Pati Come Back -- Down With Romanuk leading the scoring with 3 goals backed by Myles, Atters- ly, Copeland, and O'Conner, each net- ing one, the Port Flyers gave the Fri- day night fans a 'performance of play not seen in this district in many a © year, Myles noted the first for Port on a pass from Till which was timed to the ninth degree, the next for the Fly- ers was a play by Fisher to O'Conner, 'to Attersly who successfully shot it past Kemp. Copeland scored on a pass from 'Romanuk and before the period ended Romanuk on passes from Copeland and again from. Copeland and Brodie, There were two penal- ties in the first period, both to Port: Opening the second period the Fly- "+ ers started right to make sure they would be the winners, Romanuk a- gain scoring on pass from Copeland at 6.22 and even though Port received two penalties to Lindsay's one the Flyers netted another in the play, Masters to Fisher to O'Conner ending the -second 7 to 0 in their favour, _ The Flyers apparently decided to 'take a breather in the third period and for the most part-were content to make a rush on Lindsay goal and then back-check Lindsay rushes on Port Flyers Make Decisive ¥ Lindsay Juniors just inside Ports blue line to Parker who sent a high fast drive into the top left corner of the nef.+ This was the only goal to get by Ross Hawe who turned in his usual style of fast sure net minding, for if there is a possible chance to turn that puck aside Ross is right there. . 1st Period Goals" Port--Myles from Till (7.09). : Port--Attersly from O'Conner and Fisher (8.03). Port--Copeland from: Romanuk(11.39) Port---Romanuk' from Copeland (18.85) Port--Romanuk from Copeland and Brodie (18.44). 1st Period Penalties Port--Johnson, knee (16:19). Port--Copeland,trip_ (19.07). 2nd Period Goals Port--Romanuk from Copeland (5.22) Port--O'Conner from Copeland and 1 Brodie (8,22). 2nd Period Penalties Port--Brodie, trip (16.33). Port--Myles, slashing (18.09). Lindsay--McGill, slashing @. 19). 3rd Period Goals Lindsay--Parker from Truax ( 10.28). 3rd Period Penalties Lindsay--McGill, Holding, changed to Track and Field Report A final tally of all Port Perry and District athletes who have qualified as original 1953 members of the 1st Port Perry Track and Field Club mem- bers" will be published next week. While there are over 40 members to date, there are several most promis- ing track and field athletes (both boys and girls) who have not obtained | membership cards and it is hoped they will take this last week's opportunity of qualifying. ' Application forms and membership cards are available from Mr. Parkinson, \ ' -------------- Rod and Gun Club' The annual meeting of the Club will be held in the High School, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. 'At this meeting wilwbe the election of officers for the coming year, and a social evening, The elected officers will take over their duties at the rd meeting of the new year. Plans will also be_made for the winter's activities. Weekly Cage Report (I. 'W. Parkinson) - * High School Basketball -- P.P.H. 8. Boys mre entering 3 teams in COSSA play this year--a BANTAM, JUNIOR and SENIOR--in a league with Whit- by and Uxbridge, the eventual win. ners to carry on in play.down compe- tition. This, it is hoped, will not only give more boys a chance do particl- pate, but it will help the youngster who never gets a chance to touch a basketball before Grade 9, 'a chance to develop into a Junior, rather that having to play junior with almost no "experience. Since last week's report P.P.H.S. teams have suffered 8 cage defeats, the seniors being swamped by a smooth-working- "Ryerson Institute 'pick-up' team 66-37, while St. Peter's of Peterboro took a double triumph from our lads--the St. Pete's Juniors (after being behind at % time, by one point, and then running wild In the last quarter) winning 31- 18, and the seniors copping a 61-48 verdict. ROUGH SEASON' AHEAD -- With Whitby having a powerful bantam squad, Uxbridge a strong junior team, and St. Peter's with a Sr. aggrega- tion good enough to beat our lads by 13 points on their home floor, the chances of High School cage teams winning any type of a championship this year is definitely not too promi. sing. All this taken into considera- tion, plus the fact that in Junior and Senior we will be playing schools with an enrolment of 224 boys (and in ban- tam any no, of boys) we hope that, barring exam: casualties, P.P.H.S. | boys will have a strong contender, and win or lose, they will gain much through team-competition that will be a valuable asset in later years, LIONS KEEP ROLLING -- Perry Lions ran into a much st foe than anticipated when they paki] rt | led with the Uxbridge Merchants here last Thursday and were fortunate to eke out a 54-563 margin, which gives them b victories as against 1 defeat-- their lone defeat. being by ont point to Oshawa Grads. Big BUD Warrl- ner, provided much of the LIONS scoring punch in this tussle as he pot- ted 21 points. The Lions have no leagut- games, until after the: 'New Year. -- VOLLEYBALL--With only 2 of a picked all-star volleyball team" being 'able to make the tournament Satur- day at Oshawa, the P.P.H.S. lads gave 2 games, and being close on 8 more. The six players who deserve mention Report from King Pin Alleys TT == Family Doubles Everyone was thinking of . those beautiful Christmas cakes. at Family Doubles last week so there were some good games bowled. Frank and Grace Hastings "took the cake" for the highest score. Cox's and King's for the mystery scores and Hodgson"s and Brown's took the consolation jeakes. Games aver 200 were Art Co 284, Bill Walker 212, W. Stata 260, E. Stata 204, J, Hutéhinson 269, Grace Hastings 2138, F. Hastings 240, C. Bathie 203 and 234, K. Harper 206 and 209, Don Crozier 209 and 233. 5 This week the prizes will be chickens and Christmas candy so don't fail to be 'there--Friday, 7 pm, sir iinie Ladies' Monday Night League Budgies 5 Martins 8 Canaries b Gulls 2 Wrens 6 Crows 2 Swallows 5 Cuckoos 2 Orioles 4 Robins 2 High Singles over 200 Miss Harrison (Swallow) 264 Mrs. Chapman (Martin) 248 Mrs. Harper (Swallow) 239 Mrs. Burnett (Oriole) 221 Mrs, Hopé (Cuckoo) 214 Mrs. Gray (Gull) 2056 i High Triple Mrs. Hope 579 Men's Tuesday !|Night League . No change in the standing of the top four teams, The Sevenaires a- gain tallied 7 points to keep well out in front. "Next week will end the first geétion | |» MIXED NUTS PORT. PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 19685 and the Turkey Roll will take place. Four Triples over 600 Hastings 672 (240, 217, 216) Cox 641 (266,218) M. Jeffrey 620 (229) Harris 611 (214, 200) High Singles over 200 G. Morrow 288, Cox 266, Hull 238, Hadley, 228, G. Carnegie 220, Par geter, 216 - 202, : STANDING,- Sevenaires 66 Hilltops 30 Stars 51 Knitters 29 Whiz Bangs 48 Dodgers 28 Carnegies 40 Peels 23 Blow Kings 38 Fitzjohn 18 Lucky Strike 82 "Rockets {17 Epsom Congratulations to M, Bailey. who was elected reeve at the election on Monday. We are pleased to learn that Ivan Rogers, who underwent an operation in a Toronto hospital recently is re- covering nicely. : Mri and Mrs. Arthur Fielding of Manchester spent-Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Leach. £4 "Calumet Baldwin" our local race horse, owned by Mr, Beacock and dri. ven by Mr, John Millman, was suc- cessful in winning' two firsts at the Dufferin on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Waltham and son have taken up residence in their new home at Kin. sale, On Friday night. their neighbours called to bid them Adieu, and pre- sented them with a lovely table lamp. Mr, and Mrs. Al Christie and. Dar- lene were at Concord on Sunday visit- ing Miss V. Stearman. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd were in Whitby "on Sunday visiting Mr, and Mrs. :D. Catherwood, Myr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin of Maple Grove with Mr, and Mrs, 3. Christie on Wednesday. ; "Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Jordon arid fa- mily spent Sunday in Toronto with Mrs. Jordon's parents. Mr, Braun of Columbus spent Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Braun in the village, Mrs. Bailey and Jeff spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs, Bailey's mother Mrs. Wm. Jeffery. Don't forget the euchre at the school on Friday night. CAMAY TOILET SOAP *- ALMONDS in cello pkg. "HEINZ MACARONI (15 oz). CRANBERRIES, JELLIED STARTING MON DAY, DOUPE'S STORE sessinnee seteenitebeeesitasararans seerens [ETT TYTTITH ses nannane aes EE PPR TPT PPR PE PTI LE PP PETTY TEP PTET Irae LE EE PE PT PTT PP PPP SNe Be I NNN sera eb eters rae nats ntettiing SHIRRIFF'S PUDDING POWDERS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS DECEMBE 14, OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS : Prince Alberl Phone 174 r 14 a good assaunt 2 themselves, wi "WITMINE | F. W. BROCK & SON CHRISTMAS GIFT CENTRE Toys - Dolls - Games ft arde ca Dagavati ane Nichas VIED ~ AISA N, BILL CORNISH, KEN HALLETT, GARNET WARRINER and F10YDP JAMES, - ' STAR OF THE WEEK--a toss-up between BUD WARRINER and JACK OWEN -- who played inspired ball (even in a losing cause)--both in bas- ketball . and volleyball -- during the | past week, King g Pin Lanes "SCHEDULE OF OPEN of BOWLING OPEN on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons. : MONDAY--2 Alleys, 9 to 11 p.m, THURSDAY--2 alleys, 7 to 11 p.m. FRIDAY--AI Alleys, 9 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY--AII Alleys, 7 to 12 p.m. SUNDAY--AII alleys, 7 to 11 p.m, their. goal, It was an one of these misconduct for arguing (11.29). © All members are requested 3] attend Sh plays that Truax made a wide pass Lindsay--O'Neil, piling on puck(18.07). this meeting. 4 we dil My NOW IS THE TIME TO TENDERS INSURE YOURSELF i 3 - i OLD "Tenders will be received up to December 31st,, 1963 for AGAINST THE COL : the position of Secretary for Scugog School Area. Duties Free estimates given on your-- i to commence 'January' 1st, 1954. Lowest or any tender not : Hed necessarily accepted. All correspondence to be marked [I| A IA l NEW / : tender. 3 Ld # : ; | '" D.L.CROZIER, RR. 3, PORT PERRY Install it Yourself y= IMEI IF } SELF-STORING CK LE. Program Schedule | ALUMINUM OSHAWA=DIAL 1240 . STO "AND MONDAY: THRU FRIDAY 10.01-- Obsession SCREEN INDOW, e 6.60--C B sign on : FRIDAY ; 3 6.00--N : 8. 50. Cuy Lombardo Show L yy Cre, 08--Shane and Fletcher = 9.00--News in a Minute 6.80--News - - } 9.01--Charlie Chan : : ; 6. 40. Shane and Fletcher : A 30-2Qluh Saludos 4) Se oN 2 z iY ra and Hlatohar = 11006 Kim'a Know a! = > = I 80--New : Mon 48 thy F Friday--from 10.30 p.m; oh TN JE and Fletcher 10.40--Re 40 on Sport 10. ha rlane Trio h ews 320 Shan hane and Plsteher 11.06--Sports Finals : : t 8.86--Shane and Fletcher 11,10--Tues., Thurs. TEL 1 | - 9.00--News : Five Minute Mystery 9.06--Morning Devotions. 11.10--Jim's Place 9.16--Listen ile You Work (Friday; Turntable Terrace) 10.00--News x } 12, .00--News Joos Calls 22 Ca 2 Place x ! ews 1 AR Calls 108 --OKLB Sign off 0--The House 2 of Peter MacGregor RB sie on HH pring rh 6.00--New : fA 1200 ows for the Community 6,06--Shane and Fletcher SrspauR EL bl You need---no_ special-tools- = = ¥ ude oy Mero Ho anenley; Fri: SoBe and Fletcher Bhd no extras to i iis com, : nat -- Ry dey | Ten By vinden 12. 40_Soor 7.06--Shane and Fletcher with full.easy to follow | in. 12, ry Seal al Spotlight hat News and Fletcher Fintets sre emorable from 1 05 stop the Record 8.00--News Son case OF acodens ait) nin \ 2.00--News for Women 8.10--S8ports rust. or rot and needs no : ty is 216. 'Kelly 8.20--Shane and: Fletcher painting. Drafts will be elim- 2. 80--Carder of of Alice Blair 8.80--News : oor vt Pot Dears faved 2.45--M top, Fil Songs of Our Times| 8.36--Shane and Fletcher fitted these self-storing storms aay isn Zine Review | 9. ews and screens. Ask for fold Toa ro _ Bob E Yon rly Show 9.06--Morning 'Devotions details (day on our "N 3.00 Now 9.16--The Four- Knights POowN EIN MENT EASY . 8.06--Showecase 9.80--C.N.I.B. Presents 4.00--News ' & 12 45 Revuotes by Carle 00--New: 4 LAY Ap Christmas Window 10.06--Honour Roll of Hits Lake Scugog 4,80--Showcase 1 30 Sopalong Cassidy " .00--News REL ews : ; : 5.08 Bone relab 11.06--Colour Comics L h & C 1C = £11 Sup Jor he Community: 77] 118 --Sporis Stars of To-morrow um er 0d 0. 5.836--Suppe ; FRE hii 15: 08 Mitday Melodies Limited b 8 : 12.30--News - - oso i Report 32 40 arm Pai Phone 240W Port Perry 7.00--News in a Minute 112, 7.02--Follow the I Band 1. a. Ry £06 Maloy Round-up psn 2023058 on { J Mon., Real Katate Revi FrioA Melody 2.08 Roeper of the Flame : 2 / 7.20--Tely H php a 8.06--Keeper of the Flame Yip { EN 1.80--World's Greatest Music _ : 3.00, News ioc MONDAY 8 ase : 8.80--Report from Parliament Hill .00--News Tt . 845 Bide. Monday - 806 Noms i wd -, 9.00 6.10--S8po : a , os dBi Jamboree ¢ 30 Relax, xing Rhythms 20-3 ; y ( e Truckmen 10 Kim's Corner by 00--News in a Minute Music By-- TUESDAY gh 7.02--Sereng al in Silver 8.80--Dennis Day Show 7.16--Musical Moments, 4 \ 200 Neh Do It 730 Tely Hig! oh his 3 | -- Zap : ouse 2 : tm of E Lime : ows > i : Sponsored by-- ,00--News gb ch'Ho os Gre Boe Nn rey Sih ewe h H WED. 9, néh House 3 80--Boston Blatile to .] 10.00--News 00--News in a /10.06--01d Ranch House Ait 82 Eh el Re, of Stars 10.80--News SPECIAL DRAW. 10.40--Report on Sport : | id is 10:45 --Afriane Trio rip to Flori A 100 Rims Korner 11.00-- 3 TRURSDAY Beir } a iL 08 Sport Finals : LY | "* 900--News = [12.00--~News { AR ; _ |12.06--Jim's Place 1 } : 9 Hour y 3 } ! Sw AYP FPO P OPPO 10.00--News in a Minute podiatry KLB 8ign Off | Bmisriocnieorhescectosscscsosoosnonos 3 dl wmoek SPRL ud 4 de at PT NI 5 A ead Be _-- a at Port Perry Public School Friday, December 18 + Carl Hiltz and The Ambassadors Canadian Legion, Port Perry TO TAKE PLACE AT 12.00 P.M. ONLY 1000 TICKETS AT $1.00 EACH - ADMISSION TO DANCE--$1. 00 PER COUPLE le 070 0 EA AT 0% 0% 4% or 4500.00 Cash ee A SS ARLE RC 00000000008 TOOKE SHIRTS TOOKE TIES LADIES hind MEN"S SLIPPERS BEDROOM MATS j QUILTED PLA SACHETS IN GIFT BOXES, 50c., 60c., 85¢., and $1. .00 each SHIRTS - TIES - SOCKS AE tmp le lens iiesiis $3.95 and $4.95 SR Te $1.50 and $2.00 erin. $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 TET $1.19, $2.50, $4.25 Serr trit rath $250 and $3.95 PP PIPE PT PRT Presi saienns Srbsserserasisnann fesse srsnasnnae PN > HANDKERCHIEFS and NYLONS - LADIES' WOOL PLAID HEAD SCARVES: CHILDREN'S PURSES, PLAID, Draw String ........ $1.35 KE WHISPER NYLONS, $1.25, $1.50, $1.76 pair SUPERSILK 130, S178 pay MARY BARRON SLIPS, Tailored and with Lace trim, $3.95 NYLON GOWNS, Yellow, Pink and Blue, $7.35 and $8.50 8 HANDKERCHIEFS--Ladies' White Linen, Initialed, 50c. ea. White Lawn with Colored embroidery, ea. 50c., 75¢., $1.00 Boxed Handiies, white with embroidery and ColOYSd-.....ioniiindiimrimiianin 50c., 75c., $1.26 Lace Trimmed Handkies .......c.cooovvveeveunnnnn... RY, 50c. to $1:26 ~ QUILTED PLASTIC HOSIERY BAGS ..........ccovu.... 90c. each STIC LINGERIE BAGS $1.35 each sesessariaaina $1 95 each Phone 43 572 =) " -- a -- Len | < AXMINSTER MATS coon iin Fetosnein $9.95 i(| Skate Sets and Rubbers B|| SKATE SETS--AIl Sizes i GOODRICH and BATA RUBBERS--AII Sizes : ; x M. H. Instant Coffee, Ige jar special $1.64 Xmas Pop Corn with prize aii 10c, bag 8 Dew-Kist Cr. Style Corn, 20 oz tin 2 for 26c. French Creams, lb. ................ tressentetanng .49c, i Marshmallows, 1 1b. bag > 438c. Chocolate Drops Hindi nin «1b. 49c. it Bowe's Almond Paste, 1 1b, tin ............ 46c, Satinettes, 1 RRS PTET ET 49c, #11 Cranberries, 1 1b, bag ......cccoovrrivnnnrniin, 29c, Cocoanut Bon Bong, Ib, .................. en 89, i Brazil Nuts, Ib. coin, 63c. Butterscotch Wafers, WM, oii riritaie 69¢. i Diamond Walnuts, 1b, .......c......0. FI 3: 8 Mixed Chicolates, | HERR el 69c¢. a Mixed Nuts, Ib. ..........c.iinnmniarnmion 49c: Jelly Bells, Ib. oxic, 39c¢. & 1 Ib, Box Chocolates, ............ 86c. and $1.00 Gum Drops and Creams AR 1b. 39c. : Xmas Candy Canes, each ...................... be. Hard Mixed ......cooccooovonnrvvinnriiniinnnnnn Ib. 89c, 4 -- CESS SR a oi gt ; Youle? -- A ant lh A - Tn =~ een, ar BYR or . ae aE gaa ay LX mn Lx i A ) -- & | | | | | f EE