Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Jun 1953, p. 6

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¢-~THE PORT PERRY STAR ARAN TURN iN SLR py | * 5 A) -- THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1958 Ridge Ramblings WH SARE A i ATS Se By JAMESINE WILLIS SE SONS x - |Honeydale The June meeting of the Honeydale Women's Institute was held at the UTICA On Friday night June 26th, a Straw- berry Festival will be held in the base- ment of the Utica United Church, The Congratulations to Bill Collins, Bob Heron, of Kintore and Mr. Bill Me- Many a husband wouldn't mind his Diamond, Charles Trenka and Walter Corquadale, of Port Credit visited at| Wife being the better half if she Sandison who passed their entrance. woudn't be so inquisitive about how Jack Crosier's recently, Messrs. Bruce Henderson, Wallace the other half lives. pe hame of hiv. 2 ryant on Wednesday, food for this occasion will be provided igi ONTARIO FOR FUN. une ' . by the Utica Woman's Association] : ) ; x <i The President, Mrs. Sam Cawker, | Starts at 7 p.m. Following this straw- Tol It rasation time again. It seems to rural folk that every week- opened the Meching with singing The berry festival there will be a dance in r+ holiday as we watch the cars head north ta the various the Utica M ial Hall db areas especially developed for fun and relaxation. A good many of Maple Leaf Forever, followed by the | tle ea Wemorial 1a! sponsored by f Lord'd Prayer. The Scripture was | Utica Hockey Club. - "8 the cars on the road are visitors from south of the border and the greater the number the prouder we feel that they have desired to see our lovely province, How about the farm folk, do they get their share of tours, do they have a chance to see all the sights in our own pro- vince even which has fifty-two different vacation areas. Surely the farm men could place a éast and fight a trout as well as any other fisherman and enjoy the thrill of a full catch which is pure delight "both to accomplish and to 'eat. Throughout Ontario Province alone there are eighty thousand square miles of lake and river area that is-a larger aréa than most of the states in thé U.S. but is less than one-fifth of our province's total area. Thére are forty thousand named lakes in Ontario, and there are one hundred thousand all told so there is quite a choice, shouldn't be too crowded actually. There are the Great Lakes. all touching Ontario except Lake Mic 'higan and other big lakes like Nipissing, Nipigon and Simcoe-all within the province and Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake on the International border. With these lakes added the many, many small lakes that lie across Ontario's Precambrian Shield, which is those especially roc ky areas and you have enough lakes to make a choice of vacation spot difficult because of its range. These lakes have the best fresh-water course we expected that hut it is patriotic give weight to the fact. motor launch or cruiser fishing in the world, of nice to know that other reasons than You can fish from canoe, row boat, or you can pull them in from lots with an ald bamboo pole-and-line Such-fish-as large -mouth bass;-small mouth bass, yellow pickerel, speckled trout, rainbow trout, lake trout, brown. Tead by Mrs, Donald Pugh, The motto: Put your talent in the W.I. and watch the way it-will multiply. The roll call --Canning hints." ~~ "The minutes of the ]ast esti were read and approved. The treas- urer's report was then given. 'Some conveners of Standing Committees re- ported. Mrs. Owen spoke on 'visiting the Yellow: School with Mrs. Shunk and presenting the pupls with Coronation mugs, and explaining to them "The changing 'of the guard", Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Bell gave splendid reports on the District Annual held at Brougham on May 22nd. Mrs. Lawson Honey read an article on the A:6.W.W. Mrs, Cawker spoke of the bus trip the district were plan- ning, places suggefted were Thousand Islands, Ottawa and Gravenhurst. Honeydale W.I. July 2nd, 1963 at Lakeside." picnic will be held The July meeting of the: Utica-W-A. will be held in the parsonage, Epsom. All members please try to attend since we will be discussing the turkey sup- per. We also wish to thank Mrs. Bryant, of Greenbank, who was our hostess at our June meeting. follow our Church anniversary which is'on October 4th, with the supper on October 10th, * : Don't forget our church and Sunday School time is changed. Church is at 10.00 a.m. and Sunday School at 11. Callers at Mrs. N. Ackney's duting the week-end were Mrs. Maud Tenny- son and her daughter Evelyn, of To- ronto, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Terinysen, of South America. week-end with this parents, ' Miss Dorothy Wilbur was in Guelph on Saturday attending the Provincial children, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Beire Mr. Larry Kendall was home*fox the! The turkéy supper. this year will | Junior Farmer Field Day at 0.AC. | -Mr.-and- Mrs. Frank Collins and with heavy WINTER BILLS Pay for your Fuel the our 'blue coal' Budge low prices. 1 Y WAY--Let Plan cut your winter fuel costs by enabling you to pay small sums spread over months. Start the winter with PAID-UP HEAT. You'll be sitting pretty with your bin full of 'blue coal', bought at today's Ask us now about our-- 'blue coal' BUD | GET PLAN trout, maskinonge, and pike. It is always a thrill to take a long Mrs. Pugh then took charge of the |and boys visited at Jack Crosier's on : ' . trip and enjoy camping and fishing but if that ¢an't be done there's meeting. A paper on F.W.1.O, was | Sunday. plenty of fish close to home you know, There's lots of fish in our given by Mrs, McKim.. Mrs. Harold| The senior pupils of Utica and Maat newly stocked streams, and our own small lakes. So there's no need 'Honey gave a delightful solo. Our |chester schools and their teachers eesor uel um] er to get down-hearted just get out the fish pole and jog along, but guest speaker, Miss Mary Anderson, | visited Niagara Falls on Wednesday. more power to you if you can go after some of the big game in less then gave an interesting travelogue| The Sunday School picnic was held * i | frequented places. to Banff, Victoria, B.C,, back to Banff | in the school grounds on Saturday. PHONE 73 PORT PERRY Ontario stretches over half a continent and you can tour mile Calgary ,Edmonton, Dawson: Creek in| : 5 : \ after mile of super highway without giving a thought to toll charges the Peace River district, Whitehorse, You can enjoy soft sand beaches and quiet forests untouched as yet Kilwanie Lake, Fairbanks, Alaska, and =) by man, of course your co-operation is most neec sary around these her plane trip over _the_ Arctic Circle. EARN ERE Ee ee TESTES =beautiful=serenc--forests--beeause=sonic--of the (oie 'ies man makes | and Nome, It was 'enjoyed by every- in them after a thoughtless few minutes can spoil them for years one, but they and the wild life they protect can bring many. thrills, as you : . : take yourself back to nature in our rugged and lovely worth land, The meeting closed by singing God ; Ontario is quite.a province with sights galore to be seen and new Save the Queen. Lunch was served thrills for old residents and visitors slike. Everyone can thrill to those by Mrs. Pugh's group. ii : Red Coats who still fire the old cannon at Old Fort Henry near King- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams and Mr. T ston or sce the Mounties on guard in Ottawa. No matter how many Austin Williams, of Toronto, Mr. and times we sec the Niagara Falls we get a' Thrill for they seem to impress Mrs, Lorne Thompson; of Manchester, a person more each time with' the agelessness and continuance: The Mr. and Mrs. M. Annis and family, Martyr's Shrine at Midland impresses every Canadian with the Heri- spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. L, tage handed to us. Driving along the Queen Elizabeth Way makes Honey. a Canadian feel pride stiring for such roads are rare both for engedn coo To el Lal el SRR EE a HY A et driving and beauly foi the ¢ye, for the road is in-itself beautifully Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nottingham landscaped and besides the sight of those wonderful fruit farms in and son Ross, of Sonya, and Mr. and the Niagara-Hamilton area is something to behold. '| Mrs. Lawrence Morrison, of Cresswell, : You are: privileged to relax in luxury, Ontario has many resorts spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. for your pleasure and if you want to get off by yourself far from Irwin, a hy a i you can take a backwoods eamp and commune with Mis. J. Owen, Mrs. L. Honey, Mrs: A elk . Ben Smith and Mrs. Sandy Moore Ontario has what you want so close that it is to be hoped that ; ein . motored to Port Hope last Tuesday more rural folk will join the vacationers and seleet their special B 3 a2 preference in relaxation and cee more of this province of which we sfteroon apd attended he' Distifet ng I oad j © *| Fair Boards meetting. are so shiighly proud, 4 i : Don't forget ladies the Ioneydale 7 TTT | W.L picnic on July 2nd at Lakeside. Train Hits Aulo, | | Brunning 'said he stopped at the } crossing and, noticing no trains ap- = Fi I d | proaching, started across. The motor 1Ve njure | #1onped. -He said the wig-wag signal Pros ect 2 Myrtle--A Beaverton family of five | was operating but thought it was for p jumped to safety from their ear. a|t'@ins which were standing in the The June meeting of the W.A. was minute before it was smashed by al st ation yard. held on Wednesday, June 17 at the slow moving passenger train here, "I was trying to get the car going", home of Mis, J. Holthy. Mss, Lloyd I~ 2 La Smith as converier of her group open- HE Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Brunning and he said, "when all of a sudden I saw ed the meeting with the W.A. motto ohildren, Analee,- 12; Billy, 10; and the train coming at us. The children | 44 hymn 26, "Oh, For a Heart to David, b, were out for a Sunday after- * Were in the back of the ear and I hol- | Praise My God." Mrs. Murray Holtby -noon_drive when their car stalled on lered for them to get out. We were | read the Scripture from Matt. 6:1-14, the tracks, tvery lucky." and Mrs. Lloyd Smith read the lesson thoughts based on the topic, "Purity gi of Heart". Mrs. E. .Dearborn gave |. an interesting account of Chapter' b of the Study Book, "Along African Trails" which dealt with Education. Hymn 364, Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts, closed this part of the pro- gram, Mrs, Claire Vernon gave a very interesting reading. Miss Elaine Yeo favoured us with the solo "It Is No Secret." The president then took charge of the business session. A motion was made to send $16.00 to the Scott Mis- sion Fresh Air Fund. : Several hills were ordered paid. A baking sale was discussed but the ladies felt that they would rather each --_-- ee ---------- TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS ® FISH NEW POWER RIDE -- As a fitting coms panion 'to its 165 horsepower "Rocket" engine, Oldsmobile has a new, Power- Ride: Chassis -- heavier, more durable than ever. From front to rear, it's engi- neered to bring yon a smoother, more comfortable "Power-Ride" -- wherever you go! Features like Centre-Control Steering, 6-point stabilization, angle-set rear springs, a higher-capacity rear axle -and a more rugged X-member frame com. £ bine to provide better road balance and stability than ever before. See your Olds- mobile' dealer --take the wheel of a Super "88" or a Classit "98" | 0 MEAT e POUL TRY eo POWER STEERING -- Uniil' you've tried it, you can't even imagine the miraculous driving ease of Oldsmobile Power Steer: ing! It actually takes 809 of the effort out of steering, yet leaves you the vital "feel" of the wheel -- you always know you're in 'full command of the car. Thanks to Power Steering which is optional at extra CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING York Frosted Foods C AWKER BROS. A cost, you can-take hair-pin curves, sharp : : SHE BR Sars piv He gels | "THIS FAMILY BUT HER" give a dollar instead. It was decided -city corners or pull into $tight" parking NEW PEDAL-EASE POWER BRAKES -- > » PORT PERRY { PHONE 29 tos ask Mr, V. Stouffer to tune the spaces without any effort whatsoever! Now pull up to a safe sure stop with the gd 3 : piand as soon as possible, The meet- touch of a toe! You no longer need lis Sitaine ing closed with:the W,A, Theme Song your foot from thesaccelerator and lose i and Prayer. precious seconds in emergency stops. Olds. - During the short meeting of the mobile's new Pedal:Ease' Power Brakes, i Coo and Dainty for Summer Wear Prospect Branch of thé Hospital Aux- iliary which followed, the representa- hold a baking sale on the Post Office lawn on Saturday, July 4th. As the whole Auxiliary will be taking part, no Branch will be asked to do a great deal but a small donation of baking from dach member of the Prospect Branch would be greatly appreciated. Pies, tarts, layer cakes, bread and rolls are most popular we are told, Baking may be left with Mrs. Bruce Holtby, Mrs, Harold Holtby or Mrs. N., Yeo. Please keep this in. mind and your co- operation will be appreciated, tive reported that the Auxiliary will[ ; ~ DLDSHOBILE J optional at extra cost on models with' Hydra.Matic Drive, have a new, low, light. pressure pedal next to the accelérator, making it easy for you to pivot on your heel from' accelerator to brake pedal Vacuum power cuts braking effort 40%. LJ, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUER i The Prospect Branch has also de- a r 4 g 4 2 2 4 cided to give 60 quarts of Yitiitto the 78 ; hospital. - The fruits asked for are T Gp strawberries, raspberries, peaches, DF oO R S 7 if ARDLEY FROCKS, pears, plums and cherries, - Jars and a 2 y sugar may be obtained from the Aux- : ng 491-3-6 DANKORTH AVE, TORONTO. ilinry if desired, For particulars, con- tact Mrs, Bruce Holtby, Te won 4 ree ESHA ET AEA M {sit SEITE: MMAR ht. Lh th A at ES SO lt ne yr - a CH Phone 74 ] Fp An A LR AR pA Gy Ce oy A rs Ent} Eas eants Lr SA i Wo #4 A SY Port Perry, Ontario \ Er ft da SE bhatt | am " ya are AOA "- - ae dias aa: oy bona El rrr en 8 PP hat

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