te A dr LN 2 nie Ye A LS SA RNB AT Sd BFR inci Ss PR FSA i EE - ERNE GIA 04 3 WIT LA TTPO VIE TE RR SRIF RY FAN UT RG ik iain John McGraw Refused To Play i Insects Threaten An Entire Island Deadly poisons are , being issued in a novel but ruthless war BABY CHICKS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MEDICAL NOT toe oon to start your chicks for HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -- EVERY SUA. A : 3 4 on blind, ant-like insects so de- | D5ext Summet's layers. when ess FERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEU. structive that they "eat frult | be sire to purchase the rishi bessds fof | RIT SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, "Boston - The "Minor Leaguers" trees on the three-mile-square island: of Barro Colorado in the the 'Job you want them tp do, We ha special breeds, R.O.P,, Hired form turkeys, . MUNRO'S DRUG' STORE 338, Elgin, : : Ottawa, { : mum e088 production, other "breeds $1.25 E P dq - a rollers, roasters or capons, a . Xpress repai f AS : Panama Gamal Zone. Fi for. full. dotatly. Hook yo r turkey pou : : P e ae pi . pas -- orty-two species -of termites oF ol. auc halter. nos-tiel. E ie EC EMA §. : fr . pullet and "cockerel chlok | ) : \ » : f El yD ask 'flourish on the island. To wipe Laying Pullete miarted chicks, started POST'S ECZ SALVE 3 (8 : in the pot when the World Serles baseball and near the orchards. ran ry bas avamaen onions a + | lap nd, ready, {a the sieinions._odoriey 1 series is completed. But, believe it or not, The men who are fighting the layers, others for maximum broiler ppo- hopeless the om, a there was a time when organized baseball , insects are amazed at their. de- iE I Started chicks, turkeys, laying Piles" s 50 PER JAR : frowned on the World Series and didn't structiveness and .by the insects' . TOP NOTCH' CHICK Saris, a bk REMEDIES ou want any part of it. 3 "engineering. skill" in attacking | QURLTH ONTARIO | een Sb Hr Corner of Lotsa 'the trees. Scientists once thought BRICK BUILDINGS ~ CLEANED Totente paid talent of that era, Hl a costly baseb. o-- ® There'll be a million and a half dollars . ; It's difficult to belleve, in view of .the tremendous. box office takings, not to mention the great im- petus it gives to baseball, that the World Series was once opposed by the baseball moguls themselves. and casual playoffs dating from 1884 and involving Association minors, was founded in 1903 quite by accident. Pittsburgh had won the National League pennant and Boston the American that year. The Playoff was drummed up private- ly as something that might attract enough paying fandom to provide winter food and shelter for the comparatively under- Pittsburg and Boston flung challenges at each other, and > club snootily replied: "I do not' : of my team by sending it agains ' there was no -World Series in 1904, ~ You should know the background. It's interesting. The National was the old established league, i major, and McGraw's Glants were its proudest exponent The t a minor league club." Result: : McGraw's sharp and caustic aspersions on the AL wounded the young league deeply. Ban Johnson, its president, and a great baseball Dloneer, was up in arms, Rather than precipitate 1 all war, the NL magnates reluctantly agreed to" an annual playoff against the AL, just to keep Johnson quiet. Neither league, especially the National, had any idea that the World Series would catch on with the public, to the tre- i] ntendous extent that has developed in recent years, when thou- . sands actually see the games, merican wish .to endanger the standing the-one and only The center from whicn this great experiment of .social re- construction Has been started is right here in Antigonish, in St. Francis Xavier University. ..Plain Horse Sense.. in 1881. Adult Education ! St. Francis Xavier University in the little town of Antigonish, N. S, is a Catholic institution, owners a headache, The new fad requires some drinking straws, chocolate syrup and a bit of wind power. Tom Taylor, left, and John Wasson show how easily a restaurant ceiling can be "re- decorated" by dipping the straw's tissue casing into syrup and shooting it like a blowgun up into the air. is In a recent column we stated the years, had been reduced to almost the vanishing point. When we have a desire for fish, we are just as well satisfled to have it iserved-all cooked and ready for "| | scoffing. This, of course, reduces and the next time we get around Japan-way, we think we must give it a whirl. A * * * -- For less than one dollar tour- that our personal angling, over vents -them. After a bird has "caught several fish the cormor- ant master reins him, in and. |. forces the bird to give them up, * » . All: of which, as we said be- -{ore, sounds like the ideal meth- od "of catching fish. What the them out, rows of upright wood- en posts impregnated with varl- ous poisons have been planted in termites attack only dead or dy- ing wood. Now they know differ- ently. ; "murder" trees before an army of termites comes along to 'de- vour them. Other spicies of ter- mites have been busy so long on the island that they seem im- mune to arsenic, "They appear to thrive on it," said one official. "Termites normally feed on the "We are trying to wipe out these bacteria by poisoning them. If this can be done, countless termites will die of starvation. "When we started this war, most of the bacteria died off and a different story now. They are building up such amazing resist- - ance to poisons that in a couple of generations a new race of ter- mites may develop complete re- sistance," So tough is one species of ter- mite that he can gnaw through a five-inch thick concrete floor. He goes after the digestible wood be- their ragaes--among Italy's an-~ - cient books and manuscripts, the authorities founded a "clinic for sick books" in Rome just before the war. Termites were believed to have entered the country in tobacco leaves from the Near East. : " PRINGLE & COOPER, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTR. FERGUS - ONTARD LOOK like new ~~ Homes, Soh h Churches, ete, Free Estimates | . tarlo. B. R. Munro¢ Co. Ltd, |! SPECIALIZING in high grade, ¢ameras and synchronization, Fast service, GEARINGS CAMERA COUNTER 1061 ST, CLAIR Ave, W., TORONTO, Oss, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE you anything needs dyeing or Sleap- Dy ing? Write to us for Information, are glad to answer your questions. MADONNA Liles. § incl, $3 dozen ds Uvered, D. MacRae. R.M.D.. Duncan, B.C. IRVING H. MILLER, REALTOR. 119. WEST ST., PRESCOTT, ONT, Tourist home In village on busy high a half of land, price $23,000, Terms, 100 acre farm, all tillable, in rich farm. ing area, large barn, tles 2% head oattle, water, cement floors, silo, hen house, 8 room frame house, hydro, ohone, price 137.600. $8,000, down, : SPECIAL SALE New Papec Crop Blower §' hood, $360. Cockshutt Grain Grinder 10", $79. Cockshutt 6 blade Tiller, cast whaals, power depth control, trash guardy, ag --- 30 saws. We carry large stock of parts for ail-saws. New 'Gltnton small gasoline Engines, also several reconditioned amall engines "cheap, Plastic pipe all sizes cut to order. 345 COLEMAN STREET, BELLEVILLE, ONT. GOOD: used tractors: 1 L.A, case, 1 BR, John Deer; 1-51 Ford; 1D case; 1 H.G. Oliver "Clatrac, lights, pully, 14° cleats: six for .SUc, HWoschall Nurserles, Brant- ford. USED. TIRES--ALIL SIZES WE havo the largest stock of tires In Western Ontario. tires, $5.00 up: Truck tires $10.00 up, All tires guaranteed 90 daye, All orders used vips - heys. Passenker 18H the torment of dry eczema ras Ecze skin troubles. Post's alve db disappoint you, tohing, scaling, burning eczema, [1 ringworm, pimples and foot ecsema; wil ®@ FEIMINEX © 19 Tn tells another, Take superior i} '* to help alleviate pain, di ie rove, Ont, Phone London 2-30%% : Some of the insects actually car- . : |! and nervous tension assoclated wit The modern World Series, as distinguished from primitive ry fungi round with them to. CAMERA REPAIRS, CO 8" Fostiald In plata wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880 QUEEN ST. EAST ° TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN "MEN AND WOMEN y walt? Prepare yourself now to on b | a comfortable Fall and Winter, 144 0 unnecessary aches and pains. BE A HAIRDRESSER © JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Qreat Opportunity Learn Hairdressing ¥, Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates: 'mi i . y way, year around business, 13 large America's Greatest System American was a fresh upstart at the time, : so the termites perished But it's rooms, oil heated, large shed, acre and "7 Mustrated Catalogs Free Write or Call MARVEL HATRDRESSING BCHOOLS 358 Bloor 8t, W,, Toronto Branches: ~ : 44 King St, 73 Rideau St., Hamllto Ottawa priceless secrets of Technioa] Easy' to learn. Only School Write: | Premler College of HH) McKennle 8t., JARN étaphyaics. of fits kind. Technical Metaphysics, 28 Vancouver, B.C., Canada, WANT dlfferent Pocket Novel Booka? Send 8 of your old books and 23¢0 and we'll send you 3 different. Book Bx- change, Stirling, Ont. : PATENTS AN OFFER to every Inventor--List of In- ventions and full information sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attor- 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, « Dox 303, Walkerville, Ont. FRECKLES VANISH Instantly, Write today. for particulars of this new secret that banishes hateful freckles forever, A, Hamernik, 115 Lake Shore, Dunkirk, New York, FONE . 3 partment H, Parker's Dyq Works Limited, finally % on the Held of battle. But it Joss 3 informal series, is bhi fi ' aa - ; cellulose in wood, digesting it | 791 Yonse St. Toronto, | Shout' thie rmasing AteMemei Bvary gue, supe! » Wich less league appfoval, 'l Pranksters Pepper Ceiling--Teen-agers have forgotten the gold- by means of bacteria which OR BILE: Bonds should awn one. | Werte Immedinthe N he won the AL again, and challenged the fish-swallowing fad which swept the country a few years back, ki in the insects' "digestive | rrr | Vp {lalCAL "FINES FOUNDATION (<, ew Xor ants; Manager John McGraw of the New York but they've started another one which is giving rastavrant ract. Your Drugglst sells CRESS, 288. 18 ated Conds West, Toronto 5 ¥ and millions more view it on inssa felevision, or hear tt on vade,' "0 "I TE TE. 'heath it ne By es We yn svete gt co Jt ; : : 2 it ) I Spoclal discount to dealer. 4 'Start Il anywhere, expand on -- = : os, o hich makes one believe that-some frente earn yey Louie nck ilies McCulloch Chain' Sawa. 1 £.L. Chalo i TP hl ia Mid Hl 8 . & 8. X : hol rs have success literally thrust upton them. y Seveln! good used 'one and two man chelp Fdmonton, Alberta. > ; SAS pr Ser Wl To v AY 'us to the pariah-ranks in the cormorants think about it, we 1 eyes of all Bits iy still, | haven't heard. But that's their WHO broke your window, Mrs. EE en UR RR ie Tat. ARR LEN ER Abed ud b BOB ELLIS § honest. confession Is good for lookout, not ours, and serves Higgs?" : x - Galt, Ont, : = $55 Day Street, Toronto. Patents all "i y what ails one, and that's the way them jolly well right for being "My husband, dearie -- he BUDQIES, babiss, 3s, breading pulse. . Antigonish N. 8. | 560,000 left the Eastern prov- | -it iS so make what yoit like of it. | such saps. . | ducked!™ . ee | ato Re woOd Cinrdene, | ~~ ------------FERBONAL =. This is IT. This is the land of inces to try their luck in the oT Sib ine I Toren, ' BOYS! GIRLS! Check your Horoscope bs hope where the people have | New England States, in Ontario | _ Just recently, however, we ran POTATO Digger, double row. vowsr take | E08 Mont MALATE OA HEN ract birth i found a way to free themselves | or in the new -lands opening across a description of 1 sort of bod Bd ALi My Wh I "| gate Csex"t100 £7 irvin," Klondike. ¢ from "economic feudalism" by | up in the West. Certain farming | fishing which we think might ari gradually establishing a system areas were the heaviest losers; suit us--the kind where the bulk Loader (new) Dack Grading Blades, I dentin Of [NIE You ot : of mutual self-help organizations | in Antigonish County, for cxam- | Of the work is done by birds, not, we] - Moodora, Tillers, and Contre Grolink | 4, 4 7, equy wavy Tobacco Riminas x in the form of Credit unions and | ple, the rural population in 1931 | men. A writer in The Christian: Diagod, Bargain piieas 39 Sodus | tor carrin' a atintaction or "money i co-operatives. was less than half what it was Science Monitor tells about it, BLACK Currant Bushes bast varieties, gag on dan Corporation' Ltd, x The "Maritimes". (Nova Sco- | ¢ ; ists can hire a boat to watch a 90 / a TL00 TRIAL otter. Twenty-five detuxs 3 3 ounded in 1853. It wa the Y 5 t F.0.B. London. 25¢, deposit with order, ide y int = tia, New Brunswick and' Prince in the years after Des traditional and unusual sport in balance C.0.D. Middlesex Tire Salon 92 ler ans Foourements,. Latent Gatalotie % Edward Island) are about 50,000 a group of priests and laymen Japan -- cormorant fishing. The Fullerton St. London, Ont., phone 2-8741, included. " The Melicn.' Ayency, 4 : 5 J py ie (FL square miles in area, about equal | ynder the leadership of - Father use of these tame sea birds to TOT obo fot the size of England or the State. "of 'New-York. Their population approximates about a million and a quarter people. 53 per _cent of the population is still rural, a much higher percentage than for the whole of Canada. .The Problem "At the time of Canadian Con- federation it was expected that the Maritimes, chiefly because of J. J. "Tommy" Tompkins and Dr. Hugh MacPherson, another mem- ber of the University staff, be- gan to' turn their attention to the problem of rural depopula- tion and the general backward Tondition of Eastern Nova Sco- ia. ? ; They - decided that any im- provement could come only from catch "ayu" a 'highly prized fresh-water trout, occurs during October on the Nagara River at Gifu, about 250 miles west of Tokyo, Northwest Orient Air: lines reports. TT 2 * LJ * According to the airline, the procedure has not varied in the smallest details for 10 centuries. The fishing 'is done at night by DYING CUSTOM Have you raised your hat to a lady - recently? According to an observer of men's customs, the chances are you haven't, for hat raising is dying. It's a pity, be- cause ntost wonien love to be paid this compliment; it is a subtle form of flattery. SHOULD KNOW! And Husband too! FREE Detatial Modern Services, 10535 104 Bt, Edmonton, Alta. Act Now and , . Expect. something UNUSUAL! a : UNWANTED HAIR Eradlcated (rom any part of the body with "Saca-Pelo' a remarkable discovery of the age. 'Saca-Pelo contains no harmful ingrediont. LOR-BEEIR LABORATORIES 679 GRANVILLE STREET. VANCOUVER, B.C. A f 5 the people themselves ard set : 4 STANTS 2k their geographic location, rich |~ : the light of bonfires carried in ah tale rrtid i riti COREL nl + Oy ST TRE ey stands of timber and coal de- oi i Shey hen jie way iron baskets hung, from the side P Hat raising originated in ham 1 STAMP COLLECTORS Get '101° alf- AZ its, would grow into a great rough adult education. \ of the fishing boats itive times when a: conquered _ ferent Worldwide, Triangles, Cammemoras |X industrial region supporting a In 1929 the Extension Depart- * vo i man surrendered himself, his Heel, Pigtoriale. Je, foi Fres Ae {Hs - ment of the University was es- U , 3 weapons and "whatever of his Ey A kh 1 HY i : ; ually about lock : : r Stamps, (10 Box 871-C. Brooklyn 1 x DE an, oun and a jablises, with Dr. M. M. Coady evening Yi oh Be ok Ths ! oon 4 . . = clothing was worth having. Cap- New York = rid G . 3 H 3 : . +=1 : IY] et tee et 0 2 Chiefly because of the ten- . at Sheen Initiate 8 | fishing boats drifts downstream "Victory Massage -- Jubilant Yankees' Vice President Del Webb sah Sank ola of bitin lot WANTED 2 Ho 'dency to centralize wealth and |' betterment for the are Atonomic while spectators line up aboard gives Manager Casey Stengel a joyous "shampoo" and President hop 0 by a th o us." PARTNER wanted for General Stora and EA "economic power in Central The Extension D I wel pleasure boats illuminated with Dan Topping adds a heartwarming slap on the back, as the clo ies Ang. pul Jem on us, Tourist Camp, operating year round in Hi Canada, this dream did not 'be- tension Department of paper lanterns. Suddenly, a Yankees clinch their fifth straight A 4 L In 1923 the abolition of hat Rorihery Ocitaifs, on. cols to coast Bigh. Hig come reality, The result was that & reancis Xavier Summarizes rocket shatters the darkness an- ys 3a merican League pennant, raising was seriously advocated Tor 108 TID Eighteenth Direct, |New Rit many of the young and ambi- 2 imate Shjesiives In a i nouncing that the cormorant Th E Pp t i Wi : et in Germany. But the young men Toronto! . Ontarlo rl : : f or ; : e larges boats are coming. its range by per cent. and iis opposed the idea, and it came to WANTED ro NAN TI orkar YaRRu 3) tious were looking Tor better op possible number of the people ig i ey Even ru Janding distance by nearly 30 | morhiee WANTED National Hockey = Lease portunities. in other parts of the world. : to a higher level of life, eco- nomically and socially; 2) To The fishing fleet pulls up and Rivets On A "Diet" total weight. per cent. A sleek, shiny outer skin com- Perth, Ontarlo, Box 325, J + Ei Census figures show that be- build a comprehensive co-vperas takes a position so jas to allow x Ts : : a tween 1881 and 1931 more than | {ive structure through which the | [he spectatdrs-a good view. Each - pletes the slim-and-streamline a : ; : : people will be 'able to. control boat usually has four fishermen. In a large-size modern air- treatment for : fighters. These RELIEF FOR COLDS ; democratically a significant por- The cormorant master is called craft there are nearly 2,000,000 |, days; a: final fnish of eeliul i ! fion of the tual cronowy ene 122 "usho.". He wears traditional | 'rivets weighing about a ton. ava;a: nal, Nish 01 cel 1056. 1s Check the discomfoi ofa 2 ' cially in_the things that De ancient costume--a kind of high Cut the length of each rivet by - the secret. The earliest fabric : ih close to- the necessities: of life: hat and grass skirt. With him a_fraction of an jnch, and you aircraft just got a surfacing ef cold --fast! Inhale Minard's ; i . > @ 3) Through- adult education, to vy a Asan he steersman, -| save some 200 Ib. on the plane's | sago; after hours of patient sim- Liniment. You'll breathe casier, lay the economic and social foundation that will permit all the people to grow in political ~ The most striking feature -of the Antigonish Movement is the . complete break. down of all re- ligious and racial barriers. French © lumbermen, Scottish fishermen, Irish farmers, Cath- olic priests, Presbyterian min- fire, * * - and slender hooked beaks. They are particularly fond of the "ayu" which -is several inches Iong and a fish which the Jap- anese regard as the most deli- cious of their fresh water * \ necks, 'stiff, wedge-shaped tails, - That's the way an aircraft de- ishly as a film star dieting to keep her curves in check Even odd ounces here and there are carefully discarded -- for this fashionable "slimming" is a factor which may decide . ==try Beimms Plastl-Liner, One méring to make the mixture smooth, a shower of rain might EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH If you have trouble with plates ! that slip, rock and eatse sore gums . feel better. Just try it--you'll see, "KING OF PAIN" LINIMENT : + | signer's mind works these days. ; , i ; ; : understanding, culture and spirit- The black cormorants, train- Experts + are now studying furn the 'plans goat pack Anta : Py y ual life, ed for their fishing task, are weight-reducing methods and plain, lumpy sago pudding! '. 3 large quick birds, with long : : : | No Intolerance 4 scheming sleck contours as tever- rt ne 7 nM eR Ba AT AS 4 FN k species, * * whether a commercial . airliner application makes plates it snugly a : EE 3 biters sal miners, steelworkers, Standing at the bow. fhe cor- | becomes a paying proposition. Uiihous poder ot paste, Deca Ne : 9 EN 4 . L <LAner harden: - : or Set Jogether in their | morant master operates 12 of his Fach 1. 1b. 'saved on a' 'plane manently to yout plate, 1t reilnes and rents 100s ; i meetings «to discuss their prob- | birds by strings. He holds the | 1. ieht | Jt ig reckoned plates In & way io powder ar paste can do. Even \ wr lems and their one common aim: tein in his left d : 4 asic weignt, 1 Ss eckonedq, on old rubber plates you get good resulta six x strings s le ana manipu 80 - months to a year or longer. YOU CAN EAT. . . , ; hel h : + means an extra $80 a year rev i to help themselves and their lates them 'dexterously with his This is be 1di ANYTHING Simply lay soft strip of Plasti-Linee Sa vale" 3 lh "This Teauires skill and | hie, Th bis un S| Sl Ht en i SH }: a 7 By cotly. Kary fo wre, 2 72 Home Sweet Home ~ This home- g br ision inasmuch as the birds bY prado] It a fleet of ten los harmieat to you And FOUF plates, Removable ag ; VA less peasant of. Vallavo, Greece, |. This column welcomes sug- das madly as they chase the are weight-reduced b 100 1b. Sor cp a rae, lane blak it ! 4S g y 3 constructs a primitive dwelling | 8estions. wise or foolish, and all Aish that gather in the light of | oc. 0" 0 0a) takings thus -| = 4s sore, send $1.50 for relinet for 1 plats ! = : fro criticism, whether constructive the decoy fire. piece, y 2 * WILDROOT LTD, FORT ERIE, ONT. Depl. TW 3 * to protect his family from the | (C50 00 ive and will try to ey aL, jump by $80,000. . RIMMS' PLABTE LINER wi coming winter. His original |" once any question, Address When the cormorants atch a As for" jét. fighters, ' experts i PERMANENT § LRAURE REE (HEA i home was destroyed during the recent earthquakes which nearly demolished the lonian Islands, your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1, 123 . 18th Street, New Toronto, \ Ont. fish they try to swallow it, of course, except that a ring on the lower part of their necks pre- estimate that 'a difference of 10 percent, in weight can. alter the 'plane's top speed by 2 per cent, ISSUE 41 ~-- 1953 Canada's Standard Smoke | I