= 6~PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 1958 Blackstock F. L. Ernest McLean and Mrs. Me- Lean visited Mrs. Howard Bailey on Sunday. : i 2'r. and Mrs. Mervin Graham en- tertained Mr, and Austin Larmer, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Don. Par- geter, Port -Perry and Miss Joyce . Venning at dinner on Sunday evening, * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton and Shirley motored to Montreal on Thurs- day, November 26th to meet Mrs, Ha- milton's cousin Miss, Hall, who was arriving from: England and expects to spend some time with her friends ia * Canada. Sorry to hear that Mr. John Scott is under the doctor's care. Hope he will soon be better, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston are visiting their son Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston, Carrying Place. - A shower was held in the Recreation Hall on Friday evening, Dec. 4th for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hayes,.formerly Miss Ruth Hamilton. The' program opened with Community Singing with Mr. Howard Saywell, chairman, as leader followed by musical numbers by Leonard Saunders and John Grie- ves. Misses Joan and Nora Venning then conducted a 'vety amusing T.V. show, called Who am I After the program, Mr. Saywell invited the bride and groom to the platform and presented them with the gifts on the large table. After they had thanked everyone and- admired - their many gifts, lunch was served and the re- mainder of the evening spent dancing to 'Herman Wilson's Orchestra with __ Brian Hamilton calling the squares. Everyone spent a very enjoyable even- ing. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hayes will be living in Whitby. Mrs: Hayes will be work- ing in the Ajax telephone Exchange. We wish her every success in her new job. ; The girls of the Blackstock Tele- phoné exchange had a going away party on November 27 for the chief operator, Mrs. M. E. Burnett, who has retired, and presented her with a * satin lined jewel case. And to' "Mrs. Ruth Hayes who id being transfered to Ajax, they presented an end table and lamp. After the two surprised ladies had A Jexpressed thelr thanks and regrets at cial hour was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill- Van Camp en- | colm on Sunday. It was Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm's 'tenth Wedding An- niversary. Congratulations! meeting held in United Church S.8. room with Ronald Hoskin presiding, Quiet music was played by Mrs. R. sung. The Lord's Prayer was re- peated. .in unison and. Mrs. C,:H..took the worship period which was fol- lowed by: all repeating the - Mission Band Purpose. Carol Rahm took the dedicatory 'prayer.. Roll call was an- swered by naming 'My favorite hymn"; Readings were given by Donna Me- Laughlin and. Shirley Snooks; Doris Griffin played a piano solo and Mrs. Taylor told the first story from the new study book. A hymn and closing prayer concluded the meeting. The 'Mission Band are selling Christ- mas Cards. W.A. of United Church held the annual meeting at the parsonage. Mrs. Neil Werry gave the devotional--the Christmas Story. Rev. C. W. Hutton presided "for the election of officers presented by: nominating committee: Pres. Mrs. Hi Shortridge; 1st vice Mrs. C. Marlow; sec. Mrs. P, Van Camp; treas. Mrs. R. Mountjoy; group lea- ders--Mesdames N, Malcolm, F, Tre- win, E. Swain, W. Archer; parsonage committee,-Mesdames'R. 'Duff, R. Tay- lor, J. McKee; Good Cheer, Mrs. G. Fowler. motions 'passed 'to ;pay usual: dona- tions to Budget Fund, M. and'M. fung, Institute for the Blind: and' Choir. A hearty vote of thanks was given Rev. and: Mrs. Huttor-and the nomi- nating: committee. : - A short program, in charge of Mrs. Harold 'Swain was given and' lunch in charge.. A ---------- - --_-- Pine Grove W.A. met at the home of Mrs. J. Hill's on, Wednesday with a good at- tendance. After the business was at- tended <to, a program. was given--A Duet by 'Mrs. R. Nesbitt Jr. and Mrs. Bell (Silver Bells), a reading by Mrs. | Jim Jones:and a reading by Mrs.~Ed. Johnson, a reading by 'Mrs. 'R. Nes- bitt Sr. The election of officers for the coming year took place--all were Mung. chairman. Mrs. Jack Johnson, Pres.; Mrs. Robt. Nesbitt, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. PIO prev. | ~ tertained Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mal- Sixteen attended the Mission Band Taylor while 'Round the World' was | offering and Nancy Hutton gave the |: Treasurer's report was given and | was served by the hostess and group. = 1 Be _Rallard antad aal SER EER ATE NEL eee San i AL Ne AE lid SA EL 75 Rat a : : a - Sr., Treasurer; Mrs. Hillard Arm. | strong, Ree. Sec.; Mrs. Jack Hill, pian- ist; Mrs, Jack Simpson, Christmas Cards; Mrs. Hillard Armstrong and! Mrs. Jack Hill on Sick Committee. A | new member Mrs. Hingslon joining at the conelusion. * Mrs. J. Hill served a lovely lunch and all enjoyed a Social hour. The next meeting will be at 'Mrs. Jack Simpson's.- - Miss Juanita Johnsen of Uxbridge visiting Miss June Hill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill attended commencement at Uxbridge High School Thursday Night. " + Mys. John Albright entered 'Osha- wa hospital Saturday night for ob- servation and x-rays, trusting she will be home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson and fa- mily visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, C. Elford. Rév. Mr. Eyre will take the services next Sunday. A number from here took "in the Santa Claus Parade in Claremont on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood, Freddy and Helge visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.-Zylstra of High Point. Mr. and Mrs. John Locke and family 'ahd Mr. Henry Skerratt visiting Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, E. Ballard. Scugog The Scugog Head Forum met at \ the home of Mr. and Mrs."H® Barry on Monday evening, with 22 members present. The topic discussed was "Citizens of Tomorrow".- We all agreed that our various clubs and farm youth programs are. a great be- néfit to the young farm: people to- day. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Carter. The 'Head 'W.A. Chtistmas Party was held at the home of Mrs. L. Mar- tyn, with 21 ladies and 9 children pre- sent., The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer. -Mrs. Ashbridge read the Christmas message from the book of Luke fof our Scripture. "O Little Town_of Bethlehem" was sung as one of our favourite Christmas hymns. Minutes of the last meeting were read, and the rqll call wag answered by each telling what they had learned about themselves during the past yr. The offering received was $4,80., Mrs. Joe Dowson thanked. the hostess for the use of her;home. Our next hymn was "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear". Mrs: S.-Rodman gave her % port on the hospital Auxiliary, ask- ing everyone to bring home baking to the Port Perry'Library on "Dec. 12, when the draw for the dolls will take place. Also the Hospital would ap- preciate donations of Christmas cakes or puddings at Christmas time. Mrs. Jack Manns then read a paper entitled." "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", by Edna Jaques: Mrs. T, Redman and Mrs. S. Rod- man sang a beautiful duet "There's a Rainbow Shining Somewhere". A Christmas poem "The Lighted Candle" Was read by 'Mrs. L. Martyn. Following this our Christmas gifts were taken from under the tiny Chris- tmas tree and exchanged, and the lit- tle children present received a bag of candy and fruit. Mrs. L. Martyn's 'group then served a Christmas lunch to end a most delightful afternoon, and everyone returned home with the real spirit of Christmas, Sunday guests at the home of Mr.. and Mrs, S. Rodman were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Travell of Dshawa, and Mrs. Ashton. Several ladies of the Head Comntiu- nity enjoyed the Plastics demonstra- tion at the hometof Mrs. Joe Dowson last Thursday evening, Film Council 'ONTARIO & YORK COUNTIES 1] A very successful 'meeting of the Film Club was held last Wednesday |: at the Keevil's. Mr. Ron Nablo, of the: National Film Board brought a- long some very interesting films. Christmas Carols by the Leslie Bell Singers is a wonderful film and ap- propriate for this time of year. : During the course of the evening Santa Claus aryived. and everybody - han \ presen ssn il Ohristamas ¥e- membrance. All those present were told 'about the plans for the Annual Digner which is to be held en Tuesday, January 19, 11954 in the Pickering Township Hall at Brougham. As one of the Charter members of the group, the!Brougham Women's: Institute have been asked to- cater this year, Tickets will be hand- led by members in the various districts so, that you will hear' lore aba that "later on. "TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS ) ® FISH © MEAT '® POULTRY eT = CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Sy 'York Frosted Foods i CAWKER BRO S. | - PORT PERRY "THE FAMILY. BUTCHER" +cat) : PHONE 29 and SUITS Fine Assortment of 'DRESSES, COATS WEDDING GOWNS ~~ A SPECJALTY - ¢ ¢ + ARDLEY FROCKS, 491.8:5 DANFORTH AVE, TORONTO Ed Johnson, Séc.; Mrs, Robt. =Nesbitt; | Yes, the new GMC is ready to go--ready to bring you new heights in pulling power, carry= ing power, and staying power. I's handsomer foo with its massive redesigned front end, new headlight spacing and driver-planned cabs. But this year the GMC story Is truly a power _istory. In oyer 50 models you can choose from the widest range of engines, transmissions GMCoutstanding. There'sover7Onew features in all--and every last one is: designed to give _ higher._performance, greater profit, greater comfort and convenience. Nothing has been overlooked in the forward march to bring you a truck that's filled with power, that's built to take the heaviest loads over the roughest -going'and corhe. back for more. . Ask-your | NEW nr ' These all-new cabs offer greater > comfor, vision and senvenisses : than ever before. . plus unéw : highin appearance. They have such features as ane. Ales Panoramic'. car fo eld, re- aaa and axles on the market. From this brilliant dealer fo explalthe brilliant, new advances | des instrument panels ¢ i : that gan be yours-in 1954. You'll see im- : % : range of power units you can get the exact | with soft light gauges, end ) de 2 combination to haul your specific loads with mediately how they'll mean great new benefits § | beautiful two tone Interfers.ila ; Tail adam Your specie to you In your business, Then choose the addition, as optional equipment | noi > 9 ey. one model in 50 that's exactly right for yeur thers are Cab Rear Cornde Gy And though new efficient power Is a big ~ requirements and be ready te go for more IOUS ard feds Dron. BN : feature it is just one of the many Which makes 2 profits in any trucking lob. put GMC cobs for ahead In 54, 5 « New SMART APPEARANCE "Rooms finished with Donnacona Insulating Board bring Ge a : 5 ' RE Yr A XE TE LT ----_ ra -- vr . ? F Here's the feature yob've been weldeg Now you can carry sand or gralnfoose You get a wide cholce of GMC engines. With this amas} a feature, oh «i; "full marks" for smart appearance. Dopniacpsa Insulating for. The 9300 and 9400 series now h in the pick-up box with no leakage. And And all are of the valve-in-head design the driver! floats To 'bumps with TT H 2 Board and Donnacona Decorative Specialties utify a new Hydra-Mati¢ transmission whi 'the boxes are deeper this year, giving .which has won fame over the years. oi harsh. jouncing. And for extra § : your home and save fuel at the same tinie . . : economical . . eliminates clutch and gear shifting. 'It a lower loading height. Ever the fail The Thriftmasterand Loadmaster engines scheviriog seat Is fully adjustable i and attractive for new construction or renovation. Us Hea also selects the right gear for any load _ gate'is stronger With new safely catch have been increased from 108 fo 112 bh big he ean select the best ' and any condition. A (het eliminates rattles. horsepower. iL ? "delving pasion, ; Hq gene ho 2X ER DONNACON A NOW ON 'DISPLAY E. | mermusen | "ARCHER MOTOR SALES fT OR er wr. . PHONES i te 4 {PORT PERRY