Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Jul 1954, p. 8

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(5d > er ' a ~ Co-Operators Mrs, J. HAMER, MYRTLE, Ont. Phone Brooklin 61-r-2 LL] + " Hairdressing Shampoo and Fingerwave $7.50, $8.00 and $10.00 Machineless wv ave Coldwaves, .. Hair Cutting SHIRLEY COLBEAR I'hone 430M Julylb WANTED---Quantity of old pasture sod, Call:Oshawa 3-8639, julylb FOR SALE--Baled hay; also end- less rubber bent, 140 ft. long, 7 in. wide. Apply J. L. Dobson, highway 47. Phone Port Perry 126 r 16. ; july 8 t.f. FOR SALE--Dion Threshing ma- chine, used 3 seasons, good as new. GUARANTEED USED CARS All "OK" used cars and trucks have been carefully appraised before being accepted as trade-ins, then thoroughly checked in our service department and reconditioned where necessary to give many thousands of miles of depend- able transportation, These cars and trucks carry our OK, warranty for 1000 miles or 30 days, and if parts or repairs should be necessary thiough normal use during this period, we pay one half of the bill. "147 DODGE Coach British Ontario 52 MONARCH Coach, Automatic, Radio, Heater, Two-tone 52 MORRIS Oxford Sedan 51 MORRIS Minor 50 MORRIS Oxford Sedan i PONTIAC "8" New Car Condition 49 MORRIS Oxford Streetsville | Plumbing Supplies Write for free catalogue S.-V, JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES I*hone 1352 Open Wed. & Friday Evenings Lill 9.30 p.m. 16 PONTIAC Sedan 41 PONTIAC Coach Radio, Heater, 100 NASH Sedan 18 International KBS 18 INTERNATIONAL KBH 46 G.M.C. 3 Ton Stake TRACTORS & IMPLEMENTS 49 FORD Tractor M-H HAY LOADER M-H SEED DRILL M-H Plow, 3-Furrows M-H MANURE SPREADER Fertilizer Spreader, ete. SPECIAL We have a limited number of new PLYMOUTH CARS now in stock and and will will allow top prices for good ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work, EARL WALLACE Port Perry Notice fo Creditors In the Estate of Ada Jane Sibella Holtby, deceased, All persons having claims against Ei Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, a for i y Their Uproarious Laugh Hit Insurance Motors COTTAGES, "CABINS, MOTELS [FORD TRACTOR, Tar Thelr Uptcasiops Lang ASSOCIATION * Excavating Limited. HOMES i IMONI THURESHER, | "THE CADDY" a sponsored by hig Rebs" pai 3 : AY, : oe a poy WR The Ont. Federation of Agriculture SEPTIC BANKS « CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS Te gan Buthidbe, Shows MEE ir LEN TOMEDY, IC a Gives Broader Coverage |. (up wAINS, DRAINS, ErC.|5 PLYMOUTH Hard Top, loaded with Sump Pumps, Copper and Galvanized at LOT 19, CON. 6, ER 3 . Better Claims Service FRANK THOMPSON, Extras, $400 below list. Pipe and Fittings, ete. PICKERING TOWNSHIP MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19-20-21 HE Convenient 6 Mos, Premiums ASHBURN, RR. 1 53 MERCURY Sedan with overdrive " ht on No. 7 Highway at Brougham, on INT , ; a: Youll never pig 28h18 aboWt | ons Brooklis 6 v 51. aug12| A Beautiful Dark Green You Pay No Freight SAT. JULY 17, 1954 Neville Brand, Frank Faylen, Alvy Moore 3 . I. A. Car Insurance h p IMPLEMENTS Dion Threshing Machine, 22:x 38, with straw cutter and grain thrower (good, near new) 100 ft. Drive Belt, endless LAKEVIEW ord Tractor Ford Cultivator Ford Tractor Plow, 2-furrow THEATRE PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 15-16-17 Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis with Donna Reed In the Record New Film Sensation "RIOT IN CELL BLOCK in COMEDY and SHORT. Ford Tandem Disc Manure Spreader for IFord Tractor Post Hole Digger for Ford Trailer Box for tractor Pulley for Ford Tractor Manure Spreader, rubber-tired, horse and tractor hitch, Masscy-Harris Binder, 1 ft. cut, tractor hitch. ' futernational Seed & Grain Drill, power lift, 16 disc with markers... McCormick Mower, 5 ft. ' Wagon, whitewash sprayer, new Chopper, 10 inch for tractoor 1937 Dodge Truck Set Fence Stretchers 2-Flectrie Fencers % -ton Stock Rack ete. her --- HAIL THE BAKER! For variety that really makes a menu for those i three-meals-a-day. = 2 Satarday Specials "FRUIT SALAD LAYER CAKE" "COFFEE ROLLS" 'GERROW'S BAKERY - Phone 32W G. M. GERROW Several 'Windows Scales ' Mrs. C. Naylor, Columbus, Ontario. the Estate of Ada Jane Sibellg Holtby, | Pump Jack *- Sling Chain late of the village of Port Perry, in Pig Trough, Metal i the County of Ontario, widow, who |Iay Fork Cable, 120 ft., pulleys died on or about the 16th day of Feb- HAY and GRAIN : ruary, A.D, 1954, are hereby notified | 1*0 bis. Oats 0 bus, Whast to send to the undersigned on or be- 700 bales of zy y pages fore the 30th day of July, 1954, full - CATTLE iediiy particulars of their claims, Immedi- Ayrshire Cow, N Hh red, Pi ately after the said date the assets Holstein Cow, 3 yrs., bre Ry of the said deceased will be destribu- Hack Lo, bred on 2 Jose April - i op i .. | Holstein Cow, ears, br } SAT., JULY 24--Farm Sold, Auc- ted among the parties entitled there Holstein Heifer. bred Dee. 14 i to, having regards only to claims of 4 ' 2 tion Sale of Farm Equipment, 2 Trac- . : Holstein Cow, 5 years, bred in May -which he shall then have notice. : Ys 32% tors, 2 Horses,- Forage Harvester, |: Dated at Port Perry, Ontario. this | Holstein Heifer, bred Dec. 20 Blower, ete, the property of Joseph "Dats tJ A i 1954. | Ayrshire Heifer, bred Nov. 18 Milligan ,on No. 2 Highway, 1st farm | * RY. oF dune, Alb, 1a Black Heifer, bred Jan. 12 west of Whitby. Terms cash, sale at| CONANT & MacDONALD, Barris-| Holstein & Guernsey Heifer, bred 1951 METEOR COACH, black, first 1.00. pm. ters, 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Feb. 22, 1954 | class condition, guaranteed. TED JAGKSON, Auctioneer. Ontario, Solicitors: for the Estate, Black Heifer, bred Jan. 23, : 1951 ANGLIA COACH, radio, very SAT., JULY 31 -- Auction Sale of July 16 Holstein Heifer, bred Jan. 18 economical car, very good condition. | Farm Stock and Implements, the pro- . : Holsteln Seiten head A 5 1951 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH | perty of Russel Harper, Lot 5, Con. 5, d fei Si Fojfen Tred Nepila 1 . . I} Ly . u pew Twn. 2a mie west of in. Notice do Creditors iii tiie "rod Nv, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer.| In the Estate"of Samuel Thomas 1 8s it: 2 years od ' te he Township of eifer, 2 years o 1950 METEOR COACH--maroon fin- Bruce, late of the Township Cartwright, in--the County of 2 Holstein Bulls, 15 months ish, a clean; well cared for car, Durham, Farmer. 9 Veal Calves 1950 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN, dark | 39c¢. All persons having claims against| Sale at 1.00 po. green, one owner, exceptionally nice the estate of the above-named who Terms: Cash, July 22 All car 3 are equipped vith heaters, 'clegn trades, _ some with radios and other aceces- CHRYSLER LOT FOR SALE on Simcoe Street; |savics. Port Perry. 'Apply Mrs. Ellen Stin- son, Phone 439-W, July 22 PLYMOUTH I FARGO FERGU SON TRACTORS 'LEASKDALE Phone--Yxbridge 162 r 15 0X. USED "SPRING IS THE TIME FOR BRIGHTENING UP YOUR HOME 1952 CHEVROLET COACH -- dar, green finish, has been™ yl. well cared for by one owner. [ 1952 CHEVROLET COACH, Metallic. Auction Sales green, excellent condition" and guaranteed. 2 51 CHEVROLET COACH, medium gray, with: radio, sun visor, new FOR SALE--"52 Chev. % ton pick- tires, other extras, one owner since up, new condition--$995. Phone Osh- new. : awa 5-2785, 299 Richmond St. East. FOR SALE -- Baled Hay, Square Bales. Phone: Port Perry 364-R or Blackstock 5-r-21,- @ FOR DECORATING IDEAS i - See our 1954 sample books. FOR SALE--Steel Ice Box, 50 lb. capacity, good condition, $5.00. Chemi- cal Closet $8.00. Phone 40. @ EXTERIOR PAINTED "with the best quality paint. FOR SALE -- Cockshutt Binder, 6 ft. cut, with sheath carrier, nearly new, 'in first class working. condition. Phone 164-r-33, Port Perry. W. E. Bell, Utica. July 22 | light green, one owner, a fine car 1950 PONTIAC COACH grey, one owner since new M. ST. CLAIR and Sons - New Phone Number 118 r 14 . RR.4, PORT PERRY - FOR SALE--Rangette, good condi- tion. Quebec heater, medium size, coal or wood, phone 486-r-3, Port Perry. Dozen FOR SALE--Lloyd Baby Carriage, grey, anti-tip brake, in good condition. Phone 26-J, Port Perry. FOR SALE--50 barred rock pullets, 3 months old; also about 20 aéres of standing hay. Phone 84-r-21, Mrs. Geo. Freeman, R.R. 3, Port Perry. 1950 CHEVROLET COACH, has been been carefully driven and well cared for by one owner, gray colour. 1950. FORD CUSTOM COACH, gleam- ing black finish, this car is unusual- ly nice, guaranteed Al. 1449 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN, completely reconditioned, TENDER CHICKEN 49c. 1b. STUFFED Barbecued $1.00 per chicken Added to raw Price Brunton Farms died July 20th, 1949, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned par- ticulars of their claims on or before July 30th, 1954, ' Immediately after July 30th, 1954; the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. No reserve, farm sold * KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. SEWING MACHINE Repair Work Repairs to all makes of "BLUE COAL" _7A_HIGHWAY Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY I'hone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, wR ~Gugranteed. Al, 1949 CHEVROLET COACH blue, very good condition. 1949 METEOR SEDAN, | green, above average every way 1943 ANGLIA COACH, blue, fully reconditioned and guaranteed 1948 PONTIAC COACH, dark blue, thoroughly checked, a nice clean ~car in good condition, ~NEW LOW SUMMER PRICES JULY PRIC a $26.00 per ton DISCOUNT of $1.00 per ton if paid in 15 days Net Price $5. 00 REESOR F UE L & LUMBER PHONE 73 - PORT PERRY $3888 28880sLtLLse machines, Free pick-up and delivery. work also done in the home. |$# Dated at 'Port Perry, Ontario, this 20th day of June, A.D. 1964. : W. M. Bowes, Administrator, or Caesarea, Ontario. FOR SALE--Gooseberries, Red and Black Currants, on Oshawa Road. Phone 250 Port Perry, Ontario. Reasonable rates : E:W. Berry TYRONE dec. 16, 1964 ~~ - Phone 114r 6 FOR RENT---Small modern apart- "0.K." USED TRUCKS TE i : froin ment, all conyeniences, reasonable. - > Phone 307M. 1949 CHEVROLET half ton panel, re- Dead Stock Service s \ conditioned, goad condition. OLSEN and WEEDEN 1949 FORD, 1 ton pickup, HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS very good condition 1949 G.M.C. half ton panel, Phones: 487. Evening 402 ED. PECONI, . WE SELL WE INSTALL :: WE SERVICE above average condition CASH - TRADE - or Convenient Argyle Ontario ; RSarel Mena OIL BURNERS--Your choice of Most Leading Makes / in Little Britain village, hydro, excel- = FOR RENT---Half a double house G.M.A.C. TIME PAYMENT TERMS lent condition, separate entrance, re- Bryden Motors DEAD STOCK FURNACES -- CONROY, CHATCO, GURNEY and N-FURNO liable adults, - Phone 25-r-8, Little . Gravity and Air Conditioning Units, PORT PERRY PHONE 74 removed from your farm promptly ELECT Britain, Ontario. RING of all kinds, FOR RENT in Prince Albert, two : for saniiary disposal, .,¢ Telephone large rooms and large kitchen with ~~ CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE | Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto hot and cold water, heated, city con- CHEVROLET TRUCKS EM 3-3636. veniences, Phone 195-r-14, Port Perry. (Gordon Young Lid. July 22 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. . nov 27, 1964 Bulldozing and Excavating _ BY HOUR or CONTRACT 'EXPERIENCED OPERATOR REASONABLE RATES, PHONE 468W N. E. MAIRS _ Simcoe * Street PORT PERRY June24 WAITRESS WANTED--full or part time. Write or phone Flamingo Rest- aurant, Fort Perry. _ Hubby: "I thought that lamb was a little tough." She: "Oh, let's not-talk chop." Port Perry Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92 r 14, Lindsay 4682. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11, FOR RENT--Bright, cheerful, heat- ed apartment, hot and cold water in kitchen, Bathroom, all conveniences. Apply Edmund McCrea, Prince Albert, _ Ontario. : July 4800000000080 889 SHINGLES "One Stop Service" From Start fo Finish ve tel MATERIALS . ay PLANS ESTIMATES | BY CONTRACT IF DESIRED sis yt FOR EVERYTHING IN LUMBER and BLOING MATERIALS Lake Scugog Limber Company Lid. PHONE: 240 Ww LE 'PORT PERRY ily own, - PLYWOOD WALL BOARDS _ 'o-day for a Flee Home Survey NOW OPEN SWAMP GARAGE BODY SHOP COMPLETE BODY FINISHING and REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS. fi Cars will be Picked Up and Delivered ' PHONE 470 r 2 PORT PERRY Albert Vautour Open Every Evening Until 9 oe. \ yy adh ra cow ' RRSINEIE WE win Re Te BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING TRENCHING, ROOT and ROCK RAKE 'FOR LAND CLEARING * LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES --by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 302W (Office) ! Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 392]

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