Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Aug 1953, p. 7

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{ J = Pe > 1 I i r » » + i [ +» Px LJ < : | Sportshaven J. Bolahood, Proprietor 61 KING ST. E. Phone 38-2711 This, reliable firm, located at 61 King East in Oshawa, welcomes all the people from this section, They mands of their patrons. ~ ] strive to.please and satisfy the de- EE od They carry a complete line of sport- ing good, a large and splendid stock of Baseball and Hockey equipment, and a complete line of fishing and ~ hunting equipment, trains, hobbyeraft model supplies, and are well known as a sportsmen's headquarters. You will find on daty at all times, exper- jenced men who will help you make your selections, and the stock is so "large and varied in price that you will be able to find something suitable, And in addition they are complete team outfitters. : = Balahood's Sportshaven should be complimented for the need which their business is filling in that community. We recommend their services to our - readers for anything in the Sporting Goods Line, Master Feeds, OSHAWA - FLOUR, FEED\and SEEDS 54 CHURCH ST. 'Phone 3.2229 This reliable firm is located on 64 Church - street. The management is "well known to many of you and ex- tends a cordial welcome to_ the people of this section, : Maintaining an up-to-date business for the accommodation of the public, this progressive business firm has an enviable record for fair prices and - good quality. Insisting that every- thing about their place bein accord with the most modern scientific ideas regarding germination qualities, 'pur- ity and cleanliness, 'Master Feeds has thus assured the public that flour, seeds and feeds coming from this place are pure and wholesome. They are familiar with the seed and feed business and are amply prepared to take care of your problems in this line, Visit this store and secure the best in flour, seeds and feeds. They carry a complete line of Farm Sup- plies and Pet Supplies. ~ We highly recommend Master Feeds to. our read- ers, . : Geo. Macko ii Lumber Co. 473 RITSON RD. 8S. 'Ph. 38-2732 For good Lumber, Doors, Plywood, Trim, Insulation and all kinds of mill work, get in touch with this firm in Oshawa. You will:always find their immense stock complete, whether you 'require a few pieces or a large - order. You may depend upon what they tell you about lumber and build- ing materials, for they are absolutely dependable and, an-authority on the Subject. = Let them. give you an-estimate on your next lumber or insulating bill 'and they will assist you in securing the best at the most reasonable prices. All cash purchases mean greater sav- ing for you. In making this business review we "desire to direct your special attention to Geo, Macko Lumber Co, as one of the distinctive features of the indus- trial efficiency of: this region. * E.H. Button, Florist 1. ¥. 144 ORCHARDVIEW BLVD. Phone 83-2664 You will quickly recognize this]. florist as one of the finest of its kind in this section, . They are located at 144 Orchardview Blvd. : They fully understand the flori- culture business from every angle and ~ have well merited their high standing in this community. If you want flowers. for any occasion you will find the service equally good. They have their own greenhouse, with always the finest 'possible stock and their prices . are very reasonable, Flowers for any occasion, or for weddings, corsages, ete, their service is unique for fun- erals, Their designs assure you this * final tribute will be most fitting and 3 proper. As designers of emblems for fun- erals or social occasions, they have attained well-merited. recognition. and ~are deserving of "yours: patronage. '(Continued from Page 2) 13. H. Henderson [163 KING ST. W._ fn Bolahood's Concrete Blocks (Behind Hackney's Garage) Ph. 3-4412 After: reviewing the building in- dustry in this region we find that this firm has gained a reputation that has spread far and wide over this part of the province, Manufacturing cement blocks for houses, garages, utility rooms, base- nents, ete., their product is of the highest quality, i They are glad to give you estimates on the amount of blocks it will take you to complete that building or if you are considering an addition to | your property, Their prices are -reasonable and they will give prompt delivery; so phone this firm in Oshawa and get the best in this line besides being sure of getting satisfaction, In this review we are glad to rec-- ommend J. H. Henderson for the "Best" in Concrete Blocks, to all our readers, Gat Suddard's Bicycle Shop | 638 SIMCOE ST.S. Phone 5-3979 This well-known. bicycle centre has been serving this section in .a most favourable manner, ; The basic reason for the success of Suddard's Bicycle Shop is that they have continually maintained a _repu- tation for handling the best quality bicycles, or parts when repairs are needed. 2. sonable prices for .bicycle -parts or repairs, so drop in the next time you are in Oshawa. This store bears the name which- is familiar as a place where people feel at home while. shop- ping in Oshawa. , They sell Tricycles, C.C.M. Bicycles, Joycycles, also Sport- ing Goods and Equipment. We feel that Suddard's Bicycle Shop offers the utmost in bargains and quality in anything in the bicycle line, and so it is we are glad to re- commend their store to all our readers. F.F. Welch EXCAVATION CONTRACTORS Office 81 KING ST WEST Sf Yard R.R. 1, SIMCOE NORTH Telephone 3-2542 vating -and earth removing services. dozer service, graders; shovels, etc., are available at reasonable cost. They specialize in excavating, farm drain- age, basement digging, grading, bull- dozing, a first class crane service, ete. Their power equipment. assures you of -the 'best in service at reasonable rates and you can arrange for. shovel or bulldozer equipment from this re- liable firm, and they will do your job by the hour, or by contract. Call them for your needs for that new building or grading problem. You are sure of courteous and prompt ser- vice, - throughout this part of the province and he is glad to give estimates with- out obligation for your particular job, We are happy to recommend him to readers for anything in this line. Here, we are sure you will get satis- faction. e Legion Convention At Oshawa in 1955 The 1963 convention of the Ontario Command of the Canadian Legion which was held in Sudbury is now over and a decision was made to hold the next convention in Oshawa. This will take 'place in 1966. There was a very heavy agenda this year including re- solution calling for compulsory na- tional service, the extension of liquor privileges to ex-service Indians, the tory holiday and an increase in veter- an's allowances' and: pensions, . There 'were more than 40: other resolutions awaiting attention when the conven- tion closed, These will be forwarded to the incoming executive. : Major G. H. Tolley of Sault Ste. Marie was indugted as the provincial president and Henry Harvey of Otta- wa is the vice-president. Among the regional vice-president elected is J. C. Burnet of Cobourg, 'y : Phone and give them a trial. ~ You will be surprised at their rea- y This firm offers the best in exca-|- Their operators are experts, and bull-| Frank Welch is favourably known |: establishment of Nov. 10, as a statu-| . Utica The regular August meeting of the Utica W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Ggrrys Nelson, 'Thursday "after- noon, August the 138th. : With Mrs. George Mitchell, the de- votional president, in charge the 'meeting opened with the singing of the hymn, "Just As I Am", followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. 'R. Sandison read thé Seriptare and Mrs. Mitchell read the topic on hu- J mility, ; Mrs. R. Walker, the president, then' took over, Mrs. C. Geer read the minutes and called the roll. which was answered by fourteen members, and six visitors were present, Mrs. H. Walker moved a vote. of thanks to Mr, G. Nelson for taking the lungh prepared by members of the Utica W. A, down to Geo. MeLaughlin's. This" was followed by a discussion on the turkey supper to be held on Oct. 10th. Those in charge are: Mrs. J. Crpsier, Mrs. H. Walker, Mrs. C. Geer and Mrs, E. Ballard. Moved by Mrs. C. Geer and seconded by Mrs. H.. Walker that the money in the Hospital Auxiliary fund be turned into the main fund. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Ackney for the tea towels she donated to the Church Kitchen, . The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J, Crosier. After the Benediction Mrs. E. Bal- lard, Mrs. Handel and Mrs. J. Mit- chell 'served a dainty lunch.' Mrs. Mitchell of Pickering, spent last week with Mrs. N. Ackney. Other' visitors at Mrs. Ackney's were Miss Evelyn 'Ross of Epsom and Mrs. S. Prizeman of Toronto, " 51 .Mrs. Jack Crosier has returned af- 'ter: a very enjoyable trip to Califor- nia to visit her daughter, Donna. She also stopped in Windsor for a -visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wally 'Scott and children. %. 3s = Erp IEg : oy Gat Oi { Eonar, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geer and Glenn of Oshawa spent the holiday at Mr. and Mrs. Chet Geers. Mr. and Mrs. E. King of Orillia and Mrs, Ed Kleffman of York, Penn. U.S.A; were Sunday visitors at Bert McKercher's and Bob Sutherland's. Mrs, A. Sutcliffe, Miss Margaret Sutcliffe and Donna were recent visi- tors in Detroit with Mrs. Sutcliffe's brother, : : ; 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Broderick of 'Hamilton and granddaughter Wendy, of Leaside were at Bert McKercher's last week. It was his first visit in fifty years, : s 3 We were very pleased to have the Rev. Mr. Kaille of Gore Bay, Mani- toulin in charge of thé service Sun- day morning at the Utica United Church. Jey : = There will be no' Church Service next Sunday but there will be Sunday School at the régular hour. . Week-end visitors at Frank Ken- dalls' were Mrs. L. Cassidy of Brook- lin and Larry Kendall of Toronto. Mrs. F, Kendall and Larry visited Rev. and Mrs, King in Whitevale on Saturday. : Miss Aleta Van der Heyden of Oshawa and Miss Louise Moore of Scugog Island visited at Kendalls' last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell took a trip to the Thousand Islands and Eastern U. S. A. last week. Visitors at Jim Mitchell's were Mr. Harry Davis, Mrs, John' Tarr of Stouffville, Mr, Walt Mitchell of Kin- sale and Mr. Theodore Carey of Osh- awa. _ Mr, Alec Russells' sisters, Mrs. J. Ferguson of Pence, Saskatchewan, and Mrs. John Bradley and son Geo. of Dundalk, Ont: visited him last week. Mr, and Mrs. R. Wilbur went on a trip 'through N. Ontario, Michigan State and S. West Ont. last week. . "1 \ Manchester Mr, and Mrs. James Miller of Car- man, Manitoba were guests of her sister, Mrs. Sam Arnold and Mr. Ar- nold for several days last week. Donna Woolley is visiting her mo- ther in Toronto for a week. Congratulations to : Mr. and Mrs. Meredith McKee who were married in Brooklirt last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. MeKee will live on the Manches- ter - Port Perry Highway upon the completion of their new home. Mrs. Lou Cassidy of Brooklin vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier on Saturday. Mr. Henry Pilch and family of Toronto were with his sister Mrs, J. Masters over Sunday. : Mrs, Will Lawrence, Toronto -and Mrs. M. Innes, Brooklin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Arnold on Friday. |' Mrs. P. G. Morrison of Grimsby has been the guest of Mrs, Gladys Archer for a few days. Mrs. Harry Thorne, Oshawa was with her sister Mrs. W., W. Holtby on Sunday. Church service will continue each Sunday evening at 7.30 throughout August, Two Ministers Die Sunderland.--Two members of the Ministerial Association in this vicinity have died within a week's time. On Friday, July 31st, Rev. George Nobes, of Cannington, 'passed away at the Rectory. He was also in charge of the Anglican church at Sunderland. The community was saddened a second time, two days later, to learn of the passing of 'Rev. Everett .C. Rob- ertson, on Sunday, August 2nd. The late Mr. Robertson was the beloved pastor of Wick, Sonya and: Cresswell Presbyterian churches, Both gentlemen are deeply mourned. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1968-17 AY + ia ral : So delicious as you shop... | ~'s0 convenient totakehome When shopping hours lengthen out, it's important : to refresh yourself now and then with a Coke. 5 And take a carton home . . . young folks love it. O Ney 7 ) ot Ld \ 1 , DRINK re Ole ait mits & \2~v BOTTLES o | sK ' Bottle Carton 36° Al 8-158 7] Including Federal Tones Plus deposit i¢ por baltle UXBRIDGE BEVER AGES LTD, UXBRIDGE PHONE 206W "Authorized bottler of Coéa-Cola under contract with Coca Cole iid. Any way you figure it, the answer comes out the same : --no other car matches Pontiac's amazing wealth of \ wonderful features. That's why a-'$3 Pontiac is such a wonderful buy--and also why no other car has climbed so fast in public favor, : . Bvery one of the 29 beautiful: models is a masterpiece of engineering and craftsmanship, completely new, in- side and out, in alk its styling details and appointments. So, whether you choose a Pathfinder, Pathfinder Deluxe, . Laurentian, Chieftain Special or Chieftain' Deluxe, you «can, be sure that your motor car dollar is really paying off to the very last cent in beauty, comfore and. brilliant performance, Visit your Pontiac.dealer soon! Learn the full story about all the Pontiac features listed -here--and many, many others, You'll find that, beyond all doubt, Pontiac is truly "Tops in Everything but Price." llustrated: Chiefrain Deluxe. 4:Door Sedan Tis, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUR Motor Sales Port Perry 1] PR 1

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