Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Dec 1953, p. 3

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Yn RES TGs AR I FERRI IRTP TE » Member of Weekly Newspapers 'Association THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE ~The liberal-minded, Carthys. their country. ; cidents in the States quite to the executive offices of of advice about what the king to its-principles. cipals. 'Manufacturer's Association well-informed, de- rhocratic peoples 'of the United States and Canada have made a sérious mistake in dealing with the McCarrans and the Mec- In attacking these men for: the things they do, their opponents have allied themselves with and become the cham- - pions of those who are Yeall 'They have the defensive andiin a a asteniVe role they have sacrificed the support of public opinion which always veers towards support for the aggressor as the latest in-/ long to the individual . .., we cannot cham- pion the right to conspire against the law- ful government. We should have denoun- ced the conspirators in company with Mc- Carthy and denounced McCarthy when he became subversive in his attacks on the freedom and the rights of the individual, McCarthy is himself a conspirator a- gainst the government when he seéks by any means to destroy such freedoms. have not yet learned how to put demago- : : Ever since the last election in August . hundreds of letters hdve been pouring in- tive: Party. The letters have all been full must do if they want to win an election. Most of the letters contradict one another, However, there seems to be some agree- ment about the necessity of the Party stic-' 'Principles not prin- Perhaps, most writers felt that they were stuck with the latter anyway. > This advice about sticking to principles, -is-in our opinion,-a weak: crutch for a very lame _duck. - The main principle of the Conservative Party for devious and little understood reasons is the principle of 'sup- porting the idea of free enterprise. "the -only-group in this country who active- . _1y 'supports such a: thing is-the Canadian fiil though it may be insome ways. 'certain- 7 der. To do that s raitors to n put on clearly proves. court for his We the Conserva- -' Conservatives ° gues on the defensive in a democracy: We "have not yet learned how to rob-the Mc- __ Carthys and the MeCarrans of their thun: © NOTES AND COMMENTS ites ~ Freedom of Speech and Conspiracy ) { [ we must zealously work to- 'wards routing out communists wherever we find them. nust we attack the demagogues the moment they challenge those freedoms which are the' bases of our democracy. McCarthy should have been hailed into And just as zealously: must Long since" slanderous: and intemperate We should champion the rights that be: stat mej and the fact that he makes : such statements.under the immunity of his office should provoke steps which will ensure that demagogues will not be able to use the protection of the very govern- ment which they seek to undermine with out incurring serious penalties. opinion tn modern states is dangerously close to mob opinion and it is time we were clear sighted enough to see it. Surely the Germans and the Italians have provided .us with an object lesson which should not readily be forgotten, ~ Reorganizing the Conservative Party can do with the party after it is" elected may well be something quite different. Public ! The farmers of the {West have no use for free enterprise. - yell: for help, and the first to get it when the going gets rough. Certainly, labour ° -i8 not interested in free enterprise-collec- tive bargaining and fringe benefits and National Health Insurance are the main interests of these Canadians." They are'the first to _ The Province of Quebec is interested in Louis St. Laurent and political patronage and reversing And the verdict of the Plains of Abraham on the planes. of Parliament Hill. <b The only thing for the Conservatives to do is to find out the needs of the people; .to come up with better solutions than those of the Liberals; to prove their: sincerity, which, power-: ly « can never: get a party. elected." What it a 'and to study a strategy that will'effecta victory at the polls. tives to do this there is little doubt but that they would form the next government 5 Were the Conserva- | least, over a period of years. a television camera, Toby has consis- | Toasting in the New Year amid ga- | 1a festivities is that pretty and popu- lar CBC actress Toby Robins, Equally | 'ces on such:top: programs as Stage at ease before a radio microphone or; 564, CBC Wednesday Night, and Ford -------- rare find--a beautiful young girl with fine dramatic skill. 'Her performan- Theatre have been highly praised for tently demonstrated that here Is that I their. warmth and sensitivity. a kind word, a friendly act. What the sun is to nature, cheerful people are to home, work and play. We love the sparkle of their eyes and the ring of their voices. We are refresh- ed by their presence. The place to be happy is here§ the time now. - The way to be happy is to bring joy to others. - If you make one person happy each day, think of the many persons you 'can make happy for a little while at Mast of life's troubles are man-made, so let 'us have more 'sunshine.| Be sure to' ckeate your shave by getting into the "happy habit", : boy --Can. Statesman na eit DON'T TELL US IT'S TRUE--THE MUSICAL RIDE IS NO MORE "_It-came as a great shock-to-many Canadians to read in .the press that the government had decided to aban- - i] don the musical ride troop of the Ca- 'nadian Mounties. for this ConfiTY: By : We hope the authorities that rule at Ottawa will reconsider their decision T rio newspapers in recent decades have | achieved and maintained a position of complete independence. Reporting the proceedings of muni- ginal bodies is emjnently factual and Wits--is the newspaper.reporter's ob- jective, With this objective constantly -in experienced men who have proven Admittedly, reporters can make mis- takes, just as aldermen can make mis- takes, but any mistake the- reporter It should not be overlooked that the son between:the municipal council and the public. : It is established procedure that coun. lic and the press. To 'close them to! the press, or to dictate what the press | shall print about them when they are | onen__amacka of a totalitarianfam | which_has, no place in Canadian life. ---- Port Perry, Ontario, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1953. Scout News * Wow a 'the United Church Xmas | tree is on the 16th so we will have oun papercollection on Friday, Dec, 18 this month, Bay did you know that we haye received $30.00 for 3 tons of newspapers sold and another 8% tons is ready for shipment with better than a ton to get ready for shipment. (Please tie your papers with strong cord.) On Monday night A pack had an evenihg of games, the boys sure en- joyed the balloon volley ball. Ken. Boyd lost his cub cap--anyone having it please bring it out next Monday Night, of Coke 'So delicious with food YY) «80 adecuracy---within reasonable space li- = view, the reporters assigned 'to coved council - proceedings are, as a rule,' théir competence in this work. | makes will be promptly corrected. | newspaper plays an important role in municipal affairs, maintaining a Hai- | 'cil'meetings should be open-to the pub-1 UYRBInLn | UADIIALD BE Bottle Carton 36% NZ i 00 Taxes Plus deposit 2¢ por bottle - Festive times call for the sparkling goodness SERVE (74 R-47-2 Autherized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Lid. = a DV i UX a PHONE 205W VERAGES I IMITED a by "MM. ~The. members of parliament who said that: we must work towards a saner ;world in which the consumer pays what he thinks the goods are worth: roused the ire of his fellow par- { liamentarians who are 'agitating for : - higher: salaries, 2 =i ----- = The. CRC' Saturday night is about as bad.a radio can get . . . we sug- gest that the players get oft the fce, that Foster Hewitt get off'the micro- phone, .and the CBC get off the air and take Beir roline cowboy nol- ges with them . .. We shoot We Score! THE PASSING SHOW A.C." A woman'in Windsor hag won three cars at 'Bingo. games . . . How sad, for now she can't stay away from a single game without feeling that she might have missed a car. : --0-- Advertisement read: "This dish will make you:like lobster. Almost anything edible is preferable to a dish, 'we humbly suggest, - --0-- Ne wapayer Heading -- «Connell, Stands 'Firm On Garbage Dump In West End" What a spot to find themselves in! : i | Divkict Doings _ WILDLIFE ON 'THE 'INCREASE - i - = Omemee--Beaver have become such a nuisance during the past few years along the lower shores of the Pigeon River that a special permit has been issued to Mr. P. Parsons by the Dept. of Game and'Fisheries to trap a num- ber of these industrious animals that re are within his trapping territory. : Quite a number 'of local folk have viewed with eurfosity the magnificent pelts thus far and one topped .the * 'scaled at 50 Ibs; This permit allows a quota of 10 to be trapped at one time and if the nuisance continues the property owner can request further trappings when siother permit is is- sued, San Nw, \ 1 DEER GRAZE WITHIN VIEW OF FARM, HOME : ~ Sunderland, -- The gray November dawn of Friday was brightened . by the visitation of 2 deer--a splendid buck and his mate as they grazed on the alfalfa just outside the kitchen : window of Mrs. Alfred Brown, West ~ . « Brock. To gaze out the window at 3 the otherwise forlorn November land- scape and to be given a thrill such as this, and at this festive season, when gi * deer are so much in the limelight, pro- ves once again that Mother Nature still holds for each day a surprise package, a joy to be discovered by -SUTTON DANDELIONS GROW IN DECEMBER! Tuesday was December 1st. On that day, J. Harvey Robertson, of Sut- ton 'High School teaching staff, dis- tributed some samples of full-grown dandelions which are growing in pro- fusion on the sunny south side of his home, facing High Street Sutton. Not a puny specimen, but just as sturdy as those which lawnlovers try, to root out in June! United d Church ~-W.M S. Mrs. Harper reported our allocation well over_the top. : Mrs. Reynolds, the Supply Sec'y re- | ported for 1953, an 86 pound bale ship- ped in April and 135 pound bale in November. Mrs. Z. M. Jackson gave her last re- port as Christian Citizenship and Tem- perance Sec. ; The-members regret Mrs. Jackson's resignation but were assured of her interest and help in 1964, ; Mrs. Smallman's group led the de- .votional period, 'Mrs. Myers read a Christmas story. Mis. Wylie and Mrs, Smeltzer gave an interesting storyr-la there a San- ta Claus." - The meeting closed. with: prayer. Tea was served by the hostess and a © who love such innovations. social time enjoyed. Telpeed Comments. .| thought. A SHAMEFUL INCIDENT A small news item in thie daily: pa- pers recently, obscured thongh it was by the Rugby finals, should give every. decent thinkipg person food for In South Carolina, a bus load of Negroes were driven. to the police station after a row on the bus and fined over a total of $1300. All 'this happened because one of the co- loured men had the sheer audacity to sit beside a white girl! "That:all the Negroes 'concerned were in the uni- form of the .United States army and 'as such had shown their willingness to give their dark skins in protection :of their brother's: white skins was of ~{:little ~consequence 'for down' there a law says that sections of the busses are designated to white or coloured but not to the both, __ While. many people say .that it is difficult to judge when we do not have the "negro problem" in our midst, those same people are going-against the law that our more lenient country made when the government handed down the order that there was to be no racial discrimination in our coun- try. This law we are perfectly in ac- cord with and would even dare-te spy --how can our cherished 'Ameriean neighbours éxpect to solve an intetna- tional problem when they cannot even '| live in harmony with themselves? "America Negro soldiers proved them- 'selves in the late war as the few who have risen above prejudice have pro- ved their ability and congéniality in fields of medicine and the arts. They are human beings endowed with the same heart and soul-that we are. They never asked to be brought to thls continent but since they were and are | now free surely, they should be. ac- corded the same priviledges and con- sideration that the rest of us demand. If we ever loose 'aight of this truth How can we ever raconcile ourselves in asking Him for forgiveness when | '| we show so little of 'the Christian prin. cipals ourselves? --Uxbridge Times-Journal THE "HAPPY HABIT" Cheerfulness doesn't just happen. It's man-made sunshine, and there won't be enough to go around unless we all contribute our share. : This man-made sunshine is made up of lota of tiny rays--a happy smile, F, x i 'an excellent one. in this matter. _ For the glamorous and spectacular musical ride is one of 'the very best advertisements Canada ever had, ' It's really Canadian, and is looked upon with pride and admira- tion wherever shown. ; At the Coronation parade in Lon- don, at 'New York's Madison Square Gardens and at our own Royal Winter Fair and other exhibitions, these co- lorful precision squads of the R.C. MP. 'have 'brought Canada favorable attention that could not be purchased for. millions of dollars. The musical ride is a spectacle and Moreover, it is a spectacle that means Canada to. mil- lions of people. We have all too few national symbols in Canada now, not even -a flag :that we can agree on. We will be poorer still if we let the musical ride disappear. . If it's a question of :economy we could suggest more than enough mo- ney could be saved-to finance the mu- sical ride if the government would dis- continue printing and mailing out so many useless releases, leaflets 'and other material to publishers across Canada which are daily consigned to the waste paper basket and burned. Can, Statesman. COUNCILS DO NOT CONTROL PRESS A not unprecedented but rather un- usual action was the recent recommen- dation, in a committee report to the 'Woodstock city council, that the Woodstock Sentinel-Review appear be- foré that body to answer for its news stories regarding council and commit- tee meetings. The Sentinel Review, it seems, de- clined to accede to the request, on the excellent ground that it would be an infrigement on the principle of the freedom of the press. ia , In diseussing.the matter, Alderman Ww. Ww. ported as saying that in his four years on council there had been many misquotations in the news- paper stories. - Alderman H. Collins, 'a mayoralty candidate, retorted that in his longer term of six years.he had been seldom misquoted; and added that he did not believe in the presa being edited by council. ~ In contrast with an earlier era, when almost every. newspaper was a cog in a party or municipal machine, Onta- ~ SE memo SR ---- --QOshawa Times-Gazette. CONANT & CONANT - BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Roger D. Conant, B.A. 'Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simcoe St. 8. Phone 3.2227 Ajax, Ont., Phone 26 Real Estate "WHEN BUYING OR SBLLING YOUR HOME, FARM or BUSINESS PHONE PORT PERRY: 385 "HOWARD LANGILLE, BROKER Queen St, Port Perry REAL ESTATE Consult J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. Head Office, 366 Bay 8t., Toronto Phone EM. 3-0604 City and Country Hcmes , Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Property. LLOYD LEE is your local representative. Hudson 9-6308, Toronto 3 Bessborough Drive "Electrical and - Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MAC ERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and 'ELECTRIC © WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE Air Conditioning Furnace Eavestroughing We sell and service DURO "PRESSURE PUMPS STONEY G. BARNES Phone 72 r 2 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Austin CA. Bathie D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC MONDAYS, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY "For appointment, Phone 206R Queen and Scugog Streets PORT PERRY Er Sand and Gravel Government Tested Landscaping, Sodding, Loam, and Stone. Free Estimates. Phone 88R W. J. SYMES Port Perry 2s septd EXCAVATING CELLARS - DRAINS SEPTIC TANKS GRADING CLIFF BAKER, Manchester July 17 INSURANCE Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult =~ H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours -- 10 am. to 6 p.m. ! Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J Refrigeration Service, both household and" commercial. Gilson milk coolers and freezers. Refrigerators. Aug 2 Reg. Boundey MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS : Phone 5-41662 37 King St. E., Oshawa Gordon VW. Riehl, C.A,, Resident Partner ARTHUR Ww. S. 'GREER, KC. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. RE: UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING | Let us re-upholster your old Chester- field Suite. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. Free pick-up ard delivery. - Phone 5-0311 Collect 'OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY (CO. 8 Church Street ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL 'WALLACE Port Perry ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS New or old floors sanded and finished, or waxed and polished by the square foot. Electric Floor Sanders, or Wax- ers and Polishers for Rent. R. PICKARD Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont. INSURANCE COMPANY \ Consult the Crown Life Man CEC: KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario Blong Black. Port Perry. Phone 25 RW

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