Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Sep 1953, p. 8

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8--PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1963 USE THE | Seassirreo FoR QUICK Classified Advertising Rates 2¢. per word per issue, minimum 40c. Semi-display, 16¢. extra. Full display 44c, per inch. 'Box No. 10c. extra. Coming Events," Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Engagements, "'Mar- riage, Birth and Death Notices, b60c. " minimum charge, HOUSE FOR RENT--on Highway No. 12 near Greenbank.. Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Uxbridge, Ontarlo. Phone Uxbridge 246. ROOMS FOR RENT -- furnished or unfurnished. Phone 99-r-11, ROCK PULLETS FOR SALE Phone 190-r-23" FOR SALE--New Holmer Accord- ion. Phone 365J, Port Perry. Plastering OF ANY KIND First - Class workmanship. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Peyton Plasterers, phone 190-r-23, Port Perry. Oct. 1 WORK WANTED--Boy 18, desires position on farm, some. experience. R. Rose, phone 115-r-24, FOR SALE -- Oil Space Heater, large size, in excellent condition. Used two seasons. - Cheap for quick sale, Phone 246-r-21. FOR SALE--6 room frame house and furnishings, on Caleb Street, % acre lot, hydro and water, garage-- $6,500. Apply after 6.p.m., phone 316-R. Sept. 17 We rent by the week or month. Re- pair or give Free written estimate and have a Sales and Service man in vour district 4 or 5 days every week for=quick pick up and delivery. Phone 5-b443 or write to your local Singer Sewing Centre, 14-16 Ontario Street, Oshawa. sept17 Special ___ Used Sewing Machines--one Elect- ric Cabinet only $7.95 down or $79.50 full price. One Electric-Portable, only $5.95 down or $569.60 full price. Two Drop Head- Treadle, only $29.50 full price. The above machines are oven and guaranteed. Phone' or write for a free Home Demonstration or drop in and sce them at your local Singer Sewing Centre. Tel. 5-5443, 14-16 Ontario Street, Oshawa. - HOGS FOR SALE--Purebred Eng- lish" Yorkshire, serviceable age and younger; W --4 Tractor; Manure Spreader on rubber. Fred Milne, Blackwater. Phone Sunderland 3-r-3. Sept. 10 Get the Best-- RESULTS FROM FERTILIZER by having soil tests taken and by using AGRICO for information phone WEBSTER TRANSPORT 67-r-31 owned. and operated by Herb. Payne Sept. 10 British Ontario Motors. CARS. TRUCKS. TRACTORS 53 METEOR Mainline Sedan.' 53 MERCURY 1% ton Pick- -up 51 OXFORD Sedan 51 MINOR Coach--Radio 50 METEOR Sedan--Overdrive 50 MINOR Coach 49 MONARCH Sedan--Radio 49 VANGUARD Sedan 36 CHEV Coach 32 FORD COACH 53 FERGUSON Tractor 48 FORD Tractor 46 FORD FERGUSON Tractor 2 and 3 Furrow Ferguson Plows 8.Furrow M-H Plow Ferguson Plow Kits--makes your 2| Furrow into a8 Farrow 8 3 Section Spffhg Tooth Harrow Manure Spreader Tractor Cab for Ford or Ferguson Dise Plow, ete, ote 0 EASY TERMS, CASH or TRADE BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS " METEOR and MERCURY CARS FERGUSON TRACTORS Phone Uxiridge 162 r 15 sept 3-10 \ J 1: 2% ge) ta JR iY 5 De FOR SALE--Sweet Corn, come and pick it yourself--16¢, per doz.; J. J. iibson and Son, just south of Main Gate of Fair Grounds. WA ANTED--Housekeeper; ¢ live in; preferably 40 - 55 years of age, Mo- dern home with.all conveniences. No' cooking. Apply, giving particulars and wages expected to Box No. 45, Port Perry Star, PLUMBING SUPPLIES ° SINKS, BATHTUBS, BASINS, TOILETS, PIPE, FITTINGS, PUMPS TANKS, SHOWER CABINETS LAUNDRY-TUBS, SV.JOHNSON and Save See PUMING SUPE STREETSVILLE, ONT. Open Wed. and Friday Evenings Precast Concrete Septic Tanks Any size from 3800 gallons up. Delivered and installed. BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS Teléphone 155 Brooklin Bulldozing and Excavating BACKHOE for Trenching and Loading By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates Given. Tripp Construction ~ R.R. 2, Port Perry _Phones: Res. 109 r 42, Office 892 SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" - 24 Hour Service - IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given PORT Walter King t24-563 DEAD STOCK removed from your -farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 118r2, or Toronto EM 3-3636. Gordon: Young Ltd. Dead . Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle, nogs, picked up for santiary disposal. Phane collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; '| Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head | Office 16 r 11 Woodville. ED. PECONI Argyle, Ontario. , July 68 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE " septl0 63 Gravel and Loam CRUSHED GRAVEL - Fred Warren Port Perry, Phone 64). WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, 80D and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry * . for information. . I Live Stock, Tractor, Implements, the property of Jack| Will look after one or two children during the day. Mrs, Roberts, phone 365J, Port Berry. : FOR' SALE -- Guerney Coal and . Wood Range, in good condition and reasonably priced. Phone 9-J. "REBUILT. CONNOR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE for sale. Ap- I ply at Machine Shop, C. K. LB. Program Schedule | OSHAWA-DIAL 1240 (MONDAY thru SUNDAY), FOR SALE--Z2 stoves (heaters), 2 hot 'water radiators, 1 chain block, lawn- roller. Mrs, J. Neeson, Epsom. PROPERTY FOR SALE -- 7-room frame house, 10 acres of land, barn, orchard, good and plentiful water. $7,600--half cash. Elmer Still, Port Perry. FEMALE HELP WANTED-- Apply at Terminal Grill. FOR SALE--Clare Hecla Coal and wood range, white enamel with shelf, water front and reservoir. Looks like new. Complete with range boiler and pipes, $76.00, or best offer, Telephone 359, Mortgages for Sale We have mortgages ranging from $300.00 upwards on farm lands. These mortgages are top quality--are repaid on monthly basis--carry a good rate of interest and are offered at a very interesting discount, All enquiries will be treated confidentially.. For further information, contact DONALD H. CHRISTIAN, Owner. Lake Sim- coe Homes and Properties, Jackson's Point, septl10 Gel Your Book {Binders at the Terminal Grill Tenders Wanted Tenders for six maple trees, which '| have been hauled to the north dump, will be received by the Council of the Village fo Port Perry. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by Sept. 11 at 5 p.m., 1953. : z John F. Raines, Clerk. BALLET, TAP |: and BATON TWIRLING REGISTER SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12 between 10 and 12.30 p.m. at the High School. Teacher - -- MARY BROTHERWOOD - Auction Sales THURS., SEPT. 10--Auction Sale of Live Stock, Grain and Implements, the estate of the late Henry Ball, Lot 33, Con. 6, Darlington, 1% miles north-east of Taunton. Terms Cash. Sale at 140 p.m. James Hogarth, 1 Clerk. \ TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., SEPT. 12--Auction Sale of Marcus, Lot 4, Con. 10, Scugog, % mile west of Eden's Store on Scugog Island. Terms Cash, sale at 1 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, SEPT: 12 Live stock, New Ford Tractor, Im- -| plements, poultry equipment, the pro- perty of Alex, Agocs and Leslie Gyo- roky, lots 27 and 28, con. 6, North Whitby Twp; 1 mile north of No. 7 Highway and 1% miles west of Brook- No reserve, Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30 o'clock. KEN and CLARKE PRENTICE, "Auctioneers, TUES, SEPT. 16--Auction Sale of Live Stock, 2 Tractors, Threshing Machine, Implements, the property of Delbert Ward, Lot 8, Con. 9, Reach, Terms Cash, sale at 12,00 p.m. . TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. . THURS,, SEPT. 17--Auction Sale of Live Stock .and Implements, the property of J. E. Mitchell, just off No. 7 highway, % mile West of Brook- lin. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WED, *SEPT. 23--Auction Sale of Live Stock, Farm Implements, some furniture, the estate of the late Wm. Bowley, Lot 17, Con, 17, 'Reach, 1 mile west of fair grounds. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Nov. 27, 1068 . TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | 11.00--News (Sun. M, F. Sa.) 11 .06--Say It With Music Bs. M. Tu. CODE . 5.60. a.m.--C.K. Sign On M, Tu. W, Th, F, Sa.) 6,00--News (M. Tu, W.iTh. F. Sa.) 6,06--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. Ns ah 6.30--News (M. Tu. Ww. Th. F, Sa.) ! 6.40--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. WJ T00-News (M. Tu, W. Th, E. LL ) 7.05--Koffee Korner (M, Tu, ¥ h. Sa.) 7.80--News (M. Tu. W. Th, F. Sa.) 7.40--Koffee Korner (M, Tu. We Th. F, Sa.) 7.68--C.K.L.B, Sign On (Sun.) 8.00--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F{ Sa.) Pilgrim Hour (Sun.) 8.10--Sports (M. T. W, Th. F. Sa. 8.20--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. Nik ) 8.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) kranian Russian Baptist Church (Sun, 8.35--Koffee Korner: (M. Tu. W. 8.46--Peoples Church (Sun.) 9.00--News(M. Tu. W. Th, F, Sa.Sun, -9.00--Morning Devotions {4 Tu, W. 9.01--Stouftville Youth tor "Casi ) un, 9. 16--Listen While You Work ( Le. The Four Knights snp * 9.30--Canadian National Institute for the Blind (Sa.) Your Sunday Morning Progeam Hopalong Cassidy (Sa) Prelude to Wersh) we W. Th. F. Church Remote Broadcast(Sun 11. 30--The House of Jeter MacGregor M, Tu. W. Th. F.) 11.46--Second Spring (M. Tu. W. Th. 12.00 noon--News (Sun, M. ™ Ww. Th, F. 8a.) oh ih Yeas | 12.06--Midday Melodies (Grd, Treasures in M 12.10--Midday 1 elod 12, 80--News (Sun. M. Tu. 12.40--Sports (Sun. M. Tu. W. a ) 12.45--Vocal Spotlight (M. Tu. W. Wh Pipes in Melod (gong © 1.00--News (M. T Sa.) With a Song i in My Heart Ba) '1.06--Stop the Record (M. Tu. oy. F) Summerville Meets the Siok 1.16--Melody Round-Up (389 1.30--Music Hall of Fame ( on); .2.00--News for Women (M. mv . h. F.) News (Sa. Sun.) 2.06--Keeper of the Flame (8a.) "Personalities on Parade (8un. 2.16--Aunt Mary (M. Tu. W. Th, F. 2.30--RBetty & Bob (M. Tu. W. Th. F. 2.46--Songs of our Times (M. W. F. Bob Eberly Show (T. Th. 3.00--News (Sun. M. Tu. W. a a) 8.06--Showcase (M. Tu. W. Th. F.) Keeper of the Flame (Sa. Personalities on Parade (Sun.) 3.30--Portraits In Ivory (Sun.) 3.46--Silver and Crystal (Sun) ; h. F. Sa.) |. 12.06 p.m.--News for the Cnty: 1 © Sun, Saiday : Th.--Thursday , .--Monday F.--Friday - A Tv ~Tuesday. Sa.--Saturday i a W--~Wednesday i : TIME PROGRAM TIME PROGRAM 4.00--News (Sun. M. Tu. W. Th. F.Sa.) 4.00--Showcase (M. Tu, Ww. Th. F. Sa.) + Silver and Crystal (Sun. 65.00--News (Sun, . Tu, W. F, Sa. b. U5--Supperclub M, Tu. W. Th. F. Showcase ( Silver and Crystal {Sun.) 5.30--News for the Communi (M. Tu. W. Th. F. 6:36--Supperclub (M, Tu. W. Th F. 6.00--News ( i. w Th, F L)" Sa.) Healing Water 3 (Suna) 6,10--Report on Sport (M. wv Th. 6. 16--What's on at the Movies (M, Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. 6, 20--Supperciub (A. "(M. Tu. W. Th, F. Rhythms (Sa.) 6.30--News (Sun.) G40-Sposta (Sun.) 6.46--Meet, ge Merchants (Sa. All Aboard for Adventure(Sun) 6.66--Stock-Market Report (M. Tu. 'W. Th. F.) 1. 00--News in a Minute Wet M, Tu. F., Ly 7.01--Follow the Band (M, Tu. W. Th F.) Silver Band (Sa. Albert St. Unite Church (8un.) 7.16--A Melody from M vs, F) Five Minutes for Th) 7.20--Telegram Highlights (M. Tu. ¥ g ¥ Th. F. Sa. (Sun.) | 7. 30--World's Great Music a ) 9.456--K by Carl V Beynoles by. Quintet { (Bun) Old Ranch House (Sa.) 10. 00. Eee (Sun. M, Tu. Wo The 200 "Nove (8a. Sun) a 10.06--Hit Parade (M. Tu. W. Th. ) Emile Cotee Glee ib, (Bun) § Parade (M. tT 2) 8.30--Report from Parliament School on the Ardy Sun.) Hot ) . i Ba 's 'A Laugh (Tu) 10, 20-any. Sc Bells (M. Tu. A ay yA hon (W.) 8:30--Ghapel hy' the Side of the Boad Crime Does Not P ay (Fo) o Church in the Wildwood (Sun.) 8.46--Blues for Monday (M. 9.00--News (Sun. M, Tu, . 'Th. F. Sa.) 9.06--Hillbilly Jamboree M, : 0.05% 100 George Do It foo Cavalcade qf Music (Th. Charlie Chan (F.) : 0d Ranch House (Bu). - 2 This is M Stary Sun, 9.30--Lives of me (Tu.) Mystery House (W. Haunting Hour (Th. Stand by for Crime (F:) David Rose Show (Sun. 10.00--News (Sun. M, Tu. W. Ee) 10.01--Chatting With The Listeners Tu. Th.) 10.10--Kim's Korner (M. W, NS 10.06--Cavalcade of Music (Tu. Obsession (Th.) \ Old Ranch House (8a.) Invitation ta 8 a orem Sun, 10.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F, Sa. 10.40--Report on Sport (M. Tu, Ww. Th, F. 8a) 10.46--Airlane Trio (M, Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) 11.00--News (M. Tu. W.-Th. F. Sa. Bn) 11.06--Sports Finals (M. Tu. W. Th. 11.10--Man About ne Invitation to a Five Minute Mys sey" (10. Th 11.16--Man About Music( EE 12.00 Midnight--News (M. Tu. : Th. F. Sa. Sin) 12.06 a.m.--Man About wuss le OM. Tu. 12. 45--Patterns in lay ond White (M. Tu. W. Th. F. 8a.) 1.00--News (1. Tu. W. Th. F. 8a.) Seagrave and "Mrs. A. Crosier attended the Minton-Lamb wedding in Stouffville United Church, on Saturday. A number from our community at- tended the baseball game at Sonya, on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J:-H. Leask, of Ux- bridge, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagle- son, on Sunday afternoon, also calling on Mr, and Mrs. J. C. MacTaggart. - Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J. S. MacFarlane were Mr. and Mrs, Murray Armstrong and Mrs. M. Bon- ney, of London, Miss Leona' Reynolds went to To- ronto on Monday, to attend the Nor: mal School. We wish her every suc- cess in her chosen profession. 'Congratulations to Mt, and Mrs. C. W. Clarke on attaining the status.of grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clarke, of Barrie, presented them with a granddaughter during the past week. On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. J. 8. Mac- Farlane entertained Rev. Dr, Thomp- son, of Vankleek Hill, who preached at Sonya on Sunday. Other guests were Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Brown, and Mr. R. Brown, Jr, of Oshawa; and Mr. and Mrs. Reld MacFarlane, of To- tonto. Leueen MacFarlane who has been holidaying with her grandparents returned home. 2 . 0 ANE Loa Mr. and Mrs, W. Crosier and Mr. : .Mr, and Mrs. M. Lamb, of Orillia, '| were Sunday guests of Mr, and. Mrs. A. Crosier. _ On Sunday last Mr. Lloyd Durward and Mr. and Mrs. J. Snooks motored to Fenelon Falls and Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Durward and fam- ily, also visited Algonquin Park, but went on, -and visited North Bay, on Monday. ".. On Thursday evening Miss Willows, Mrs. H. Eagleson, Mrs. J. C. MacTag- gart, Mrs. Billingham and Mrs. Bert. Dowson attended the Evangelical Con- ference at Whitby, and had the plea- sure of hearing Rev. Emlyn Davies, Rev. Chas, B. Templéton, and Rev. H. Denman. All are outstanding speak- ers and to hear the three in one even- ing was really something unusual, and very much worthwhile, Mr. and Mrs, James Durward and} family visited with Mr. and Mrs, For- est Stone, of Maple, on Sunday. SALE OF CONFISCATED: FIRE- ARMS, SEPT. 14, 15 and 16, 1958 There will be a sale of confiscated fire arms at District Office, Maple, on Sept. 14, 16, 16. Open for inspection from 9.30 a.m, to 4.80 p.m, on above days. - List: includes 22 automatics with scope, 22 automatics, 22 repeaters, 22 single ghot rifles, 20 gauge shotguns-- 8.b,, 12 gauge, 8.b. and d.b. and several high power rifles, « All bids received by sealed tenders, \ LAKEVIEW THEATRE PORT PERRY "4 Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT., SEPTEMBER 10-11-12 Susan Hayward and Robert Mitchum In the Thrilling Technicolor Adventure Drama "WHITE WITCH DOCTOR". COMEDY : 3 MONDAY, TUBEOAY. WED. SEPTEMBER 14-15-16 4 Gene Tierney, Cornel Wilde, Jeanne Crain In the Gripping Technicolor Screqp Sensation "LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN" SHORT PICTURE [2 - - or - FRESH BAKING DAILY BREAD, BUNS; SATURDAY SPECIAL FCHOCOLATY DATE LAYER CAKE" PHON E 32W GERROW'S BAKERY PIES, CAKES and TARTS ~e G. M, GERROW "i -Wrestling Matches (Tu. wil and request: if possible. Latest finishes in Rubbed Plywood, any colons 2 Eu PAINTING "DECORATING We supply all material for your job. WE NOW CAN APPLY GYPROC. For Expert Decorating call-- . rr. M ST. CLAIR and Sons Phone Port Perry 113-r-14 : Sample books oi For exterior painting please book your joh eurly Sales Every Tuesday commencing at 2 p.m. Buyers will find a wide variety of Sales Arena heated in winter. Air-conditioned in Summer.. . PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 "BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES "Butcher, Feeder and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers); also Feeder Pigs, (all sizes), Veal and Young Calves, and Horses. Don't Buy all a * ELECTRIC RANGE fill you see the RODERTSON ELECTRIC NEW KELVINATOR ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE Good Stoves Priced Right We will give od a liberal tradedn value plus a reasonable wiring price. TERMS Phone 179 for estimate a --- \ = - 2 ei F i -- = i : 1 T » ] i i : 1 ve a (BP 5a 2 L$ som { A J 8 id x! why \ v | : Eh ; Sith - ai RB 1 4 | tn" 4 ry --

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