RR Sa 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER bth, 1958 LOCAL NEWS Mrs. F. D. Slemmon, Miss Dawn a , Coming Events Slemmon and Miss Elizabeth Russell, of Ottawa, spent a few days last week -with Mrs. "C, C. Jeffrey. Mr, Wyatt Kent who is living in Bazaar Saskatchewan, is visiting with rela-|- The Pririce "Albert Woman's Asso- tives and friends in Port Perry. ciation will hold its bazaar in the Port 3 Public Libr ary, More particulars Births later. CARNEGIE -- Mr, and Mrs. Bob i . Notice Carnegie are happy to announce the The Scout Mothers would like @ersons who use "All Sweet Margene" birth of their daughter, Charlotte Geen, on Saturday, October 81, 1953, to save the carton flap for the con- test. Notify or send to Mrs, H. Gib- at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. A little sister for Rob, son, Port Perry, or Mrs, C, Ptolemy, R. R. 3, Port Perry. Richard, Jane and Martha, Turkey Supper and Bazaar FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th-- St. John's Anglican Church, Women's WILLIAMS--Mr, and Mrs. Robert Williams (nee Ruth Reynolds) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Clieryl Anne, at Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital, on October 9, 1953, Rr Association of BLACKSTOCK. ---- Turkey Supper and Bazaar, b to 8 p.m. with entertainment at 8.80. N Supper .and Entertainment--Adults Card of Thanks $1.25, Children under 12, 60c. Enter- tainment--adults 356¢., children 20c. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all friends and neighbours for-their kindness and cards of sympathy in the loss of our dear mother. We especially thank the "nurses at the Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital, and Rev. R. H. Wylie for his consoling words, The Sweetman Family, 'Track and Field Notice a. w. Parkinson) A second meeting .of all interested in the promotion of Track and Field in Port Perry District is being called for Monday, November 9th at 7.16 p.m. sharp," Tupperware Parly The Scout and Cub Mothers are hav- ing a Tupperware Plastic Party at the 'Scout Hall, on Friday, Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. Come and bring your friends. Ev eryone welcome, I wish to express my sincere thanks | und appreciation to Seagrave W.A,, the Seagrave School, and all" my friends and neighbours that thought- fully "sent me 'cards, flowers, fruit, candy and kind inquiries during my recent stay in Cobourg and Port Perry Hospitals; also my thanks to those who did my plowing &nd helped with the turnip harvest. All were greatly appreciated. Jack Forster. Christmas Dist Community Hospital Christmas Draw. Ten dolls dressed by Organiza- tions and individuals will be drawn at Tea and Home Baking Sale. Date to be announced later. Tickets 3 for 26¢. Meeting PORT PERRY ROD-& GUN CLUB A meeting of the Port Perry Rod & Gun Club is being held at Ott Hamil- ton's Garage, Monday, Nov. 9th, There is still much to be done in pre- paring program of winter activities, All members are requested to attend, Annual Banquet FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20th at 6.30 pm. in the Scout Hall, Port Perry Rod and Gun Club will hold its Annual Banquet. Admission $1.66. 1 wish to thank relatives, friends und neighbours for their kindness and beautiful floral offerings, also Rev. Mr. Wylie for his words of 'comfort in the passing of my dear sister. Steven Lambkin, SCRAP IRON COLLECTION For information: WES LANE Phone 277TW Port Perry be go & STYLE ENTERTAINMENT i diab 3. 1d Fh Al : Hil UXBRIDGE; ONTARIO 3 TITANIC Days Left Thursday, F riday, Sat; Nov. §-6- 7. TITANIC STARRING Clifton Webb and Barbara Stanwyck Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 3-10 a "HOUDINI" in technicolor - starring, TONNY CURTIS and JANET LEIGH Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 11- 12 "Androcles and the Lion" starring VICTOR MATURE, JEAN SIMONS, ALAN YOUNG COMING -SOON-- . of Va FS RAS 0s TRARY 0: SE iis AE SHR The Churches CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Nov. 8, 23rd Sunday after Trinity 9.30 a.m.--Holy Communion, 1 pa m.--Evening Prayer H. 8S. : Swabey, Rector. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H, Wylie, Minister Sunday, November 8th-- 11 am, --""An Remembrance Day" Sunday. Subject--'Blessed -are the Peacemakers," 1 p.m.--Evening Worship in charge of Y.P.U. The members of the 1.0.D.E., Girl - Guides, Brownies, Scouts, Cubs will be with us at the morning service, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN : CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., Sunday, November 8th-- 11:00 a.m.---Sunday *School. 7:00 p.m.--Divine Worship. "Minister PORT PERRY BAPTIST: CHURCH Douglas Sloan, Pastor. : Sunday, November 8th-- 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 p.m. Service-- Wednesday-- Prayer meeting, 8 p.m PENTICOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, November 8th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worghip 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service-- Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible. Study. Thurs., 2 p.m.---W.M.S. meeting. Fri., 8 p.m.--Young Peoples. EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastor: Wm. W. Thompson SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST -- CHURCH . Saturday, November 7th-- Mrs, Stanley Gerrow. All are welcome Uxbridge Men Involved in {Accident near Port Perry Two Uxbridge men, Ab. Waller and Gordon Morden were involved in an accident near Port Perry last week. The car slid into the loose gravel on the side of the road and ro]led over in- to the ditch. Although neither of the -| men were seriously_injured, Mx; Mor- den was taken to Port Perry hospital for observation but was allowed to go home. Both of the victims were badly shaken up and received minor lacara- tions and bruises. The exact extent of Mr. Morden's injuries are not {| LANDS AND FORESTS PHOTO known, It is understood.there was consider- able damage to the car. 4 Dantine. EA Tall,. glamorous, sophisticated radio actress Joy LaFleur is perhaps the most cosmopolitan actress-in Canada. She was born in Montreal, received her dramatic training in' Germany and France, and made her debut in juve- nile roles in Franch-language films, In Chicago in 1947 she played the leading role ip Fridolin's "St. Lazare's Pharmacy" with Eddie Dowling. She also appeared in 'a, Hollywood film "Whispering City" ~ "opposite Helmut In Canada, where she now makes her home once again, she has been heard i nradio on CBC Wednes- day Night, and on "Stage 54". She has been described as an actress "whose voice and mannerisms suggest Miss Dolly Fenton Mr. Charley Clarke Mrs, "Steve Boundy '| George Samells .. Mr, Silas Reynolds Fred Chown ... Fred: DeNure ..., Murray Gibson Howard Gibson Mrs. Mitchell . Mrs, Marshall Mrs, Wells .............. Rev. H, S. Swabey Fred Crawford .. Ken Mark Geo. R. Davey Murs. MacFarlane Mrs, { Ni Robertson ... John Murray ......... "e Mrs, C, Popert .. H. J. Sintzil Murs, Irene Haugen .. 0, Haugen Jack Cook" Art Baldwin Ken Jackson Wm. Tripp Jack Ho R. Irwin, Tripp J. C. Taylor Wm, Peel .... Clayton Hallett . Carnegie Har dware Lake Scugég Lumber Co. ........ Master Feeds Donations (continued from frout page) sarasine Goode ..... veer sennineanrsiiene A. Gibson ... aecnrasnsnae "WEEKEND PUMPKIN, Cherry Valley 28 oz., 2 for 3le, ees sssesssteresterrnes Mr. Arnold Williams ........ PEAS, Coleen Shaise J, GYaY ovvvusirioniriinns am , 5.00 0 oz., 2 for 37. G. Raines . : PEAS, Natures Best --_ G. Mark ..., i 15 oz.; 2 for 29¢, J. C. Brintnell , if TOMATOES, Cherry Valle Glace Cherries, Mixed Pe els, it Mixed Fruits--all fruit for it Your Christmas Cake and i . Pudding : Florida Grapefruit, 96's 10 for 49c¢. Potatoes, 10 1b. bag 25¢. 50 lbs. 99c. Lf Emperor Grapes....2 lbs. 35c. # Carrots, cello bag.... 2 for 25c¢. Tomatoes, cello, ................19¢. [33MIN IRIS II IRR III 3533331555110 ttt tt L LLL LAL LALA ALY Choice, 28 oz. ........2 for Se. CLEANSER | E. MERLIN DOWSON i PHONE 91 'FREE DELIVERY. EVERY MORNING OF EVERY DAY FARRER IRR RRR Rae ARAL Ta BREA ANEL SPECIALS when you vy err e terse tress eter terre rrr er etees teeter rt itttt resent arenes nant eens. o [3353535038334 88338 diidiaiitdibiidditdiaasiniits) Greenbank W. A, aeeanresnaens sesartersisenenans si ennrtise The regular meeting of the W.A. was beld in the basement of the Church on Tuesday, October 20th with "NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Rachel Raines, Deceased. all persons having claims against and played by Tallulah Bankhead". Singing Star of To-morrow that she was written by Noel Coward A 21 year-old Oshawa baritone will have a $2;000. music scholarship as his Bruton's Drugstore .. Grant Gerrow Murell Goode H. W. Peel .... L. Virtue Dr. R. S. Irwin ..... J. E. Jackson ........... A. L. McDermott ... Howard Durkin C. Hooey ............. V.P. Stouffer. Anonymous Merlin Dowson ... K. Vandemart Mr. Seiffert LT TP PTT PTT PTT PIII Se Nnaeraiseit tenets e et rannanities eeeesen srsensnae sieves Senet ensrentenentintsiiessnanas the convener of the group, Mrs. Keith Howsam, in charge of 'the Devotional period, '| given by Mrs, Stan Foster. man. Smith, 1st Vice-President, then took over the business session in the absence of Mrs. C. Pearson, whom we are sorry to report is ill in a Toronto Hospital, 'A splendid topic on Stewardship was Mrs. Nor- Final arrangements were made for Service at 2.30 p.m. at the home of goal when he appears as a contestant on the C-I-L "Singing Stars of Tomor- row,, radio programe of Sunday'Nov, 16th (9.00 - 9,830 p.m. E.S.T. Dominion network). Making his debut then in the nation- wide competition will be George Andrinovich of 356 Ritson Road South in Oshawa, an ; Andrinovich's performance will be judged against that of 43 other youth- more than $4°000. Top award of $2'000 was won last year by a Vancover bar- itone Don Garrard, Five Windows ......... The Golden Spider Sam Levinson Dr. and Mrs, D. C. MacMaster 100.00 Jack Raines i H. Stone Port Perry Star Co. Ltd. . Beare Motors Ltd, Jack Whitmore .. M. A. Paul, Uxbridge Lou Burnett R. V. Bryden ...., James Heayn Robert Crozier . . W. Brock . eecseainiersiseietstenaises sade siaes sersensarnssiciene senee ful male and female singers who com- |G. L, DAVIS wuiriviininminiinn. 25.00 - te for: sgcholarshi ards totalling | E. Michell ........ 100, Earl aii Sapp. aw 2 Grant Jeffrey ......ccverenie. 26.00 : Ralph Hor Tove, Toronto .. Robt.. Vernon .........cccvuieee 7 Gordon Reesor sravssndhecies EE LE PTA PT PTOI TT PTY TTT CELT PP TELLER TI TT ET TY 50.00 | the turkey dinner on October 28th. A 0 donation of $25 was voted to the choir for new music. © A donation of $250 was voted towards the expenses of the new modern kitchen equipment. The group in charge; namely: Mrs, Keith Howsam, Mrs. J. Lee, Mrs. E. How- sam, Mrs, R. Beare and Mrs. 8. Foster then served a delicious lunch to about 26 members. ere s tenes By Floyd James A SPECIALTY the Estate: of Rachel Raines, late of the village of Port Perry, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of July, in to the undersigned, on or before full particulars of their claims, after which date the estate will be distrib- uted having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 26th day of October, A.D., 1958. HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN, Barristers, etc, 6 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix, Velma Raines. novli2 D.F. Hicks & Son General Contractors "Carpentry & Masonry 'A.D;, 19563, are hereby notified to send the 19th day of November, A.D., 1958, * The Pillar Seresesiuseiivianies ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF An extensive summer programme of restocking marten; valuable little fui- bearer, in sections of the 'Province where it has become extinct, is being "Come Back Little Sheba" vey ob bin SLi hap i Sompleted by, the Onfari Department Ad BAA i ts WPA sn a i NN i BO Ht i i Mo, iis WB (da 4 of Lands and Forests. Relatively high marten populations still exist in some sections, notably the Chapleau Game Preserve and Algonquin Park, A Department pilot, H, C. Speight, flew this one and others to Ponask Lake, 276 miles north of Sioux Lookout. -| cider and doughnuts. Also worthy of Now that Hallowe'en is over for an- other year, things will swing back to normal at P.P.H.8. Unlike other years the school was not affected to a great extent by the local prangsters. Fri- day night was the scene of a large turnout for the hard-time dance. Everybody enjoyed the round and square dancing held in the gaily deco- rated auditorium, Everyone worked up an appetite while dancing and en- joyed the lunch which consisted of mentioning was the good showing of teachers and ex-students at the dance. This being the rugby season P,PH.S. boys played host to the Uxbridge team. The speedy, well coached Port squad was too much for the Uxbridge boys. The local boys overwhelmed their rivals 7-0, Owen scored a sen- sational long strike on & pass from G, Lawrence for the lone major of the game. Bud 'Warriner boated two sin- gle points to complete the scoring, Incidentally, this is initiation week for the Grade IX students, the pupils will go through their crazy antics or suffer the consequences Which consists of going before an un-| fair jury. "Differing from last year, initiation will be held on the last three days of this week. So if people are seen downtown, dressed foolishly, please don't go too hard on them, Bye until next week. - As usual | | Port Perry Florist | "PRINCE ALBERT Phone 174 r 11 =~ tock ng Faburet tare / . "Coke" it 0 reqiiteced trade-marks ; rods 8 verter FASE er ies wk Cart UXBRIDGH BEVERAGES S68 Usbridge PORT PERRY Brunton 'Farm On 7A Highway at Scugog Road and (Sth Con, WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM : ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you, Phone 322W Port Perry for information. " Nov. 27, 1053 Bulldozing and Excavating BACKHOE for Trenching and Loading By Hour or Contract, Free Estimates Given. Tripp Construction "RR, 2, Port Perry Phones: Res. 109 r 42. Office $92 Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contraet.. ee Estimates given Walter King wu od - p 8 PS ~Andrinovich-has been studying mu- | Wentworth Watson .... 3.00 + _| sic since he was 15. He is now attend- D4 L Parrish ............ 50.00 Work of all kinds--new or repairing HOE ss Mildred Smith 10.00 : ing McMaster University in Hamilton. | 11, vey Webster ..... 5.00 expertly done. Appearing on 'the same programe Roy Kendall HARA 4.00 : will be Margurite Lavergne, Sopranc! RE LECCE 10.00 Phone 88 of Montreal. Wn. Roy Morton ....... no 2.00 Mrs, Minnie Real ..........ovicie loo 'Blackstock Ont TT . A, Gerrow ........ iE . : J. J .Gibson & Son. 50.00 3 R iB k Len Colbear, Jr. r...... 2.00 eceni booKsS Sam Naples vv... 5.00 MANNA AAA W. J. MacGregor 10.00 = J ; PODGEY vero si insistent ~Campbell | Murray Lyle ...... 10.00 LOVELY MUMS EEE Alias Uncle Hugo .....iiceveen, .3..Coles | Frank Hastings .. 25.00 ; La Man in Chains... Deeping | Ron' aubiRaren Kenned 12% : = Time and Time Again .............. 'Hilton Hllgworth. Ione Y. ween 10.00 and a very nice assortment of The Case of the Grinning Gorillia... |Bud Heard ....... = 16.00 CUT FLOWERS err ERG . 1 Gardner | Clarence Heard 10.00 % DRESSED CHICKENS « 4 The Rommell Papers HEE Hart g- Shogo ane 2m : Sey AT .. Cleaned Ready to Cook. - The Fair Bride ......iuiiunnis Marshall | 3 per « 10.00 Whole Chickens, $1.75 and up. The Story of Esther Conlin, Gail Brishol 10 FLOWERS BARBEQUED CHICKENS ; onsarrat | Clem Jeffrey / : Roasted, Ready-to-Eat Too Late the Phalarope ........... Paton Phil Onde yo FOR ALL. OCCASIONS Whole Chickens, $2.26 and up. The Golden Hinge .............. "Roberts | Merl. 'Hooey EN ------ 4 ~~ ALWAYS READY - Tide Fall ........., Bor scitimsesisi Raddall EGGS : 'Lucinda Marries the. Doctor......Seifert Lord Vanity .... Wisin Sheelaberger » WEDDING and sth oan Jaap. The Queen and her children....Sheridan Hill H ald FUNERAL FLOWERS. Ear In the Wet .........., estos eniiive ...Shute | AR fop ex : teenie. TEDAYS AT WREK N pe @® = a