Ee Ea A Aa 020808080 808080000Ce0008 8 20S R ERROR RR EE ES SA RR CR DRC RC ARCA 220800809000 080800R0R00080808 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 17th, 1984 LOCAL Rev. Dr, J, Lewis' Mclean. Modera- tor of the Presbyterian Church of - Canada was in Port Perry on Sunday and called to see Mrs. Neil Wilkinson. In Memoriam " BEARE--In loving memory of Mrs. Gertrude Beare, who passed away on June 18, 1958. : 'Loving and kind in all her ways, x Upright and just td the end of her days, Sincere. and-true--in_her hedit and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind. Lovingly remembered by Gladys Lewellyn Hutchinson. Card of of Thanks - We wish to convey our most sincere thanks and appreciation to the neigh- bours and friends for their many acts of thoughtfulness and sympathy, also for the beautiful floral tributes and to Rev. Mr, Mutton and Rev. Mr, Wal- lace for their most appropriate and consoling addresses, 'Norman, Clifford and Clinton Midgley Announcement The marriage is announced of Ruby Flora Dunford, daughter of Mr Wil- liam Dunford and the late Mrs. Dun- ford of St. James, Winnipeg, Mani- toba and Fred G. Christie, son of Mr. and Mrs, Grant Christie, Manchester, Ontario at the Anglican Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, Ontario, by Rev. H. 8S. Swabey, M.A,, B.D, on June 12, 1964, : The marriage is announced: of Mrs, Elizabeth. Ann Spencer to Mr. John - Christopher Taylor, on June 1G 1964, at 2 pan, in the United Church Par- N EWS The Churches ~'CH URCH OF THE ee a (Anglican) 11 'a.m.--Morning Prayer. 1 am.~--Sunday School. ------ Rector: Rev, H. 8. Swabey, M. A, B.D. June 20th--1st Sunday after Trinity ANNOUNCING MONSTER | Talent Show JUNE 18--in the torium, ~~ Auspices Track and Field Club: The piano pupils of Mrs. J. E. Jack- son, AT.CM,, RM.T, will give their ool Audi: ronation PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 20th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship No Evening Service - y 2.30 p,m.--Decoration Service Pine Grove Cemetery REV: RH. WYLIE B.A "Minister annual Recital in the United Church, on Wednesday evening, June 23rd, at 8 o'clock. Pupils of Mr. Alan Reesor will also take part in the programme, + 4 Silver collection in 'aid: of the Com- munity Memorial Hospital. : CONCERT junl? ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A, D.D. Minister. - Sunday, June 20th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Divine. Worship FRIDAY, JUNE 18-- . In Grace United Church, Everyone is welcome to attend a Variety Con- cert by the Sunday School at 8.30 p.m. Lunch will be served. Adults 86e., Children 20c. Proceeds for Sunday School work. juni? 'Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, June 20th-- 4 10 a.m.--Sunday' School 11 a.m.--Worship Service 7 pm.--Evening Service. Prayer Meeting, Wed, 8 p.m. . A cordial welcome is extended to all. PENTICOSTAL 'CHURCH Sunday, June 20th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evyangelistic Service-- Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Thurs, 2 p.m.--W.M.8. meeting. Fri., 8 p.m.--Young Peoples, * EVERYBODY WELCOME sonage by Rev. R. H. Wylie. - Pastor: i "Grant Christie, President, ' SHORT ADDRESSES Music by GREENBANK QUARTETTE R. D. Woon, Secretary OP0R0PL 02050908080 0808% OPOSOPOPOS0 0 OPOSOBOSOSSOSOT Be -- Two Great Last Complete Show at 8.26 p.m.' GEO. MONTGOMERY '/} Fort TI" TECHNICOLOR . AIR CONDITIONED UXBRIDGE -- Phone 52 s 2 Shows Ni hl t 7.00 and 9.00 p. - P olicy PIES i En ites at oo FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 18 - 19 Features --- "Slight Case of Larceny" | starring MICKEY ROONEY & .EDDIE BRACKEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21.22.23 . make us to \ stand fast in \ the liberty be wherewith thou hast NOTE Price tor this engagement Only--Aduits 6c. Children 25c. PORT PERRY -BAPTIST CHURCH "Wm. W. Thompson £5. 'DECORATION SERVICE The Annual Decoration Service at "Pine Grove Cemetery will be held on Sunday, June 20, 1954 at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon Service "Club All members are asked ta 'meet at the United Church on Tuesday, June 22nd at 8.16 p.m., to go to Uxbridge to see the pletire "Ma "Martin Luther". Baking Sale | qiang JUNE 26th, on the Unjted Church Lawn. Mrs. Colbear's W. A. Group,. until all is sold, Strawberry Festival WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, to be held in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church. 65.30 p.m. Sporis Day AT GREENBANK, on SATURDAY,, JUNE 26, in the Community- Park, 10 a.m. jun24 Adults $1.00, Children b0c. followed by a Strawberry Supper at Birth MacMILLAN -- Beth Ann, Janet and Peter, children of Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacMillan, of Belleville, would like to announce the birth of their little sister, Bonny Doris, on June 6, at Belleville General Hospital. Card of Thanks I wish to thank all the kind friends for cards, flowers and gifts, and to thank Dr. Kandel, Port Perry and Drs. Service and Colberne, Lindsay, also the nurses and staff of the Commun- ity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry for their kindness and attention during my recent illness, Susan Mark, Auspices of : Supper will be served from| . Greenbank Mr. and Mrs, Jim Walker and sons Saturday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walker. - Mra, Willlam Wilson has returned home from a'¥isited with Mrs. William O'Neil of Newtonville, : - Mr. L. Myres and sisters Jennie and Nellie of Todmorden visited with Mr, ing with them where Mr. and Mrs, MacPherson of Brooklin, friends of Mr, and Mrs, Keith Howsam gatheed together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix for a surprise party to celebrate their fifth wedding were present with two lovely paint- ings and then everyone enjoyed a social evening together. Mr, Acres have driven to Carp for a few days holiday. Mr. Ray Lamoria of Whitby visit- ed with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lamoria over the week-end. Don't forget the Church Anniver- sary Services on June 27 at 11 o'clock with the Rev. Beaton of Toronto as guest speaker. On June 26 from 1 o'clock on in our Community Park is a Field Day with a Ball Tournament, Races & a Straw- berry Social in the evening, Don't forget the W. A. will be held on Tuesday, June 22, Mrs. Lorne Blakely's group in charge with Mrs. Wilfred Evans of ' Bethesda guest | speaker. 4 Prospect The Women's Association met on Wednesday, June 9th in the Church basement. The meeting opened with a: Hymn, followed by the Lord's Prayer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Shortt and Mrs. M. Holtby gave the lesson thoughts and prayer. Mrs. Bruce Holtby gave a very interest- ing' reading. Hymn 148 closed the devotional period. With Mrs. Bruce Holtby presiding, the minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. Roll call was an- swered by eight members. The treas. reported a bank balance of $405.00. The: bazaar on June 2nd was a great success with $166.00 realized from the sales and afternoon tea. Bills amounting to $14.07 were or- dered paid. Mrs. Dearborn, Mrs. J. appointed a 'committee in charge of Holtby and Mrs. Bruce Holtby were painting. the Church basement. $16.00 was voted to the Scott Mission Fresh Air Fund. A motion was passed that $40.00 be donated to the Church to pay presbytery dues. The Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Proceeds $2.00. Heinz Bahy Foods Fly Swatters Ic Marmalade, Grapelruil and Orange Bez... Lu Crown Tea Bags, 100's to 8 Kleenex, chubby and regular .. Bananas, Golden Ripe | Deane, Valentias .....35c. and 59. | Ontario Potaives nina Ibs. 2c. | PHONE ol, PORT PERRY coven... 3 for 29c. | Timgthy and John of Toronto spent and Mrs. John McKiterick also visit- |. On Friday evening last. several] Mrs, Everett Hook and her father Needles? Sewing Machine or otherwise, your needle threading problems) . are over with a \ Jet Needle Threader - Just send $1.00 to Needle Threader Co Hl P.O. Box 167, Oshawa, Ont. ; for immediate delivery of this] amazing invention' that even the blind can'use. Anniversary. Mr, and Mrs, Howsam |& Scout and nd Cub i FORGOT that a bit of wood preservative, applied at little cost when the fence was put in, would have Mother 5 Auxiliar Y : ved him the cost of new posts now. ' Scout and Cub Mothers Auxil ary In the 'telephone business, as around your own home, we 4 will meet next Monday night, June 21, find it's better to do the job right in'the first place and at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wm, then look after it. It's the best way we know to avoid : Chapman, North Street. ; heavy repair and replacement costs, to save expense and iret £ give you most service for your money. gi 5 Ad ; ~ That's why we treat telephone poles agaitist rot; why we ' BAND CONCERT keep our-trucks clean and'in good ¥ fopair; why we put up / iy exchanges and offices to last, sl" Ha It's common sense if we aré to keep our costs doyn--and the price of your telephone: service low, I id like ul i {! the preservati Palmer Memor ial } 28 lt Sig 0 es fmt yd pie tories of Canada, Oe of Qo Affairs and National Tay T . sources, wa. Park, Port Perry, v, lone. wf THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 9 CANADA ey Friday, June 25 Hii "WANT T0 SAVE MONEY ; (Weather permitting) An evening's entertainment ar- Sart si |ON-TRACTOR OPERATION? Derry! 8 New Orchestra, com- posed of local boys, and directed : by Mrs. Irene May, pianist, «eo then switch to : Give the boys encouragement by FEES DAVID BROWN big hand for their endeavour. Come early to secure a seat. A silver collection will be taken to provide music for the Band. : - a ie Junior Patter ih. » - 4 . Field Day at 0.A.C. The Annual Junior Farmer Field 4 Day, one of the highlights of the Jr. Farmer year, will take place on Sat. * June 19th, at the 0.A.C, Guelph. A full day's programme starting with the preliminary softball games at 9.00 a.m. has been planned. Other events scheduled for the morning's program will be the girls' softball tournament and the tug-o-war, The Square Dancing and the Rifle Shooting Competition along with the boys' cross-country race will take place during the afternoon. The finals of the softball tournament at 7.00 p.m, will complete the sports events. : A street dancq featuring both round and square dancing will conclude the days programme. Make up a carload and come and support your County. & teams, Fach a LT ..4 David Brown Tractors are famous the world over for their amazing low cost of operation. There's a David Brown Tractor to meet your power requirements, SEE THEM AT YOUR DAVID BROWN DEALER RAY HOBB'S GARAGE MANCHESTER, ONT. FUEL PROBLEMS SOLVED . .20c. Fly Coils 3-10. SEE US TO-DAY FOR . . Also for PARTS \ Phone 86 r2 John Deere . Tractors and Farm Equipment NEW and USED GORD SWEETMAN SEAGRAVE,' ONT. * 7 and SERVICE "a vie "THOUSANDS TO ENJOY 'AID-UP HEAT NEXT WINTER Nomore "qll:atonce fuel billsto pay. No more worry about "near-empty" «bins, With our 'blue coal' Budget , cosy and healthful with 'blue - Plan it's 80 easy, 80 convenient, to *__the world's finest anthracite. Enjoy Paid- Up Heat with our 'blve coal', Budget Plan No '"'all-at-once" bills. Pay for your 'blue coal' as you pay . your phone bill--small, régular monthly sums. 1 "*~ ¢:No shorts gos, Your winter supply of 'blue coal' assured and 3 No worries. Your houshold budget runs better --othae -enjoy a worryless winter with coal all paid for and your home pin any » expenses are more Ask ro our 'blue coal' 3 " BUDG | LAN Gl EE, Reesor F uel & Lumber * Phone 73 Port Perry