SARK ~~ Phone 142, "42 PLYMOUTH Fordor "47 CHRYSLER 33 8--PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1958 USE THE SASS EED, FOR Quicy OR Quick ( RESYLY, RESULys FOR SALE--1950 Chevrolet Sedan; metalic green, in excellent condition, Average mileage. Priced reasonable for quick sale. Apply at Star Office, or Phone 206J after six. " F oR 8. AL E--Guerney coal na wood range-- "in good condition and reason- ably .priced. Phone 9-J. FOR SALE--- Team of Horses, apply R. Aird, R.R. 4, Port Perry. FOR® SALE--45 Yorkshire White Pigs, 8-9 weeks old; 8 pigs 1256-50 lbs. Also 3 brood sows, bred. Phone 189-r-18 Port Perry. Tad FOR hve io Ford Custom 4 door, radio, heater, air conditioning, sunvisor, undercoated since new. Mo- tor, tires and body in excellent con- dition, mileage 31,000. Can be seen at Lot 235 Bigelow St. Aug. 22 or 23. Can be financed. $1450.00 or best offer. FOR SALE--New Hampshire (Bred to lay) Pullets. Hook's strain) 6% months old. Apply Hooks Poultry Plant, Greenbank, Ont. FOR SALE---Two sliding doors and tracks, 4 ft. x7 ft, "Apply P. W. Orde, Port Perry, Phone 207J, FOR SALE--Treadel Sewing Ma- chine; Lady's Grey Suit, size 40; Girl's Green Winter Coat, size 14X. Apply Box 42° Port Perry Star. FOR SALE--Stove Annex, cream and green, with stove pipes, first class condition, $18.00. Also two large pictures, $1 each. _Phone 389R, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Two Burner Electric Rangette,- automatic oven .control. You'll Be Proud To Drive One of These 'Safe-Buy' Beauties --Don't Be Late! 52 PONTIAC Standard Tudor 52 CHEV. Deluxe Fordor 50 PONTIAC Deluxe "Tudor 40 CHEV. TRUCK, Stake Boby. 51 METEOR Fordor 51 METEOR Convertible 51- FORD Fordor 50 METEOR Tudor 49 MONARCH Fordor ~ 47 FORD Fordor 52 MERCERY ; Ton Pickup Truck 51 FORD ¥; Ton Pickup Truck 50 DODGE Fordor Ux-Spring Motors Lincoln - Meteor Dealers Junction 12 and 47 Highways. Mercury - British Ontario Motors CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS 53 MERCURY SEDAN--2 tone 53 MERCURY % Ton Pickup 51 OXFORD SEDAN : 650 MERCURY SEDAN---radio, over- drive, : MINOR COACH MONARCH SEDAN---radio MINOR COACH ; 49 VANGUARD SEDAN 38 DODGE COACH 37 CHEV, COACH 36 CHEV COACH DODGE COUPE FORD COACH 650 49 49 82 ; 63 48 46 42 FERGUSON TRACTOR FORD TRACGTOR«~ y FORD FERGUSON JOHN DEERE . IMPLEMENTS 2 and 8 Furrow Fergusen Plows 3 Furow M-H Plow Ferguson Plow Kits--make your-two furrow into a three furrow 3 Section Spring Tooth Harrow Manure Spreader Tractor Cab for Ford of Ferguson | Ferguson Side Delivery Rake ~ 'Dise Plow, ete, ete, EASY TERMS---CASH or TRADE BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS ~ Meteor -- Mercury Cars = |. Ferguson Tractors LEASKDALE "Phone Uxbridge 162 r 16 .| PORT PERRY: Gravel and Loam EXCHANGE -- Will cxthangs the wood of a tall spruce tree for the la- bour of removing same, Apply at Star Office. FOR SALE -- 1947 Chev. Coupe, finished in dark blue, tires excellent, low mileage, heater. Will sell reas- onable. - Apply at Star Office or phone 148 after 6 p.m. PLUMBING SUPPLIES SINKS, BATHTUBS, BASINS, TOILETS, PIPE, FITTINGS, PUMPS TANKS; SHOWER CABINETS LAUNDRY TUBS. ® | " S.V.JHOHNSON and Save PLUMING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONT. Bee Open Wed, and Friday Evenings Precast Concrete Septic Tanks Any size from 300 gallons up. Delivered and installed. BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS Telephone 156 Bréoklin 'Bulldozing and Excavating Also BACKHOE for Trenching and Loading By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates Given. Tripp Construction R.R. 2, Port Perry Phones: Res, 109- r-42. Office 892 SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER * Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. "Free Estimates given Walter King sept24-63 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 118r2, or Torgnty EM 3-3636. | Gordon Young Lid. Dead Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle, nogs, picked up for santiary disposal. Phene collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. : ED. PECONI / Argyle, Ontario. July 68 Dead Farm Stock |! PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE _ i sept10 58 ~ CRUSHED GRAVEL Fred Warren Port Perry, Phone 54) ye WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. ROOM AND BOARD -- Will give room and board to children by day or week. Mrs. L. Conlan, Manchester, Ontario. ROOMS WANTED--Young Couple, with. one child, desire unfurnished rooms or apartment in Port Perry. Phone 176W. feet of fence on the new Public School grounds. fi Apply to Robert Carnegie, Chair- man, Property Committee. aug20 WANTED PAINTERS-- with a clean brush, pail and rag, to come to Scout Hall, on Tuesday, Aug. 26, 6 p.m,, to aid in applying a coat of stain to the building, GROUP _ COMMITTEE WANTED -- Dishwasher. School girls do not apply, please, -- "Del" Res- taurant, Port Perry. aug? WANTED -- Second-hand Child's auto car. Phone 118 r 13, Port Perry. FOR SALE--DRESSED CHICKENS. Orders taken for Saturday morning. Roy Goode, phone -189r82, Port Perry. x aug20 FOR SALE--Dry Birch Wood--short lengths, $18.00 a cord delivered. Dry Birch cordwood at bush. $12.00 per cord, N. Malcolm, P.O. Box 112, Port Perry, Phone 59. aug28( g FOR SALE--Electric Stove, Crib, Chesterfield Chair, Phone 100R. . = aug20 $6,500 - $3,000 down Semi-detached Frame House, cen- trally located in Uxbridge, Insul brick, 6 rooms, built, in. cupboards, heady "| wiring, electric hot water tank, 4 piece | Possession in 30 days. bath. Garage." > Earl Thompson, Victoria Corners, phone Uxbridge 96 r 4. -- George Allison, Broker. FOR SALE PORT PERRY $7,800 FULL PRICE. Newly com- pleted bungalow, hardwood floors, heavy wiring, 3-piece bath, full base- |, ment. Excellent view of lake. SEAGRAVE SMALL-FARM $3000 CASH. 4% -acre farm with on pressure, 3-piece bath, 2-car gar- age, implement shed, small barn, hen house. River runs through property. An attractice farm and home, Full price $6,700; Several clients logking tor lake front cottage sites and. .cottages. Phone Port Perry 3956. ; - HOWARD LANGILLE, Broker, Phone Port Perry 395; Claremont 31108. ; Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Elsie Elizabeth Pargeter, 'late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died May 24th, 1953, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned par- ticulars of their claims on or before September 21st, 19568. Immediately after September 21st, 1953, the assets "lof the deceased will he distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. . Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 14th day of August, A.D. 1953. ~ HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for th Administrater, Sept 8, po LS five years' experience. = \ Salary m#ximum, $3,200, ; "application". * Aug. 18/53. Nav. 27, 1958 Te i tie WANTED Men to construct 1200 G room frame house with hydro, water | DD OO AO i Eh Village of Port Poy he POPULATION 1817 Yhae Requires the services of a Chief Constable of at least CK.LB. Program Schedule OSHAWA--DIAL 1240 "(MONDAY thra SUNDAY). DE . Th THriraday Sun. --Sunday M.--Monday F.--Frida Tu.--Tuesday Sa.--Sa BY ay : W.--Wednesday TIME * PROGRAM TIME. "PROGRAM 5.60 a.m,--C.K.L.B. Sign On M. Tu. W, Th. F, Sai) 0.00--News (M. Tu. W. Th, F. Ba.) 0.00--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. W gal 6.30--News (M. Tu, W. Th. F. 5 U.4U0--Koftee Korner (M, Tu. W. B 7.00--New (M. Tu. W. Th. F, hi 1.00--Koffee Korner (M, Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) 7.0--News (M. Tu. W. Th, F. Sa.) '1.40--Koffee Korner (M. Tu, W. Th. F. Sa.) 7.68--C.K,L.B, Sign On (Sun.) 8.00--News (M, '1'u, W. Th, F, Sa.) Pilgrim Hour (Sun.) 8.10--Sports (M. T. W. Th. F. Sa.) 8.20--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. w a 8.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th. Fr a) Ukranian Russian Baptist Church (Sun,) 8.36--Koffee Korner (M. Tu, W. © F. 8Sa,) 8.46--Peoples Church (Sun.) 9.00--News(M, Tu. W. Th, F. Sa.Sun.) 9.06--Morning Devotions of FN 9.01--Stouffville Youth for Christ - (Sun,) 9.15--Listen While You Work (4. Tu. W. Th. F,) The Four Knights (Sa.) ; 9.30--Canadian National Institute for the Blind (Sa.)- Your Sunday Morning Program > (Sun 9.46--Keynotes by Carle (Sa) -- . King's Radio Quintet ( un) 10. 00--News (Sun. M. Tu, WaT oa | 10. 05--Hit Parade (M. Tu, Ww. Th. School on the Air (Sun. 10.30 Wedding Bells (M. To. ¥, ! Hopalong Cassidy (Sa.) Prelude to Worship (3un.) 0 11,00--News (Sun. M. Tu. W. Th, 11 06--Say It With Music sa. i. Tu. W. Th. F.) = Church Remote Broadcast(Sun) 11,30--The House of Peter MacGregor M. Tu. W.Th. F.) | 1 .46--Second Spring (M: Tu. 3. F) 12,00 noon--News (Sun, M. ™ Ww. Th. F. 8a.) 12, 06 p.m.--News for: the Community (M. W. 3 12.06--Midday Melodies ge, Th, 8a. Treasures in Melod, h Wi) 12.10--Midday Melodies 2! wy .) 12.30--News (Sun, M . wr ha '12, 40--Sports (Sun. M. Tu. W. HOR Xa) 12.46--Vocal Spotlight (M. Tu. W. Th. Pipes in Melody (Sun, i: 1.00--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) With a Song in M) Heart (Sun) 1.06--Stop the Record M Li 0 Summerville Meets the Stocks 8a.) 1.16--Melody Round: Up (Sa. 1.30--Music Hall of har { und. 2.00--News for Women ( SE) News (Sa. Sun) 2.06--Keeper of the Flame (8a) Sd Personalities on Parade 2.16--Aunt Mary (M. Tu. W. 2.30--Betty & Bob (M. Tu. W. Ih. £) 2.46--Songs of our Times in) «B) Bob Eberly Show w.L 3.00--News (Sun. M. Tu . Sa. 3.06--Showcase (M. Tu. Ww. Th. F.) Keeper of the Flame (Sa. Personalities on Parade (Sun.) 3.80--Portraits In Ivory (Sun.) 3.46--Silver and Crystal (Sun.) Sa.) I 4.00--News (Sun, M, Tu, W. Th. F.Sa.) 4.06--Showcase(M, Tu. W. Th. F.. Sa.) Silver and Crystal (Sun.) 6.00--News (Sun. M, Tu. W, 'ih. F. Sa.) 0.05--Hupperalub Su Tu. W. Th. F.) howcase ( Shows and ba al (Sun.) 6.50--=News" for the, Community M. Tu, We Th. F,) b.36--Supperclub (M, Tu. W. Th, F.) 6.00--News ( M.Tu. W. Th, F. Sa. )! Healing Waters (Sun.) 4,10--Report on Sport (M2 Tu, W. Th. F, Sa.) U.16-- What's 0 at the Movies M, Tu, W. Th. F, Sa.) 6.20--Supperclub "(M. Tu. W. Th, F.) Relaxing Rhythms (Sa.) 6.30--News (Sun.) ; 6.40--Sports (Sun.) 6.45--Meet the Merchants (Sa) All Aboard for Adventure(Sun) fs 6.66--Stock-Market Report (M, Tu. W. Th. F. 7. 00--News in a Minute {30 MT F. Sa. 7.01--Follow the Band i To. Ww. Th. F.) Silver Band (Sa. J Albert St. Unite Church(Sun.) 7.16--A Melody from Mur & Five Minutes for Freedom (Tu. Th.) q. 20--Telegram Highlights (M. Tu. W. Th. F. 7.30--World's Great Music WT Te Old Raich 'House (Sa.) 8.00--News (Sa. Sun.) 8.06--O0l1d Ranch House (8a.) : Emile Cotee Glee Club (Sun.) 8.30--Report from Parliament Ha, 78) . Baye A A Laugh ( mbardo (Tu) (W.) 8. 30-- Chapel by the. Side 'of the Road ( Crime" Does 'Not' Pay "(F.) Church in the Wildwood (Sun.) 8.46--Blues for Monday ( 9.00--News (Sun. M. Tu. Ww. Th. 9.06--Hillbilly Jamboree (M, Let George Do It (Tu. 9.06-10,00--Wrestling Matches (Tu.) Hollywood Theatre of Stars(W.) Cavalcade of Music (Th.) - Charlie Chan (F.) Old Ranch House (8a.) : This is My Story. y (Buy 9, S0--Lives of 3 ow wu.) ystery ouge . Haunting Holir (Th.) Y- Stand by for Crime (L2 David Rose Show ( Wr 10.00--News (Sun. M, Tu. W, Be 10. 01--Chatting With The vant Tu, 10.10--Kim's Korner (M: W. * £2 10.06--Cavalcade of Music (Tu. Obsession (Th.) Old Ranch House (Sa:) ._ Invitation to a Dream (Sun) -10.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. 10.40--Report on Sport (M. Ny Ww. : . Lo ) 10. 46--Airlane Trio (M. Tu. W, Th, F. 11.00--News (M. Tu. W. Th, F. 7 Sa. Sun.) F.) - 111. 06--Sports Finals (M. a Ww. LS Sa. 8 11.10--Man. About Music(M.W.F. Sa. Invitation to-a Dream (Sun.) Five Minute Mystery cm, Th.) 11.16--Man About Music 12. 00 Mignight--News ( Th, F. a Stn) 12.06 a. m.--Man About Music (M. Tu. dt -'W. Th. F. 8a.) 12.46--Patterns in Black and White M. Tu. W. Th. F. 8a.) 1.00--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) "I represent the Mountain Wool Company, Madam. Would you be interested in some coarse yarns?": -- "Gosh, yes. Come right in and tell me a couple," Batty: "I can't decide whether to go to a palmist or a mind reader."' Catty: bh . Na 'A balsam forest could reach mer- chantable size in 40 years. "eee Pulp and paper stands first in em- '| ployment and total wages paid. Applicants must state education, age, height, previous. : experience and physical fitress. | Closing date, Sept 2nd, 1963. Reply in first instance hy letter to the Widersigned, marked £Y J.F. RAINES, Clerk Traauren Him Bh Port Perv: L Ont. =) ' RSE? "Better make it the palm-| ist--you know you have a palm." Deputy Treasurer Of Province to Retire Dr. Chester S. Walters will step down from the position of deputy provincial treasurer Aug. 24 when he reaches his 76th birthday, Premier Frost announced Monday night. "Dr, Walters who has held the post 18 years, will continue as finance take over the executive duties of de- j | puty minister. Dr. Walters, appointed by the late Liberal premier, Mitchell F. Hepburn, held the office 18 years, longer than V any deputy treasurer since confedera- tion,, He served under six premiers and three provincial treasurers, " His successor and former assistant, Dr. Brown, was born at Niagara-on- the-lake 62 years ago and has lived in Toronto, almost all his life. While announcing the new appoint- ment, Prémier Frost was celebrating his own anniversary as provincial treasurer. He said Ontario's financial problems now are as.large as those of all Canada before the First World War. Ee 'LAKEVIEW THEATRE PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20-21-22 - Clifton Webb and Barbara Stanwick In the Record Smashing Screen Triumph "TITANIC" : COMEDY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AUG, 24-25-26 THE TRULY MAGNIFICENT FULL LENGTH ALL COLOUR FEATURE OF THE CORONATION "A QUEEN IS CROWNED" SPECIAL SHORT FEATURETTE and NEWS a poems : cam pa rem 1X ' -- Begin Your Food Planning with BREAD! Wondering about dessert? Yes we have fresh PIES Each Day! 1 . Saturday Cake Special "HONEY CREAM LAYER CAKE" GERROW' 5 BARERY PHONE 32W . G M, GERROW F.) Sa.) 'DECORATING PAINTING and ili We supply all material for Your Job. Sample books Oli request. For exterior painting please book your job early if possible. 'Latest finishes in Rubbed Plywood, any colour ' For Expert Decorating call-- M. ST. CLAIR and Sons Phone Port Perry. 113-r-14 ction at 2 p.m. Buyers will find a wide variety of - BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES Sales Every Tuesday Butcher, Feeder-and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers); also Feeder Pigs, (all sizes), Veal and Young Calves, and Horses. . Sales Arena heated in winter. Air-conditioned in Summer.. PHONE BELLEVILLE-1828 i WES) | controller but Hugh E. Brown will |: PUT UP WITH THAT oD WASHING ~ MACHINE $30.00 for any old Electric Washer » --IF YOU BUY A NEW-- "SIMPLICITY ROCKET WASHING MACHINE TERMS ON AL ARPLIANCES / ROBERTSON ELECTRIC "PORT PERRY PHONE 179 J : 'i JAR