Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 Dec 1953, p. 8

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8--PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 81st, 1058 Jon Tm E SCASSIF/E, 2 a SAPO LT FOR RENT -- Two unfurnished rooms, hydro and bath, heated, separ- ate 'entrance. Phone Ross Porter, 266-r-41, Prince Albert. Dee.7 tf. =o SALES DISTRIBUTOR To supervise Sales and Service for the chemical conditioning and treat- ment of Septic Tanks, Cesspools, _Drainlines, etc. Must have car or truck, capable of appointing sub- agents and be financially responsible. To such a man we can offer exclusive territory for this fast growing line. If you qualify, Phone Toronto, Empire 8-4481, or write Box J, Port Perry Star, dec.31 FOR SALE -- Massey Harris 101 Junior Tractor, motor excellent, in all round good condition. Apply to Joe Dowson, phone 122-r-2 Port Perry. FOR SALE -- Pure bred English Yorkshire Hogs, service age, and younger; also Cream Séparator. ply Fred Milne, Blackwater, Phone Stinderland 3 r 38. dec31 FOR SALE -- Misses White Boots and Skates, Size .2; also Girl's White Boots and Skates, Size -8._. Phone 90 r 4. FOUND--Beagle Hound, just before Christmas. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses, Phone 119- r-12. HAIR DRESSING .COLD WAVES $7.50 Shampoo @nd Finger Wave--$1.00 Machineless . Permanent--$5.00 SHIRLEY COLBEAR Paxton Street, Port Ferry FOR SALE -- Play Fen, good as new. Phone 116 r 4. -FOR SALE--Mauve Evening Gown, size 13, matching lace, bolero and gloves. - Phone 161-R. FOUND -- Man's Walking Cane. Owner may have same by paying ex- penses and identifying property. Phone 311-W. FOUND -- Truck Tire and Rim. Owner 'may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Phone 164-r-12. a FOR SALE -- A 54" brown metal bed; floor polisher, 15 1bs, Phone 66, Mrs. Wm. Chapman. HELP WANTED--Sales agent to represent largest pre-fab company. Apply W. J.:Oben, Colonial Homes, Ltd., 39 Prince St. Oshawa. Dial 3-8337. Jan.7 Custom Chain * Sawing : Apply to HARVEY WEBSTER Phone 339) Port Perry - jan? Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also 'buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE dec. 16, 1954 Requested to Investigate Omemee (PN8)--Fire threatened to to destroy the Omemee Skating Rink recently but firemen managed to con- fine it to the furnace room. The fire: was first noticed by neighbours who immediately alerted Fire Chief Stev- ens. Arriving. with their' modern pumper, the firemen quickly brought the fire in check despite near-zero tem- peratures which prevailed, Chief Stevens 'says flames were * really belching out of the windows of the arena nearest the furnace room and declares his boys did a good job . of wonfining the "blaze to that area. An 'estimated $300 to $400 damage was done to the building. ~The Chief says he has called the Ont rio Fire Marshal requesting that mine the cause of the fire. He tes that the outbreak is a mystery. to him sitice there had been no fire in The bullding oes early. | TREE ' COLLECTIO Ap-|. Garbage Collection for the ag village will be made on Thursday, December 24, and on ThiFs- day, December 31; SPECIAL XMAS} , "on Tuesday, January 12th dec31 FRED WARREN, GRASS SEED CLEANING PLANT Opened for Business One of the most up-to-date seed cleaning plants in operation in Can- Government approved. SWAIN SEED CLEANING BURKETON, R.R. Phone Blackstock 89 r 11 ada, WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you, Phone 322W Port Perry for information Nov. 27, 1953 Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson and family joined the family gathering on Friday at home of Mr. and Mrs, Gor- don Miller, Oshawa. Mr. Frank Vickery, Mr. and Mis, Les. Beacock and. boys spent Christ- mas on Saturday, Dec. 26, at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Devitt and family, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, B. Kiezebrink enjoyed relatives from Owen Sound and dist- rict for week-end. holiday. 2 Mr. and Mis, Mervin Pugh and fa- mily spent holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gostick, Claremont: were at home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Cole, Oshawa, on Friday. Mr. Jas. Gallagher is holidaying this week with friends in Uxbridge. Mr. and Mis. Grant Hunter, Beth, John, Linda with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter on Friday. Mrs. McKerihan, Mrs. Luke and Chummy spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. M. K. Luke in Ha- milton. Other - Christmas dinner guests: at this same home were Mr. and Mrs. C. Craddock, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Craddock and-family of Brant- ford, Mr. Donaldson and daughter Rev. Jean Donaldson of Alma, Ont. At time of writing we are sorry hear of the illness of Mrs. Rachel Wallace. Greenbank _ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert St: John are spending a few days in Hamilton vis- iting their daughter Mrs. C. L. Wil- kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lee and fa- mily, also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lee. The Young Peoples Union held a social evening on Wednesday evening in the basement of the Church, Sev- eral Young People from Oakwood came down to present our Union with the cup and plaque they won last summer. We are sorry to report that Mr, Elmer Gibson is sick in Port Perry. Community Hospital. We" wish. him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Norman Smith was' "feeling better enough to be 'with her family for Christmas after an operation at the Ladies College Hospital Toronto. We hope she is soon,able to be out again, - The Fidelis Class are holding the January meeting at the home of Mrs! Ruth Foster on January 6 at. 8.80, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McPherson of Brooklin spent Christmas with Mr, | and Mis. John McKiterick. Mr. and Mrs. Bagshaw of the Pines and 'Mr. Arthur Rundle of Pinedale spent Christmas "with Mr. bond Mrs. William Walker. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilkinson and Ralph of Hamilton spent Christmas' week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert St. John. I would like to wish 'all. the Yosders of this column a Very Happy snd Prosperous New Year, 1 mas with their families in-Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Li; R. Beacock and sons | tf| Albright and Mr. and Mrs. E. Me- Pickering Man B.C. Publisher Appalatment of Gerald Mi 'Brawn of Pickering, Ont., as publisher -and vice-president of the Vancouver News- Herald was announced recently by Roy H. Thomson, the proprietor. ford, who is transferring to the Thom- son newspapers' overseas division. At the same time Mr. Thomson an- nounced the appointment of J. B. Wood of Vancouver as general mana- ger of The News-Herald, only morning paper in Vancouver. Mr. Wood has been assistant publisher, Mr. Brown, former city. editor of The Toronto Star and The Windsor Star, has been chairman of judges Mm the spot news section of the National Newspaper Awards since their ingug- uration four years ago. During the Second World War, Mr, Brown was for more than two years director of public relations for the RCAF. Since the war, he has man- aged an advertising agency and, for the last six years, headed his own public relations company. --Oshawa Times. be 3 Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and June spent Christmas with Mri and Mrs. Harold Clark of Pinedale. Mr. and Mrs. A. Handel spent Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Simpson and Grace of Uxbridge and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Elford and family spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson and family joined her family at Mr. and Mrs. C. Elford's on--Wednesday for Christmas. i Mr. and Mrs. family of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Toogood. Several from Pine Grove attended the funeral of the' late Mrs. Mark Linton on Thursday. Mrs, Linton lived at Pine Grove for several years. Mr, and Mrs. Talbert Evans and Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Slack of Goodwood. Mr..and Mrs. Orville Gourlie and Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie. Mrs. Graves had her family Tome for Christmas. The W. A. will meet at Mrs, Jack Simpson's on Wednesday, January 6, gram. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Syers and fa- mily are moving in this week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Hillard Armstrong and Clarence spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Long of Uxbridge. Mr. Jack Albright and son Clarence | of Toronto spent Christmas with Mrs. Knight, Mervin Boxall and] "Miss" Romaine Rice of Toronto spent | with group 1 in charge of the pro-|. Mr. Brown succeeds Ray A, Bar-| Decline in the. number of young". birds is causing concern for the fu-' ture of Ontario's Hungarian partridge. Smaller than ruffed-grouse, they are coloured a fine minxture of white, rust and cream with a dark brown patel on the belly and chestnut bars on flanks. This healthy specimen was raised at the Ontario Lands and Fo-{* rests pens at Codrington, near Tren. ton. ; ANYONE WHO THINKS COURTESY COSTS NOTHING NENER RIED A SALESMAN IN. = SPECIAL PS | Chassis Lubrication 49 Cents Whan it comes to salesmen, we.claim to have the largest staff in town--namely our-hundred"s of satisfied: customers who know "UX-SPRING" to be the home of the kind of service you can, rely on.. JUNCTION | "PHNE UXBRIDGE. 245 47 HIGHWAYS OR /25R4 PURT PERF Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark and fa- Christmas with=Mr. 'and Mrs. E. Bal- lard. Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Ballard visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russ Bal- lard of Port Perry. Scugog Christmas 'week was a very busy one in the Scugog Head Community, as in many others. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heayn. About 23 members enjoyed an evening of euchre. The néxt Fo- 'vim night will be Jan 4th, at the home subject will be "What is the Ideal Farm Organization?" the Head School and Sunday School Concert. Mrs. Beckett is to be con< gratulated on the fine program which the children presented. Several mem- brs of the W.A, and the Sunday School added (we hope) to the program with an insight into the "W.A, of 1960." May we all-live to join this fine group | in: that distant year. ; H Miss Inez Martyn of "Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. E, Kayes of Oshawa | were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Martyn. The next meeting of the Head W.Ai will be held at the home of Mrs, Don Gerrow, on Jan, 6th. "At this tine tyolr 'correspondent 'would ike to wish to the Editor and 'Staff 'of the Port Perry Star and to all readers of this' column a very happy and prosperous ; New Year, 'mily of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Locke and family of Uxbridge spent On Monday, Dee. 21st, the Farm Forum held a fourth night party at of Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerrow. The - Wed, Dec, 28rd was the evening of | ! rent fiscal gO Re 0 SURPLUS The riatic re 276 million, i ing the first pight months 'of the cur- Douglas Abbott s million, 800 | thouss the surplus oft: han ire hover a ian Bank an e dey BaF tele, w Hid to 'Meeting Ontario Riding Progressive Conservative Association Town Hall, Whitby. Jasttry §, 1954 at 8 p.m. . 'DR. M. B. DYMOND. President. recorded a surplus. of fi thousand dollars dur |} = Tr --- i ee : | MONDAY, TUES, WEDNESDAY, J susan Hayward and on He ~~ In the Tense and Exciting. Drama 3 "THE PRESIDENTS LADY" NEWS snd COMEDY : 8 _-- Season's Greetings We take this opportunity of thanking. everyone. for their kind patronage throughout the year 1958, and wish everyone HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY FOR 1954, GERROW'S BARERY PAINTING and DECORATING New Phone No. 118 is Hu R R. 4, Port Perry 3 - n 'ST. CLAIR i and $ oo) n & Because of the Holiday there will be no delivery of Milk on FRIDAY, JANUARY, 1st, and as usual there will be no delivery on SUNDAYS. Please order sufficient milk ahead for these days. - "A HAPPY NEW YEAR Port Perry Dairy Bulldozing and Excavating BACKHOE fot Trenching and Loading By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates Given. |Tripp Construction HE R.R. 2, Port Perry =~ Phones: Res. 109 £42. O8eo 392 PUMP EQUIPMENT * "THE SURE WAY" CU Hour Berrie IRWIN. DeGEER

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