Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Dec 1953, p. 4

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ERT SANG Vet? RFE AN Eta, ¢--PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 1953 NEWS - LOCAL In Memoriam McCOY -- Stewart MeCoy passed away Dec. 8th, 1961, God called him home, it was His will But in our hearts we love him still His memory is as dear to-day As in the hour he passed away, We often sit and think of him. when we are all alone ' For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own. * Sadly missed by Wife & Family. MOORE--In loving memory of Ivan A. Moore, who passed away suddenly, Dec, 10, 19650, Years will roll by, But 'his memory will stay As near and as dear as yesterday. Ever remembered by his wife and - family--Helen, Betty, Jack and Doug- las, | : Festival of Dolls The Community Hospital Auxiliary will hold their Doll Festival on Satur- day afternoon, December '12th, in the Community Room of the-Public Lib- rary, at_8.00 p.m. . Draws for ter beautiful dolls will be held through- out the afternoon. Tea will be ser- ved. There will also be a number of dolls for sale, and a Home Baking Sale, as well. Bring your friends and come to this afternoon sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary. Some tickets for the Draw are still available from Mrs. Roy Cornish and Mrs. Jessie Ro- bertson, at 8 for 26c. 2 Donations for the Home Baking ~Sale to be held by: the Community Hosnjial Auxiliary will be greatly ap- preciated. These may be left at the Library during the afternoon, on Sat- urday, December 12th. - Thank you " for your support. . Ashburn Sunday School and Church services were conducted at Burn's Church on Sunday, Dec. 6th at 10 and 11 a.m. This being missionary Sunday Rev. B. D. Armstrong told the children some interesting personal facts con- ~~ cerning his missionary work in South- ern China. ~ He told of a Chinese Coming Events : Christmas Draw, CHRISTMAS DOLL FAIR: Sponsor- ed by Community Hospital Auxiliary. Ten beautiful Dolls to be drawn, with others for sale.. Draw Tickets 8 for Public Library, Saturday ofternoon, December 12th, : Christmas Concer! | at YELLOW SCHOOL, 8.8. No. 9 . | Réach, on DECEMBER 16 at 8.30 pm. Admission 26c, Bazaarand Baking Sale SAT, img sa DECEMBER 19 in the basement of the Catholic church, by the C.W.L. Afternoon Tea will be served and a draw on a quilt will be held 8 to 6 p.m. dee, 17 Shooting Maich 26c. Home Baking, Afternoon Tea.| The Churches CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rector: Rev. H. 8. Swabey, M.A., B.D. Dec. 183th--3rd Sunday in: Advent. 9.30 a.m.--Holy Communion, 11,00 a.m.~Sunday School, 1.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer. PORT RERRY UNITED CHURCH 'Rev: R. H, Wylie, Minister Sunday, December 13th-- 11 am, --'And the Life Everlasting' 7 p.m.--'Is Christianity Declining?' Wednesday, Dec. 16th-- The Sunday School Christmas Con< cert will be held in the Church Audi- torium, at 7.00, p.m. 2 b . ra ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN | CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., Minister Sunday, December 13th-- 11:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.~--Divine Worship, gs | PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Douglas Sloan, Pastor. Sunday, December 18th-- 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 p.m, Service-- Wednesday--Prayer meeting, 8 p.m. wish all a Merry Christmas and Prosperity in the New THANK YOU! rf to the Electors of the Township of Reach for electing me to Council for 1954, I wish to take this opportunity to year, ot nope. Walter C. Lynde wishes to thank the people of Reach support in the recent elections. Season's Greetings to All Township for their 3 ¢ 'ITo the Electors of Reach Township: I wish 'to thank you for your support and to wish the Council of 1964 success in their year of office. THE GREETINGS OF THE SEASON TO ALL" SEE OUR DISPLAY POINSETTIAS, AZALAS, MUMS. MIXED PANS AUNT JEMINA CAKE MIXES--1 White, 1 Chocolate and set of Salt and Pepper Shakers, all for ........ ....69¢. KERNEL CORN; Oak Leaf, 14 0Z."...............vcc000...2 fOF 29, MIXED NUTS, Ib, .....0cccooeniun. IRIE isn ttherites raisins D0 MIXED HARD CANDY, Ib. .......cccooous FEA RT INRR. 1 18 POTATOES, 10 lbs, 25¢. ' NAVEL ORANGES, 39c., 59¢. BANANAS, Golden Ripe ........... nists 196, CELERY HEARTS .............c...... ws .2 bunches 29¢. i CABBAGE, Hard Green Heads ......................each 10¢, # GRAPEFRUIT, Full of Juice .................. akin 10 for 49¢, } * E MERLIN DOWSON PHONE _ 91 } OF CHRISTMAS FLOWERS | Harr Y P hoenix, ; Greenbank 1 "I- will endeavour to carry out my duties to the best of I wish to thank the electors of Reach Township for elect- ing me to Council for 1954. : my ability, : - Wish one and all a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year OUR RECOMMENDED WINTERIZING SERVICR Complete Lubrication, Change. engine oil and test & condition of battery : > 'churah and Qundav Qohasl with whist, he was connected which became self supporting. The missionary offering . attend. iid am 1.UV, The church service was conducted by B. D. Astron He chose for his subject * ift of Forgiveness." Mrs. R. Batten had charge of junior church, ~ : The Y.P.S. will hold a Christmas musical in Burn's Church on Sunday, December 13 at 8.16 p.m. Guest ar- tists will be the Ebenezer Harmont- zers; Stouffville "Youth for Christ" male quartette and Florence Brother- wood, violinist, A religious film will | also be shown. Everyone welcome. The annual Christmas Tree and En- tertainment of Burn's Sunday School will be held in the Church basement on Tues, Dec. 22 at 8 p.m. The child- ren are now busy practising. Kindly keep this date in mind and plan to The Y. P. 8. held their fellowship meeting on Friday evening, Dec. 4, in the basement of the Church. The meeting opened with a song service]. led by Ken Heron. After a short business session 'the fellowship con- vener Neil Johnston conducted sev- eral lively games which were enjoyed by all. The worship service under the lea- dership of Myrna Johnson, included | a poem 'This is my Church", read by David Bradley. The Scripture lesson was read by Neil Johnston. "Why I Believe in Christ", was the title of an interesting reading 'given by Myrna Johnston; Douglas Ashton led in pra- yer and the meeting closed with the singing of two hymns. Mr. and Mrs. James Doble, of Tor- onto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble. Grant Stephenson and Keith Suth- erland of the College of Education; Toronto were observing and practise~ teaching in the local school last week. The Social Club met in the school room 'on Friday, Dec. 4th at 8 p.m. ~ Six tables of euchre were played. The |. prize winners were for the ladies Ar- thur Richardson (playing as a lady) and Mrs. C. Graham; for the gents Messrs. H, Ashton snd Wes, Routley. _The monthly meeting of the W.M.8. "was held at the home of Mrs, H. Dob- le on Tues., Dec. 1st at 2.80 p.m. ing me to Council for 1954. my duties to the best of my ability. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL _ Howard McMillan I will endeavour to carry out . : UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO "with a piece of meat in his mouth, when he happened to see his own reflection in the water. He thought it was another dog with a piece of meat twice as big; so he : let go his own, and flew at the other dog to get _ the larger piece. But, of course, all that happened was that he got neither: for one was only a shadow, 'and the other was carried away by the current. . - : ; LAST SHOWING TO-NITE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 1109: * ; = 1" , Girls in the Night PLUS : "ON THE LOOSE" ait (Adult Entertainment): : FRIDAY and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11-12 °° "Man From The Alamo" TECHNICOLOR starring GLEN FORD and JULIE ADAMS Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 15-16 ~ "THE DESERT RATS" THE GREAT SEQUEL TO "THE DESERT FOX" ' | starring JAMES MASON | ~ starring JOHN WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16-17 * "War 'of the Wild Cats" WAYNE 230 MARTHA SCOTT "Battle Zone" P already yours. Open a-savings account with The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Add to it steadily. without any risk. Visit our nearest branch today. - i me aa The Canadian Ban MORAL; Make it your first aim to hold ontowhat is / { = - Soon you will find that your nioney has grown--and : Ba-Sala N\N Hlustration by Arthur Rackham, from the NW Heinemann Edition of Aesop's Fables, k of Commerce PENTICOSTAL CHURCH : Rober i G. Baird an ind tarvies the = S uh SHOOTING MATCH for Geese, on | Sunday, December 13th-- Sey : bolts and engine tune-up ._ = Saturday, Dec. 12, #f 1 p.m. at lot 28, 30 sn, Sundey Shon) TO THE ELECTORS OF REACH TOWNSHIP: Con, 8, east of Oshawa Road, property &.m.--Morning yyorship irsvan A : 'Adjust valve la for of Lorne Duff. Rifles and shot guns, we han --Evangelistie Sertises j wish lo extend my thanks for placing me in office of poner clearance, cloen Ammunition supplied. . 8 p.m.--Pgayer an e Study. eeve for 1964. vrelor: siraindr, dive! car. A a : : : i by , drain and Hush ¢80 ¥ dt Thurs, 2 p.m.--W.M.8, meeting. I will dormy best for the interests of the Township. rn dip au fash geting ASHBURN Fri,, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples. ' 3 ml : EVERYBODY WELCOME dr ; - ._ Tighten all hose connec- _The meeting opened with the sing- . Pastor: Wm. W. Thom B ] tions; adjust fan belt Ini of Hymn 165 "Joy to the World", E -- ity : Malcolm bailey. propa lomion, rove from 5 ollowed with prayer by Mrs. W.| UAT a : Whee) bsarings and Inspect :- Knight. The scripture lesson, Psalm | SEVENTH a ADV ENTISY nas : 2 : ER Sell brake linings 46 was read by 'Mrs. N. Anderson.| - El J G b i ; : 1» ? The minutes were read and approved. Sarurdey 7 Recosaber tall ay pir mer ' 1050n "iia B YD M R - Mrs. W. Kaight was in charge of the | S67 ddd ~ Oe --. wishes to thank the ratepayers of Reach Township for SAS R EN 0TO S quiz, i ; : ; placing him in the Office of Deputy Reeve for the year CHEVROLET : OLDSMOBILE. . CHEVROLET TRUCKS Cedar Cr k eon visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Ed Soa op Sedmmetion E ig : ' i CASE FARM MACHINERY Sy 2 } : ee Hartry and Mrs. E. Wauchope for the : TH SEASON TO ONE AND ALL. Port Perr y -- font] 3 Phone 74 . Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Steele were | ast two weeks. gr: EE, N c ren Thursday evening visitors of Mr. and| pp. and Mrs, Wm. Steele and Mr. |. sor Apso Mrs. Albert Slute at Raglan, | Elgin White were Sunday dinner] = BERR pus i : a 3 Mr. Ernie Wilberton visited his bro- | guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Willer : # ther Mr. Sid "Wilberton and Mrs. Wil- | ton and boys. ~ : 1 : ; : berton in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. Lorne Martyn was home for I~ ES ~ aA Mr. and Mrs, James Blain and child- | the week-end. : e : O g i ren were visiting in Thornbury on| Mr. Murray Barnard of Toronto cal- | ; 3 Lg : rhe pe Z Sunday. Mrs. James Kirby returned | led at the Kilpatrick home on Sunday | A L D : : - home with them. Mrs. Kirby had | afternoon. : : Na | ana tne pone el aT > 3 - > Bs i Vv: i= ¢ ? : Za "T Wish to thank the electors of Reach Township for elect- . A DOG was crossing a plank bridge over a stream .drive.. careful ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Geo. H. Doucet, Minister rep ------ ; f 4 iy JE £4 td ®. - ir,

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