| WEEK-END SPECIALS, FEB. 19-20 B FRY'S COCOA, 12 Ib oovop. losses ssn ssesssmmsssssinssisn 376, 3 pan CORN STARCH EAN AZOLA OIL, 16 0Z. ...coicinnninriosserainenes SALADA BROWN LABEL TEA; 7A Ib. spr bbe. TULIP MARGARINE .....; ORANGES, dozen GIAN - MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS ~ PRINCE ALBERT Ssssashsnnprasnnras 3% HARRY HORNE'S BREAD & BUTTER PICKLES ... it FLUFFO SHORTENING .......... MONARCH CAKE MiX with. dish DREFT ..oooociininineiinrinns & COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE, reg. 33¢. mind for 49c, Arete sennsnas Prrssnsivaanassersazens 'Orders of $2.00 or over delivered free of charge PE S STORE HH le. sass ss ssnans ad sane 1 G0 amr orn B3€. ..33¢. spssans saasse Sassen asERrantananns asssess srasnes sans fini inssesisaan (20 rrenasssntair 1 9Ce atssssnrasarane $4.89 Saennane 20000500000 2000 0000000000000 9C000000000 908000000 N0R0 ONTARIO BRN rir AR Flyers Take First Game of Playolfs Port. Perry Flyers defeated the Pe- terboro Petes 7 to 2 on Monday night in Peterboro to take the first game of a best of seven series iff the Junior "B" Play-offs. Gary Copeland scored 4 of the Fly- ers 7 goals, with singles to Brodie, Attersley and Johnson. J Hook and Morrow scored for Peter- boro. The Flyers out-skated and out- checked the Petes from the opening |. whistle. All the Flyers played out, standing hockey with Ross' Hawes | playing his usual terrific game in the hets. ! Port's 7. : 2 Line ups-- . Port Perry Flyers--Goal, R. Hawes; - Defense, L. Dykstra, R. Johnson; Cen- "tre, B. Attersldy; Wings, T. O'Connor, K. Fisher; Alternates,' D.: McMaster, J: Chasczewski, A. Myles, W. Gibson, |. G. Till, E. Romanuk, G., Copeland; D. Brodie, A. Zedie, Sub-Goal, J. Owen. Peterboro Petes--Goal, R. Delaney; Defense, J. Frizzelle, M. Birne; Cen- |: tre, T. Hook; Wings, L. Ball, B. Twist; ad Feterboro had 9 penalties to | Alternates, .P: Davis, C. Coyle, J. Morrow, B. Gordon, J. Peel, B, Mec- Dougall, K. Heffenan, G. Kearns, C. Ferguson. First Period-- 1, Port Perry, Copeland . (Fisher, Attersley) ........ 1.63 2. Port Ferry, Brodie = (O'Connor) iii 11.05 '3 Port Perry, Copeland ........... 18.46 Penalties--Birne (Mis.), Hefferman Second Period-- 4. Port Perry, Copeland . (Romanuk) ........oie. Herries . 6.02 5. Port Perry, Alters 2 (O'Connor) . wane 9.24 , 6. Port Perry, Johnson. PAL 117.14 Penalties--Morrow, Copeland, My- les, McDdugall, Frizzelle. Third Period-- ; '1. Peterboro, Hook ..c........fiv.... 16.24 2. Peterboro, Morrow ........c.....17.20 7. Port Perry, Copeland (Romanuk, O'Connor) Penalties--Dykstra). Chazewski, O'- Connor, Twist, McDougall, Mor- 'row, Heffernan, : Men's : Thursday i|Night League The Six Aces came up with a win over thé Légionaires 5, to 2, whilé Goodes downed the Dual Streaks 7 to 0. The Firedomes caught fire with three games over 1100, pins and won 7 points from DeLux's. The Scugog carps are coming to life this series and downed the King Pins in three games for 7 points. : High Singles-- Ross Sweetman 306, 230; Bill Tay- lor 221, 204; G. Goode 219, 200; Jim Reed 268; Wes. Stata .211, 215; J. Carroy 228; B. Howsam 229; D. Butt %| 232; A, McEachern 246; R. Boundey | 258; A. MacMaster 222. o High Triples-- 23]. R. Sweetman: 661; A. McEachern 627; Wes. Stata 623; Bill Taylor 619; Gord Goode 613. Standing Third Series-- Goodes--19 points Firedomés--16 points Scugog Carps--16 points DeLux--12 points. Six Aces--T7 points - Legionaires--7 points King Pins--b5 points Dual Streaks--2 points Family Doubles FAMILY.DOUBLES Frank Hastings took first money for the men last week and Roy Cor- nish second; Norma Tease was best of the Ladigs. with Kacey Harper se- cond. Eleanor Cawkqr and E. J. Hut- chinson took the mystery score prizes and Mr. and Mrs. {Cleve Kight the consolation. : 3 Good games were as follows -- C. Crozier 202; G. Mark 256; A. Cawker 213; K. Harper 212; C. Bathie 200] and 262; R. Cornish 243; M. Cornish 232 and 204; N. Tease 208; W. Stata 270; G. Hastings -200 and 230 and F. Hastings 219; 216 and 250. We were sure pleased to sec so many out and come again this week it's "Share the Wealth" again. 'Popert and Tom Harris trounced 'the [last fall, Tuesday Night Bowling A will to win and some fine bowling paved the way 'for a e¢number of changes in the standing among the top six teams, The Whiz Bangs led iy Charlie Knitters. 7-0 and by so doing moved into a second place tie with their op-|. ponents of the night. The Red Caps, 'who were known as the Lucky "Strikes downed the two- point Rggkets 7-0 to move one rung up the ladder into seventh place. The Blow Kings led by the father and son team of William Sr,, and Wm. Jr. Graham decisioned the Fitzjohn crew 5-2 and moved one point ahead of thém-in the standing, 2 Peels led by C. MacMaster downed the Dodgers 5-2 and by so daojng man- | aged to stay ahead of their opponenté by six points in the standing. The fourth place Carnegies edged out the eleventh, place Stars (who have been holding up the lemon league) to. a tune of 5-2, The first place Sevenaires who have never lost more than two points since had a hard fight on their' hands to edge the tenth place Hilltop team 4-3, High Singles--Tom Harris 292; W. Graham, Sr, 264, C. Graham 252, 211, C. Papert 249, 244, Bruce Beare 248, J. Jefford 246, S. Sweetman 236, Wm. iraham, Jr, 235, D. Pargeter 226, 211, 212. High Triplets -- Irving Boyd 328 (148, 92, 88); Charlie Popert G55, Tom - Harris 652; Don Pargeter 649; Clarence Graham 048; Wm. Graham, Sri; 6256; C. MacMaster 611; Bruce Beare 610; Wm, Graham Jr. 602. League Standing Sevenaires einen. ond2 KnILors Coins Carnegies _ .., Blow Kings . IFitzjohns Red Caps oon TI I 4 26 +i yi You'll find more of them than ever in the 1954 dis IT Add Hy-Drive No-Shift Driving : Dodge offers the lowest-priced and simplest nosshift driving--you just shift' into high and go. Hy:Drive wijt keep your car "young' for many years-- . make It worth more at any time. . herds 6 can mle DODGE only that gh for go | MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION oF. CANADA, LIMITED Add Full Power Steering You have effortless parking anc steer- ing. All driving becorhes easier and safer, with Dodge Full Power Steering, now available on all Dodge models at: moderate cost. and shoulders. * long life and economy. iy you in fine-car features. ODGE When Dodge offers you new features, they stand up with Dodge dependabllity. Let's look at some--and try them . Feel the Dodge ride--more level, smoother, soffer---a real fine-car luxury ride. Your Dodge hugs the road, takes curves in its stride. Then note the full, clear vision all round-- the better close-in view over the low hood. Look at the quality ot Dodge upholstery--fine fabrics and soft leather-grained vinyl --beautiful two-tone shades to harmonize with new body 'colours. And feel the comfort of Dodge chair-high seats-- there's full support under your knees and behind your hips You'll feel safer In a Dodge, too. There's a lower centre of gravity for stabllity--clear, safe vision with constant-speed electric windshield wipers--Safety Rim Wheels--independent. parking brake--dual-cylinder front-wheel brakes for safe stops For thrilling pérformance, there's a new, more powerful Dodge englne--with higher compression to get the most from modern gasolines--with fine-car precision engineering for Road-test the 1954 Dodge: discovér how much more Dodge and Evening. ¥ 5 i F. W. BROCK & SON CLEARANCE PRAISS (irvussssinssisissshssasnin ah tesa R SERIE ALA w 24 Min H k Dodgers .. or noc ey Bantam--9.16 am. ~~ a Hillup ATR RR 11 Ni Midget--10.30 a.m, Ae FB. dstisssiitsisiassmspissssnaptanmsmsinsrssssms The scores of the first games play- * Rockets ais BE ski sanseste res fons besate 2 ews ed in Sunderland: ; Ladies' Monday Night Bowling Standings-- Martins--10 Gulls--7 Swallows--10 Canaries--17 Budgies--9 Robins-->56 Wrens--9 Cuckoos--4 Orioles--7 Crows--2 High over 200-- - Mrs. Bond (Swallow) 216 'Mrs. Mark (Gulls) 210- High Triple-- Mrs. Hope (Cuckoo) 521 Feb. 22 there will be a prize for player obtaining the greatest number of blows for 3 games. SESE EES ESSERE SISOS SAILS ill King Pin Lanes PORT PERRY SCHEDULE OF OPEN BOWLING 'Open Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons. MONDAY--2 alleys--9 to 11 pim. THURSDAY---2 alleys--7 to 11 p.m. FRIDAY--AII alleys--9 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY--AIl alleys--7 to 11 p.m. Sports Club Bowling both Afternoon *THE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 1954--5 Time of Games-- : 5S P. P. Midgets---6 Sunderland--6 : - Port Perry Bantams lost 6-2, 5 Come out to cheer the boys. Do not forget to come and see the Port Perry Midgets and Bantams play Sunderland on Saturday morn-[ ing, 4 ARENA ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK THURSDAY, FEB, 18th, 8 p.m.--DOUBLE Port Perry vs, Greenbank 5 HEADER HOCKEY ah Peaches vs. Claremont FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 8 p.m, CARNIVAL NITE and PUBLIC SKATING - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. OSHAWA MINOR HOCKEY PLAYOFFS Barrie Bantams vs, Oshawa Bantams Barrie Midgets vs. Oshawa Midgets Peterboro Juveniles vs, Oshawa Juveniles-- Adults -25¢. Children -10c¢. 8 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING MONDAY, FEBRUARY. 22nd, 8 p. m.--Double Header Hockey * Brooklin vs. Comco Greenbank vs, Claremont ij! FEB. 24th. 8 p.m.--PUBLIC SKATING * Memorial Gardens 'AKING Dress £8 3: 0 OFF WOOL--Nylon inter : All Wool brteay 3c. hall x c. hall WALLPAPER FOR-1974 Staunton's - Sun Tested 400 Patterns petra vm Fie PHONE 333 a bi) Beare Motors Ltd. © PORT PERRY 4H bis. 29 weight "i i': Bee' "kin Shirts Papers from 25¢. a roll up ' ro. gt TE BLUADLOOM and : LOE * Socks --Wool and Nylon, heavy weight AXMINSTER RUGS Rug form or installed, Bc. nair from wall to wall 25 per cent off | LUBBZRS--tur lined | | 4 . Large assortment : available - i a HAL J i REMNANTS OF FLOOR New American P T5¢. yard - COVERING 25 per cent discount 0 lpia rints i ay pr NE VENETIAN BLINDS nde "ry ee ce i tl i's a 3 inches wide 95 Kap CE i fom: 2 = A ti Phone 43 GROCERIES Walnut pieces .......tiiiieinns % 1b. 23c. I'resh Shredded Cocoanut, 3 oz. pkg. 15¢c. RE 4 Aylmer Cream Style Corn, 15 oz, ....2/29¢c. Wags'affe's Fruit Cake Mix ............... 69c. Ch : Garden Patch Whole Kernel Corn, 2/35c¢. ii. H. Peanut Butter in Bubble Tumbler .... REG Glen Valley Pork & Beans, 15 oz. ...2 /19¢. | assorted colors PTR heli, Ade. McLaren's Bar-B.O. Relish, .... oc oo I'resh Mixed Cookies, 1b. ................. 39¢. anh Fresh Roasted Peanuts; Ib. ............ 35¢. PR glass tumbler .........ccviiiiiniann 2b, Cherry Valley Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin. 2/31c. Aunt Jemina Silver Cake Mix... . ls Wethey's Raspberry Pie Fill, tin ........ 8c. ~10c. ORE PKI vcore ristens 25¢. Gmpefruit, 5 for 27c. 10 for 49c. : Arrow Standard Peaches, 20 oz tin,.2/37c. Sunkist Oranges, dozen ............ prrasivesia 4 3 'Adolph's Meat Tenderizer, ........ bottle 59c. Bananas, Ib, niin, BAN Sultana Raising iin. Ib. .21¢. Turnips, Ib, a Ee A: RS