Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Nov 1953, p. 6

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6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1953 Blackstock The ladies of the United Church W, A. had a successful day serving meals at the Shorthorn Sale on November 2nd. They report having taken in over fifty dollars, Mrs. F, Lister is visiting Mrs. Robt, Ford. . ~The sympathy of the community: is extended to the family of Mrs, Olive Brown, Nestleton, who passed away at her home on Friday, October 30th, and was laid to rest in St, John's Anglican oa - cemetery on Monday, Nov. 8rd. The High School held its annual Hallowe'en dance in the Recreation Hall on. Saturday evening. Prizes were won by: Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mal- colm, Best Costume; Allan Bailey and Jimmie Ballingale, Best Dressed Cou- ple; Mrs. John -Venning, most work on preparing . costume; Doris Hamilton and Nora Venning, most original. The evening was spent in dancing to a record player, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest McLean art visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs, D. McLean. F/L Mc¢Lean is now station- ed at North' Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorrell "visited with friends in Dunsford on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Gilbert Marlow, Mrs, J. Marlow, Mrs. O. Wright motored to Toronto on Friday. Mrs." John Mar- low stayed to visit her daughter Mrs. Ivan Shook. _ Mr, and Mrs. Tennyson Samells and Mr. 8S. A. Ferguson attended the fun- eral of Mr. Joseph Taylor in Bobeay- geon on Tuesday. . x kk K Rally Day Service was observed in the United Church' with Mrs. Lloyd Wright telling the story of an African boy in Rhodésia and Miss: Thomas; of St. Thomas, daughter of the Minister | of Agriculture for Ontario, played a piano accordion and mouth organ num- ber, Alex Maudsley, of C.H.C,, gave an ad. dress on Christian Education. A representation of United- Church W.M.S. members attended the Presby- terial at Enniskillen on Wednesda. Twenty-six ladies from Blackstock and vicinity attended the joint meet- ing of Janetville, Nestleton and Black- stock on Monday afternoon, when a speaker from the W.I. Branch of the Department of Agriculture and Home Economics service gave an address on "Brighten Our Homes with Colour" after which the audience was divided into seven groups of eight ladies, and each group -demonstrated decorating and furnishing of an imaginary room The Junior Room 'sang and Mr, | --bedreom living-room or diningroom with materials furnished and bearing. out information received in the ad- dress. This included floor coverings, walls, ceiling, drapes, upholstering, cushions and ideas on lighting, wood- work, colour 'and exposure of room worked on. The meeting was in the Presbyterian Church and Nestleton ladies were hostesses. Mesdames Shortridge, Hutton, Hill; Kyte, Malcolm and 'Archer attended the Oshawa Presbytery W.A. in Sim- coe Street United Church. Fourteen members of St. John's W. A. attended the Deanery meeting at Omemee< Mr. W. S. Battersby, licensed lay minister from St. Paul's Anglican Church, Lindsay, occupied the pulpit of St. John's church on Youth Sunday. L } - Prince Albert The Woman's Association met in the Sunday School room on the afternoon of October 28th, with an attendance of thirteen ladies. More arrived for the lunch, °° Mrs. B., Smith presided. As it was to be a Thanksgiving program the meeting opened with a hymn, followed Le done later. - | delightful lunch. by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The president welcomed two new members. As group two was in charge of the devotional portion, Mrs. McKerihen called on the following: part of a Psalm was read by Mrs. W. Martyn; Meditation, Mrs. Earl Martyn; poem "Thanksgiving", Mrs. W. Brown; and a fine article, describing that beautiful picture "The Angelius", which also was on view, explained by Mrs, Wylie. At this tinie he Doxology was sung. Secretary's report was given by Mrs, Luke and Treasurer's report by Mrs. Wm. Martyn. A "thank you" letter was read. 'A business Jeriod oy was devoted to discussion concerning the bazaar and several committees 'were arranged. There was some discussion re mak- ing improvements on the lunch tables. Mr. Ben Smith's kindly offer to fix one for a sample was accepted, the rest to For programme, Mrs. Wylie read two humorous articles. A hymn and the Mizpah Bénediction closed the meeting. Group in charge served a Most all received the annual visit of the little folk on Saturday night, Mr, and Mrs." Stan Gerrow were Sunday evening guests of their aunt Mrs. Wm. Somerville; @ Seagrave Mr. and Mrs. James Quigley, of Belleville, visited of Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fishley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fishley, of Brooklin, Sere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G, Fishley, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thomas, ¢ of Osh- awa, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Scott. Mr. and Mrs. L. Duff, of Shirley, spent Saturday' with Mr. and Mrs. L. Short, Mrs, W. Graham, of Port Perry, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mra. J. S. MacFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. E. Clements visited with Mr.-and Mrs. D. Bell, of Courtice .on Sunday, Mrs. A. Bruce spent a few days in Toronto last week visiting her father Mr. George Mark and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wanamaker, Neil and Bill, also Mr. and Mrs. W. Martyn, of Prince Albert, visitors of Mr, and Mrs. W. Tremeer, of Lindsay on Sun- day. Mr. Donald Dowson and friend Mr. Eugene Strickland, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. B. Dowson. Mr, and Mrs. W. Peters, of New Liskeard, and Mrs, V. Peters, Graven- hurst, were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clarke and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Scott. Mr, Carl Boe, of Huntsville High School staf, spent Saturday with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Orval Boe. --Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Johns, of Port Perry, visited for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Bright . Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Bird and fam- ily of Brooklin, were Sunday guests of ; N Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, 4a¢k Geur on the birth of 4 baby 300 Gary Edward. Recent visitors at Jim Mitchell's were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant, of Seagrave, and Mr, and Mrs. M, Parka and family, of Kinsale, Mrs, E. 'Ackney spent & week with} Mrs. Grose, of Stouffville, and Mr. snd Mrs. King, of Whitevale. Jim Luciano was home over the week-end from Toronto. ' Mrs. Jarndahl of Toronto was at her cottage for Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holt of Port. Perry were at Bert Mitehells on Sunday, Scugog The first meeting of the Scugog Head Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Redman. About 26 members attended, and two very weleome visitors, Mrs. Geo. Sweetman and Mrs. John Sweetman, : The discussion on 'the Ag. Rep. and the Farmer was an | one, and it was decided to invite our rep- resentative to one of the Forum meet- ings in the near future. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barry visited friends in Haliburton last week end, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wallace. Several from the Head Comniunity enjoyed a bus trip to the Master Feeds plant and farm last Monday. Mrs. Geo. Sweetman of Toronto is visiting friends in the Community this week. = Mr, Fred Ingram of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martyn last Sun- day. ; Miss Inez Martyn spent" last week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i i i * One of 'stunts that is eine Se the 'Mummy stunt', first to Mrs. Clarence Oatter and Aldred: This stunt calls f. wrap hisior her partner in ollet per to resemble a 'Mummy'. To top the evening off, a most delicions Junch was served. The children all went home with their poskets and tummies full of candies and apples. Sunday, Nov. 1st Grace Sunday 8. Was we! attended by 88 children. The next W. A. meeting will be held at Grace United Church on Wed- nesday, Nov. 11 at 8 pm. Ladies are requested to bring their fruit for the hospital, and also their holiday bags. .On the evening of Nov. 11th at 8 pm. Miss Jean Samells will present her personal films of the Coronation. The hunters left on Sunday for their deer. camp, and we all wish them good luck, and: fine weather, ef hi 5% s A good union can help the worker in his struggle for better wages and working conditions. But no union can create jobs or keep jobs in existence when it is no longer profitable for one man to employ another.- ° '| Mr. and Mrs, G Bright. There were-41 in costume at the || Hallowe'en party in Utica School on || Friday afternoon, The prizes for the || best costumes went to Sharon Greer ||| and Kenny Skerratt. lue coal' CHALLEN GES b i a | SON [J . Mrs, K. Crosier and Miss Della wi . id i sand Johnson attended a Women's Teach- I RE 1 : er's Federation meeting at Myrtle || : F school last Wednesday evening, |. Mrs. Young of Owen Sound is stay- | li ing at Mrs. Beacock's home while on business here. Jack Crosier has gone doer hunting at South River, : TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS * FISH © MEAT ® POULTRY eo CUSPOM SLAUGHTERING ~ aay York Frosted Foods CAWKER BROS. Mrs. K. Crosier, Miss Una Sleep and "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" f 2 3 13 : 3 / Mrs, R. Wilbur attended a meetting of | i PORT PERRY PHONE 29 ! ' : the Film Council which was held in [Hi : T = 5: Yes, compare any fuel with 'blue coal,' the world's Pickering. | E---- -- rit . i es ER 3 . : Re ee > | Guests at Frank Kefidall's were Mr, | -------- EER \ THE FINEST FUEL finest anthracite. Compare it with a coal so famous "and Mrs, Kerr and Larry Kendal of |j---- : ) ; ; a 5 Toronto da: ; : ex MONEY CAN BUY for quality that.itis trade-marked with a hlue color RE oat See Us F : y N ' ort : " 5 Whitevale on Wednesday, : : 1 ; he for the absolute protection of every nser. Ee te Toy 3 ot Vridtty ee US Ior That 0 | oe adi The Finest Product of the Mines ; were at Mr; and Mrs, Philp's on Sun- : ; 0 3 ay, 3 73 Ps ~ H 1 1 " ~ « . . ) i CEE | i wis snl is produ fron hs Compare it with a coal so definitely superior that 2 Muy Sears Oa FALL S U I T el 3 phd Si yi SALE for years it has outsold all other hard ccdl in ronto, visited Mrs, Ackney on Satur- oR | < id. FASS od 4 y. ance of quality and performance. Canada. Charlie Lakey has two English deer ; : | 5 in an enclosure at the back of his lot. C 0 A T 1 vv op : : It is interesting to watch th the: R Authorized Dealer Sordies Think of any outstanding benefits in any fuel you wk pinadedindisndndug « I» Accept no substitute for 'blue coal' tte b 4 Deal only with an authorized: 'blue know and you'll find that 'blue coal' gives you all Win dances held = er FALL eb I DRESAES coal' dealer and benefit from his these AND MORE 3 Saturday night and Utica Friday night experience, integrity and service. : ¥ oa ale 1h Balloveen hy : 5 3 ort Perry Hig ool, Friday t. + + ¢ In . or ii IT : a- - Br. Every Ton is its own Guarantee COMFORT Unlike some fuels, 'blue coal' gives you a forint the WA. nex Thre Sg > > 73 Every ton of 'blue coal' is rigidly cosy "livable" heat . .". even, healthful > | Mrs. Kendall spent-a few days with ARDLEY FROCKS, SE "inspected and controlled before leav- comfort day and night. . Mrs. L. Cassidy, of Brooklin, 'last he i, the tries. in 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE., TORONTO on | . COMVEIIIE WCE 'blue coal' burns steadily all day-- : thin Ridin Dia suiley ave Lasallin ip Tu - i . h 5) : Fits Sheidiiflold Sli ind with a minimum of attention. "n | ! i Si | : : Because of its deep- mined richness and h S P E C IA L 0 F F E R ECONOMY slow-burning efficiency, 'blue coal' gives hal eu 3 ) ke FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, you more heating value in every ton--actually costs you less Sgtenss Suton Holt ciiwars Holl ' the 'blue coal' over a season. Site 3 Be TEMPMASTER NO ONE CAN DENY THESE 'blue coal' FACTS! So why take = _ | AUTOMATIC HEAT REGULATOR 2 chance on inefficient fuels? Now is the time to prove--with every Lah il $ 00 pound you use--THAT 'blue coal' IS BEYOND COMPARE - po EEE J onty #522 pown --THE SOUNDEST FUEL. INVESTMENT IN CANADA AA * : : PF ' Le Never before has there been such an TODAY! : : . Es and higher quality in. cocking' ia opportunity as this! For only $5.00 down, 1 da If ever you have dined at Ottawa's famous Chutean Bi and such easy terms that you'll never miss . ' 1odd "Laurier, you'll + + + Chef Freifug knows 7) : the payments, YOU CAN ENJOY rn. Order your blue coal' 2 or wie be cool all his tempting dishes, he 7 . MATIC HEAT CONTROL DAY AND . uses culy butter. No substitute could possibly iis 2 Save Work... Save Coal . .. Save Money" x ie Ue Salioute fsvass Sow wmonth, Gulden richie of fresh creamery butter, N --enjoy uniform temperature night and n ii day. Act now. This is a strictly limited offer. | J i | | aol for. ~ BUTTER MEUNIERE sa sdios tor pauiond Bab, siechs jeady to serve, a EE Reesor Fuel & Lumber A Phone 78 Port Perry Ontario. : ~~ TO YOUR AUTHORIZED 'blue coal' DEALER by a. or . - a. a... an | [f° Am Am ES mE. | am interested in obtaining economical Automatic Heat Control. Please send me full "details about the 'blue coal' TempMaster. AUTHORIZED DEALER ADDRESS svi svvsosiansssenns DER ClTY viii iisirensesninssanssssavvns (n# obligation) pep we | TT i

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