Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Jun 1953, p. 8

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¥ 3% gmt ws eR ES Sl oh te \ 5s 3 $3 Ww Ma HA Aa BAN = 8---THE PORT PERRY STAR -- GRRE We RECIRR EAT LE THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1953 USE THE" < CASSIFIED ; Classified Advertising Rates 2c. per word ker issue, minimum 40e¢, Semi-displdy, 15¢c. extra. 'Full display 44c. per inch, - 'Box- No, 10¢, extra.. Coming Events, "Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Engagements, Mar- riage; Birth and Death Notices, 50c. minimum charge, N FOR SALE 1950 Chevrolet Sedan, metalic green, in excellerit condition. Average mileage. Priced reasonable for quick sale, Apply at Star Office, or Phone 206J after six. CAR BUYERS Before you buy your new or late model used car, sce us about our Low Cost Financing Service. Available for either-Dealer-or Private-Sale.---- HERB. TOOMBS. Phone 90» 23. Port Perry j junegh i A : FOR SALLE 2 Building Lots, on Crandell St., Port Perry, 56 ft. wide, one a corner lot, Apply Wm. Starr, Union Ave. june26 FOR SALE--Man's bicycle, in good running shape, reasonable. 248J, Port Perry. Phone WANTED--Lady or gentleman to list and sell real estate in Port Perry and district. Car essential. Good remuneration for capable person, Write to box-35,-Port- Perry -Star----- ' July 2 FOR SALE -- 20 acres of standing | hay, apply Murs. Port Perry, A. Niddery, R.R. 2, FOR SALE--New favorite Thresh- 'er, 28 x 42,-with grain-thrower, has threshed less than 200 acres in all $1300. Phone 46 J 1, Markham, Grove Bros. 3 Julyz "HE LP WAN' TED--High School sta. dent for store during July and August, Apply Box 36, Port Perry Star. WANTED--Relicf Cashier, "apply at Del. Restaurant. 2 cap, sweater, Phone 215, FOR SALE -- Cub®' searf, sox and garters. Port Perry. Prentice's NEW LOCATION in Oshawa 72 GHURCH STREET Dial 3-4521 Auction Sale WAREHOUSE AUCTION SALE, AT 49 BOND ST., WEST, OSHAWA ONTARIO, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 27, at '1.30 p.m.--In order to vacate warehouse, thére will be offered for sale by public auction. at the above time and place, over 50 used bicycles, a number of used tricycles, and varl- ous bicycle parts, ete. too numerous to mention. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD, NO MINIMUM, NO RESERVE BIDS. Terms cash. F. Stirtevant, auctioncer. i SE | I edo eo acing BA We'll check your tires. + « « your battery + « . and spark plugs «+ change your ofl + « « yOUr grease LON flush and Mean radiator + + « check other warme- weather trouble spots. ,; and fill 'er up with Eeso or Esso Extra Xe 5 Sweetman's SERVICE STATION ", Phone 41 Port Perry Auction Sales: SATURDAY, JUNE 27th- --Impor- tant Auction Sale of 30 head of Here- ford cattle, grade; registered Hackney Mares, Cockshutt 30 Tractor, nearly new implenignts, 'Standing Grain and Corn, Pigs, Farm Stock, implements, etc., on lot 81, Con. 5, Pickering Town- ship, 2 mile south of Green River, on Altona Rd., property of W. McNalley, Terms cash. .No reserve. Proprietor quitting. "Sale at 1 p.m, (D.S.T.) Ken and Clarke Prentice, : Auctioneers. June 26, : Notice to Creditors In the Estate of William Alfred Coles, late of the Township of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died June 2nd, 19563, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned par- ticulars of their claims on or before July 18th, 1953, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the undei- signed shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 10th day of June A. D. 1963. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. july 2 SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN * DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. I'ree Estimates given Walter King PORT PERRY sept24-63 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for "sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 11812, or Toronto KM 3-3636. Gordon Youig Lid. LOO | DD SE (| | CCH {| CHD 1} A {1 GD ¢ Dead Stock Service "Dead or crippled horses, cattle, nogs, picked up for santiary disposal, Phone collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. ED. PECONI . Argyle, Ontario. July 53 1 TOP QUALITY VALUES IN USED.CARS 1950 Chev. Sedan, Sun Visor, Radio and Heater ........n. on. $1426 1950 Meteor Sedan, Heater and -Snow Tires icin. $1400 1946 Chev. Sedan, Heater and | Fog Lights ............ Rasen iissseivains $895 1940 Ford Coach ........cicvivevcinininn, $350 1938 Plymouth Conch minis: $226 1939 Ford Coupe ......ceiiiniinen $166 | 1938 Oldsmobile Sedan ........c........ $195 [ 1937 Plymouth Coach .......c.oiveienn $195 1937 Flymouth Coupe ...ciiniinnn. $126 TRUCKS : 1951 Fargo % ton truck, perfect ' \ condition, low mileage ............. $995 1950 Fargo 1 ton)9 ft. body, ex- cellent condition, low mileage $1060 1940 G.M.C. 3 ton dump, 9x7 Brantford body, good tires, completely. reconditioned -....... $1296 1947 Chev: 2 ton Dump, Delux cab snow tires and heater 19456 G. M. C, 8 ton dump, Wood's body, good tires and heater ....$850 1947 Studebaker 2 LON Givin $126 1942: Chev. & ton, 14 ft. body ....$350 1941 Internftional 1%. ton, 9 ft. © body wren WE Se TR $175 - All vehicles thoroughly checked before delivery. Cash or Terms Blackstock Motors Phone 70, nights 38. Blackstock, Ont. a SE iid hein Stamp anmeem-------- AE CERIN FOR gy L aviex" Ga i xa 33 Ray Sieh, © See Your Chevrolet and Oldsmobile 'Dealer for an "0K." Used Car These guaranteed used cars have been thoroughly inspected -and recon- ditioned by expert mechanics, and carry cour written warranty for. 30 days, with a 50-50 guarantee. If re- pairs and replacements are necessary, due to wear, we.pay half the bill. 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe Coach, metalic grey, air condition heater, well cared for by one owner, in first class condition, 1952 Chevrolet 1269 Sedan, al con- dition throughout, air condition heater, fine black finish, one owner _since new, ---------- ¥ 1951 Meteor Coach, grey finish, air condition heater, carefully driven by one owner, an excellent buy. 1950 Chevrolet 126% Sedan, blue finish, air condition heater, a nice clean car, 1950 Pontiac Fleetline Coach, air con- dition - heater, newly refinished in light blue, in first class mechanical condition. 1949 Chevrolet 1211 Coach, black fn: ish, with heater and radio, a good clean car. 1948 DeSoto Sedan, with radio, heater and other extras, excellent Appearance and condition. heater and defroster, condition and _ appearance first class. 1947: Chevrolet 1019 Sedan, rich ma- roon finish, heater and defroster, 'good tires, a good dependable car. SEVERAL © OTHER GOOD CARS to choose from: -- Cash, Trade, Convenient G.M.A.C. Terms. - It pays to buy your Guaranteed Used Car from a New Car Dealer. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 BRYDEN MOTORS 'CHEVROLET. OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLE T TRUCKS PORT PERRY PHONE 74 - COME IN SEE OUR "SAFE VALUES "52 Pontiac Standard '52-PBataic Standard '52 Dodge Regent 52 Chevrolet Standard 51 Meteor Custom 61 Ford 51 Meteor Mainline '51 Meteor Custom '50 Pontiac Deluxe '50 Meteor Custom 47 Ford ; '62 Mercury Pickup Truck 61 Mercury Pickup Truck '51 Ford Pickup Truck. '49 Morris Minor Ux-Spring Motors LIMITED BUY" Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor wae Dealers Junction 12 and 47 Highways. Gravel and Loam CRUSHED GRAVEL Fred Warren Port Perry, Phone 547 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY , Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, ' ~~ TYRONE - ~ : septl0 68 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information, Nov. 27, 1068 Bulldozing 'and Excavating By Hour or Contract, Free Estimates Given. Willan Tripp R, R. 2 Port Perry, Phone ip r P, Julydtt 1947 Monarch Sedan; dark-blue-finigsh/|---- SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM Special Classes at | SPECIAL CLASSES C K. LB. Venn Schedule g '0SHAWA--DIAL 1 1240 aT (MONDAY thru SUNDAY) #8 5.60 a.m.--C.K.L.B, Sign. On (M, Tu. W. Th, F, Sa.) 6.00--News (M. Tu. W. Th, F, Say) 6.0b--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. ¥ Th. RY (M. Tu. W. Th, F. Sa.) U.40--Koffee> Korner (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) 7.00--News (M. Tu, W. Th. F. Sa.) 7.05--Koffee Korner (M. Tu, W. Th, r Sa. ) 7.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th, F, Sa.) 7.40--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. W. ih, )) 7.08--C.K.L.B. Sign On (Sun.) 8.00--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F, Sa.) -- Pilgrim Hour (Sun.) 8.10--Sports (M. I. W. Th. F. Sa.) 8.20--Koffee Korner (M. I'u. w. ¥.In, a 8.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th, Bo Sa.) Ukranian Russian Baptist Church (Sun.) 8.36--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. W. Th, 5 F. Sa.) 8.46--Peoples Church (Sun.) 9.00--News(M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.Sun.) 9.06--Morning Devotions (M, gh Ww. Th. F. Sa.) 9.01--Stouffville Youth for Christ (Sun.) 9.16--Listen While You Work (M. Tu, W. Th. EF.) "The Four Knights (Sa) 9.30--Canadian National Institute for the Blind (Sa.) 8 , Your Sunday Morning Program (Sun.) 9.45--Keynotes by Carle (Sa) ; King's Radio -Quintet (Sun.) 10.00--News (Sun. M. Tu. Ww. Tn. ; Sa. -- I, 10. 05--Hit 'Parade (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) Sunda School on the Air (Sun.) '10:30---Wedding- Bells (M. Tu. W. Hopalong Cassidy (Sa.) Prelude to Worship Wek 11:00--News (Sun. , Tu. W B Sa.) 11, 05~Say It With Music (8s. M M. Iw ) s Church Remote Boat ea) 11.30--The House of Peter MacGregor - (M. Tu, W. Th. F.) 11.45--Second Spring (M. Tu. wy Ye. ) 12.00 noon--News (Sun. M. 4 i Th. F. Sa.) -News for the Community (M. W. F.) 12.056--Midday Melodies (Tu. Th. Sa. ) Treasures in Melody-(Sun. 12.10--Midday Melodies (M. W. F,) 12.30--News (Sun, M. Tu, W, Th. F. Sa.) -12.40--Sports (Sun. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) 12.45--Vocal Spotlight (M. Tu. fh F. Sa Pipes in Melody 3, (San), 1.00--News (M, Tu, Sa.) With a Song in Wy Heart (Sun) 1.06--Stop the Record (M. Tu. W. Th. F.) Summerville Meets the" Stocks (Sa.) 1.16---Melody Round-Up (Sa.) 1.30---Music Hall of Fame (Sun) ° Nae for Women (M. TS, oy h. F.) News (Sa. Sun.) . 2.06--Keeper of the Flame (Sa.) 12.056 p.m; 2,16--Aunt Mary (M, Tu. W. Th, F. 2.30--Betty & Bob (M. Tu. W. Lh F. "| 2.45--Songs of our Times (M, W. F, Bob Eberly Show (T. Th.) 3.00--News (Sun. M. Tu. W. ; F. 8a.) 3.06--Showcase ¢M. Tu. W. Th. F.) Keeper of the Flame (Sa.) Personalities on Parade (Sun.) 3.30--Portraits In Ivory (Sun.) 3.46--Silver and Crystal (Sun.) i J Personalities on Parade Sun) LES = # SiR whi : q T x CODE : ! . . * Sun.--Sunday . Th.~--Thursday » M ~Monday .--Friday : Tu,--Tuesday Sa. --Saturday W.-- T Wednesday TIME PROGRAM TIME PROGRAM 4.00--News (Sun. M, 1u, W. 1h, F.Sa.) 4.Ub--=Showcase(M, 'L'u, W, Lh. I, Sa.) Silver and Crystal (Sun.) o.00--News (Sun. M, 1u, W. ih. 0.06--Supperclub. (M, Tu. W, Th. sa) Showcase¥(8a.) Silver and Crystal (Sun) 0.60--News for the Community (M. Tu, W. th. F,) 0.50--=Supperclub (8, 'tu, W, th, I, ) 6.00--News ( M.Tu, W, Lh. I, Sa,) Healing Waters (Sun.) - 6.10----Keport on Sport (M. 'tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) U.15--What's on at the Movies (M. Tu.'W. Th, F. Sa.) 0.20--Supperclub (M, Tu, W, Th, F.) Relaxing Rhythms (Sa.) u.30---News (Sun,) U.4U--Sports (Sun.) G.40--Meet the Merchants (Sa.) All Aboard for Adventure(Sun) 6.00--Stock-Market Report (M. Tu. W. Th. F.) 7. 00--News in a Minute (Sun. N. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) 7.01--Follow. the Band (M. Tu. W. Th. F.) Silver Band (Sa.) Albert St. United Church(Sun.) 7.16--A Melody,from Murphy's -- (M. W. F.) Five Minutes for Freedom (Tu. Th.) 7.20--Telegram Highlights (M, Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) ". 30--World's Great Music WaT Je. hy oud Ranch 'House (Sa.) 8,00--News (Sa. Sun.) 8.06--O0I1d Ranch House (Sa.) Emile Cotee Glee Club (8un.) 8.30--Report from Parliament Hill Crime Does' Not Pay (F.) Church in the Wildwood (Sun.) 8.46--Blues for Monday ( 9.00--~News- (Sun. M. Tu. W. Th. -- 9.06--Hillbilly Jamboree (M.) - Let George Do It (Tu.) 9,06-10.00--Wrestling Matches (Tu.) Hollywood Theatre of Stars(W.) Cavalcade of Music (Th.) | Charlie Chan (F.) Old Ranch House (Sa.) This is My Story (Sti) 9.30 Lives of Harry Lime (Tu) Mystery House (W.) Haunting Hour (Th.) -Stand by for Crime (F.) David Rose Show (fun), 10.00--News (Sun. M. Tu. w. : F. Sa.) 10. 01--Chatting With The Listeners 10.10--Kim's Korner (M. W. F. 10.06--Cavalcade of -Music {Tu, Obsession (Th.) Old Ranch House (Sa. ) Invitation to a Dream F5an, 10.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F, Sa. 10.40--Report on Sport (M. Tu, W ge) 10. 46--Airlane Trio (M. Tu. W, Th. 11. 00--News (M. Tu. W. Th, F, Sa. Sun.) 11.06--Sports Finals (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun. 11.10--Man About Music(M. W.F.Sa. 1 Invitation to a Dream (Sun Five Minute Mystery (Tu. Th) 11.16--Man About Music(M.W.F.8a.) 12.00 Midnight-News (M. Tu. W. . F. Sa. Jun) 12,06 a.m. --Man About Music ole CM. Jo, 12. 46--Patterns 2 Black > White, Tu, Ws Ths <F, Sa.) 1.00--News (M. y. W. Th. F. Sa.) FOR of house. PRINCE' ALBERT, ONT. \ i \ 000 OO $1,600 down, 7 room frame 'house, 1 block from business section-- - furnace, bath room, hot and:cold water, extra rooms attached to side' = "Could be converted into an income source, Terms arranged ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED Port Perry Representative: WM. HEAYN 00 OO OOM OO SALE Phone 174 r 12 Int. Plowing Match PARTICULAR INTEREST IN. AT INTERNATIONAL Entrants in the International Plow- ing Match will { be--competing. for $16,000 this year it was indicated as E. A. Lashly, 'Secretary-Manager 'of the . Ontario * Plowman's Association, announced that the prize list in that amount hid been approved by the As- sociation, In addition to' generous cash prizes several valuable trophies will be a: warded; as well' as educational trips to winners in certain classes, The prizes will be awarded during the "International" which is being held on the Durham-Northumberland |" Counties Home Farm between Port Hope and Cobourg, Oatober 6, 7, 8, 9. LAKEVIEW Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. . THEATRE PORT PERRY SS Ea THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 25-26-27 Mickey Rooney, Peggy Ryan, Dick Haymes Inthe Sparkling All Technicolor Musical Comedy "ALL ASHORE" ~~ SHORT PICTURES ~~ = . .. MONDAY, TUES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29.30, JULY 1 Vietor Mature, Patricia Neal, Edmund Gwenn In the Hilarious Comedy Drama ; "SOMETHING FOR THE BIRDS" Be COMEDY, ETC. > IN --- a= * PHONE 32W - Saturday Specials "PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE" and "COFFEE ROLLS" ~ GERROW'S BAKERY Ble Bread is your Best Buy! Bread is unequalled for tasty goodness and wholesome eating : 'G."M. GERROW Ray's A Lau ugh (Tu.) Guy Lombardo Show { 8. 30-- Chapel by the Side of WA ha PAINTING DECORATING request. if pessible. \ We supply all material for your job. Site books on For exterior painting please book your job early Latest finishes in Rubbed 'Plywood, any colour' For Expert Decorating call -- M. ST. CLAIR and Sons Phone Port Perry. LJ 113-r-14 BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES += Sales Every Tuesday commencing at 2 p.m. Buyers will find a wide variety of - Butcher, Feeder and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers); also Feeder Pigs, (all sizes), Veal and Young Calves, and Horses. + Sales Arena heated in winter. Air-conditioned in- Summer.. PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 8a.) |. =f <1 bo IE Your favourite grocer is featuring good things to eat that go so well with " jee-cold Coca-Cola. So when you shop for sup- plies, be 'sure tp buy 'several cartons of Goke. tare . Ed a teem is = ¥ SE ¥ R-25X bl36' Incloding Federal Taxes Plus debosit 2c per bottle Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola gndet conirac with Coca-Cola Lid UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES LIMITED . PHONE: 208 » wr A rc. a. RC F-- i =3 4 ri - - Roe, oe fe - -- : A ! a 1 FITC ope GE git SE Bt 2, ' Btn te? Lee 1d A

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