Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 May 1954, p. 6

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6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, [, MAY 20th, 1054 Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston return- ed home on Wednesday. They have been visiting their daughter in Tills- bury, after returning from spending the winter months in Truth and Con- sequence, Mexico. Miss Eva Parr spent several days last. 'week in Torento. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray, Port Credit. Mr, and Mrs. John Roland and Miss Agnes Johnston with Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Johnston. Miss Jean Ford spent the week-end at home. - Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Staniland, Tor- onto spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. G. Staniland. Miss Gertie Henry spent the week- end with Mrs. James Henry, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Henry and Mr, Melville. Griffin were at Leskard on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Venning and Linda called on Mr, and Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Orono Sunday evening. Mr. Randy Collins had a_birthday "party on Saturday afternoon and en- 'tertained all his little friends, Dr. Allan and Mrs. Macintosh and family, Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorreli"on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and family . spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Stan ~ Moffat, Oshawa. ; . Miss Doris Hamilton and Mr, and Mrs. Doug Hayes with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, - Sorry to hear Mrs, Fred Hyland and Mrs. Bert Gibson are ill in Port Perry Hospital, A Miscellaneous shower was held in the Recreation Hall on Friday ev- ening, May 14th for Mr. and Mrs, Allan Rahm, : Mr. Howard Saywell was chairman, and called on Allan Bailey for a mu-| sicalynumber, Mrs. Geo. Wolfe gave a reading, also Mrs, H, Larmer, Then Misses Joan and Nora Venning put on a radio show called "Make up your Mind", with Howard Saywell as "Dr. Peabody", with Mr. Doug Hayes, Mrs, John Venning and Mr, Brian Hamilton on the panel who helped people who had written in, to make up their minds what to do with their various problems, which was very much en- joyed. Then Mr. "Saywell called the Bride and Groom to the seats on the platforni and on the behalf of those present, asked them to receive the many gifts on the table in front of the platform. The groom then thank- ed everyone'present. After the happy couple had admired their gifts, lunch was served, and the rest of the even- ing was spent in danciig to music by Mrs. Clara Nesbitt, accompanied by Mr, Carr on the violins. - Little Miss Linda Collins entertain- ed five of her girl friends on Satur- day afternoon, on the occasion of her eighth birthday. ry It fo Blend with Rature Now with the expanded color range in in 'S wp House Paint you can * Goior Style your Home ait Lo Fn py ows ., 6p Se Par = re 48 yiShitng Colors! "Soft, gentle tints that blend with nature's own color .scheme , . gay, bright permanent hues that catch the h fancy and delight the eye! They're all in the new color range of SWP House Paints. . More than three times as many colors-as ever before and every one a Sherwin-Williams product whose time- tested reputation for color integrity, durability 'and service stands unsurpassed! FEATURES IN om et tm ee me =~ (TREND fv): ~~~ ~~~ _ REPAINTING WHITE EXTERIORS? use SWP ONE-COAT REPAINT WHITE! You get a whiter, richer, 1 repaint job in less time, at 1 you use SWP One-Coat Repaint White exterior house paint because n ger-lasting cost when one coat does the work of twol 4 WAYS BETTER 1 Twice the hiding power of ordinary paints). = Y 3 New Alkyd content provides smoother, tougher surfacel 2 New toning additive gives deeper warmth of tone, : éliminates glare! 8s 4 Self-cleansing action automatically 'sheds grime "with 'every rainfall' See Them At Your Sherwin-Williams Dealer . _ Phone 61 Carnegie Hardware Port Perry "J read the scriptures: ---- Mrs Russell a » 3 . od 9 Scugog Grace United Church W.A. held their monthly meeting on Wednesday May '12th in the church with 20 ladies present. The meeting opened with the hymn 'Happy The Home' followed by a prayer. Mus, Everett Prentice Pogue gave a reading in keeping with the scripture. Mrs. Neil Lamont con- ucted a contest which was much en- a "Sia absence of our regular sec- retary, Mrs. Keith Crosier read the minutes. Those contributing: to the birth shoe were Mrs, Glenn Hood, Mrs. dred. -« A lively business discussion followed and it was decided to have a family night in the church on May 28th at 8 p.m. -Admission" adults 3bc., child- ren 20c. Program committee -- Mra, Glen Hood and Mrs. Doug Aldred. Lunch committee--Mrs, J. L. Sweet- man, and Mrs. Murray McLaren. The offering amounted to $6.10. Hymn 'O Happy Home' and the benediction brought the meeting to a close. The committee served lunch. Lunch and program committee for June meeting is Mrs. Keith Crozier, Mrs. Sidney John Sweetman and Mrs, Cameron Al- | Chandler and Mrs, Jesse Demara. LE ATR RN Don't forget the evening church ser- vices will be at 8.00 p.m, Rev. J. D. McKinnon was master of ceremonies for a music festival put on by the three Scugog schools which was much enjoyed by all on Friday evening in Grace United Church. Un- der the leadership of Mrs. Ross Sandi- son, the music teacher, and the three regular teachers, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Beckett, the: children all did 80 well with the following pro- gram: Group singing by the' three achonls, also songs by, the junior members from the Head, Centre and Foot Schools. Duet by Kay Jackson and Bonnie Solo by Carol Wilson. Solo 'by Ian Fulford. Songs by Senior groups from each of the schools. Trio--Gayle Mark, Linde Fralick,' Bonnie Jeffrey. 7 : Flute selections by students from Head and Centre Schools. Mr, Everett Prentice gave. a vote of thanks to all who helpgd make the pean so successful, and presented Mrs; ndison with a bouquet of flowers, 'The Queen' brought the evening to a close, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Kaye on the birth of their little son on Mothers' day. 'blue : PHONE 73 BUDGET PLAN / ORDER 'blue coal' NOW -- and SAVE!! : y PHONE TODAY -- REESOR FUEL & LUMBER - --Mrs.. We are glad to know that Claire, son of Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Fralick is recovering nicely from a tonsilect- omy on Saturday in Port Perry Hospi- tal. + During last week, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rouse (nee Edna Van'est) of Alix, Alberta visited with her aunts and uncles Mr. and Mrs. Orma Ger- row of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fralick, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Prentice of Scugog, also Mr: and Mrs, William Knott and Mrs. 'Wilson Gerrow of Port Perry and other relatives. Honeydale W. I. The May meeting of the Honeydale W. I, was held in the Port Perry Pub- lic Library on: Thursday, May 18 at 2.30 p.m. The meeting opened as us- ual by the singing of the "Opening Ode", followed by repeating the 'Mary Stewart Collect', Our new secretary, Mrs. N. Williams read the minutes of the last meeting, The Scripture 'was read by Mrs, Paul Diamond. The Treasurer's report was given. Mrs, Bryant gave a good report on our Hospital, 3 The Motto this month is--"A Com- munity is what you make it". Roll Call was answered by--"What I Owe to the Community." Articles and cooking were asked for the Brooklin Fair, also articles for our ~|-own Fair in September. SAVE MONEY NOW! WITH 'blue. coal' WARM WEATHER DISCOUNTS The 'blue coal' Budget Plan plus the warm weather discount now available add up to dollars saved on next winter's heating budget. Easy monthly payments now on the 'blue coal' Budget Plan assure you. of paid- up heat all winter long. r \ - Tel soe 'Ii PHONE NOW B42 PORT PERRY BEAUTY SPOTS WHERE YOULL BE PASCINATED 8Y THE 6RANDEUR OF NATURE. BO 7 A ONTARIO'S LAKES AND RIVERS HAVE MANY ig i FABULOUS CASA LOMA CAPT. ze "EVERY BOY AND 61RL WiLL BE FASLINATED THE ROMANCE OF THE OLD WORL BY THE GREAT LAKES FREIGHTERS AS IN THE HEART OF TORONTO. THEY PASS. THROUGH ONTARIO'S A) CANALS AND LOCKS, An The rT A a Fh i 0p Rl) v | r > © eZ & SSS | .. SEE NIAGARA FALLS THIS YEAR "ONTARIOQ DEPARTIAENT Dike Wiaathodll your Ontaito Travel Hostess, invites you to. useithis coupon for FREE information about Ontario. ONE OF THE oe VEN WONDERS OF THE WORLO IS Lyi THIN EASY DISTANCE OF EVERYONE IN ONTARIO oF TRAVEL & run ers HON. 4. P. CECILE, Q.C., MINISTER Mrs. P. Diamond and Mrs. C, How- sam were chosen delegates for the "District Annual" to be held in Brook- lin. Suggestions for the suggestion box, to help arrange next years program- mes, were collected. Mrs. Fines group had charge of the: meeting. The study this month was "Quebec Province". We all enjoyed a talk given by Mrs. Grant Christie dn their recent trip to. the Southern States. - 'Flowers were sent to Mrs, A. Wil- liams, who is in the Hospital for a few days treatment." - The meeting was closed by.singing "God, Save the Queen". 'A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Fines' group. Mrs, S. Cawker attended the Sixth Annual Ontario Women's . Institute Officers Conference for Branch Pre- sidents at Guelph on May b, 6 & 7th. Seagrave ; - May meeting of W.A. met on Tues- day evening at home of Mrs. R. Rey- nolds with 27 Jadies attending. The worship period was in charge of west group," Mrs. Reynolds called meeting '| to order and after singing of 'Theme Song, Mrs. Keen led in prayer and scripture was read by Mrs. Eagleson. The topic on" Christian Family Life was given by Mrs. Billingham. A reading by Mrs. Harding and a vocal duet suiig by Mrs. Clarke and Mrs, Shost closed the devotional. President Mrs, Butt had charge of meeting for business. Minutes were read and collection of $7.26 received. Two members contributed to birthday box. Arrangements were made for the supper on May 81 for 8. S. Anni- versary. 'A donation of $25.00 was voted -to-be sent to Riverside. church in Toronto. The matter of sending woollens and cottons away for blank- ets was left over till next month. Meeting closed with Blest Be The Tie that "Binds and bevediction. The Community. Hospital Open Day and Auxiliary Tea was announced for the following 'day. Lunch was served by west group. Le Mr, and Mrs. Dan MacArthur of Kirkfield visited withstheir uncle Mr. Jas. Ewen on Wednésday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wanamaker, Syl- via and Nancy spent the week-end with friends in Galt. Mr, Ewen Moore of Lorneville called on his uncle Mr: Jas. Ewen on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson returned home on Sunday after spending a few days with their daughter Mrs. W. Tristram and Mr. Tristram and sons of Scarboro. Mrs, Eagleson returned to Toronto on Sunday to be with her sister who is quite ill. I Sunday School Anniversary will be held May 380. Service 11 a.m, with children's choir and Mr. Freddie Beare of Greenbank guest soloist. In the evening the Pddfellows Quartette of Little Britain will furnish special mu- sie. RevZ D, P. Morris; a former pastor of Seagrave will be the minis- ter for both services. On Monday evening' supper will be served and a play will be given by Blackstock O.N.O. Club entitled 'Three Bright Girls, T.V. artist Billy' Wade will also 'entertain. : _. -There will be no church service. next. Sunday on account of Zion Anniver- sary. The W.A, are presenting. their plays on Monday evening at Zion. Sunday "School at usual hour, 11 am. | ASHBURN (Too late for last week) Special Mother's Day services wers observed in the Sunday School and Church on Sunday, May 9th. The] order of service as published by the Presbyterian Publications was follow- ed: Frank Gardner led in the read- ing of the New Testament Scripture, and Shirley Bryant:led in the reading of the Old Testament Scripture. The Primary gepariment sang two pe the Ocean", e\ Mountain." ave 8 very alk 'on "The son interesting and inspiring Christian Home." strong, D.D., had ¢ church servite. e we will serve the Lord." was a guest speaker. He spoke on the missionary. work being carried on in Formosa: On-8unday evening; Rev. - 8S. B. Coles, of Oshawa, was the guest . | speaker, * The sympathy of the comity is extended to the relatives and friends of the late David 'Anderson who pass- ed away at his home here following a lengthy illness. was 'held at the Murray Robinson Funeral Parlors on T y, April 20th, at 2 p.m. with interment at Burn's Cemetery, Ashburn, with Rev. B.D: Armstrong officiating. - The pall- bearers were Messrs, Norman Ander- son, Russell Richardson Fred Stephen, . Russell Batten, Walter Kerr and Nel- son' Ashton, is We are sorry to report that Bryce Lynde infantggon of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Lynde, had the misfortune to be bad- ly scalded on Saturday morning, when he accidentally pulled the coffee per- colator on himself. At present he is: confined to Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. We all join in wishing him a speedy recovery, - gS - Misses Glenys Stephen, of Whitby, and Fern 'Stephen, of Toronto spent the , Mother's Day week-end at the honye*Bf their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stephen, . Mr. and Mrs, James Doble" and Mr, Paul McGowan, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Henry Doble. . Mr .and Mrs; Milton Jenkins and son Ernest, of Little Britain, and My John Hamill, and daughter Eileen, of Manilla, visited on Sunday at thechome The funeral service Kenneth Heron sang a solo, "Songs My Mother Sang to Me", Several of the members of the Y. P.S. attended the Y.P. Rally at Beav~ » erton on Saturday and Sunday, May 1 and 2, Rev. David Tans, of Toronto, of Mr. and Mrs. Wes: Routley. - cd) Miss. Hilda Hopkins of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dobson and Mr.: Edward Mole, of Manchester, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Mary Mole. : Mr. Walter Anderson, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'Ander- son, - Flying Officer James Childs, of Ot- tawa has been holidaying for the past week at the home of his Parents, Mr, and Mrs.George Childs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw, James ana Brian spent the week-end at the hom: of Mr. and Mrs. Downing of Toronto. Miss Edith Gostick, of Green River, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton were Sunday guests of Mr; and Mrs. Wal- ter Rogers of Epsom, The May meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mra. Gordon Fisher on Tuesday, May 4th at 2.80. 200% 13 A15% x RAW MATERIALS INDEX OF TOTAL IRON PRODUCTS * - "AVERAGE - ~ HOURLY RATES AVERAGE HOURLY RATES OF PAY MASSEY-HARRIS CANADIAN PLANTS. since 1941 "Percentage of price" 1 increases in Canada "FARM IMPLEMENTS MASSEY-HARRIS RETAIL PRICES IN CANADA OF CANADIAN-MADE FApM IMPLEMENTS® ~ COMMODITIES TOTAL INDEX OF ALL COMMODITIES. FARM PROD A INDEX OF CANADIAN FARMIERODUCTS, WAGE RATES =a INDEX OF FARM "WAGE RATES INDEXES SHOW IMPLEMENT PRICES AT LOW LEVEL OF INCREASE That implement prices have been ke Eomparison of Dominion Bureau of Statistics index figures, all commodities" . ) index for Masse ---- increase, too, is there has 'of farm labour has Botmers de and the in ~8 since 1941 of 82.1% -Harris implements of own in the face of an increase in 1 of 94.7% and of Massey-Harris houirl 'referring to the chart shown above, Also, the indexes show th exes show 'that prices 'comparatively low level of increase. Farm.eq only 66. .. saving advantages offers exceptional value for the money. *Dominion Bureau of Statistics Wholesale Price a Farm Wage Rate Indra MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON LIMITED Makers of ahaveliy farm implaments since 1847 as against an:ingrease in a comparable 7%. This 'low percentage of e index figure for materials y rates of pay of 173.9% as can he seen hy' at while. farm fnpleinents have oy, been an increase-in the price of farm products of 82 caused farm wage rates to jncrease by 177. 8%. : nd upon mechanization to offsetithe scarcity and high cost of labour \ of such equipment haveibeen maintained at a 451. ment 'with its time and labour S pt at a low level is clearly shown by the which give aniincrease fHiorensedd 66.9% i and the scarcity : A v =

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