RRR RR RR CR CRB ROR OROMN CANADIAN CEMENT ORORCRORRORROBOROR PAROS SS A RR AER Ra 8, WARREN 'HARDWARE * PHONE 106 : ' UXBRIDGE ORR etd | Tri-County Penant. ==1| Sunderland Looks {| Good This Year § caygeon. $8] the veteran pitcher, Lloyd 'Tamblyn. | The strong hitting of Sunderland $2 | Tigers plus the excellent fielding and si |also the able coaching of Dougie 2% 1 Brandon made a good. start for the The Tigers in their new uniforms look like a win- Ne 80 he 4h "LACROSSE Toronto Maitlar ands * Brooklin AT BROOKLIN ARENA BE Sd ae se ER A A A A RR CR SR CR SR SRA RASA RA J riday, June 18, at 8.45 p.m m. ADMISSION--Adults 60c. COME and SUPPORT T CANADA'S NATIONAL GAME RS EER ESE ESR 20000000008 0008C 9000809000000 000 Children 15¢. ning team, "Come and see them in action Friday, 8% | Sutton vs. Sunderland, at 6.30 p.ni. Scores of previous games: 3 | Stouffville 10, Port Perry 2 8 | Stouffville 8, Port Perry-3 i | Sutton 8, Lindsay 2 3 | Lindsay 4, Sutton 0 3% | Bobcaygeon 7, Lindsay 1 £1 Sunderland 8, Bobcaygeon 8 i | Sunderland 10, Bobcaygeon 6 !|Canada Gives World bg Vast Paper Supply And you'll have money for extra expenses, too, when you Phone today Jf learn about the way you can ': for save by using the 'blue coal' more details of the Budget 'Plan. Convenient 'blu BUDGET PLAN ¢ coal' RE] - PHONE 78° monthly payments assure you of paid-up heat for the com- ing winter--and you save money when you buy now at a 'warm-weather discount', oh FSOR FUEL & LUMBER - PORT PERRY Most of -the world's newspaper readers take their information from sheets of newsprint that once grew in Canadian forests, No less than 410 billion sheets of standard newspaper size are: whirred from the machines of "Canada's paper mills each year, says the Canadian Forestry -Assocla- tion. A carpet of print-paper suffi- cient to blanket 36 farms of 100 acres each is turned out during every hour of the twenty-four, About 80 million trees are taken from Canada's forests each year to be ers, The process, says the Assocla- tion, offers no threat of a 'timber famine', provided that by cautious cutting new forests are brought into being to offset the amount utilized for industry. While industry has steadily improved its forest conservation me- thods, says the Association, the dead- ly contribution. of forest fires by a reckless public incinerates two million acres a year of essential raw mater- fal. Four in five of all destructive conflagrations in wooded country are caused by human agency. The Association points out, further, that an acre of good forest when con- verted to newsprint paper brings $1600, mostly distributed in wages. Each year, Canadians travelling in- timbered areas account for more than 4,000 fire outbreaks, virtually all be- ing due to personal negligence, 3 li it li Ii Ct Food Costs at DOMINION _ Specials for Thur, Fri, Sal, June 17-18- 19 - | VAN DUSEN'S 20 0Z. TIN - 3 ror Me I TOMATO JUICE CLARK'S IN CHILI SAUCE--20 OZ. TIN | BEANS WITH Fok 2 rr 33¢ | SMOOTH AND CREAMY, 382 0Z, JAR | RICHMELLD SALAD DRESSING ace: bac PLAIN or PIMENTO, 8 0Z. PEG. , | CHATEAU CHEESE Hig EACH Je APPLEFORD WAX PAPER {FOOD SAVER 100' ROLL 0) AYLMER 11 0Z. BOTTLE TOMATO CATSUP man Je | man Ne LEALAND THREE FRUIT -- 24 OZ. JAR SOFT DRINKS G8 IN OANS, i 12 OZ. TIN - EACH 2¢ | FOR 25¢| Ze % i % GUA Hin is uncon itfonally G Guaranteed to. give you 100% satisfaction. . 10d i Colony Ss Cola, Ginger, Root Beer # ~ DOMINION STORES LTD. NTEE -- - All merchandise sold at your Dominion 3 | PORT PERRY, ONT. %| Sunderland Tigers, after a year's|# i | absence from baseball, made a great | + #8 | come-back 'in the Tri- -County League | - 8 | when they tied the first game in Sun. |# . §|derland 8 to 8. They came back: Fri- | 3 ¥|day night with a 10- 8 win over Bob- dl Starting. pitcher of both games was : #8 | McGillivray and he was relieved by By ata 8 | June 18th in Sunderland Ball Park) | Ehiets Dos fed into the teeth of pulpwood grind- | . Ea THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 17th, 1054-5 NE a LR RRR RR ROR ROR RCSL ACRC RSL SE ACR SOR Seth dododadodode Reach Township School Area Board Tenders for the wiring of Yellow School are called for by the above Board up to June 30th. Interested parties can see blue prints by contacting - Tomas Shar, Secretary, Greenbank. BIRDSEYE PORT POOL will commence for,all interested on : ; JULY 6th at 9.30 am. under the direction of. MISS BEVERLEY MICHELL No children uider b years. of age: Classes grouped according to age. Registration Yee of 60c. each, Plus admissiorf of 20¢. or a4 season . ticket of $6.00. Last day of registration is July 8rd. Further details = §§ ~ will be given on registration. 8 Lowest or any tender not Necdnasrily Accepted or * tt a AT 1 2's 1 2% 1 2s 3" 1 aa sa TR TTT ee hme WEEK-END SPECIALS -- June 18-1 * OLSEN and WEEDEN »-- ond N-FURNO COLGATES CASHMERE BOUQUET TOILET SOAP, 4-29c. GET YOUR PICNIC SUPPLIES HERE WE DELIVER ALL ORDERS OF $2.00 OR OVER ~ DOUPE'S STORE Prince Alber Phone 5W Gravity and Air Conditioning Units. 5 ELECTRICAL WIRING of all kinds, "Phone To-day for a Free Home Survey CNR Wins Safety "Award MONTREAL -- Canadian National Railways has been named a winner of a U.S. National Safety Council a- ward for its public safety activities, according to advice received here from Chicago by Donald Gordon, chairman and president. Opening Game "The local baseball Chiefs fost thelr opening game 12 to 2 to. Stouffville Wednesday, June 9th. Although Ron Wallace," Bill Harper and Dave Me- Taggart hurled effective seven hit ball between them, the visitors ¢api- talized on errors. The Chiefs garn, ered eight hits, 'six players figuring In them, off-hurlers Hassard & Shell. _Meanwhile "coach' Harper has been work ng his squad hard sharpening tiem up for the game-with the Sutton Sox at Port Perry, Monday; June 21. The home 'club "are confident they'll make a better showing in the future, due to the added workouts, The hundred dollar bond was drawn at the game and the winner was Mrs. Gordon McDonald. Be sure to attend the Sutton vs. Port. Perry game. Tt should be a dandy. TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS FISH * MEAT * POULTRY = ol Ein CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING York Frosted Foods The C.N.R. received. the award for its system-wide safety activities which included public and family safety meetings with a 1953 attendance of nearly 18,000 persons, the use of a safety instruction car and motion ple- tures, and active memberships in a number of Canadian safety organs. tions. . CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER!" PORT PERRY PHONE 29 ve Storing Grass | F. Ww. BROCK & SON Silage Se SU I j The making of grass silage {s be- coming a very common practice in all parts of Eastern Canada. Each year |} 'more farmers are learning they ean (] use this method to preserve a quan- tity of their hay crop in a green state |! an dat--the peak of its nutritional |¥ value. 'Phe essential part. of the pro- |: cess-is to pack the fresh cut green material 'into a compact mass-so that all, possible air is excluded because |i; otherwise good pressrvation is not possible. Two questions often asked are = ||} What type of silo shall I use?" and]¥ ""Shall I chop or put in long silage?" |: . The stove or upright silo, of circu- lar construction, is a very common type and is suited only-to the storing of 'short chopped matérial. Results in this type of silo are very satisfac- | It tory but one limitation 'is that the fil- |} ling operation requires extra equip- ment; The surface, or horizontal sflo |! is a type widely recommended at the]; present time. Many features .about|¥ this type of construction make it par- ticularly suitable for use by the aver- age farmer, The main essentials for this type as in any other, are that it be in.a well drained location and con- venient-for bath filling and emptying. J: Construction costs are low as mater- ials from the farm woodlot ean bé used. A minimum amount of ma- _chinery is required for filling as the grass can be brought to the silo in dump trucks or wagons which are drawn through the silo and unloaded where needed. The pile is compacted by traveling over it with the loads and also by, additional tramping with a tractor or other heavy vehicle. A surface:silo, built at Experimen- tal Farm, Nappan, -has been in usé 'for one season. One half was filled with unchopped grass and thé other with chopped grass. The unchopped silage required considerable . more |§ space per ton than the chopped mater- ial there being only 55. ous of iii opped grass store e same Vo- ; horned, or required for 126 tons of ' FATHERS' DAY GIFTS. Sport Shirts - Tooke, $3.95, $4. 0 T-Shirts $285 and $298 | ! Monarch Nylon Socks, $1.50 pr. | STRETCH TO ANY SIZE: it Straw Hats, $2.95 Gabardine Pants, i fo $8.95 | ant Pn. / Summer Caps, $1.00 White Shirts - Tooke ........}4. % | (DESC Pyjamas-Tooke $5.95, $6.95, RAE SY Me's Ties... dL 0! TRICOT CREPE --a pullover model in white and 6 special colours. Also in colours with con- $3. 95 trasting collar, TRICOT PlQUE--in air-cooled open weave, a pullover style. White and Sale ase ; Litilouma Tile 10¢., 13¢., 19¢., 26c¢. Summer Shoes _ SISMAN SCAMPERS,.... $5.95 and $4.95 SISMAN OXFORDS, Black or Brown, $9.95 Wallpaper Ic. Sale 26 PATTERNS. With each roll you buy, an additional roll for lc. " BATA OXFORDS ............$7.95 and 5.95 GROCERIES itp was designed for self feed- |f Mountain Blend Coffee ................ 1b; $1.38 h ing with cattle entering from bot! Luge : ends and reaching Sno gh Inoyale Christie's Bread .................... 19¢. and 16c. Ya {Aes phe siastsiaort 23cs Roe i {ers to eat the silage e chop- { FRESHIES ........cciiniininnninn . [| et pH Seon more satisfactory Birds Eye Frozen Foods ; | PRE than the unchopped under gelf feeding GIAPRITOI icici 5 for 29c. Fresh Vegetables, Fruit, at Market prices riditions. ; 4 ; Old Cheese, ..............ccovoovivcivviniinirirnns 1b, 69c. "Irrespective of the type of silo oF Medium Cheese .............coocovinns «Ib, 55c, c : the method of harvesting a properly | conducted grass silage program will ensure that regardless of weather conditions. forage .crops. can be har- vested at the proper time, Phone 43 MIXED COOKIES, cello bag .................icoovvvieiiiisiniiiis 365e, : SALADA COFFEE, RR ER CR 75¢.- ae : | SHIRRIF'S PUDDING BOW SRE 3 for 29c. >= HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTO ® tiissnsdes dita anidn ait 28¢. : : RS COUNTRY KIST WAX BEANS ......c..ivooovvion, 2 for 19¢. ~ Phones: we Evening 402 J PINK SALMON, Lb, Hi rsa fs rests rave es 39¢. WE SELL WE INSTALL WE R > DONALD DUCK RAPEFRUIT JUICE, 20 -0z.....2 for 25¢. : SERVICE WETHEY'S CHERRY PIE FILL, 20 0z, o.oo. He, | OIL BURNERS--Your choice of Most Leading Makes CATELLI SPAGHETTI, 28 02. ....ocooovoovvoiosiioiio 23c. FURNACES -- CONROY, . CHATCO, GURNEY RINSO DETERGENT, Large ............... ~~" 38c. a - pi i sm A Wg ho TE A