SALE /- Canaries. Havlz- EE ERAS EE tion Sale of Farm Equipment, 2 Trac-| There is still considerable reom for ; Sas FOR ..SALE anaries, artz-151 CHEVROLET COACH, medium tors, 2 Horses, Forage Harvester. |: A 4; ail: A RESINS: disease germs, but science / Mountain, males $7.50; females $1.50. HF : i 3 Side » [improvement in winter wheat varie- as devised a number of procedures 3 ; R. F. Turner, Phone 18J Blackstock, ey Yin di sun Vises, -- Blower, ete, the property of Joseph | ties and while it is difficult to get into" to'guurd the infant, and particular- @ EXTERIOR PAINTED 3 . ires, -other extras, one o Milligan ,on No. 2 Highway, 1st farm one variety all of the desirable char-} ly his eyes, against infection." . ht bes 3 3 \ FOR SALES neve of lund nearh 2 is west of Whitby. Terms cash, sale at | acteristics, active breeding programs| Eve infections in the new-born with the t quality paint. A Raglaii OR price $2800 : Phone | 1951 METEOR COACH, black, first] 1.00 p.m. are under way at the Ontario Agri- ale aves] bY arm bacteria en- : o | grap, : : ; i } D JACK y ioneer. | auitur or : « y sses ] : L ; 199 r 24, Port Perry. class condition, guaranteed TE ACK30N Aliztioneer TWuesl College and a th 2 Central througlr the mother's birth canal, ahs Sao 1951 ANGLIA COACH, radio, very) SAT. JULY 31 -- Auction Sale of | Exper Manta arm. hin Ul | RUN: When infected, : thal ; = ; FOR SALE --Set Harness (biass);| economical car, very good condition. | Faypy Stock and Implements, the pro- ug bi : eid SYS ghegter ila 3 11g deficats tissue : M. ST. CLAIM - cultivator, double harrows, two steel | 1951 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH | perty of Russel Harper, Lot 5, Con, 5, | '® hardi x 9 : a TaN i hy EE iy ; A oki. : sawing : : conn. | 1 : Reach Twp., % mile west of Utica, [inter hardiness and these character- BE : +7 iE trucks, sawing machine, cream sepa-|light green, one owner, a fine car Pp. istics coupled with high yield milling A eyeballs -- called d S rator, numerous other articles. Phone [1950 PONTIAC COACH Terms cash, sale at 1.00 p.m, . quality are being Sought: The new the conjunctiva -- an ons £5 $ S Blackstock 45.1 3. grey, one owner since new TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. AA Firohl8s JDeches Dinamed ; Ro 8 : A 1950 METEOR COACH--maroon fin- % : : \ Phe 3 g New Phone Number 118 r 1. ' FOR SALE--Team of Horses, quiet ish, a clean, well cared for car. FRESH : EG S G Silver nitrate i 6 : x i pngle or double. Roy Melaughlin, | 1950 AUSTIN AGO SEDAN; dak |= © B00. ia R 0 OF IN and in some cases penicillin oint.- =r ~~ RR.4,PORTPERRY 3 Heugloc ili SE one owner, exceptionally nice . i ment, two drugs which are routinely : ~ ; : ; : AA Nisei fombng E Wahid] OF ALL:KINDS applied a few minutes after birth in . ) > 3 16 > : ' : TENDER ; : SFT order to prevent infectioff, have : ; 5 gan ] Df SALE 148 WH been carefully driven and well cared 49. 1b. + Eavesiroughing, Asphol Siding, proved extremely effective in reduc." : : : ; : pe ! ron an, a ip ue for by one owner, gray colour. - stimates Be on all kinds ing incidences of blindness. How- 0 : : a est cash offer. one Blackstock . : lg is + of work. ever, they sometimes cause irrita- QS Eaters tasers anstbastssnssnssssnasirs iii rr Oro (3800540040088 84084388303583880330 5100) 333) 44 r 11. y 1950 yon CUSTOM COACH, gleam-| STUFFED Barbecued : VE tion to the sensitive eye membrane, § E ! Ze i ing black finish, this car is unusual- ; i "EARL WALLACE Recently two scientists tested two 1H i" i i i ly nice, guaranteed Al. : $1.00 per chicken Added to raw. Price = Port Perr different eye ointments on 1,225 i : 7 BLUE COAL ; %, FOR RENT in Prince Albert, two 1949 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION i n ar : y : fants at the Sacred Heart Hospital : : : i 73 large rooms and large kitchen with [194 i B : F ms 3 ! : ) hot and cold water, heated, city con-| SEDAN, completely reconditioned, 5 run 0 in South Dakota. One contained July 22 11949 CHEVROLET COACH another antibiotic, polymyxin-B. FOR RENT-- Modern Apartment, [1/5 Sat) 800d condition. Dead Farm Stock Repair Work The new ointments were just as effective against harmful bacteria JULY PRICE ......ocoo....oonvosoonionsornn $26.00 vor sink and kitchenette, newly decorated, H ULY PRICE z $26.00 per fon" + H 3 = terramycin and the other contained NEW LOW SUMMER PRICES 3 veniences, Phone 195-1-14, Port Perry.| Guaranteed Al. 74 HIG ; Way SEWING MACHINE terramycin in combination with : i 4 5 : i 0 IIT ITITIS rée Dove average eve : MPTLY 'as the silver nitrate. However, ac- i ' Reasonable. Phone 307M 1949 pid ye co ACH. blue, Tally Fh PICKED Y FPROMI! 2679 Repairs to all makes of orang so the dsclors, vursely Jers : DISCOUNT of $1.00 per ton if paid in 15 days FOR RENT -- Presbyteriar Manse | reconditioned and guaranteed We also buy live horses } machines, being able to distinguish the differ- | § Sin Wald Daina EAD 3 0 at Sonya. 8 room brick house, hydio, | 1948_ PONTIAC COACH, dark blue; | MARGWILL" FUR FARMS," 'Free pick-up and delivery. ence between the two drugs as to the : / Net Price $25.00 : conveniences, garage. Nice lot on| thoroughly checked, a nice clean TYRONE Jor work also done in the home:| c¢ffect on the babies' eyes." : s : i nr \ , illiams "car in good condition. % = dee. 15, 1954 - : A ow Women ost 3 gih8 sendite Reasonable rates | were rebionen pa hte, 2 3 kwater, a . "0K." USED TRUCKS. ported, and the babies kept them / : '8 CARPENTER. WORK of all kinds,|- D d S k S E W.B closed for 3 or 4 days. But the eyes TEE. Houses, cottages, etc. Phone 361] 1949 CHEVROLET half ton panel, re- ea | foc ervice . . erry of the children treated with the an- The silver nitrate treated eyes BEESOR FUEL & LUMBER | > A : - si y conditioned, good condition : : . : _tibiotic ointment were bright, open PHONE 73 PORT PERRY : Ha 5%, Mr drelund, 1949 FORD Ts, icku : Dead or erippled horses, cattle or hogs, Port Perry Phone 114 r 6{ and free from irritation, wenn hey # LOST--Key ring with three keys, very 'good a Kp, } picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone : A Be i / | SS Esse Eee te eI eset ssessstt test tssetttstattsssstitsettses S1882828888800F collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92 r 14, Lindsay 4682." Head Office, above average condition Woodville 82 r 11. Werry, Phone 71 r 4, Blackstock, Ont. : : oe ILSEN d WEEDEN === == EY NE mri ny CASH - TRADE - or Convenient ED. PECONI, 0 dan P INGLES in the Green Thistle or vicinity, Key 1949 G.M.C. half ton panel, G215115, G.M. 94567 and 3. Neil & yi AY WANTED---Girl or Woman for gen- Argyle Ontario AN : : eral housework, in Oshawa. Good G.M.AC. TIME PAYMENT TERMS home, good wages, Live in, perma- } HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS nent. Write Box 14, Port Porry Star. Bryden Motors DE AD STOCK Phones: 487. Evening 402 L tt Y : D) ! Al m : : - (Brad ties He ' ; A : «= In MEN, WOMEN? OLD AT 40, 60, 6! ORE ar CHONE 74) FOmOved. from your farm: prompily WE SELL ii WE INSTALL : WE SERVICE One Stop Service younger? + Ostron ington ORT IE ; 4 tor SY disposal, ; Telephone OIL BURNERS--Your choice of Most Leading Makes oy of U i . a : : llect. Port Perry 00-y-4, or Toronto : 2 From Start to Finish . . , pep up -hodics weak, "old" because: CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE © | Co FURNACES -- CONROY, CHATCO, GURNEY and N-FURNO 4 he lacking iron, Introductory. "get- CHEVROLET TRUCKS EM.3.363, be ® : : Ae 'M MATERIALS . , . PLANS . . , B . « . ESTIMATES . . , E BY CONTRACT IF-DESIRED , . . . : See Us i ail ! Gravity and Air Conditioning Units, acquainted" size only 60c, All d druggists, : Open; Every, Evening (Ustil. Gor on Y oung Lid. ELECTRICAL WIRING of all kinds, Phone To-day for a Free Home Survey ta : WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, 80D and LOAM BULLDOZING . EXCAVATING ELLSWORTH KENNEDY ~ ra os - ay cam L 3 ME>mm nvoou ; will be pleased to serve you. Li | i . Intas 2 FOR EVERYTHING IN LUMBER and | 9 Phone Sim Fors For Lake Scugog Summer Homes as TRENCHING, * LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, ~~ for information. : : . : : rig ; ig So 4 2% : "nov 27, 1064 $1,200.00 down--5-rooms, lake frontage, full price $3,300.00 S a 2 : ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING | |] $3,500.00 down--7-rooms and flush toilet, beautiful grounds, Ari : SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. i : Fall price $7,000.00 A Lake Scugog Lumber WV FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. Bulldozing -and : $1,000.00 down--3.rooms and flush toilet, and sun ge, oma A Com a ors : Be, WTR A «Full price $2,200. : Lid ] vl TRIPP Co STRUCTI : : Excavating OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM S 1p Y 0g " ; N AR ON : BY HOUR or CONTRACT H PORT PERCE 240 W : ~ Li EXPERIENCED" OPERATOR ONT. / Howard Langille, Realtor { sare Hori Phone 392W (Office) i : REASONAPLE RATES : Ask for Bob Banks Claremont 7 REE : § 4 be * Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 302) N. B, MATRS y Port Perey 898, 0 i Al me il PLYWOOD WALL BOARDS : ! v ; : : . i : | Simcoe Street - PORT PERRY a TEU RRR PE LR staan 1 Adi SSN ! June? 4 = Lg 5 5 MH : * : Ii; !

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